Saturday, December 17, 2022

Spirit Hierarchy, Combined Theories and Quotes


Spirit World “Hierarchy”

Grand God/Goddess-Source – genderless energy Creator that created the other genderless energy Creators of all universes. The one that has always existed and lives in all universes through everything.

God/Goddess-Source – genderless energy Creator (bright white light) who made our universe. Their energy resides in everyone and everything and God/Goddess-Source loves everyone and everything. They made souls as separating sparks/fragments of itself to experience various dimensions, lives, creatures, humans, etc. to further expand. All souls in our universe make up God/Goddess-Source and will merge with Them again, becoming a new Creator to help run the universe, due to the expanded personalities from the physical and spiritual worlds.

Akashic Records- The “living library,” “scribe of Source” the ethereal vibrant energy that records every lifetime and the deeds of all souls in every time period. It allows souls to view all time periods and makes everything happen at once for souls as if Earth and Universe history were compiled into ethereal scrolls, books, holographic images or immersive movies.

Light Beings/Angels/Celestials/Deities/Immortals – advanced energy beings that serve as messengers between God/Goddess-Source creator and humanity/life. They are immortal and have never incarnated. They can watch over many groups of souls and worlds at the same time.

Planetary Beings/Star Souls/Soul Groups – Gaia/Earth, the souls of planets that allow souls to incarnate on the physical worlds to evolve. Earth is a powerful primordial representative/deity of all life on Earth and goes through Her own evolution with the help of the Immortals and God/Goddess-Source. Other things have souls like the sun and moon and other things in the cosmos.

Grand Soul Groups/Grand Archetypes: archetypes/representations of an entire species (ex. a powerful ethereal being to represent all humans, or all dogs, etc. Souls of dogs for example, can fall under the grand soul that guides them.

Master Guides/Spirit Guides/Aliens/Ascended Masters/Deities/Nature Spirits/Elementals: The incarnated or formerly incarnated magical beings that evolve alongside humans. They serve as guides, protectors, and messengers for those on Earth and elsewhere. They are powerful but not as powerful/ but are just different from immortal light beings. Master Guides have more experience/wisdom/incarnation experience than regular guides and serve as mentors to many incarnated souls and other guides. Master Guides/leader guides are often the main guide that follows a soul client through many incarnations.

Soul Families/Soul Groups/Soul Clusters – a “pod” of souls who share a similar vibration and who come gradually come together from God/Goddess-Source. Their numbers vary. They are souls who incarnate with each other in many lifetimes and play different roles to expand themselves (switching between father, mother, siblings, teachers, lovers, spouses etc.). Oftentimes, they will guide their living members from the other side, and other times, the “pod” will have spirit guides or ascended masters to help their evolution.

Higher Self/Oversoul/Megasoul/Super Spirit – Our true Light Being self. The combination of all of our past and future life selves of every race, gender, culture and species (including animal, plant, alien, etc.) This version of us has access to universal knowledge/Akashic Records.

Soul – A fragment from our Oversoul/Super Spirit that goes through the process of incarnation to expand itself and the Oversoul/Super Spirit, which is like a mini Creator. Like how everything is a part of God/Goddess-Source, our lives/personas (which live at the same time since time in not linear on the other side) are a part of our true godly self. The soul collects data for the Oversoul/Super Spirit, which does the same for God/Goddess-Source.

Human self - our current personality and identity in this lifetime

Atoms are a part of cells. Our cells are part of ONE human body and our human selves and past/future life selves are part/cells of our ONE Oversoul, which is part of/cells of ONE Soul Family, which is part of/cells of ONE collective consciousness (all soul families/humanity) on/related to ONE planet (Earth) or many planets and worlds in ONE universe in general maintained by ONE God/Goddess-Source (or many if counting other universes/dimensions) in which we are all a part of from our universe, all ruled by the ONE Grand God/Goddess-Source Being Creator, who has always existed, in which exists all the Creators who have the souls/cells of everything in existence in their universes.

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What if life is both about learning to expand our soul through love (Life Is A School theory) AND remembering who we are (Life is about the Experience theory)? We do play human characters but we also learn from and enjoy it. It’s a battle, a play/movie/game, and a school at the same time.

Many illnesses are caused by our stress/thoughts to our energetic and physical bodies over time but it’s never completely our fault (other factors like abuse/other people, genetics, fate, etc. Dismisses the “we all manifest our reality 100%” theory). (ex. a person gets brain cancer first from a situation beyond their control – emotional memory of parent being abused, then the disease emerges from their bad habits and environmental factors). Natural disasters and accidents are also never our fault (rejects the “all evil karma/traumas is our fault” theory) but can serve as a reminder of how precious life is and how we must respect the Earth.

What if God/Goddess-Source wants us to only live in love and doesn’t like when we kill/harm others, since we also harm ourselves (like the Christian God) but also doesn’t judge us because we are all learning (like the New Age Source)? God/Goddess-Source is not just an observer through us, but a constant healer and grand teacher who helps us through our spirit guides? God wants us to be our true selves and merge together to help co-create the universe.

And what if we feel guilt when we do things wrong in our Life Reviews because God/Goddess-Source feels the same since we are connected? (and the souls who don’t feel any guilt are corrupted from the evils of life and need healing). Hence we don’t seek evil before birth as crossed over souls, but are aware that it can happen when we become human. As crossed over souls, we always seek love, but we also accept certain challenges to grow. (ex. greater chances/not 100% certainty of getting a disability/being with abusive parents/being in poverty) BUT we also know that anything can change. We are also not judged for not completing any missions because tragedies and early deaths beyond the soul’s chosen exit points can happen. (This is often why you see souls forcing NDE people back to Earth when it’s not their time yet and why reincarnation happens so often. It takes a lot of work to plan new lives and the majority of souls want to expand). (We don’t agree to abuse/harm another before birth)

What if God/Goddess-Source doesn’t just observe the universe, but lives though us and communicates with Their own personality? We can only create reality out of nothing in spirit form.

God/Goddess-Source wants us to change things and allows good and bad things to happen for our growth. Most of the bad things is caused by misused human free will/stress. (excluding natural events like certain diseases, natural disasters etc.)

“Karma is nothing more than the self-imposed desire to do better. It’s not that you’re a bad person and are punished, it’s a desire for growth. There is no judgment in the life review because you see who you really are. There is eternity. Also accepting the veil of forgetfulness. Scary for souls to be in darkness and be separate from God-Source and temporarily lose infinite knowledge, soul could feel emotions of sadness from grieving people. “Brave enough to be human.” “Everything is fine on the other side.” “Reviewing millions of possibilities in life planning. Reviewing qualities of parents and how they’d fit the soul’s mission, chose gender, chose personalities like intelligent, compassionate etc..” Souls miss cosmic home and the state of being. Soul knew of likely traumas and opportunities in various lives. Human lives have to work with soul’s interface. There are only so many people on Earth at a time. Soul chose a body with health problems?

Souls go through a mock veil acceptance simulator before life planning? (like practicing going off in a rocket) Guides making sure soul was ready, once they are on Earth time, they were in. From perfect knowledge and light to descending into a black hole. Soul not liking low vibrations. God says you are always the galaxies. Shock of being born, cold, noise, people, light, sense data, no context. Assumed everyone else knew the life experience was a neat game. To create and grow and love is exciting for souls. Souls see precious gift to “play” living things out of limited slots. God-Source and all souls created physical realities?

People can sense each others thoughts and emotions in other realities. Opposite on Earth.

People who are loving and wiser are often “higher” more evolved in other realities. Opposite on Earth.

Lived hundreds of other lives. “Not other people and I was them”

There is no rush to complete soul mission, soul mission lasts for eternity because time does not exist

“Universe built from a place of love”

Your higher self, big you is always everywhere

Walsh alternate karma theory: We are not here to pay back mistakes we made in previous lifetime (because we don’t remember it!) Karma doesn’t exist. We are here to express our true identity and karma is not the way to do it. Like childhood, we may have memories of our past lives and what we did, but we always move forward. The process is never complete, nor would we ever want it to be complete.

(Contradicts Hans Wilhelm, Kim Ross, Michael Newton, and Hinduism)


Walsch God theory: why doesn’t God save us? It’s not God’s desire to create a civilization of minions, God’s intention was to imbue all of God’s creations, all sentient beings the ability to create our reality, free will. God wants us to solve problems on our own! God gave us the power to fix everything. If we keep imagining God as condescending and judgmental, then we will keep being that way to others. God is nonjudgmental. God is perfect love and pure love. Contradicts almost every religious teachings. Would also explain why we can reincarnate and why those in the afterlife can still visit us. God wants us to learn and love, nothing more. God’s love is unconditional, God loves us for existing. Behaviors can’t change until our beliefs do.

We all were created in the literal image and likeness of God, but we don’t believe that. God doesn’t need anything because God is everything.

Physical realm, Spiritual realm, and God realm, both combined, we go to physical life, then to God-Source, then to spiritual life and then to physical life in a holy triangle…soul journey through eternity. Intended to be an extraordinary journey of self-discovery and self-creation. For all of us to discover ourselves as divine individuals. All life forms are divine. 

Cycles of the Soul: “In the afterlife, you’re in touch with the truth about yourself, so viewing your previous lifetimes’ flaws and mistakes is not painful, but enlightening. Like watching a movie of someone who didn’t know better, you’re steeped in the forgiveness and compassion of those who are helping you see the truth about your life, so the life review is actually quite joyous.”

“Reincarnation is not only just a way for the soul to evolve and learn lessons as different physical beings. It’s much more vital in ways many don’t know about. It’s as natural as birth and death and allows the soul to experience a vastly different world that’s not one hundred percent energy all the time. Its original purpose was not, in fact, to amend the karma of various lifetimes, but for souls to be able to keep experiencing the pleasures, joys, sensations, and the occasional challenges of mortal life as every kind of sentient being in existence. It includes animals, plants, aliens, and others. For humans, it involves learning lessons along the way. And perhaps the most compelling reason for its existence…it grants multiple chances for the soul to complete their missions and fulfil their dreams, especially in the cases of early deaths and losses. It doesn’t matter how many times you reincarnate…what matters is the quality of your various lives, for souls all evolve together, without age and without time.” – God-Source  



“The Life Review…that moment when your life flashes before your eyes. It’s an enlightening experience, but also terrifying. For in it, you re-experience your whole life…but you realize the effects, good and bad, of all your actions on other people and all of life. You become the other people and beings in your life and feel what they felt. Bad news for murderers and criminals. It allows the soul to discover their true self, to make amends for errors via their own choosing, and most of all…for the soul to discover the truth about the interconnectedness of the universe. There is no judgment from God-Source or any spirit guides…except from yourself. It is the rite of passage back to the soul’s original godly form. The Life Review is completely fine and completely easy…unless you were a human, then good fucking luck!” – Spirit Guide


“Past Life selves are always part of your Magna Anima Spirit Source (M.A.S.S.) a.k.a. you. (Because “Oversoul” and “Higher Self” can imply a ‘superior’ separate self, when you are one and the same to begin with.) you are a unique community of mortal personas from every race, gender, species, and personalities across the universes. The connections are instant and seamless. The relationships and love that are second strongest to the love from God-Source…it’s not from your mortal families, your spirit guides, your spouse or even your soul family and soulmates…for no kind of unconditional love can ever match the love you will receive from, your-selves…my-selves…” -After death, an incoming soul, always attached to its “Higher Self/Oversoul/Magna Anima,” via an energy cord, witnesses itself being pulled back into its true spirit form…light tendrils from the souls’ past and future life selves within the Magna Anima eagerly “latch” onto the soul, imparting past life memories, knowledge, and allowing the full transition into the immortal spirit being. “Love thyself” with a whole new meaning.



“I have been with you your entire life. Before your birth, we had an agreement as souls and I choose you to watch over because of your traits, lessons, similar challenges in mortal life, and most of all, the natural connection. Primary spirit guides are like fingerprints, unique for each finger. No two spirit guides are the same. It’s kind of like the strong bond of soulmates, except it’s more of a mentorship. I have lived many mortal forms like you and have been with you in several lifetimes. I am like your soul family, but an invisible stranger to you while you are alive. I do not judge what you do…even if you rape and murder, I still watch you and love you unconditionally…for I and all of us have made those kinds of mistakes before. Amends are made in the Life Review. My job is to secretly guide you through life, providing opportunities for advancement and growth. To help you meet friends, allies, and the partners of your dreams. As you learn and love, laugh and cry, I do as well, for primary guides can live through you. While you have forgotten why you came to Earth, I remember. And I know you’ll find ways to succeed…because God-Source created us to learn and succeed at our own pace in life and death alike. There is no real loss, only lessons and gains. Other guides stay or come and go, but I…stay with you for life. As a primary guide, I know all your thoughts and feel all your feelings, perhaps even more so with you than you with your soul and mortal families. Don’t be alarmed, but my favorite part is witnessing your transition from your body at death. That glorious moment when your loved ones and God-Source and I, can guide you to your true home, and the priceless realization on your face when you’ll finally remember who I am!” -Spirit Guide

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