Monday, October 31, 2022

Spirit Tribute


Hail and Thank You


Hail and Thank You to…

God-Source for creating our universe and our souls

The Alien races who have helped humanity

All Deities from all cultures: Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Hindu, Celtic, Norse, Scottish, Sumerian, Mayan, Aztec, Incan, Christian Angels, Ars Goetia Demons and Lucifer, Native American, Slavic, African, Australian, Atlantis etc.

Thank you for watching over your people and humanity as a whole

Our Ascended Masters: Jesus, Buddha, Shiva, Matt Fraser etc. wo help us grow closer to God and love

Nature spirits and elementals and animal guides and plant guides who help enliven our world

My Angels and Guardian Angels who always watch out for me everyday

My Sprit Guides who help steer me to my divine destiny and have always been with me

My Loved Ones and Pets in Spirit who still love me and will help me on my final journey

The wandering spirits who are a part of us and are on their own journeys

To all my family members, lovers, children, teachers, and friends who’ve helped me grow in this life

And lastly to Me (human self - Conscious), Myself (Soul in me – Subconscious, child self) and I (godly Soul Self on the other side - Superconscious)

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