Thursday, February 14, 2019

Merlin BBC list of spells

Akwele seo magdp! = Kill the maiden!

Paerinne ymbcierran. Organ horwhit dolg. = Therein turn around. The sound of my voice causes filthy wounds.

Onhrine achtung bregdan = Lay hold of honor, move it quickly.

Allinan = open/loosen

Bebiede pe arisan cwicum = I command you to rise quickly to life.

Bebiede pe arisan ealdu. = I command you, ancient one, arise.

Diegol cnytte, gewitte me yst, aliese hine, to Camelot he cymp. = Illuminate the darkness, let me see through the rough water, deliver him, he comes to Camelot.

Onstyrian, onbregdan! = Open here!

Pu fornimest adl fram guman! = You destroy sickness in this man

Lyft sy pe in baelwylm ac forhienan se widere = Air is you in fire’s heat, but defeat the hostile one

Diegol cnytte, gewitte me yst, pa tacnian me yst ponne iecep sicle. Swilte ar ond calan, draedan mordor, to Camelot he cymp! = Illuminate the darkness, let me see through the water, make the water when the pain is increased. Kill the servant, may he become cold, fear death, he comes to Camelot.

Aliese duru ryne = loosen still door

Eorthe, lyft, fyr, waeter, hiersumeie me. = Earth, air, fire, water, obey me.
Erothe ac stanas hiersumeie me. Ic can stanas tobrytan. Hiersumeie me. = Earth, stones, obey me. I have knowledge to break stones, obey me.

Gehyre me, wan chilht, awac! Beo strangra ond steacra, forbrec tha wane. U paris; Awrec Uther Pendragon. = I judge. Absent knight, arise! I am powerful and unbending, for lamenting grief, raise up; anguish to Uther Pendragon.

Tidrenas! = Timely rains!

Ic, seo heahsacered, the acwelle, strengthe ealdan aewfaestnesse! = I, the High Priestess, you die, by the power of the Old Religion!

Astrice! = I strike!

Forbearne! Akwele! = Burn up! Destroy!

306 spoken spells total.

Leoht = Light

Ic haele thina throwunga. = I heal your sufferings.

Mod wes craeftles. =The mind was simple.

Taefle = throw

Ontend eallne thaes drycraefteshire sawle! – Kindle all the magic of the witch’s soul!

Hleap on baec! = Leap on your back!

Astige, thu wyrm! = Serpent, rise!

Sceadu hine wreoth! = Shadow, hide him!

Ga on wuda! = Go to the woods!

Feall! = Fall!

Oncluce the! = Open this!

Cume mec. Href –n-wan! = Come to me, dark raven!

Ithi! = Go!

Fleoge seax forth! = knife, fly forth!

Aspring! = break forth!

Gewsecorec, hine beclyppe! = Darkness, clasp him!

Ic the bebode thaet thu abifiast nu! = I command you to be shaken!

Heo cwaeth. Se wyrdes last bith ansiene. Nu syndon his folma blodige ond tha ne maeg he feormian. His endetime is on ofost. = She spoke. The accomplishment of his fate is visible. Now his hands are bloody and he cannot cleanse them. The end of his life is in haste.

Wane naedras, fram thaes foldan bosme astigath ge. = Dark snakes, ye rise from the womb of the earth.

Faerblaed waw = Sudden blast of wind, blow

Ic the thurhhaele thinu licsar mid tham sundorcraeft thaere ealdan ae! = I heal you thoroughly from your mortal wound with these special powers that are ancient. Alas!

Ataese! = Injure!

Gehaele thisne lichaman. Gestrangeme nu thaet ic beo swithe mihtig hie to forwarniene; yfel is on ofost! = Ye, cure this body. Now strengthen me so I will be fiercely able to hinder them. Evil is in haste!

Fleoge thu swa swa se windraesgrimsath. = You, fly so you hasten on the storm of wind.

Gielde ic thec thissa meowlessawole…Gyden aeblaece. = I offer you this maiden’s soul…White Goddess.

Yfel gaest ga thu fram thisselichaman. Bith hire mod eft freo. Ar ond heofontungol sceal thurhswithan! = You, evil spirit, go away from this body. Her mind is free again. Glory and the heavenly luminary shall prevail!

Cume mec, hraefn wan…bebuge me. Nim bod min thissere nihte thinum drhytne. Gedo hit his agenum handum. = Come to me dark raven, reach me. Take my message in this night to your king. Take it to its owner’s hand.

Ligfyr = Fire

Neosie thu tha swath = You, search out the track

Forp fleoge! = Fly forth!

Aweax thu metethearfenda! Thicge thu thone drycraeft the thinan deorcan mode gefylth! = You needing food, arise! You, consume the magic which fills your dark power.

Bael onbryne! = On burning fire!

Wearp! = Throw!

Strangath = Move with energy

Thurh minum gewealde ond thinum maegen…geclippath we thone lieg the ealla awestath. = Through my might and your bodily strength…invoke upon the flame which destroys you all.

Stanas ahreosath! = Stones, fall down!

Ye-wircan leef = Create life

Nun de ge dei s’eikein kai emois epe’essin hepesthai. Weas. = Now you must obey

Upastiye draca! = Arise dragon!

Andslyht = Blow

O drakon, e male so ftengometta tesd’hup’anankes! = O dragon, now indeed I utter to you commands out of necessity!

In sibbe yerest = Rest in peace

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