Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Source/God/Creator/The Universe



Seeking experience


Unconditional love

Reviver of souls




Source is an energy field as personality and innate traits. It is the creator of all that is. (In Journey of Souls, Source is portrayed as dark purple energy light and a white rim around it where souls are born. The Presence in Destiny of Souls is a smaller version of Source, a purple sphere of energy full of infinite knowledge. All souls (even the high-ranking Elders) are drawn like moths to the light of the Creator.) There is nothing remotely human about Source. (No elderly man god in the sky. It is the Hindu Braham version of eternity, Buddha, the Native American Great Spirit, the Egyptian Atum, the Sumerian Anu, the Greek Phanes, the Abrahamic God in Christianity, Islamic and Judaism, Jesus Christ etc. All refer to the same entity). It most often appears as the sphere of white light like a sun that comforts people who have Near-Death Experiences and is loving and nonjudgmental during the life reviews.


Who are we? We are mental characters within Source’s mind, kind of like an author has book characters. Some authors will write about the same characters over and over and then switch to new characters or they may have different characters in every single book, but they keep all the character’s personality traits in mind while writing. We are in Source’s mind when we’re out thinking we live separate lives. We are literally part of Source’s consciousness and self-awareness.




Source in “Journey of Souls”



“The source…the concentrated energy of the Old Ones.”


“The supreme intelligence she calls the source is made up of a combination of creators (the Old Ones) who fuse their energy to spawn universes.”


“You said the ultimate objective of souls was to seek unification with the supreme source of creative energy…”


“The source is the spirit world.”


Old Ones are “part of the concentrated power of the source which sustains us as souls.”


“Universes are created to live and die for the use of the source. The place of spirits…is the source.”


“In the beginning, there is an outward migration of our soul energy from the source. Afterward, our lives are spent moving inward…toward cohesion and the uniting…”


“There is an explosive release, then a returning…yes the source pulsates.”


“The source is all around us as if we were…inside a beating heart.”


“It’s as if souls are all part of a massive electrical explosion which produces…a halo effect. In this…circular halo is a dark purple light which flares out…lightening to a whiteness at the edges. Our awareness begins at the edges of brilliant light and as we grow…we become more engulfed in the darker light.”


“The dark light itself is a covering, beyond which we feel an intense warmth…full of a knowing presence which is everywhere for us and…alive!”


“Nothing is collapsing…the source is endless. As souls we will never die…we know that, somehow. As we coalesce, our increasing wisdom makes the source stronger.”


“Yes, (the source) gives life to us so we can arrive at a state of perfection.”


“(we) help the creator create. In this way, by self-transformation and rising to higher plateaus of fulfilment, we add to the building blocks of life.”

“The source creates for fulfilment of itself.”


“…what the creator desires is to express itself through us by birthing.”


“I see the creator’s perfections, maintained and enriched… by sharing the possibility of perfection with us and this is the ultimate extension of itself.”









Source in “Destiny of Souls”


“The Presence”


Superior to the council elders but below Source


“Presence is there to assist the work of the council.”


Souls feel more than see higher wisdom forces.


“I feel a direct connection with the divine purple light.”


“When I am in the council chamber the Presence oversees the Elders with its pulsating violet light. Sometimes it turns into a bright silver to calm and purify my mind.”


“The pure wisdom of this energy allows both the council and (the soul) to see more clearly where all should be going,”


“The brilliance and drawing power of the Presence is a calling…an eagerness...directed at everyone in the chamber for all of us to join it someday. It is like a parent waiting for us to grow up and unite with it in adult understanding. When you stand in the council chamber and feel the Presence it is like a penetrating resonance in your mind. Even my master guide encounters the sense of bliss I (the soul) do.”


“the Oneness…it is many whoa re One…it is the creation center as I know it…where the creators of new souls shape light energy for certain functions.”


“It is where the energy of new souls is sparked off the oversoul. Where we help the young ones grow, to find their unique identity.”


“The sound holds this structure…and…makes it move…shifting and undulating…creating everything…”






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“We are expected to make mistakes in this process. The effort of moving toward a greater goodness and a conjunction with the Source that created us is the prime motivator of souls. Souls have feelings of humility at having been givin the opportunity to incarnate in physical form.”


“In the space of dense purple light, there is an all knowing Presence.”





Source in “Back to God: Away from Religion”


“I believe in the Original Formless Source which I prefer to call the Creator, the Source or simply GOD.”



“Thus I believe in a GOD who made man…”


“GOD has gifted us our mind, in order to help solve our daily problems of living in this complex world.”


“GOD gives us a wonderful world to live in, yet religion tells us that this world is ‘illusion’ or a place of punishment...a place we need to escape from!”


“GOD gave us a wonderful body, with a magical Mind, and the Power of Choice or Free Will, to enable us to c-create, and live joyously in this world. Yet religions claim that we were mere sinners who need to be saved.”


‘We humans cannot imagine what our creator looks like…yet almost all religions dare claim that god has human form. Even those few that do not claim that god has form, still like to believe that god is moved by the lower attributes like anger, vindictiveness, conditional love, showing favoritism, need for flattery and so on.”


“Once I have lived this life fully, I believe death will be a wonderful new start. Something like being transferred to a new school or university. There will be more wonderful experiences to be had in the next life or the next dimension…because the Creator is one of Infinite Love.”


“Our ultimate purpose is to live, grow, and evolve in this world and be promoted to a higher dimension in due course of time, by enjoying this wonderful gift of life as well as this wonderful universe that GOD has prepared for us. Worship is definitely not our primary purpose in life.”


Nature is neutral


“If there is a much better place in the afterlife, then it, too would be one of GOD’s own creation, not one fantasized by puny men. So, I am happy to trust in the benevolence and goodness of GOD that when I die, I will be promoted to another dimension, which too will be wonderful and exactky suitable for my sol on its evolutionary journey.”


“GOD does not need to sit in judgement of you, to reward you or punish you at the end of you life.”


“Refusing to take responsibility for our actions and instead blaming go for everything we do, has always been the bane of hmankind!”


“Believe that GOD is good, benevolent, unconditionally loving and has your best interests at heart always!”


“Believe that this world is a wonderful place of learning and experience, to help you in your soul’s evolution. Believe that life is a wonderful gift and not a curse.”


“Believe that we have a purpose and that is to xo-create using our innate talents and powers of our mind, so that we can help in the evolution of this world. By doing so, we are helping the evolution of ur own soul too!”


“Believe that god has already given us the tools we need to live a happy, fulfilled life here and now; namely our body, mind and access to the Universal Mind.”


“Believe that we are meant to live joyfully in this world. We are programmed to be happy and joyful and reject misery and sorrow.”


“I find it easier to imagine GOD as energy or a force like electricity or gravity.” “It is the one god-force that flows through all living things but creates unique manifestations of the divine in each case.”


“Greatest creation, beings that can create for themselves (souls of humans and other beings) using their powers of choice in a world that is ideal for them to experiment with.”


“GOD is a compassionate and loving being, much like a good parent. But unlike humans, GOD is also non judgmental and forgiving. Therefore GOD is not a vindictive dictator who needs to be constantly appeased with offerings an sacrifices.”


“What GOD expects of us is not our worship, or constant calling out for help in prayer, but our own growth and evolution using our gifts in this life.”


“Because the Creator is infinitely more intelligent and compassionate than we could ever be this world that GOD created must be the very best in the world there could ever be! It is the ideal place for us to explore, to experience, and to express ourselves to the best of our talents and abilities at our present level of evolution.”


“By looking at all the wonders of creation in this world, we can be confident that when our time is up on this plane of existence, GOD would have created an even better world for us to inhabit.”


“The universe has infinite time and infinite patience.”


“You are not going to be sent to hell for eternity, you will be given more chances to learn.”


“GOD does not intervene to make good or bad things happen!”

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