Friday, April 28, 2023

Humanity Spiritual Evolution Timeline

Evolved Teachings

Humanity stages are as normal as the stages of infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and elderhood – none are superior to the others, the Cosmic and adulthood stages just have more experience/time behind them. Since we all die and are reborn…why couldn’t humanity and other races go through the cycles again after the universe is re-made?


Stage 1: Stage Beige – Survival, discovering the environment, fulfilling basic physical needs (Cavemen, animalistic traits)

Leads to Stage 2: Discovery of self, learning how to work with others

Stage 2: Purple Stage – Tribal instincts (Community, protecting the tribe from danger/outsiders, more communication and use of tools)

Leads to Stage 3: Conflicts over land/people/values, wanting more things for survival/thriving

Stage 3: Red Stage – Ego/power (corrupt leaders/military/war) People fighting over land and resources, wanting dominance, pleasure, comfort, status.

Leads to Stage 4: enforcement of rules to control violence/criminal activities and maintain a sense of security/survival

Stage 4: Blue Stage – Order/Religion/morality (Religious rules, government, traditional beliefs, belief in punishment/judgment)

Leads to Stage 5: a desire to go beyond rules and to think for oneself. Wanting self-expression, creativity, achievement

Stage 5: Orange Stage – Competitive – (Western society/capitalism, science, rationality, wanting to be the best)

Leads to Stage 6: Contemplation about a grander existence. Realization that being the best only leads to wanting more and that only harmony and love within groups is what brings happiness/purpose.


Stage 6: Green Stage – Equality/Harmony (New Age/hippie ideas, advanced E.T. societies, using science to support metaphysics and updating religion to be inclusive to all human beings, promoting unity instead of separation/judgment/fear. Likely happen in 22nd century and beyond. Often referenced with “Age of Aquarius” “Shifting into 5D”. The illusions of separation, death, and materialism begin to fall away.)


Leads to Stage 7: a desire to extend this concept of societal/community harmony to expand to other beings and countries.


(Tier 2 and above: Perspectives beyond the self, moving toward helping all life and mankind and not just focusing on the physical world)


Stage 7: Yellow Stage – Systematic/Visionary (creative thinking, helping mankind globally and also the planet (Mother Earth Herself) as a whole)


Leads to Stage 8: Searching to expand more love and harmony after spreading it to humans and lifeforms in the physical world. Introduction to aliens and non-physical entities. (Aliens and spirits know we will be ready to merge with the universe when we fully embrace ourselves and those around us. Once we understand the physical, we can understand more fully, the nonphysical lifeforms/thoughts/energies that connect us all. This is the grand plan of souls/the test of our incarnations all along.)


Stage 8: Turquoise Stage – Cosmic/Infinite, world of energy not seen by humans (God/energy is in everything, everything is connected, ascended masters/gurus/advanced alien societies/spirit world culture – helping other planets/galaxies)


Leads to Stage 9: A satisfaction of learning about the perfection of our universe and re-discovering God in everyone and everything. Realizing that life is about love and a grand quest of self-re-discovery.


Stage Coral – Timelessness/Transcendence – (God is in everything not only in our universe but in other universes – going beyond the limits of space and time to know the harmony/connection between all realms, spirit world culture) Leads to: a sense of completion…and God’s desire to rediscover itself and start over for eternity.


Monday, April 24, 2023

Our True Spirit Form


Oversoul - Higher Self – Super-Spirit – our true orb-like spirit form, often planet-sized, it is who we originally are. The Oversoul is a combination of all our past, present, and future incarnations together. They all make up one god-like spirit being, a mini God/Goddess Source. (We are our own Gods, we create our incarnated selves like God creates all souls) We take on various forms to strengthen our true self, and God-Source experiences things directly through us. When we re-merge with our Oversoul after each incarnation, we are closest to God-Source. Our Oversoul does not have a real name, but rather a light language incantation/chant that is unique to it. We can change our names and shapeshift into any of our previously incarnated forms at will.


Evolution and time are in a spiral, non-linear. All our past/present/future life selves exist in the spirit world together, even if we are currently incarnated on Earth. Our soul counterpart of our current self can greet our lost loved ones as they transition. Oversouls not focused on any given incarnation glow brighter and are more free to explore the cosmos. A certain amount of Oversoul energy is used for certain incarnations, putting the Oversoul and past life selves into a dimmer light-temporary suspended state. (It’s like if you were immersed in a VR game and not fully paying attention others around you). The past life selves and future life selves have dimmer light and slower vibrations (not as focused on the spirit world around them) when one of their selves is incarnating on Earth. Parallel lives and walk-in souls are uncommon, but they do happen and can be difficult.


Triumphs, traumas, and relationships often connect to various lives. While alive, the soul can create more traumas, amend bad deeds, strengthen or weaken relationships. Harmonious silver cords branch from the past life selves to the current incarnating soul, representing talents and goals. Discordant, duller silver cords represent traumas and fears from past and current lives. The darker the cord, the more traumatic the event/person is. Shadow cords holding back soul fragments of past life selves can be severed as the current incarnating soul makes amends and heals itself.


Any cord connecting souls that glows gold and is strong, indicates a soul family member from many lives. Darker fragmented cords connecting souls indicate karmic relationships in the process of healing. Although there is understanding and unconditional love on the other side, soul fragments/healing can be achieved faster while alive. Once the healing occurs, the soul fragment/spark/essence of the past life is released and sent back into the Oversoul/"central sun" and to the current incarnated person for strength.


After we cross over to our true home realm, we first meet with our loved ones from our present life and our spirit guides and review our lives for greater understanding. In a reverse process of going through the veil of forgetting and shrinking our energy, our past life memories are returned to us at rapid speed as we adjust to the afterlife. We grow bigger and bigger and we re-live our past/future lives, sometimes many at once with the help of our Oversoul and God-Source. As our memories return, our past life/future life selves rush back to us in unconditional love, merging with our soul. (They will often say mind to mind “I am back!”) We re-emerge with our Oversoul and become a “heavenly citizen” back to full power. Our Oversoul sends out our soul sparks/personas and we can split into all our past life, present life and future life selves and interact with all our families from Earth and other worlds. We become children, parents, spouses, teachers, siblings, pets, friends, and many roles at once. (Just like how we can watch over many of our family members on Earth at the same time.) When we plan our next life, we pick certain past lifetimes to work on…and all our previous lives merge with our soul again, imprinting traumas, talents, etc. Our Oversoul decides when it is ready to not reincarnate or when it wants to travel to other worlds.


Just as souls can merge and share memories, great power comes when Oversouls merge and share memories throughout many eras. Many Oversouls together forms a collective consciousness or even a planetary consciousness. The more souls merge with each other and understand each other, the closer we all get to God-Source, literally in power and vibration.


The bond and love we have with our Oversoul and our alternate selves is second strongest to our bond with God-Source and just higher than our bonds with our soul families/soul groups/spirit guides. This is because even in the spirit world, we understand ourselves best.

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Spirit World "Map"


God/Goddess Source energy - benevolent, creating, ever-evolving genderless energy that exists everywhere in the universe. All souls evolve by default to help Source expand through them. Source loves everyone and judges no one. Source will eventually bring all souls, planets, stars and matter into it once evolution is complete, then go through the "Big Bang" cycle again to rediscover itself.

Timeless Realm of Love and Light: the realm we call "Heaven" where the majority of souls cross over into their true selves/Oversouls. Here they can manifest their own paradise and reunite with all their families of all time periods and species. Souls meet with their guides and Council of Elders to plan their next incarnations with soul groups, watch over humans and mortals and explore the infinite cosmos and time. Advanced souls can create matter, plants and universes. They can travel to Earth and other realms. Earthly karma creates cords of light energy (talents, triumphs, good deeds) and or shadow cords (trauma, bad karma). While alive, human souls can aim to sever the shadow cords connecting their soul to the soul fragments of their past life selves. Once a shadow cord is severed (past life attachment release) the fragment is sent to the Oversoul/Source for healing and will being strength to the incarnate soul. (Although Source heals everyone, healing and evolution is faster while alive). Souls can live as any species in any time and can live at least two parallel lives on Earth, though it is challenging. The majority of souls will reincarnate as the same species many times. (Humans as humans and pets following their owners in other lives). We have all been male, female, good, evil, and of all cultures. 

There are soul counterparts of our current forms and our past life forms there to greet loved ones crossing over. Incarnated souls will stay near the Oversoul and will have "dimmer" light/power to maintain focus. (Certain amount of Oversoul energy is used in incarnations.) Discarnate souls have more room to travel and interact and will be "more awake". Past life selves interacting from their "past time periods" will send messages to each other and try and help their incarnated soul self companion to further their evolution. (Helps the Oversoul). 

Higher Realm Beings closest to God/Goddess Source include Archangels, Angels, Deities, Devas, Ascended Masters, divine aliens, divine animals and plants and the primordial souls of Planets and Stars. The Sun/Star Beings guide the Planetary Beings like Gaia/Mother Earth with providing suitable environments to help souls of every species evolve. All the universes can interact with each other. There are no secrets in the spirit world.


God/Goddess Source - love - peace - evolution - wisdom. We are never separate from God, we can become one with God, we evolve eternally alongside God until we can merge forever. Christ Consciousness into modern 20 Ways of Oneness (Rachel Fiori)

Archangels/Angels/Deities/Advanced Aliens/Advanced Ascended Masters/Jesus/Buddha/Krishna etc. (higher vibrations/power levels)

Galaxies/Universes as entities 

Sun/Star Beings

Planetary Beings - Gaia as Divine Mother/Hostess to our souls and our temporary Earth home

Consciousness of humanity/planets (Many Oversouls merging together to be closer to Source, love, unity etc.) Oversouls (our true selves) are made of soul/incarnated selves as Source is made of all souls and Oversouls. We train to become our own God to be closer to God.

Oversouls of all species (true spirit selves, the combination of a spirit's incarnated lives/personas together - "Higher Self")

Higher alien souls/Ascended Masters/souls of nature spirits etc.

Regular discarnate souls of all species, including humans, animals, plants, nature spirits, aliens etc. (light orbs as true forms) good or bad. Like on Earth, it is NOT required for souls to stay with soul group/souls with similar vibrations 100% of the time. They just often study/spend time together.

Aliens/higher dimension incarnates

Dark souls/Shadow Beings/evil incarnated aliens

Nature spirits/fairies/elementals/devas - ageless beings who are not complete discarnate spirits. They work for Gaia and all living things (not just humans) and can create and destroy life (weather, tornados, earthquakes, fires, hurricanes, droughts, etc. from Elementals with full power. The more we harm the planet, the worse their storms will get.) They maintain plants, trees, rivers, and the four elements of bodies. 
Incarnated Mortals of all species (Humans are more complex than animals and plants but Source loves them equally. Some animals are more "enlightened" than us). Animals and plants have their own life reviews and spirit guides and spirit loved ones appearing as their same species.

Lower Realm/Limbo: In this duller dimension, souls who have done evil acts are in the process of amending their mistakes, reviewing their lives and figuring out what to do next. No evil is allowed in the Timeless Realm of Love and Light. Some deaths are planned and some are not. SOULS HAVE SEMI-FREE WILL THAT IS LIMITED DUE TO THEIR HUMAN FORMS. NOT EVERY DEATH/TRAGEDY/EVENT IS PLANNED/CERTAIN. MANY ACCIDENTS/ADDICTIONS/TRAUMAS ARE BEYOND THE SOUL'S CONTROL, BUT THE SOUL CAN CHOOSE WHAT TO LEARN FROM IT. Tragic deaths beyond the soul's chosen exit points often result in harder death transitions. (Hence why souls insist that many NDE souls return to Earth to complete their missions and be there for their families. They can see the soul's future). 

Astral Realm: A vast expanse of the cosmos beyond the perception of mortals. A variety of entities exist here: good and bad aliens, evil entities that like to feed off mortal energy, good souls and spirit guides who travel to help other souls, traumatized souls stuck in time loops of their previous deaths etc. The positive and negative emotions and thoughts of humanity and other species exist here. The history of the universes exist in water and within the Akashic Records. 

Veil of forgetting: Earth has a transparent, moving veil that erases the memories of most souls of their past lives and spirit lives before they are born. This enables the souls and soul groups to fully focus on their present lifetime and not conflict with their new roles as parents, children, friends, etc. 

Earth Plane: Earthbound souls exist here, unaware they are dead or they are attached to people, places, and things. They are allowed to roam and stay but if they harm the living too much, they will be sent back/dissolved by angels/guides. Earth is full of nature spirits, elementals, fairies, and a variety of animal/plant guides. Aliens, angels, deities, spirit guides and loved ones can enter the physical plane but it takes effort to lower their energies/power levels/vibrations to send messages to humans. The nature spirits, aliens, etc. exist in dimensions that humans cannot perceive. Some evil aliens want to experiment on humans/enslave them, and use Earth/Gaia/crystals as a power resource to control the galaxy. Many aliens and spirits know of Earth's importance of evolving souls and all the galaxy, so they are concerned about how we treat our planet. Earth is evolving as well and the spirits will do all they can to ensure we follow our goals and keep the universe running smoothly for Source. 

7 main chakras + others

Soul Star Chakra - color is white/rainbow. Represents connection to Higher Self, Source, divine love.

Crown Chakra - color is violet/white. Represents our connection to Source, our Higher Self, and the universe. 

Third Eye Chakra - color is indigo. Represents higher-level perception, insight, psychic abilities etc.

Throat Chakra - color is blue. Represents communication, self-expression, creativity, and truth.

Heart Chakra - color is green. Represents love, trust, nature connection, and unconditional love.

Solar Plexus Chakra - color is yellow. Represents willpower and confidence.

Sacral Chakra - color is orange. Represents partnership, emotions, relationships etc.

Root Chakra - color is red. Represents security, being grounded, family, childhood, and lineage. Can also be affected by past lives.

Earth Star Chakra - The chakra below us that connects us energetically to Mother Earth.

We have a physical body, an aura and energy bodies as do other living things. Our soul is both inside us and around us. Our auras always intertwine with the auras of others around us, so we are never separate.

Physical Body - our temporary living organism vehicle we use to explore the material world. Comes with ego (good for survival, bad for creating illusion of separation) and human personality and identity, which needs to be in balance with our soul/Higher Self.

Etheric Energy Body/Aura - the outward energy around us that changes in different situations, what other people feel when they are around us. Addictions, trauma, evil acts, etc. can create holes in our field, making us more affected by negative entities. 

Emotional/Astral Energy Body - The energetic essence of our emotions. Repressed emotions stay in this field and will eventually need to be released for healing. Negative trauma/energy stuck in the mental and energy bodies can likely move down and turn into physical diseases after a while if the person doesn't take full care of him/herself. 

Mental Energy Body - The energetic essence of our thoughts/mind. Traumas and social conditioned beliefs often stay in the energy field, creating holes and limiting confidence. We cannot always control our thoughts but we can become more aware of them. Our thoughts are the origins of actions, many diseases, talents, etc.

Casual Energy Body - the form of our soul/Higher Self. 

Spirit powers:

Telepathic Communication to all species and souls in the universe
Telekinesis - moving objects with effort
Soul merging (sharing memories/life reviews with other souls)
Teleportation to any location by thought
Healing energy to heal bad memories, lost souls etc.
Reading soul energy and knowing who the person truly is
Manifesting settings/paradises
Soul/life planning
Time Travel
Matter/universe creation
Merging with God Source
Self-Switch: Souls can shapeshift into any of their past life selves at will
Soul-Split - a soul can split itself to watch over mortals in many places at once.
Heightened emotions: souls can feel the emotions and thoughts of mortal and other souls. They can sense and merge with atoms in everything.
Infinite Knowledge and access to Akashic Records
Dream Manipulation
Soul Attachment to Mortals
Emitting Love, Light, Wisdom and Healing