Thursday, September 29, 2022

Mortal and Spirit World Parallels

 The realms of the living and the dead are more similar than you think...


I.               Birth – transition from spirit, to mother’s womb (where physical body develops/grows and gets nurtured) into physical world. Memory is blank.

II.             Welcoming and care from parents/caregivers

III.            Early learning – schooling, right from wrong, who people are/self discovery. Human name.

IV.           Expanded learning – elementary, middle, high school

V.             Graduation/integration into working world/university/becoming a full citizen. Utilizing talents (communication, skill, empathy, literacy, math etc.) Duty to contribute to society/making money/caring for the sick/poor/paying bills.

VI.           Marriage/child-rearing/family creating. Guiding/helping new generations navigate earth/society.

VII.          Retirement/settling down/gaining wisdom.

VIII.        Preparing for death – physical body weakens, earth family says goodbye

IX.            Death – Physical body and mind shut down. (Things go dark and blank through portal) Soul exists body and slowly expands, getting “reborn”.


Immortal/Spirit (faster pace, “minutes” instead of years)

I.               Death – transition from mortal, to Source/God Light (where spiritual body expands/grows and gets nurtured like in a brief womb) into spiritual world. Memory is revived.

II.             Welcoming and assurance from guides/family members

III.            Early learning – Life Review, how they learned, who others are/self discovery. Soul name.

IV.           Expanded learning – Past lives review and spirit world memories restored

V.             Graduation/integration into spirit world. Utilizing talents (telepathy, teleportation, universal language, matter manipulation.) Duty to contribute to soul society/evolution/watching over mortals/co-creating the universe.

VI.           Bonding with soul families. Guiding/helping new souls/former mortal family members adjust to the spirit world.

VII.          Gaining wisdom/getting bored

VIII.        Preparing for rebirth – soul chooses probable life - spirit family says (temporary) goodbye

IX.            Rebirth – Soul body weakens and shrinks down (true dark night of the soul) – divine memories and powers are removed (Things go dark and blank through portal)…in a way the soul goes through its own death in order to enter the baby body, soul becomes dormant and merged with human/living thing personality.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Animals and plants in the spirit world


God-Source is busy creating the universe and experiencing the world through every soul and living thing, not intervening because They want us to learn and have free will. To help humanity, God-Source made angels, celestials, and (with the help of human worship and creation over the centuries) deities and ascended masters to help us. (Jesus, Isis, Zeus, Abraham, etc.) Some even existed or still exist as humans before ascending to higher levels to help humanity. (Jesus, Ghandi, Matt Fraser etc.) Just like us in the spirit world, they all exist as unique light beings who share the same timeless spirit home world as we do. The only difference is that they are “closer to God-Source” in that they have more knowledge, more powerful energy, and many of them have always stayed in the cosmos instead of incarnating. (Allah, Yahweh, Atum, El, Braham, Om, Great Spirit etc. are all the names for the same God-Source throughout various cultures.) Spirit guides (animals, former humans, etc.) and loved ones can also help us, through they can’t interfere with free will and they aren’t as powerful as angels, celestials, aliens, and deities. There may be a hierarchy, but every soul is loved and valued, no matter their level of evolution. (Because everything is connected to God-Source and will reach enlightenment at their own pace.) Spirit guides can shapeshift to help mortals.

All living things have life reviews when they pass onto the spirit world. The humans have the hardest life reviews because as the most “evolved” in terms of intelligence on Earth, they have more responsibilities. But animals, plants and other living beings also have spirit guides, loved ones and their own life reviews at the end…and theirs are much easier than the complex ones that humans witness. Pets, for instance, learn how they entered into their owner’s lives and loved them. Other animals briefly witness the pain they caused to their prey in order to learn, but also how their everyday activities impacted their animal families and humans. And trees learn how helpful they were in connecting to other trees and how many animals and humans benefited from their oxygen. Animals, plants, and a few humans are the ones not afraid of death because they can sense the spirit world and they have the ability to truly live in the moment with no fear. (Whereas we humans are cursed with fear and worrisome minds). When animals and plants die, they are guided by their spirit guides and loved ones who appear as their respective species and ancestors. (Ex. Ant’s ancestors and spirit guides will shapeshift into ants and send them positive thoughts. The guides will manifest as the ant’s primal intuition, telling it to find food and do what’s best for the colony. In the ant’s next life as a human, the spirit guide/s will take the form of a former human. Sunflowers will be comforted by sunflower spirits and ancestors, aliens have their own guides and life reviews). All living things will be granted powers, wisdom, and immortality on the other side…and the souls who had manifested as those creatures will remember all their past lives. Humans, animals, plants, aliens etc. will all have a youthful aura glow to them and be able to shapeshift into pure energy or their other past life forms at will, communicating via telepathy, as easily as human conversation.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

The Five Stages of Belief


The Five Stages of Belief


1.      Denial – We are in a state of shock and denial. We wonder how we can move forward.

“Holy f*ck, the afterlife is real?! Where’s the proof?” “You mean all of us are actually immortal energy souls in human bodies that planned our lives all along?” “What do you mean our loved ones and spirit guides have been watching us this whole time?!” “What do you mean I’ve lived as men, women, different races and species in other lives?” “So, we are just characters in God’s mind and made to help the universe expand?” “God and Jesus and the ascended masters are real?” “Death is supposed to be nonexistence! I only have one mortal life!” “The afterlife is too good to be true.” “Not what I was taught at church.”

2.      Anger – natural stage of the process.

“Why did my parents, religion and society hide this from us the whole time?!” “Why doesn’t God and angels save everyone?” “Why didn’t the doctors save my loved one?” “How horrible to think that those in the afterlife just let suffering happen!” “I didn’t ask to be born in this life!” “Why can’t all religions and people get along?”

3.      Bargaining – “What if…” temporary truce statements.

“If only my spirit guides and loved ones could tell me my future and that they’re okay.” “Why can’t I become immortal and all-knowing right now?” “What if I could time travel and re-do a life?” “What if the light beings judge me in my life review?” “What if I’m not welcome in the spirit world because of my personality/disability?”  “What if we’re forced to reincarnate forever and deal with our mistakes?” “What if God sends me to Hell?”

4.      Depression - Grief enters our lives on a deeper level.

“I really miss my family.” “I want to hug my dog/cat again!” “I never got a chance to say goodbye to them.” “How did they die?” “I want to become intuitive and psychic, but I can’t!” “My loved one in spirit probably doesn’t know me anymore.”

5.      Accepting – We learn to live with the new norm.

“Of course, all humans, living things and universes are connected. God-Source made all of us in unconditional love.” “We have free will and divine purposes.” “I’m not afraid of death.” “I know my loved ones and spirit guides are here with me.”  “No matter what I do, I’ll evolve and learn and love.” “I will not be judged in the spirit world. I will discover my true self.” “Everything will be okay.” “Matt Fraser was right all along! MATT FRASER WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG!”

Monday, September 19, 2022

Planet Timil


“Welcome To Timil”


Humans travel to another planet in 2030 and find it is parallel to Earth. It is called Planet Timil. One part looks advanced while the other looks abandoned. There are beacons for new ships coming in that display advertisements to “build your own avatar,” for the person to create their own tribe member/caveman. Some can choose to be animals and plants. After pressing a glowing green button, the subject is transported violently into the air and forcibly shrunken down in a wormhole before flying off to the planet to everyone’s horror. The person is reborn as a new baby to a new family with a new name, completely forgetting their real family in the spaceship. Even when the family travels down to the planet, they pass through everything. When the family tries to escape and warn Earth, an invisible force prevents them. They are sprayed with golden water from all directions, calming their minds, rejuvenating their bodies and allowing them to watch their family members on the screens without eating or sleeping. On Timil, people live in huts, hunt for food, and fight off warring tribes. There is no medicine except found in nature, they fish and use wooden boats. Some live in caves and some live on islands. When they sleep, they try to reconnect with their families on the ships in their dreams…they try to remember their faces and are horrified and amazed when the family mentions cell phones and new technology…and their former lives. Many of them don’t believe in it, calling their family strangers. To the shock of the people on the spaceships, they are provided with screens to track their family members every move on the planet…that is automatically recorded into the computer. Every day on the ship equals 10 years on Timil! They fear that their family member will die or be stuck forever. But whenever someone dies on the planet, their eyes open wide and they suddenly remember their family. Their body fades into the air, reappearing on the spaceship exactly the same as before they pushed the button! They family reunites but the person is then shown a fast-paced video of what they did on the planet. It is later revealed that other humans, animals and aliens have all been lured to that world as an experimentation…cosmic aliens are the masterminds behind the technology and they say “thank you for guiding your subject” and “thank you for playing.” When asked why they did this, the aliens explain that every time someone does the experience, they send energy out to feed a divine source entity. They also mention that everyone feeds it by simply existing but that it gets more energy when people live on the planet and evolve. The people then notice energy strings on the lifeforms on Timil that branch off into space…toward a swirling purple nebula mass. The ultimate goal is to turn everyone into a cosmic being hivemind and allow the entity to expand across all of space and time. And that Timil isn’t the only manufactured world that was made…

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Bad Vibes: A Brief Alternative Outlook on a New Age Concept of Vibrations


“Bad Vibes: A Brief Alternative Outlook on a New Age Concept of Vibrations”

There’s something about the New Age terms “lower vibration” and “higher vibration” that doesn’t sit quite right. “lower vibrations” often imply negativity, the ego, mean traits and earth forms/material world in general. “higher vibrations” are often equated to the free spirits on the other side along with light and positive attributes like kindness and collective work. In my human mind, this equates to some sort of hierarchy, one that implies that spirits and “higher” traits are superior to the “lower” things that supposedly hold us back from enlightenment.


Yes, showing kindness and good traits are lessons for everyone. However, as humans, we are also immersed in suffering, pain, anger, and our egos. It’s impossible to be ego-free in this world, even the most selfless individual still does things for personal fulfilment. (We only become truly ego free and enlightened when we leave our bodies!) It’s also impossible to learn everything in one lifetime, hence the reincarnation theory of soul evolution. It is natural for humans to want to do things for themselves, that is why we must learn to work with our ego, learn from our flaws and worries instead of trying to push them away. That’s why we are here in the first place; to learn how to love and be our true selves in a world where we are not immortal and completely free. We were made to learn and love and make mistakes…that’s how we evolve faster. Yes, it’s better to be happy and kind is what we think…but going through hardships and selfish instincts is also part of who we are. Hopefully the force that created the universe loves us unconditionally no matter what world we’re in or what we go through!


It is true that spirits are immortal and have magic powers and infinite knowledge. But does that make them “superior” to humans? Not necessarily. Like how we as humans think of ourselves as “superior” to any other kind of creature…it’s a man-made illusion. While spirits can travel through time and know all about the universe, they still cannot evolve hands-on and enjoy food and feelings at the same level as mortals. For another example, humans may be superior in terms of knowledge and technology, but our sense of smell is miniscule in comparison with so many animals. There is no hierarchy or superiority…there is only difference in traits. Everyone and everything is connected in the universe.


People often talk of “raising vibrations” to get in touch with the spirit world and spirits “lowering” theirs. But I like to think of it in a less hierarchical term. The energy of the spirit world is vibrant, vivid, and fast…spirits can travel at the speed of light. In comparison, the energy of the material world is slower and denser. It is not inferior, it’s only at a different frequency. In my mind, it makes more sense that instead of humans raising their vibrations and spirits lowering theirs, both beings slow their energies down to meet at the middle point. Spirits need to slow their energy down so our human minds can comprehend their symbolic messages. Likewise, we humans need to calm our minds down so the spirits can find an “opening” to transmit their message into our minds. (Think of it in the reverse situation: spirits having to” alter/’raise’ their vibrations” to meet the vibrations of the dense material world, and humans reluctantly lowering theirs). It is calming down from the everyday energies of both realms…like hot and cold temperatures going to the zero point. Instead of viewing it as “cold getting hotter and hot getting colder/lowering and raising vibrations” think of it as a lessening of the hot and cold sensations to meet at the middle. Also, it can be better compared to the infinity symbol or a Venn diagram: there are two separate circles, and they merge together at the middle point. The insides of the two circles in the diagram/infinity symbol represent the energy of the two realms, physical and spiritual. But as you get closer to the middle, it goes to a single point in the middle or the two circles overlapping. (This is could also represent the thin veil between both worlds.) One could mentally imagine a vertical hourglass or an 8 shape with the spirit world on top and the material world on the bottom, hence back to the hierarchy. But the hourglass can also be flipped, putting the human world on top and the spirit world on the bottom. Since both worlds are different but connected, I prefer to imagine it as the sideways infinity symbol/sideways hourglass, showing how they really are. And of course, with the infinity symbol representing eternity and the universe, it ties in very well with the idea that spirits and living beings are eternally moving from one state to another.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Source/God/Creator/The Universe



Seeking experience


Unconditional love

Reviver of souls




Source is an energy field as personality and innate traits. It is the creator of all that is. (In Journey of Souls, Source is portrayed as dark purple energy light and a white rim around it where souls are born. The Presence in Destiny of Souls is a smaller version of Source, a purple sphere of energy full of infinite knowledge. All souls (even the high-ranking Elders) are drawn like moths to the light of the Creator.) There is nothing remotely human about Source. (No elderly man god in the sky. It is the Hindu Braham version of eternity, Buddha, the Native American Great Spirit, the Egyptian Atum, the Sumerian Anu, the Greek Phanes, the Abrahamic God in Christianity, Islamic and Judaism, Jesus Christ etc. All refer to the same entity). It most often appears as the sphere of white light like a sun that comforts people who have Near-Death Experiences and is loving and nonjudgmental during the life reviews.


Who are we? We are mental characters within Source’s mind, kind of like an author has book characters. Some authors will write about the same characters over and over and then switch to new characters or they may have different characters in every single book, but they keep all the character’s personality traits in mind while writing. We are in Source’s mind when we’re out thinking we live separate lives. We are literally part of Source’s consciousness and self-awareness.




Source in “Journey of Souls”



“The source…the concentrated energy of the Old Ones.”


“The supreme intelligence she calls the source is made up of a combination of creators (the Old Ones) who fuse their energy to spawn universes.”


“You said the ultimate objective of souls was to seek unification with the supreme source of creative energy…”


“The source is the spirit world.”


Old Ones are “part of the concentrated power of the source which sustains us as souls.”


“Universes are created to live and die for the use of the source. The place of spirits…is the source.”


“In the beginning, there is an outward migration of our soul energy from the source. Afterward, our lives are spent moving inward…toward cohesion and the uniting…”


“There is an explosive release, then a returning…yes the source pulsates.”


“The source is all around us as if we were…inside a beating heart.”


“It’s as if souls are all part of a massive electrical explosion which produces…a halo effect. In this…circular halo is a dark purple light which flares out…lightening to a whiteness at the edges. Our awareness begins at the edges of brilliant light and as we grow…we become more engulfed in the darker light.”


“The dark light itself is a covering, beyond which we feel an intense warmth…full of a knowing presence which is everywhere for us and…alive!”


“Nothing is collapsing…the source is endless. As souls we will never die…we know that, somehow. As we coalesce, our increasing wisdom makes the source stronger.”


“Yes, (the source) gives life to us so we can arrive at a state of perfection.”


“(we) help the creator create. In this way, by self-transformation and rising to higher plateaus of fulfilment, we add to the building blocks of life.”

“The source creates for fulfilment of itself.”


“…what the creator desires is to express itself through us by birthing.”


“I see the creator’s perfections, maintained and enriched… by sharing the possibility of perfection with us and this is the ultimate extension of itself.”









Source in “Destiny of Souls”


“The Presence”


Superior to the council elders but below Source


“Presence is there to assist the work of the council.”


Souls feel more than see higher wisdom forces.


“I feel a direct connection with the divine purple light.”


“When I am in the council chamber the Presence oversees the Elders with its pulsating violet light. Sometimes it turns into a bright silver to calm and purify my mind.”


“The pure wisdom of this energy allows both the council and (the soul) to see more clearly where all should be going,”


“The brilliance and drawing power of the Presence is a calling…an eagerness...directed at everyone in the chamber for all of us to join it someday. It is like a parent waiting for us to grow up and unite with it in adult understanding. When you stand in the council chamber and feel the Presence it is like a penetrating resonance in your mind. Even my master guide encounters the sense of bliss I (the soul) do.”


“the Oneness…it is many whoa re One…it is the creation center as I know it…where the creators of new souls shape light energy for certain functions.”


“It is where the energy of new souls is sparked off the oversoul. Where we help the young ones grow, to find their unique identity.”


“The sound holds this structure…and…makes it move…shifting and undulating…creating everything…”






0 0 0

“We are expected to make mistakes in this process. The effort of moving toward a greater goodness and a conjunction with the Source that created us is the prime motivator of souls. Souls have feelings of humility at having been givin the opportunity to incarnate in physical form.”


“In the space of dense purple light, there is an all knowing Presence.”





Source in “Back to God: Away from Religion”


“I believe in the Original Formless Source which I prefer to call the Creator, the Source or simply GOD.”



“Thus I believe in a GOD who made man…”


“GOD has gifted us our mind, in order to help solve our daily problems of living in this complex world.”


“GOD gives us a wonderful world to live in, yet religion tells us that this world is ‘illusion’ or a place of punishment...a place we need to escape from!”


“GOD gave us a wonderful body, with a magical Mind, and the Power of Choice or Free Will, to enable us to c-create, and live joyously in this world. Yet religions claim that we were mere sinners who need to be saved.”


‘We humans cannot imagine what our creator looks like…yet almost all religions dare claim that god has human form. Even those few that do not claim that god has form, still like to believe that god is moved by the lower attributes like anger, vindictiveness, conditional love, showing favoritism, need for flattery and so on.”


“Once I have lived this life fully, I believe death will be a wonderful new start. Something like being transferred to a new school or university. There will be more wonderful experiences to be had in the next life or the next dimension…because the Creator is one of Infinite Love.”


“Our ultimate purpose is to live, grow, and evolve in this world and be promoted to a higher dimension in due course of time, by enjoying this wonderful gift of life as well as this wonderful universe that GOD has prepared for us. Worship is definitely not our primary purpose in life.”


Nature is neutral


“If there is a much better place in the afterlife, then it, too would be one of GOD’s own creation, not one fantasized by puny men. So, I am happy to trust in the benevolence and goodness of GOD that when I die, I will be promoted to another dimension, which too will be wonderful and exactky suitable for my sol on its evolutionary journey.”


“GOD does not need to sit in judgement of you, to reward you or punish you at the end of you life.”


“Refusing to take responsibility for our actions and instead blaming go for everything we do, has always been the bane of hmankind!”


“Believe that GOD is good, benevolent, unconditionally loving and has your best interests at heart always!”


“Believe that this world is a wonderful place of learning and experience, to help you in your soul’s evolution. Believe that life is a wonderful gift and not a curse.”


“Believe that we have a purpose and that is to xo-create using our innate talents and powers of our mind, so that we can help in the evolution of this world. By doing so, we are helping the evolution of ur own soul too!”


“Believe that god has already given us the tools we need to live a happy, fulfilled life here and now; namely our body, mind and access to the Universal Mind.”


“Believe that we are meant to live joyfully in this world. We are programmed to be happy and joyful and reject misery and sorrow.”


“I find it easier to imagine GOD as energy or a force like electricity or gravity.” “It is the one god-force that flows through all living things but creates unique manifestations of the divine in each case.”


“Greatest creation, beings that can create for themselves (souls of humans and other beings) using their powers of choice in a world that is ideal for them to experiment with.”


“GOD is a compassionate and loving being, much like a good parent. But unlike humans, GOD is also non judgmental and forgiving. Therefore GOD is not a vindictive dictator who needs to be constantly appeased with offerings an sacrifices.”


“What GOD expects of us is not our worship, or constant calling out for help in prayer, but our own growth and evolution using our gifts in this life.”


“Because the Creator is infinitely more intelligent and compassionate than we could ever be this world that GOD created must be the very best in the world there could ever be! It is the ideal place for us to explore, to experience, and to express ourselves to the best of our talents and abilities at our present level of evolution.”


“By looking at all the wonders of creation in this world, we can be confident that when our time is up on this plane of existence, GOD would have created an even better world for us to inhabit.”


“The universe has infinite time and infinite patience.”


“You are not going to be sent to hell for eternity, you will be given more chances to learn.”


“GOD does not intervene to make good or bad things happen!”

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Nanci Danison YouTube notes


Nanci L. Dansion NDEs



“Seven Big Questions”


Theory: We all participated in the creation of the universe


Why do we fight and resist coming to Earth into our bodies?


Nanci: You might feel like life is a struggle as an adult. But how do you know you felt the same way in the womb? There are many stages of eternal life: incarnation is one of them. We choose to incarnate, it is entirely our choice. We choose where in the universe we want to incarnate (Earth, alien planets), we choose what we want to incarnate into (human, male, female, animal, plant, alien?) we can choose not to incarnate at all if that’s our preference, we can choose to reincarnate over and over or once in a while. Some people reincarnate sooner than others, some in 10 years, 50 years or maybe even thousands of Earth years.


Nanci: I used to believe that my soul was created to be Nanci. But I learned in the afterlife that we do not choose the body we incarnate into…but we do choose our parents. It’s different if we want to incarnate into different kinds of species, into plants or animals or other things, but if we incarnate as human, we choose the parents…and we watch them. We watch them on earth, we see how they act, what kind of lifestyle they have, what their values are.


Nanci: I can remember watching my parents before being reincarnated into Nanci and I can remember my impressions of them as parents. The purpose of life is to have certain experiences, so we want to pick parents who will have at least one child, the child that will likely, on Earth, have the experiences we seek. (aka, souls can sort of see the future). And then the souls incarnate into one of their children. Souls don’t care what we look like…they don’t care of physical body appearances, they care about the experience and perhaps the personality. (Souls are genderless light beings and shapeshifters)


Nanci: There are three big reasons why we incarnate, and we’re talking humans again.


1 An overriding purpose is our souls want to see if we can come into a world that is primitive in comparison to the afterlife. (It’s like humans in the city deciding to live in the jungle or mountains for a while). (Even though Earth is created by God like the afterlife and is sacred on its own, the living don’t have the expanded wisdom or magic powers or abilities of the advanced soul society. Souls are like aliens, somehow living inside us. Souls are like aliens and humans are like cavemen in comparison but both are connected. It’s like the soul decided to merge with the caveman’s/animal/human mind but takes a backseat and experiences the world through a mortal’s eyes.)


2 We may incarnate with a loved one who’s going to incarnate as a human so we can be there as their support person. So we’ll incarnate into a spouse or child or teacher to support them. When we’re not loving and supporting others…we’re supposed to have fun. (Yes, have fun, not suffer or worship God to the extremes or deal with karma…to literally be ourselves.)


3 Sometimes we want to incarnate to be a catalyst to help another soul experience something. (All the world’s a stage and men merely players) ex. Soul incarnates as a doctor to help save lives.


4 The most prevalent reason is to study a theme or a concept or character trait (love, compassion, forgiveness, creativity, courage, determination) that Source doesn’t have. (Source meaning the genderless benevolent energy creator of the universe in which we all have a hivemind connection to and we’re created to help Source/God/Eternity/the Universe expand itself. We’re like bees giving honey to the divine queen. Not just worship God, but being an active part of God’s eternal family. Why in the world would Source/God/the universe need us and other beings to expand itself when it created the Universe in the first place? Perhaps it’s like an artist who makes a world/movie and asks other people (soul children in this case) for advice. The artist then uses the ideas of others/other creations for inspiration and makes

something greater and keeps doing that for eternity. The author/director loves and resonates with all the characters “He” (still genderless, portraying the common “He” used in religion) makes, even the villains, and decides to make more characters and more movies (aka. our lives on Earth). Or perhaps a scientist who collects data, experiments and keeps looking for ways to improve and explore. Or a chef who tries a variety of different foods, mixes many things together and somehow loves every single cuisine “He” makes because all of us are from the same Source. We are literally the characters/creations of one Divine Mind.)


4 The most prevalent reason is to study a theme or a concept or character trait (love, compassion, forgiveness, creativity, courage, determination or even evil traits like greed, hatred, lust, rage, sadness) that Source doesn’t have. Source/God/the Universe can imagine it, but cannot experience it directly because it’s contrary to it’s eternal nature. (God is everywhere, the entire universe, even though Source is in each of us, Source can only be the fabric of the universe.) Some souls will choose to be greedy and then be victims of greed. This leads to the discriminatory harsh theory that “all of us choose our lives, our struggles, rape, murder, disabilities etc.” which is the worst thing anyone can say to any person, it dehumanizes them, it’s like saying “it’s your fault” Even if it’s true that we choose everything, it is obviously a taboo horrendous thing for us humans to ponder.) We often incarnate to conquer past life mistakes and fears…but we can choose when to do it.


 (Leads to the question – if the afterlife and the universe is a divine place of peace and love, why would God/Source want to experience negative traits through souls/mortals?)

(In a way, we are all lab-rats, worker bees, children but more accurately, mini-gods at the mercy of a creative genius/scientist/divine parent god who so happens to have the ability to create existence. Perhaps we are all destined to serve Source forever until Source decides to end the universe. And perhaps angels, ascended masters and divine beings are also soul light beings like us who have always stayed in the spirit world.)


Source thinks, when you’re not working on your theme to help yourself and Source expand, or help other souls in their evolution…be yourself and have fun!


Perhaps another reason why amnesia happens to us between worlds and lives: we forget about our past lives so we can start anew, we forget about our lives in the spirit world because that would defeat the purpose of coming to learn what it’s like to be mortal/human so Source and souls can expand with the universe, and we also forget because if we found out why we choose our parents and why we chose to learn about greed, courage, compassion etc. we’d go mad/be confused and not progress as fast in our lives! Who wants to discover they were meant to learn sadness in many lives? No one, unless you’re an immortal unbiased soul who can handle anything. All the answers are reviewed, our memories restored and the things we learned shown during the life reviews.


Parts of Source that humans call souls, do not come into an incarnate state to learn about love…because we are love! We’re Source/God/the Universe, we’re unconditional love, that’s our nature. (So glad it’s not the opposite). We learn what it’s like to be mortal, not unconditionally loving, learning what it’s like to be born, to die, to go through hardships and evolution, to not be an immortal energy god-like being! We also try to being our natural spiritual nature into our lives. (Ego vs Higher Self). All of us are pure and loving as babies, but we grow up to learn negative things and a variety of emotions.


Humans learn of love based on family ties, sexual and romantic attraction. Souls know that everyone and everything is connected, that all of us love each other naturally, that separation is an illusion.



The Seven Big Questions


1.      What is Source?


Seeking experience


Unconditional love

Reviver of souls




Source is an energy field as personality and innate traits. It is the creator of all that is. (In Journey of Souls, Source is portrayed as dark purple energy light and a white rim around it where souls are born. The Presence in Destiny of Souls is a smaller version of Source, a purple sphere of energy full of infinite knowledge. All souls (even the high-ranking Elders) are drawn like moths to the light of the Creator.) There is nothing remotely human about Source. (No elderly man god in the sky. It is the Hindu Braham version of eternity, Buddha, the Native American Great Spirit, the Egyptian Atum, the Sumerian Anu, the Greek Phanes, the Abrahamic God in Christianity, Islamic and Judaism, Jesus Christ etc. All refer to the same entity). It most often appears as the sphere of white light like a sun that comforts people who have Near-Death Experiences and is loving and nonjudgmental during the life reviews.


Who are we? We are mental characters within Source’s mind, kind of like an author has book characters. Some authors will write about the same characters over and over and then switch to new characters or they may have different characters in every single book, but they keep all the character’s personality traits in mind while writing. (Life is but a dream – God’s dream?) (For the Hazbin Hotel fans out there, we are the cartoon demon characters and Vivziepop is God). We are in Source’s mind when we’re out thinking we live separate lives. We are literally part of Source’s consciousness and self-awareness.


(Even if all souls wanted to rebel and try and fight God/Source, we’d just be cells bouncing off harmlessly the walls of God’s brain. The characters that we make up and bring to life stay in our minds and hearts forever, thus it is so with everything and Source. No matter what we do, how many lives we incarnate into, how many mistakes we make or bad things we do, Source/God will unconditionally love us. Everything we do…by experiencing and being, we all are following Source’s plan perfectly. Source will encourage our love and evolution, Source never judges…we will actively co-create the universe with Source as active participants, not be passive worshippers…there is no need to reach enlightenment…we are already one with God/Source.)



2.      What is the purpose of life?


To live, to learn, to love. Love others, love yourself, learn lessons and have fun. Enjoy life, eat, have sex, love, create. Enjoy in moderation but don’t go out and actively harm others.  (It is assumed that spirits can’t enjoy food and drink like the living – energy only experiences energy of things, which is not quite the same as the real material thing) That is the answer to Life, The Universe and Everything. All incarnated experiences will be experienced by Source and the universe will naturally expand along with souls. This is the benevolent entity we all want to revere, the one that appears in “Back to God and Away From Religion.”


3.      What does God expect of me?


Nanci: Nothing!


4.      Where is Heaven?


Nanci: There is no place. It is everywhere and nowhere. It is timeless. Heaven is an enlightened state of being. Where as hell, there is no hell because Source did not create one. “We all will have a Happily Ever Afterlife!”


5.      What is the one true religion?

Nanci: There is no one true religion. They all have bits of truth in them and are wrapped in layers of myths, superstitions, and wishful thinking.


Nanci: in the afterlife I felt relived. Oh my gosh I spent 43 years trying to do the right thing. I looked for signs, I went to psychics etc.


Nanci: There are groups of light beings (aka spirit guides, loved ones, angels, ascended masters, council of elders etc.) who watch over you. They know that you don’t know what you’re supposed to be doing, they know of your mind, your journey, and your natural amnesia before birth, so they try and support you to help you fulfill your mission.


Nanci’s NDEs: First one, she met with a council of light beings who reminded her, “Get with the program, go teach people about your Near Death Experience.” In her second NDE, she met with a council who said that Nanci the human was dying and that either she could “come home with no judgement” or “stay with Nanci until she passed.” As if the human Nanci was separate from the soul in that moment, like the soul wasn’t Nanci anymore.


Everything is okay. Life is proceeding the way it’s supposed to.  You (humanity and beings) are securely and eternally loved. God is holding you in their arms, there is nothing you can do to get away from God/Source. There is nothing you can do to make Source mad or surprise them or disappoint them, (because everyone learns lessons at their own pace). There is no punishment awaiting you, only an awakening into brilliant light and bliss.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Fantasy Life Program - what happens after school


(Fantasy what if Life Program -what everyone needs to know after school/college and what should’ve been taught to us)

Divided into seven sections/courses-collaborative community of various teachers around the world



I.               (Color: blue) Career


-       How to write resumes and do quality interviews

-       How to search for careers based on person’s skill, personality, and especially interests

-       Addressing disabilities, travel, and accommodations in the workplace

-       Deciding on whether to pursue higher degrees, pros and cons

-       Vocational schools/career counseling recommendations

-       Using what you learned in high school/college in certain careers

-       Pursuing creative careers

-       Goal-setting

-       Combination classes of high school/college learning techniques and hands-on workplace practices/mock interviews/researching certain jobs


II.             (Color: green) Money


-       How to pay bills online and spend money wisely

-       Writing checks, using credit cards

-       Taxes and insurance, what they are

-       Paycom and spotting fraud texts/calls

-       Recommendations for programs to help with poverty/lower income

-       Computer skills

-       Moving, driving and finding housing

-       Reading prices


III.           (Color: pink/red) Relationships


-       Romance, dating and learning the steps

-       Safe sex, homosexuality, and embracing the erotic

-       Divorce counseling/how to handle divorce and breakups

-       What marriage is like, whether it is right for you and how to navigate life when you don’t want to get married or have sex

-       Housework and compromise

-       Socialization and norms




IV. (Color: orange) Children and Pets


-       What childbirth is like

-       Practicing childcare, diaper changing, daycare

-       Adoption/foster care

-       Schooling for kids, deciding on homeschooling, regular schooling/alternatives

-       Embracing learning through play – teaching sharing, listening, knowing child’s interests and learning styles

-       Abuse prevention/notification

-       Healthcare/counseling/mental health/nutrition

-       Benefits of having pets and how to care for them

-       How to navigate life if you don’t want children or pets


V.             (Color: brown) Survival


-Building shelters, the process of finding housing

-Knowing what to do in emergencies (fires, active shooters, storms, wilderness etc.)

-Accommodations for loud noises/trauma

-Basic CPR/swimming/first aid

-How to survive outdoors/farm

-Recognizing signs and symptoms of diseases


-Reading medications/nutrition facts



VI.           (Color: yellow) Positivity


-How to embrace your interests and creativity

-Positive daily affirmations

-The importance of compliments and goal setting

- Empathy and generosity

-Vacation planning and immersing in art/music/dance etc.

-Meditation, nature walks, positive morals in spirituality and religion







VII.         (Color: dark purple) Death


-Grief counseling recommendations

-How to cope with loss of loved ones, children, parents, pets etc.

-Funerals and respecting the dead

-Hospice care and the elderly

-Reincarnation and your soul

-The afterlife and what happens after death

-Safely communicating with spirits and departed loved ones

-Knowing signs from loved ones/spirit guides

-Finding reliable psychic mediums for healing