Wednesday, October 5, 2022

The Thirteen Theories of the Afterlife


Afterlife: Thirteen Timeless Theories – (most likely confirmed)


Afterlife: Thirteen Timeless Theories – (most likely confirmed)


Theory/Rule One: We are divine energy beings having human experiences


Theory/Rule Two: God-Source (genderless sentient energy, creator of everything) often appears as a white light and loves all of us unconditionally


Theory/Rule Three: We go to earth to evolve, have fun, be kind, and love.


Theory/Rule Four: Reincarnation is real. It We choose our own lives, and we forget our past lives/life in spirit each incarnation.


Theory/Rule Five: In our Life Review, we learn about the good and bad we did in our lives. God does not judge us, we judge ourselves


Theory/Rule Six: Time does not exist


Theory/Rule Seven: God, Jesus, Ascended Masters, Angels, Guardian Angels, Deities, Spirit Guides, Nature spirits, Aliens, Ancestors in spirit, Earthbound spirits are all real


Theory/Rule Eight: Hell is an illusion created by our minds that can contribute to growth/reflection of learned religious beliefs. Jesus represents unconditional love, regardless of religion.


Theory/Rule Nine: We have lived many past lives and can shapeshift into our present and past youthful forms (human, male, female, animal, plant, alien, etc.)


Theory/Rule Ten: Souls communicate via telepathy, instant communication, and wisdom.


Theory/Rule Eleven: We can travel anywhere by thought.


Theory/Rule Twelve: We evolve together so God-Source can keep expanding the universe


Theory/Rule Thirteen: All of us will be one with God-Source at our own pace

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