Friday, January 17, 2020

(HalusaTwin) How Lucifer lost his wings

Lucifer: After my battle with Michael, me and the other angels who were expelled were sent to Earth. That’s right. We weren’t sent straight to Hell. First, of all, we were given the chance of redemption. Now, myself, Phoenix, Bale, and some other angels were kicked out of Heaven, and as we were falling through the skies, our wings started to fall off our bodies. Now, when they fell, they dematerialized and turned into light. Our bodies just, well, they became bodies without wings. When we had landed, the light that had left our wings had an element. They went off in different directions, a bit like, I suppose the Dragon Balls when you make a wish.
God, well my father then said to us in a big booming voice…”for your transgressions, I have taken your wings. Your wings are now other beings. To get your wings back, you must search the Earth for 2,000 years and find your wings.”
Hence the whole soul, what do they call that? Human partner? Soulmates, that’s it. The idea was that we were supposed to find our souls, if you will, to make then whole again, so that we could return to Heaven, then we would have our wings back.
Now what happened was a mutation that was taking grasp of a lot of the angels and made them into what you would call vampires. The only clue that we had that the people on the Earth were our wings is that they were virgins. So we had to find virgins and become whole again. Now some of the other angels that became vampires got this information incorrect. They thought that had to consume the life force of these beings to get their wings…obviously, you know what vampires do.
The other cause and curse was that the other angels were never to see the face of God again, which is what you would call the sun. If they looked upon the face of God, they would turn to ash and be nothing. My curse was to always see the face of God, but to never reach it. And then after 2,000 years, the curse was lifted, but we were sent to Hell because we didn’t complete our tasks.
Luckily for me, though, my soul became Lilith, and because I was sent to hell, so was she.

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