Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Nanci Danison YouTube notes


Nanci L. Dansion NDEs



“Seven Big Questions”


Theory: We all participated in the creation of the universe


Why do we fight and resist coming to Earth into our bodies?


Nanci: You might feel like life is a struggle as an adult. But how do you know you felt the same way in the womb? There are many stages of eternal life: incarnation is one of them. We choose to incarnate, it is entirely our choice. We choose where in the universe we want to incarnate (Earth, alien planets), we choose what we want to incarnate into (human, male, female, animal, plant, alien?) we can choose not to incarnate at all if that’s our preference, we can choose to reincarnate over and over or once in a while. Some people reincarnate sooner than others, some in 10 years, 50 years or maybe even thousands of Earth years.


Nanci: I used to believe that my soul was created to be Nanci. But I learned in the afterlife that we do not choose the body we incarnate into…but we do choose our parents. It’s different if we want to incarnate into different kinds of species, into plants or animals or other things, but if we incarnate as human, we choose the parents…and we watch them. We watch them on earth, we see how they act, what kind of lifestyle they have, what their values are.


Nanci: I can remember watching my parents before being reincarnated into Nanci and I can remember my impressions of them as parents. The purpose of life is to have certain experiences, so we want to pick parents who will have at least one child, the child that will likely, on Earth, have the experiences we seek. (aka, souls can sort of see the future). And then the souls incarnate into one of their children. Souls don’t care what we look like…they don’t care of physical body appearances, they care about the experience and perhaps the personality. (Souls are genderless light beings and shapeshifters)


Nanci: There are three big reasons why we incarnate, and we’re talking humans again.


1 An overriding purpose is our souls want to see if we can come into a world that is primitive in comparison to the afterlife. (It’s like humans in the city deciding to live in the jungle or mountains for a while). (Even though Earth is created by God like the afterlife and is sacred on its own, the living don’t have the expanded wisdom or magic powers or abilities of the advanced soul society. Souls are like aliens, somehow living inside us. Souls are like aliens and humans are like cavemen in comparison but both are connected. It’s like the soul decided to merge with the caveman’s/animal/human mind but takes a backseat and experiences the world through a mortal’s eyes.)


2 We may incarnate with a loved one who’s going to incarnate as a human so we can be there as their support person. So we’ll incarnate into a spouse or child or teacher to support them. When we’re not loving and supporting others…we’re supposed to have fun. (Yes, have fun, not suffer or worship God to the extremes or deal with karma…to literally be ourselves.)


3 Sometimes we want to incarnate to be a catalyst to help another soul experience something. (All the world’s a stage and men merely players) ex. Soul incarnates as a doctor to help save lives.


4 The most prevalent reason is to study a theme or a concept or character trait (love, compassion, forgiveness, creativity, courage, determination) that Source doesn’t have. (Source meaning the genderless benevolent energy creator of the universe in which we all have a hivemind connection to and we’re created to help Source/God/Eternity/the Universe expand itself. We’re like bees giving honey to the divine queen. Not just worship God, but being an active part of God’s eternal family. Why in the world would Source/God/the universe need us and other beings to expand itself when it created the Universe in the first place? Perhaps it’s like an artist who makes a world/movie and asks other people (soul children in this case) for advice. The artist then uses the ideas of others/other creations for inspiration and makes

something greater and keeps doing that for eternity. The author/director loves and resonates with all the characters “He” (still genderless, portraying the common “He” used in religion) makes, even the villains, and decides to make more characters and more movies (aka. our lives on Earth). Or perhaps a scientist who collects data, experiments and keeps looking for ways to improve and explore. Or a chef who tries a variety of different foods, mixes many things together and somehow loves every single cuisine “He” makes because all of us are from the same Source. We are literally the characters/creations of one Divine Mind.)


4 The most prevalent reason is to study a theme or a concept or character trait (love, compassion, forgiveness, creativity, courage, determination or even evil traits like greed, hatred, lust, rage, sadness) that Source doesn’t have. Source/God/the Universe can imagine it, but cannot experience it directly because it’s contrary to it’s eternal nature. (God is everywhere, the entire universe, even though Source is in each of us, Source can only be the fabric of the universe.) Some souls will choose to be greedy and then be victims of greed. This leads to the discriminatory harsh theory that “all of us choose our lives, our struggles, rape, murder, disabilities etc.” which is the worst thing anyone can say to any person, it dehumanizes them, it’s like saying “it’s your fault” Even if it’s true that we choose everything, it is obviously a taboo horrendous thing for us humans to ponder.) We often incarnate to conquer past life mistakes and fears…but we can choose when to do it.


 (Leads to the question – if the afterlife and the universe is a divine place of peace and love, why would God/Source want to experience negative traits through souls/mortals?)

(In a way, we are all lab-rats, worker bees, children but more accurately, mini-gods at the mercy of a creative genius/scientist/divine parent god who so happens to have the ability to create existence. Perhaps we are all destined to serve Source forever until Source decides to end the universe. And perhaps angels, ascended masters and divine beings are also soul light beings like us who have always stayed in the spirit world.)


Source thinks, when you’re not working on your theme to help yourself and Source expand, or help other souls in their evolution…be yourself and have fun!


Perhaps another reason why amnesia happens to us between worlds and lives: we forget about our past lives so we can start anew, we forget about our lives in the spirit world because that would defeat the purpose of coming to learn what it’s like to be mortal/human so Source and souls can expand with the universe, and we also forget because if we found out why we choose our parents and why we chose to learn about greed, courage, compassion etc. we’d go mad/be confused and not progress as fast in our lives! Who wants to discover they were meant to learn sadness in many lives? No one, unless you’re an immortal unbiased soul who can handle anything. All the answers are reviewed, our memories restored and the things we learned shown during the life reviews.


Parts of Source that humans call souls, do not come into an incarnate state to learn about love…because we are love! We’re Source/God/the Universe, we’re unconditional love, that’s our nature. (So glad it’s not the opposite). We learn what it’s like to be mortal, not unconditionally loving, learning what it’s like to be born, to die, to go through hardships and evolution, to not be an immortal energy god-like being! We also try to being our natural spiritual nature into our lives. (Ego vs Higher Self). All of us are pure and loving as babies, but we grow up to learn negative things and a variety of emotions.


Humans learn of love based on family ties, sexual and romantic attraction. Souls know that everyone and everything is connected, that all of us love each other naturally, that separation is an illusion.



The Seven Big Questions


1.      What is Source?


Seeking experience


Unconditional love

Reviver of souls




Source is an energy field as personality and innate traits. It is the creator of all that is. (In Journey of Souls, Source is portrayed as dark purple energy light and a white rim around it where souls are born. The Presence in Destiny of Souls is a smaller version of Source, a purple sphere of energy full of infinite knowledge. All souls (even the high-ranking Elders) are drawn like moths to the light of the Creator.) There is nothing remotely human about Source. (No elderly man god in the sky. It is the Hindu Braham version of eternity, Buddha, the Native American Great Spirit, the Egyptian Atum, the Sumerian Anu, the Greek Phanes, the Abrahamic God in Christianity, Islamic and Judaism, Jesus Christ etc. All refer to the same entity). It most often appears as the sphere of white light like a sun that comforts people who have Near-Death Experiences and is loving and nonjudgmental during the life reviews.


Who are we? We are mental characters within Source’s mind, kind of like an author has book characters. Some authors will write about the same characters over and over and then switch to new characters or they may have different characters in every single book, but they keep all the character’s personality traits in mind while writing. (Life is but a dream – God’s dream?) (For the Hazbin Hotel fans out there, we are the cartoon demon characters and Vivziepop is God). We are in Source’s mind when we’re out thinking we live separate lives. We are literally part of Source’s consciousness and self-awareness.


(Even if all souls wanted to rebel and try and fight God/Source, we’d just be cells bouncing off harmlessly the walls of God’s brain. The characters that we make up and bring to life stay in our minds and hearts forever, thus it is so with everything and Source. No matter what we do, how many lives we incarnate into, how many mistakes we make or bad things we do, Source/God will unconditionally love us. Everything we do…by experiencing and being, we all are following Source’s plan perfectly. Source will encourage our love and evolution, Source never judges…we will actively co-create the universe with Source as active participants, not be passive worshippers…there is no need to reach enlightenment…we are already one with God/Source.)



2.      What is the purpose of life?


To live, to learn, to love. Love others, love yourself, learn lessons and have fun. Enjoy life, eat, have sex, love, create. Enjoy in moderation but don’t go out and actively harm others.  (It is assumed that spirits can’t enjoy food and drink like the living – energy only experiences energy of things, which is not quite the same as the real material thing) That is the answer to Life, The Universe and Everything. All incarnated experiences will be experienced by Source and the universe will naturally expand along with souls. This is the benevolent entity we all want to revere, the one that appears in “Back to God and Away From Religion.”


3.      What does God expect of me?


Nanci: Nothing!


4.      Where is Heaven?


Nanci: There is no place. It is everywhere and nowhere. It is timeless. Heaven is an enlightened state of being. Where as hell, there is no hell because Source did not create one. “We all will have a Happily Ever Afterlife!”


5.      What is the one true religion?

Nanci: There is no one true religion. They all have bits of truth in them and are wrapped in layers of myths, superstitions, and wishful thinking.


Nanci: in the afterlife I felt relived. Oh my gosh I spent 43 years trying to do the right thing. I looked for signs, I went to psychics etc.


Nanci: There are groups of light beings (aka spirit guides, loved ones, angels, ascended masters, council of elders etc.) who watch over you. They know that you don’t know what you’re supposed to be doing, they know of your mind, your journey, and your natural amnesia before birth, so they try and support you to help you fulfill your mission.


Nanci’s NDEs: First one, she met with a council of light beings who reminded her, “Get with the program, go teach people about your Near Death Experience.” In her second NDE, she met with a council who said that Nanci the human was dying and that either she could “come home with no judgement” or “stay with Nanci until she passed.” As if the human Nanci was separate from the soul in that moment, like the soul wasn’t Nanci anymore.


Everything is okay. Life is proceeding the way it’s supposed to.  You (humanity and beings) are securely and eternally loved. God is holding you in their arms, there is nothing you can do to get away from God/Source. There is nothing you can do to make Source mad or surprise them or disappoint them, (because everyone learns lessons at their own pace). There is no punishment awaiting you, only an awakening into brilliant light and bliss.

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