Sunday, December 25, 2022

MorgueOfficial: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly


The Good:


Morgue’s primary purpose is questioning and ranting against New Age beliefs and extreme Christian toxic beliefs. Though religions do not need to be completely abolished right away, they do need to be questioned, scrutinized, and changed to fit a more inclusive society. Souls evolve, science evolves, the universe evolves, so too, must religions evolve with us.


Morgue is a role model for subculture/goth/BDSM community and likely those who identify with the circus and alternative scenes. His passion and detailed video speeches will likely encourage those who grew up in toxic environments to forge their own path and realize what life and society are truly about.


Morgue recognizes the importance of embracing our light and shadow selves together, instead of only “love and light,” in New Age.  We cannot and should not love everyone in this world if they are not willing to respect us and treat us like equal human beings. Many have to solve their own problems first. “Love your enemies” does not always work; there must be a balance between serving self and serving others.


Reincarnation is seen as a process of growth and evolution. Morgue mentions the quality of your lives being more important than the quantity, a fact that New Age teachings often miss. Plus, he does a good job with debunking the toxic concept of “getting what you deserve based on past life karma.” In addition to other toxic metaphors that disempower people such as “before birth, your soul chose all the bad things you encounter in life.”


He has a grand goal for universal education to everyone and resources regardless of age, sex, gender, race etc. (Which will take many generations and hard work to achieve). His analysis of the teachings in the Egyptian Book of the Dead are also fascinating. Based on that we know that there is one universal God force that loves us and stays with us every step of the way. We know our souls are eternal, that our “avatar” bodies are shed, and all of us will return to our spiritual home when we are ready.



The Bad:


Morgue has his eyes on the right direction, but goes about it the wrong way. He has extreme disregard and opposition to religion and modern science, seeing only the negatives. How can one be a “rationalist” and not trust science? Science evolves over time just like us and will likely accept the potential of us being eternal souls who can help unite humanity. And let’s not forget positive religious themes like “Love thy neighbor,” and “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other just as God in Christ forgave you,” Ephesians 4:32. Plus the nature of the Absolute within everything is similar to Brahman in Hinduism and Source in New Age. Morgue has no explanations of the “mathematical entities” he describes, which align with the idea of beings like angels, guides, aliens, etc. (And based on many NDEs, we know that figures like God-Source and Jesus Christ are very likely real!)


Math: How can God and the soul be proven mathematically? Is there an equation for the soul that can be scientifically tested with the energy of us and living things? The universal structure of the world and the study of the natural world go hand in hand…science and religion and philosophy are intertwined in many ways. Nothing is truly separate in this world in the grand scheme of things.


“Death is an illusion,” “This world is an illusion,” yes and no. The death of the soul is an illusion, but the death of the body is very real. This world is only a different level of reality compared to the greater reality of the spirit world. If rituals are purely symbolic, psychological, and metaphorical, why do many Wiccans, Pagans, trance channelers, and religious folk claim that real entities communicate to them, allowing them to do magick and improve their lives and the lives of others? And genuine psychics too, who help heal people and guide them on their life paths.


Evolution Question: If we are “mathematical eternal minds” whose only purpose is to “level up” and evolve, why do souls (as in NDEs) have Life Reviews where they see everything good and bad they did in their lives? That is a mystical form of learning, not just instinctual evolution on Earth. With Life Reviews, there must also be some form of karma that goes beyond simple evolution purposes, at least for human souls. By Morgue’s logic, evolution should be done as quickly as possible, meaning the soul would move to the next level/incarnation right away. And if we are just made of math, why do souls have emotions and human-like behaviors in NDEs and psychic readings? We are more than just infinite energy.


If past life knowledge is unnecessary and hinders our evolution, why do psychics and some children remember their past lives or things beyond this world? That knowledge shouldn’t be available to anyone if it hinders our evolution progress but that’s not the case.


Plus, Morgue implies that we evolve as souls in a linear fashion, going from less to more complex organisms, “leveling up” from plants and animals. But what if time doesn’t exist on the other side and souls can choose a variety of realms and beings to incarnate into?


If Source/Absolute is made of us as “soul minds”, and we caused Source to shatter, how can Source still connect with us? Did Source create us or did we influence Source around the Big Bang? And is there proof that the universe will keep going in a cycle forever? Where is the proof that we have evolved an infinite number of times? And if we do evolve forever, then there is absolutely no need to rush to the next level in the first place.


The Ugly:



Morgue plagiarizes the work of Mike Hockney, author of the God Series. Both Hockney and Morgue have an intense narrow-minded hatred of the Abrahamic religions, refusing to see any positive aspects of them. Yes, the religions have caused division and fear, but at the same time, they have kept communities together for hundreds of years and brought hope in dark times. Hockey says things such as “No Abrahamist has ever been a thinker,” and “100% of all forms of all followers of all forms of Abrahamism…not a single one has ever had a logical thought cross his mind,” negatively stereotyping whole communities of people.  


Morgue and Hockney also dismiss materialism science, claiming that those who follow religion and modern science are mindless slaves content with believing anything authority tells them to. Doctors who use science to save people, or naturalists who help us discover our world or countless people who use science in their everyday lives…perhaps we should all instead become reclusive hermits and ponder the mathematical nature of our illusionary world like Morgue claims.


Cultish behaviors:


Aleph Skoteinos’s blog and David Gee mention violence and harsh threats among some of Morgue’s believers. Morgue does not pay his supporters or admins any money and limits any extra information only to members who buy his book. (“Resources available to everyone?”) If we want to create a new harmonious society, threatening to kill people who oppose your beliefs is not a good place to start. Although many of his ideas provoke alternative thinking and a questioning of our messed up society, he’s still, to many people, a rich elitist performer.


There are times when you realize that you don’t need a rebel or a role model to tell you to wake up…do what Morgue says…question everything using reason and logic! Everything…my words, Morgue’s words, society’s words, religion, everything! Embrace what works, dismiss what does not. To contradict Nietzsche’s quote, “Man is a rope stretched between the animal and the overman,” I say, “Man, animal, and divine are chain-links looped together eternally.”  No one has all the answers. Remember, we are all beyond human, Hyperian or not. We are the sentient infinite loving Source…and not just “eternal mathematical minds.”

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