Saturday, September 17, 2022

Bad Vibes: A Brief Alternative Outlook on a New Age Concept of Vibrations


“Bad Vibes: A Brief Alternative Outlook on a New Age Concept of Vibrations”

There’s something about the New Age terms “lower vibration” and “higher vibration” that doesn’t sit quite right. “lower vibrations” often imply negativity, the ego, mean traits and earth forms/material world in general. “higher vibrations” are often equated to the free spirits on the other side along with light and positive attributes like kindness and collective work. In my human mind, this equates to some sort of hierarchy, one that implies that spirits and “higher” traits are superior to the “lower” things that supposedly hold us back from enlightenment.


Yes, showing kindness and good traits are lessons for everyone. However, as humans, we are also immersed in suffering, pain, anger, and our egos. It’s impossible to be ego-free in this world, even the most selfless individual still does things for personal fulfilment. (We only become truly ego free and enlightened when we leave our bodies!) It’s also impossible to learn everything in one lifetime, hence the reincarnation theory of soul evolution. It is natural for humans to want to do things for themselves, that is why we must learn to work with our ego, learn from our flaws and worries instead of trying to push them away. That’s why we are here in the first place; to learn how to love and be our true selves in a world where we are not immortal and completely free. We were made to learn and love and make mistakes…that’s how we evolve faster. Yes, it’s better to be happy and kind is what we think…but going through hardships and selfish instincts is also part of who we are. Hopefully the force that created the universe loves us unconditionally no matter what world we’re in or what we go through!


It is true that spirits are immortal and have magic powers and infinite knowledge. But does that make them “superior” to humans? Not necessarily. Like how we as humans think of ourselves as “superior” to any other kind of creature…it’s a man-made illusion. While spirits can travel through time and know all about the universe, they still cannot evolve hands-on and enjoy food and feelings at the same level as mortals. For another example, humans may be superior in terms of knowledge and technology, but our sense of smell is miniscule in comparison with so many animals. There is no hierarchy or superiority…there is only difference in traits. Everyone and everything is connected in the universe.


People often talk of “raising vibrations” to get in touch with the spirit world and spirits “lowering” theirs. But I like to think of it in a less hierarchical term. The energy of the spirit world is vibrant, vivid, and fast…spirits can travel at the speed of light. In comparison, the energy of the material world is slower and denser. It is not inferior, it’s only at a different frequency. In my mind, it makes more sense that instead of humans raising their vibrations and spirits lowering theirs, both beings slow their energies down to meet at the middle point. Spirits need to slow their energy down so our human minds can comprehend their symbolic messages. Likewise, we humans need to calm our minds down so the spirits can find an “opening” to transmit their message into our minds. (Think of it in the reverse situation: spirits having to” alter/’raise’ their vibrations” to meet the vibrations of the dense material world, and humans reluctantly lowering theirs). It is calming down from the everyday energies of both realms…like hot and cold temperatures going to the zero point. Instead of viewing it as “cold getting hotter and hot getting colder/lowering and raising vibrations” think of it as a lessening of the hot and cold sensations to meet at the middle. Also, it can be better compared to the infinity symbol or a Venn diagram: there are two separate circles, and they merge together at the middle point. The insides of the two circles in the diagram/infinity symbol represent the energy of the two realms, physical and spiritual. But as you get closer to the middle, it goes to a single point in the middle or the two circles overlapping. (This is could also represent the thin veil between both worlds.) One could mentally imagine a vertical hourglass or an 8 shape with the spirit world on top and the material world on the bottom, hence back to the hierarchy. But the hourglass can also be flipped, putting the human world on top and the spirit world on the bottom. Since both worlds are different but connected, I prefer to imagine it as the sideways infinity symbol/sideways hourglass, showing how they really are. And of course, with the infinity symbol representing eternity and the universe, it ties in very well with the idea that spirits and living beings are eternally moving from one state to another.

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