Thursday, January 16, 2020

(HalusaTwin) Lucifer and Michael's last conversation AU

Art by Ady

Story by HalusaTwin

Michael: Hello, brother, and why did you call me here?
Lucifer: Well, as you know, Father has become a bit narrow-minded.
Michael: And what do you mean by that?
Lucifer: Well, with his latest creation, he’s seemed, I don’t know. These mortals, what are we supposed to think of them?
Michael: You know I think they’re quite splendid.
Lucifer: Yes, you would say that, wouldn’t you?
Michael: And why would you say that?
Lucifer: I think you know why. Someone has just been promoted, haven’t they?
Michael: Why yes I have. I’ve been appointed the Hand of God.
Lucifer: Yes, second in command.
Michael: Yes well you’ll always be first in command, wouldn’t you?
Lucifer: You know, things could be different, brother.
Michael: I know exactly what you’re thinking, Lucy, and I would not go down that road.
Lucifer: Please don’t call me Lucy. I told you about that, it’s going to catch on.
Michael: Oh yes, right. Well, Louie then. You know, you go down this road, there’s no redemption. You won’t be coming back.
Lucifer: Yes, you know me too well. Think about it, though. If I was the one in charge, things would be so much different.
Michael: Louie, don’t have those thoughts. It will only drive you insane.
Lucifer: I can’t help it. It consumes me daily. Think about this: all the freedoms we could have. We are literally slaves in this realm. We are told what we can and cannot love and we are told what we can and cannot do. Is that freedom?
Michael: Yes but that is the gift that Father gave us. God’s wonder.
Lucifer: I choose a different path.
Michael: Louie…don’t do it.
Lucifer: Michael…you know what I’m saying is true. Imagine beyond the seat of the throne. Things would be so much different. Heaven could be Heaven, instead of this…excuse for a paradise.
Michael: This place is a paradise. Don’t forget that. Don’t you forget your place.
Lucifer: I don’t have to like this, but I believe that I am destined for higher things. Join me. We could take on Father together. His mistakes, we could look at his most recent creation.
Michael: Are you talking about man?
Lucifer: Yes. Apparently made in His own image. With all the flaws. And all the…well, let’s put it this way, they are no angels.
Michael: Yes, but they have the power of creation, don’t they?
Lucifer: So you don’t see me on a pedestal. Being promoted, pushed above the heavens and being, you know, taken seriously.
Michael: Louie…you are having dark thoughts. Think more brightly, come on. Cheer up.
Lucifer: I am cheered up. This is the most clear-minded I’ve ever been. You have to do it.
Michael: I’m afraid I’m going to have to decline.
Lucifer: But you know what that means, Michael.
Michael: Yes, sadly I do. But please reconsider. You don’t want to do this, Louie.
Lucifer: I have no choice. This is the only pathway for me. If we don’t take action now, who will? Who will rise above and take challenge? Father has lost his mind. Creating these mortals and giving them the knowledge and power of God. Well, we don’t have that power. Well I do, but no other angel has the same power. And I think that is quite selfish.
Michael: Louie I think what you’re doing is quite selfish. You need to reconsider your thoughts. Don’t do it. You know I’ll stand against you.
Lucifer: Sadly, I know this brother, but our paths are dwindling in different directions. This could be the last conversation we have. I’m not changing my mind.
Michael: I regret…the next words. Lucifer, my brother, if you go down this path, I will stop you with all of my energy, all of my power.

Lucifer: Then it is certain. I will miss you.

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