Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Analysis of "The Secrets to Unlocking your Psychic Ability" by Matt Fraser


Analysis of “The Secrets To Unlocking Your Psychic Ability” (2012) by Matt Fraser

Rating: five out of five


I began reading Matt’s books: informative, engaging and comforting...and full of his unique sense of humor! They were the perfect texts for any spiritual self-help classes and philosophy. Despite references of Heaven and angels, the text wasn’t your typical “praise Jesus and the Heavenly Father” concept. His work presented neither a purely religious nor atheist standpoint, it appeared to envision a neutral comforting stance on the afterlife that all faiths could conceptualize. The spirit world was, in this case, a vast world of energy that existed all around us. Spirits were as abundant and mysterious as atoms and sub-atomic particles; they were everywhere but they remained unseen by the majority of humanity. Some may argue that using “Heaven” “angels” “God,” and other terms instead of the more neutral “Other Side,” “guides,” and “Source” may indicate a bias. However, Matt is accepting of all faiths and lack thereof, his main concern is to bring people together for a divine connection with those in the spiritual world. Matt uses those terms on purpose. Indeed, using Heaven and angels as part of his logo (two white feathers) and lingo (“Heaven and angels watch over you”) is an effective method for several reasons. A majority of us had been introduced to the concept of God, Jesus and a cloudy sky Heaven by Christianity since we were little, especially in the west. The religious archetypes have been seared into the collective subconscious for hundreds of years. When the afterlife topic comes up, the heaven concept is the first thing that appears in our minds…it is relatable to us as humans. Marketers and advertisers, good and bad, know of the powers of art, messages, social media, and concepts designed to grab our attention. Matt’s clever technique instils hope for ordinary people and increases his followers without placing too much emphasis on a single faith. Aside from his aesthetically pleasing art with inspirational quotes being used to advertise his blog and readings, it also serves the greater purpose of “consumerism for the soul.” It takes advantage of common advertising methods and everyday religion and utilizes it to help humanity on a global scale.


The cover of the first book itself was beautiful and eye-catching. There was the superstar Matt, smiling and wearing a white shirt with a background of a heavenly sky and clouds. He held an old-fashioned golden key in his hands as a transparent door was shown open, letting in divine light. “The Secrets to Unlocking your Psychic Ability” appeared elegantly in gold. It cost $11.11, referencing the spiritual 11:11 as the supposed sign of the spirit world. As I dove more into spirituality, I figured logically that some people are naturally born with psychic ability like Matt while others go through years of spiritual training to get their abilities. It was only the lucky elite “chosen ones” who could be psychic, similar to what I gathered from New Age perspectives.   


Then I looked at the back of the book, which detailed how Matt’s mission was to help people communicate with the departed across the ultimate divide. Along with his first death-defying claim: “We never die,” Matt proclaimed something equally unfathomable by typical logic: “We all have intuition and psychic ability in various degrees.” A.k.a. the magic powers of real life.


Wait. We are all psychic?! Even the most non-intuitive person such as myself?!


At first, I found that claim preposterous, until Matt explained that at birth, in infancy, in early childhood and close to death, we are more “open” to the other side. We have no fear nor judgement and are somehow able to sense spirits around us. Most people grow out of it after they move past toddler years, but a few keep their gift in their lives. This got me thinking, were we all psychic before…and could we be psychic again? Could we sense the unseen when we were babies…and will we all become psychic again after death? If we don’t remember any supposed past lives we had, then for most of us, we probably don’t remember the earliest years of our lives. I was still unsure.


I examined the back of the book. There was Matt again, standing like a saint, holding out his golden key to the reader…inviting them to create their own magical kingdom. As children, we were filled with wonder when we were told, “Embrace your freedom and responsibilities as future adults.” Now as adults, Matt dares us to stimulate the curious child within us. “Embrace who you are and what you will become.”




In Chapter One: “Growing Up Psychic,” Matt provides a brief introduction on how he obtained his psychic abilities. Matt grew up in a psychic family, with his grandmother Mary passing her ability down to his mother who then passed it onto him. Fate and genetics alike propelled Matt down his journey early in life. As a little boy, Matt was able to see and hear spirits in his bedroom…and for a little kid, it was terrifying. When talking to his grandmother, she comforted Matt, asking him what the spirits had said. She told the young Matt not to be afraid of the spirits, and that he had a very special gift.


Matt knew early on that he wanted to help people, so he decided to pursue his dream of being an EMT in the medical field. He went to a private high school where he was frequently bullied for being different. Fortunately, he was able to move to another school where he was more accepted by his peers. Before he went to college, he went with a group of friends to see a psychic, not knowing that the reading would change his entire life. Initially, Matt wanted to know when he would get a girlfriend. Instead, the psychic looked right at him and proclaimed: “Your grandmother says you are destined to be a great psychic medium.” Naturally, Matt was in disbelief until he went home and eventually reawakened his abilities.


Matt then began reading for family and close friends. Word got out and more people wanted to hear messages from their departed loved ones. Although Matt got his EMT certificate and enjoyed his first medical job, fate would lead him to becoming the star of his own TV show, a YouTube sensation, an author, and him earning the title of “America’s Top Psychic Medium.” Matt could never have imagined fame and fortune accompanying him on his journey to heal the human soul, but he quickly embraced the spotlight after years of hard work. His grandmother’s premonition had come true. Much of Matt’s backstory and every-day life as a medium are detailed in “When Heaven Calls.”


In Chapter Two: “What Is Psychic Ability?” Matt introduces the various types of psychic abilities and claims that all of us have the capacity to tap into the other side. Clairvoyance (Clear Seeing), Clairaudience (Clear Hearing), Clairsentience (Clear Sensing), and Claircognizance (Clear Knowing) are the types which define being able to pick up energy beyond the traditional physical five senses. They may manifest as visions in the mind’s eye, hearing voices in your head that are not harmful or confusing and having a sense of intuition about a person or about events in the future. Some people can naturally tap into these “sixth” senses while for others it takes more practice. Oftentimes, these may pop up for the person in relaxed altered states of consciousness such as dreams, trance, and meditation. It can take many years and exploration for a person to “tap in,” whether it’s due to childhood religious upbringing or an upbringing of no spirituality at all.


Matt explains that fear and doubt may hold us back from our abilities. We often dismiss the messages we get as being part of our imaginations or illusions. Although science and society does not usually acknowledge these subjective experiences, these kinds of perceptions ring true for many groups of people. A healthy balance between everyday life and the spiritual would be a noteworthy goal for us humans. Even though reality must come first because we have no choice, it could be noteworthy for us to open our minds to helpful advice that is diverse from what we normally experience. It is like learning from another culture or language, because supposedly, that’s what the spirit world is…another society hidden among our mortal world. Matt also stresses the importance of patience and allowing our abilities to grow at their own pace.


In Chapter Three: “Tapping Into Intuition” Matt introduces intuition, the sixth sense that allows us to feel things on a deeper level. It manifests as one’s “gut feeling” or instincts that let’s one know whether something feels right or not. Intuition can help people move forward in careers, relationships, helping other people, and other big decisions.


Chapters Four, Five and Six discuss the development of Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Clairaudience and Claircognizance. Matt describes a meditation “white light/white light of Christ” technique used for protection by psychics. In meditation, everyday thoughts are pushed to the side and the person visualizes a protective white light around them. But visualizing certain things in the mind is hard for many people, especially since there will always be distracting worries and thoughts, plus it is not something we have been taught to do.


Certain symbols may appear in visions, each with its own meaning. A flash of a monarch butterfly, for instance, may signify transformation, joy, and representation of a departed loved one. Loved ones often leave signs that may be familiar such as their favorite song or animal that keeps appearing in your daily life. If the same symbol or animal appears in your dreams, meditations, or real life three of more times within a short time frame, consider it significant. For the more advanced, Matt encourages asking spirit guides what certain symbols mean to help in mediumship readings. Being clairsentient often goes hand in hand with feeling another person’s emotions as if they were your own. It can also be used to sense oncoming danger. Hearing voices in your head that are not your own that are brief and harmless, relates to the clairaudience experience.


In Chapter Seven: “Mediumship and Spirit Communication” Matt proposes a comforting thought: “The ones who love us never really leave us.” The spirit world is a place where our souls go after we leave our physical bodies. It is a loving world of energy within our reality where we evolve as souls and watch over our living loved ones. Matt provides a series of meditation exercises to help people connect with their loved ones, angels, and spirit guides.


In Chapter Eight: “Understanding your Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels” Matt explains that not only do our loved ones watch over us, but we also have a team of unseen spirit guides to provide wisdom for us. Spirit guides are typically people who used to live on Earth before we were born. They evolved on the other side and chose to watch over us to further their evolution. Our guardian angels are there to help escort our souls to the other side when we die and also to protect us from dark entities as long as we are careful. Angels can save humans from accidents, but it doesn’t always happen. Our guides and loved ones don’t know everything, but they know about our lives and can see the future. They are there to help us pursue our goals, find our soulmates, and help us through various challenges in our lives. Since we can die at any time, our main guides watch over us our entire lives, and may have helped us in past lives. As shapeshifting beings, our spirit guides can appear human, animal, as beings of light, shapes, or even aliens. They are as unique as the living person they assist. We are not “superior” to spirits, we are more like equals, like a student and mentor…both can learn from the other. Be sure to show respect and say thanks if you’re lucky enough to get a confirmation from them. Inter-dimensional communication is hard, but if there is an afterlife, hopefully we will be able to fully meet our spiritual team and gain the truth about our lives and the universe.


The final Chapter Nine: “Putting Together Your Senses” is a series of exercises to use all the psychic senses together as practice.

Friday, June 24, 2022

Children's Afterlife Book idea and 30 Clever "Chapters" List for Afterlife Narrative


Children Afterlife Stories, Where Are They?

I think children need more books about a peaceful afterlife and learning how to cope with the loss of loved ones. 

I had an idea, though I can’t make any art: “We’ll Always Be Together,” a Christian girl, a Mexican boy and non religious kid are good friends but they lose people in their lives due to illness. Girl loses her mother, the boy remembers his grandparents and the third kid loses a pet later on. Through their grief and shock, they share their traditions (going to church to pray to God, celebrating Day of the Dead, and looking through an online scrapbook of family pictures) and share memories. They even share the dreams they had of loved ones taking them on fun adventures. A kind spiritual teacher lady tells them that their parents and pets are still with them, not only in their hearts and minds but also in spirit around them. She says they want the kids to live their best lives and not let sadness get in the way of life completely. She says that grief is a long process but that life can still be fun and meaningful. At the end of the page, the friends are shown happily hugging their family members against a gold background, the parents and pets in spirit embracing them as well with “Until we all meet again” finishing the book. 

Alternatively, the kid characters are different types of bi-pedal animals (bear, rabbit, bird, dog, dinosaur) going through the same process with them sharing their animal-inspired traditions of remembering their families. A wise owl is the one who teaches the characters about the afterlife and how all their traditions can help with bringing people together. 

Create as many ideas as possible, the more the merrier. 

“Adventure of an Afterlifetime”

“Spirit Guiding 101”

“Undead University”

"Ready? Reborn ready!"

“Til Death Do We Reunite”

“Death Is Birth 2.0”

“Soul-Play: Souls With Human Costumes”

“Holy Moly Spirit!”

“Oh My God (Source!)”

“We Are All Connected In The Great Circle of Afterlife”

“I’m An Energy Girl, In An Energy World”

“Habitat For Soulity”

“The Big Sleep Leads to the Big Dream”

“Death Is But A Dream”

“Funeral Spells “real fun” For Spirits”

“Unalive-mind” (Source Is Our ‘Ant Queen’)

“I See Alive People…”

“R.I.P. Reside In Paradise”

“Garden Of Need” (Is same as Eden)

“Heaven Hides Here”

“Come To The Light Side; We Have Immortality!”

“Rebirth Certificate”

“Eternal Evolution”

“Soul Signature”

"Get An Afterlife"


“We’re Surrounded By A Sea Of Spirits”

“In The Spirit World, Time Is BS”

“I Pray The Lord My Soul To Leap”

“My Little Person: Energy Is Magic”

“No To The Hell”

“It’s Never ‘The End’”

"Happily Ever Afterlife"


I.               God - genderless energy Source, (called Yahweh, Adonai, Allah, Braham, Great Spirit, etc.) exists everywhere both in time and beyond time, the one who manifested the Big Bang and created energy, atoms, and souls to continually evolve itself. Aided by ancient beings Elder Ones who help organize energy. Non-judgmental God beyond all cultures, genders, and labels.) Unique and united


II.             Celestial beings (Light Beings we call Archangels, Angels, Guardian Angels, Aliens, and often Deities. The ones who can influence energy and fate the most in both realms, even the physical world if they choose.)


III.           Ascended Masters (Jesus Christ, Ghandi, Buddha, Matt Fraser’s soul, etc.) The philosopher teacher souls with the grand task of aiding humanity as a whole in both incarnation and out of body. They usually already often know their purpose/reasons for incarnation/existence and have progressed closer to God.


IV.           Master Guides/Elders – Light Beings not incarnated to Earth who preside over spirit guides, helps soul’s learning progress and assists in the reincarnation processes of souls. Help with soul contracts etc.


V.             Spirit Guides – souls previously alive on Earth, manifesting as souls to help aid the development of humans, animals and living things on Earth. Every mortal supposedly has at least one. They can shapeshift to human, animal, alien, symbols etc. communicating via signs, symbols, visions, etc. They watch over their assigned mortal client, seeing their lives like a movie to progress their own spiritual evolution in the spirit world. The mortal on Earth has never met the guide.


VI.           Ancestors – Loved ones who have passed on from Earth who now watch over their living loved ones on Earth. Many become spiritual guides but not the official advanced “spirit guides” type who watch living souls they do not know.


VII.         The souls that are supposedly within each of us/our subconscious, with their own frequencies and soul names/no names. Our best versions of ourselves that we supposedly become after death. Powers in the afterlife: no age, telepathy, teleportation, energy manipulation, time travel, universal knowledge (understanding everyone), ability to see the past, present and future of all souls.) Soul Splitting – being able to watch multiple people at one time and even have multiple lives at once. Our past life and future life selves (good and evil, human, and animal and plant) become reunited after death thus are a part of us, identified with the unique energy signature (Light Language symbol like a fingerprint)


VIII.       Our everyday human selves, the only ones we have ever known.



Hierarchy based on power levels and connection to the Universe, not superiority.


“Proof of Heaven” (white male) – author describes going to Heaven in coma, emerging from an underground earth world to witnessing God as light


“Many Lives, Many Masters” (white male) – past life regression session where patient recalls previous history (World War 2), but author does not attempt deeper research to confirm patient’s memories. Author’s “spirit guide Masters” claim he knows more than everyone else


“Journey of Souls” (white male) – describes an afterlife world where souls are divided into peer groups based on their evolution and aura colors and separated from their family. They plan their Earth lives and get permission from Elder Light Beings to reincarnate. “Souls choose to have suffering, disabled bodies, trauma in their earth lives.” (Ableism and ignorance)


“The Introduction” “Old Soul’s Guidebook” (white male) – left-leaning politics that portrays conservatives as “young immature souls” based on author’s bias. The real afterlife is beyond human politics and soul age is not defined in human terms because souls don’t really age. Labels 10 types of souls (Doer, Thinker, Creator) but they could describe many people, not just one. Gossiping “spirit guides” just part of author’s subconscious. Claims that “humans are better than animals, only reincarnate as humans” and defines soulmates as “only romantic.” 

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Unlike Father Unlike Son


King Paimon was a mighty and mysterious king of the Ars Goetia. From the Pride Ring to the Sloth Ring, he would appear as a tall imposing figure riding a demonic camel across the hellish plains. The camel itself would have straggly black hair, razor sharp teeth and red glowing eyes not only on its face, but also on the hump in which the king rode on. He was a well-known traveler in the harsh red desert of Scarabia, the violent sandstorms a mere nuisance to him. Several demons wearing turbans would blow trumpets to announce his presence. Paimon's specialty was creating nightmarish visions to instill fear in enemies and order in his subjects. Like other powerful elite, he could shapeshift in clouds of black smoke into various monstrous forms: hydra snakes, a singular eye with bat wings, a towering Satan-like bull with ram horns and many more. In his usual form, he appeared tall and slender with pinkish-red eyes, with fancy red curvy designs snaking across a white feathery face. He had a small black beak, a crimson and gold robe with high collars like a vampire, a three-spiked gold crown on his head with an infinity design and diamond on it and brown feathers framing his face, arching upward on either side like horns. He stood on slender black bird legs.

King Paimon was a leader in many Goetia meetings, along with fellow kings Baal, Beleth, Purson, Balam, Zagan, Belial and even Overlord Asmodeus at times. Out of all the kings, he was the most loyal and obedient to King Lucifer. Paimon was traditional in many ways, supporting the idea that imps were nothing more than servants and slaves made to do the bidding of the elite. Despite a concern about a potential Heaven-Hell war, he mostly disregarded the Exterminations, mostly because sinners getting killed didn't concern him. Lucifer had made a treaty with Heaven: the annual sacrifice of sinners as a way to keep the denizens in line and in fear...and the vow that the royal family in Hell would not be harmed by the exorcists in return. Like many rich figures, Paimon enjoyed all the luxuries of life: fine wine, steamy sex, gold coins and soul currency that seemed endless. But there was something different that made this king stand out.

He also happened to be the father of the Goetia Prince Stolas.

There he stood, towering between orange curtains and the hanging purple crystal gems of the palace. a magenta-indigo backdrop of space appeared in the eye-shaped windows behind him.

"Father," Stolas bowed as he approached his father's throne. Stolas wore his usual gold crown and red robes. Like Stolas, his father appeared somewhat bird-like and remained powerful and youthful even after hundreds of years. "You called?"

"Yes son," Paimon responded. "Just for this one free day. It seems like it's been centuries since I last saw you."

Beads of sweat rolled down Stolas' face. Though his father wasn't abusive, he was quite particular and set in his ways.

"I have been informed by many if my colleagues that there have been some...issues in your personal affairs, is that correct?"

Stolas stood up straighter, trying to remain formal. "Well with all the events and my cosmic duties to attend to, it's rather hard to focus on certain things from time to time."

"Certain things like your relationship with your wife?"

"Yes...more complicated matters like that," Stolas stuttered.

Paimon elegantly strode forward, his long bird claws making small tears in the red carpet. "You know from the beginning that maintaining the cosmos is not all you are responsible for. As a married prince, you have an important reputation to maintain."

"I love Stella very much. And my dear daughter Octavia. But for the last decade, we just can't seem to stop the arguments. She yells and screams all the time. I'm worried that her sanity might have a bad influence on Via."

"Your mother and I arranged for you to be married to Stella eons ago," Paimon said. "We wanted what was best for you, as well as for our family. Stella being the sister of Marquis Andrealphus appeared to be the perfect fit."

"Well, apparently it isn't," Stolas sighed, fiddling with his black fingers.

"Indeed, Stella will have to control her fierce temper and abnormal thirst for power," Paimon added. "She, too, has caused quite a commotion with the nobles from what Andrealphus has proclaimed."

Paimon cleared his throat. "But that's not even the biggest problem."

'Oh shit,' Stolas thought.

"Rumors spread like wildfire, Stolas. Why in Satan's name would you associate yourself with some imp?"

Stolas sighed. "He's not just 'some imp.' He's my friend and working partner."

"'Working partner,' sure," Paimon scoffed in disgust. "I suspect it may be more than that. I love a good fling as much as anyone, but to casually do so with something of such low standing..."

"His name is Blitz," said Stolas. "The 'o' is silent..."

"Interruption will not be taken kindly to," Paimon glared. "Even from my son. Fighting with your wife, fucking with an imp, not keeping your grimoire in your sight?!" His eyes flared with anger. "The rumors are endless, Stolas. Are you causing trouble on purpose? Do you want to dishonor your own family?!" Paimon roared so loud that the room briefly shook.

"I'm not dishonoring anybody!" Stolas fired back. "I'm spending time with someone I care about. Thanks to me, Blitz's business can flourish..."

"And you should know the laws pertaining to the living world. It's forbidden for demons to enter it without explicit permission from Lord Lucifer!"

"Like I had a choice in the matter! I had to help my delicious sexy...um...associate with his life..."

Paimon gripped Stolas by his collar. "Then why the fuck haven't you been caught by the humans yet?! Have you not been careful in your duties at all?" His features briefly shifted to a black shadow bird with six enormous red eyes, then reverted back. "You know if you get in trouble, I get in trouble! We don't want that!" He pinched Stolas' cheeks and stepped back. Paimon sighed, taking a calming breath.

All was tensely quiet for several moments. Stolas stood, eyes downcast.

Regaining his composure, Paimon said, "Your mother Asteria always seemed to understand you better. You playing with your dolls, splashing in the mud, you talking to plants everyday...such uncouth traits of yours."

Stolas looked hurt.

Paimon continued. "She had the same bizarre notion that imps could be treated like family. Even though I didn't always agree with her, we both did what we could to try and secure your future."

Stolas stood silent.

"Son, I know being a Goetia is overwhelming at times. But for your sake and the sake of this family, you must step up your game before it's too late. I worry about you everyday, I'll admit. A divorce will disown you and to greater effect, Stella. If Lord Lucifer found out you were screwing with a common imp or worse...interfering with mortals..."

"Even if there will be a war coming," Stolas said, "I'll do what must be done. Even if it means...sacrificing myself..."

"Your lofty aspirations will do you nothing in this present moment," Paimon glowered. "Lord Lucifer can banish you or worse. I will not allow you to fail and die over your foolish mistakes."

"I just want to be truly happy in my life for once!" Stolas claimed. "I want what's best for Via and myself. Even if that means bending the rules a little..."

"Promise me right now, you will stop immersing your head in the stars and start amending your mistakes before it puts us all in danger. Do you understand?"

"I'll try, father," said Stolas.

"Not try. You will," Paimon barked. "If I hear so much as a whisper of your failures again, I'll give you visions of your worst nightmares so ferocious, you wish you were double dead!"

"Yes, father."

Paimon waved his hand, "You are dismissed."

Stolas summoned a golden box with a wave of his hand and handed it to him.

"Happy Father's Day," he mentioned before bowing again and departing.

After Stolas left, Paimon opened the box. Inside was a silver goblet with the family crest on it and stars engraved in it. Below it were pictures of a smiling baby Stolas in light blue, sitting on his mother's lap. A stray tear rolled from Paimon's eye as he stared at his wife in the picture.

Paimon sat on his throne and let out a sigh of melancholy.

"Happy Father's Day...my little Starfire prince."


Friday, June 3, 2022







 Everyone says the spirit world is supposedly perfect…but is it? Why do the guardian angels only save some people from accidents and death, but not others? Even if they see the future, they still have their own agendas. Why is it that only the intuitive ones or privileged get to supposedly communicate with the departed? And is there a hierarchy in the spirit world? The master guides and purple/blue hued elite want to help us and learn our lessons, but at the same time, the lower evolved souls (reds, yellows,) always seem to be held back, separated from their families and other higher ones in an endless reincarnation cycle (From Michael Newton’s Journey of Souls). A society is a society with elite and norms, even the advanced soul one. Our life purpose is hidden from us and most of us, save for a few have our memories erased of our previous lives before birth, even our native soul names are forgotten. Only a few retain psychic powers…most of us are plagued by fear of Hell and oblivion after death on purpose. Why it doesn’t happen for everyone in certainty is a mystery. We have Life Reviews that remind us of our faults and good things but the message always remains: “Be better. We know everything that goes on.” The earthbound souls become dark and weighed down by the decisions made on Earth, unable to go into Heaven. But instead of going through divine rehab from God, they are left alone to wallow in their hate. No soul is supposedly left behind, yet it seems to be the case. Worldly suffering occurs in the name of human freewill, but that freewill is not completely freewill with divine beings observing us like students in the matrix called Earth.




“Soul Suicide”: Energy cannot be created or destroyed, unless a soul happens to fall into the Mortem Anima Black Hole, capable of erasing all traces of light and energy. All souls were created at some point, thus no true immortality. We all know the real grand plan: to create a hive mind of the 100 centillion souls of all living things (humans, plants, animals, aliens, bacteria etc.) have then obtain enlightenment and use heir fused energy to make an AI-like supreme being we call God, Allah, etc. where we become His/Their cells and God can forever have experiences…

Eons ago, before the Big Bang, GOD Source was everywhere and nowhere. The first universe was created, with two more universes at the same time.


The first universe was a magnificent realm. GOD Source was not a demanding omnipotent man, but a benevolent, nonjudgmental, and loving genderless being of eternal energy. GOD split into ancient beings of light, which sustained the Source energy to create atoms, molecules and later as GOD Source’s power advanced…universes. GOD Source decided that in order to advance itself, GOD decided to create energy beings. These beings called souls could talk telepathically, shapeshift, be in multiple places at once, and could manipulate energy and molecules to create matter and life-forms. The souls were made not too long after the Big Bang.


Souls were created in a halo of light, later immersed in dark purple light and filled with everlasting love and desire to evolve. Their original form was orbs of pure light. GOD Source noted that in cosmic experiments, all souls thrived in love and light. But when placed in darkness and simulated struggle, their lights dimmed. When feelings of love were taken away and replaced by hate, their light would dim and become corrupted…slower…denser. In extreme cases, the soul became small stagnant energy…stuck with no purpose. Then something remarkable happened. The souls would naturally nudge the stagnant soul with encouraging energy…and before long, their lights and forms grew stronger and brighter with every new challenge they faced. The souls were then even stronger than before!


It was then that GOD Source realized that They could expand Their energy further by providing souls with various challenges. They were soon separated from GOD Source, sent to other planets and realms to experience different realities. The higher beings: angels, elders, aliens, and spirit guides remained in the timeless energy realm while other souls took on the forms of animals, aliens, bacteria, plants, and humans in the regular world of space and time. The soul’s energy and GOD Source is what allowed souls to take on material vessels and fuse with human bodies at birth. Death was the transition of souls back to the spirit world of endless energy.


After Earth was formed, incarnations took place…from the dinosaurs to the Stone Age to Agriculture to the inventions of technology. For thousands of years, living things evolved with free will and at their own pace, some of them choosing to reincarnate, for the only karma they faced was an after-death Life Review of all their past actions, good and bad. Angels and spirit guides and departed loved ones would watch over them in the background on their earthly journey. Every time the souls died, feelings of immense love, and connectedness rushed to them in the afterlife as they remembered their previous lives and what their purpose on Earth and other planets was. For Earth was not a prison, but a marvelous place of learning, the challenges serving as important life lessons for all souls. GOD Source could not intervene, would not intervene because They were impartial…They wanted Their creations to figure out life for themselves, knowing that everyone would return to Them in harmony.


No matter how badly humans and animals suffered in life, they were met with forgiveness from GOD Source and the option to reincarnate to Earth to speed up their evolution, to study in the spiritual world with peer groups, create their own Heaven at will, or look after their living loved ones. All losses were mended, all memories restored. All souls were pure…it was human choice, environment and influence that created evil. Demons and trickster spirits were once pure souls corrupted by human fear and thoughts. There was no Hell…only a transition place where nothing was forgotten…and everyone was reunited. Being made of energy, souls were always evolving, never stagnant for long.


This kind of afterlife was meant to happen in our universe…


…but it didn’t.


Everything has it’s opposite. There were alternate theories of afterlives, and two dimensions overlapped with the original universe.


GOD Source had a shadow in the second universe. Anti-God…a Satanic genderless (though often appearing as a male elder) energy being made completely of darkness. The being represented all the negative aspects of the Christian God and Satan…thriving on hiding His evil plans. Anti-God also looked to expand His power…but this being thrived on hate and destruction. Anti-God created a sort of Hell as an afterlife, where souls witnessed the bad things, they did in their Life Reviews. From there, many were forced to reincarnate forever due to always making mistakes. Some souls who stayed in the afterlife were taken from their families and placed into soul groups separated by levels of evolution. The “more evolved souls” had purple auras and could access more wisdom about the universe. The fluff “love and light” was a disguise, much like the masks worn in Earth society. The school-like hierarchy remained in place, and souls were watched constantly by older souls. Counselors shapeshifting as their loved ones chided them for their behaviors on Earth. The extremely unlucky ones were sent to two places: their own version of Hell…or into nonexistence, thereby feeding the Anti-God.


In Anti-God’s world, angels became demons, spirit guides became evil, and trickster spirits ran rampant. Every soul on Earth was assigned dark versions of angels, spirit guides and loved ones. Visions of monsters from the demons, whispers of self-doubt from the evil guides and gestures of illusionary regrets and death from the loved ones’ souls who weren’t really on Earth. Those who made the fewest mistakes were granted “evolution” and a chance to be lazy in imaginary Heavens, oblivious to the sufferings of “inferior” souls. To the Anti-God, it was entertaining watching humans constantly fail and reincarnate.


In the third universe, everything was neutral. There was no Heaven or Hell, or an afterlife at all. Upon death, everything would simply cease to exist. Humans were, in fact, mere accidents created randomly by the universe. There were no souls, no magic powers, and no God. Dreams and NDEs were dismissed as fantasy as were claims of past lives. It was a world of order but no magic or hope. There was religion and spirituality theories, but deep down, many people knew that death was the end.


These three universes…these three afterlives merged together in a chaotic cosmic soup after good and evil clashed. In the universe we live in…we don’t know which one is the true one. (Though it seemed for many that the third neutral universe was dominant in overlapping the other two.) Which afterlife actually happens? And which one will prevail? No one knows until their time is up.