Sunday, December 25, 2022

MorgueOfficial: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly


The Good:


Morgue’s primary purpose is questioning and ranting against New Age beliefs and extreme Christian toxic beliefs. Though religions do not need to be completely abolished right away, they do need to be questioned, scrutinized, and changed to fit a more inclusive society. Souls evolve, science evolves, the universe evolves, so too, must religions evolve with us.


Morgue is a role model for subculture/goth/BDSM community and likely those who identify with the circus and alternative scenes. His passion and detailed video speeches will likely encourage those who grew up in toxic environments to forge their own path and realize what life and society are truly about.


Morgue recognizes the importance of embracing our light and shadow selves together, instead of only “love and light,” in New Age.  We cannot and should not love everyone in this world if they are not willing to respect us and treat us like equal human beings. Many have to solve their own problems first. “Love your enemies” does not always work; there must be a balance between serving self and serving others.


Reincarnation is seen as a process of growth and evolution. Morgue mentions the quality of your lives being more important than the quantity, a fact that New Age teachings often miss. Plus, he does a good job with debunking the toxic concept of “getting what you deserve based on past life karma.” In addition to other toxic metaphors that disempower people such as “before birth, your soul chose all the bad things you encounter in life.”


He has a grand goal for universal education to everyone and resources regardless of age, sex, gender, race etc. (Which will take many generations and hard work to achieve). His analysis of the teachings in the Egyptian Book of the Dead are also fascinating. Based on that we know that there is one universal God force that loves us and stays with us every step of the way. We know our souls are eternal, that our “avatar” bodies are shed, and all of us will return to our spiritual home when we are ready.



The Bad:


Morgue has his eyes on the right direction, but goes about it the wrong way. He has extreme disregard and opposition to religion and modern science, seeing only the negatives. How can one be a “rationalist” and not trust science? Science evolves over time just like us and will likely accept the potential of us being eternal souls who can help unite humanity. And let’s not forget positive religious themes like “Love thy neighbor,” and “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other just as God in Christ forgave you,” Ephesians 4:32. Plus the nature of the Absolute within everything is similar to Brahman in Hinduism and Source in New Age. Morgue has no explanations of the “mathematical entities” he describes, which align with the idea of beings like angels, guides, aliens, etc. (And based on many NDEs, we know that figures like God-Source and Jesus Christ are very likely real!)


Math: How can God and the soul be proven mathematically? Is there an equation for the soul that can be scientifically tested with the energy of us and living things? The universal structure of the world and the study of the natural world go hand in hand…science and religion and philosophy are intertwined in many ways. Nothing is truly separate in this world in the grand scheme of things.


“Death is an illusion,” “This world is an illusion,” yes and no. The death of the soul is an illusion, but the death of the body is very real. This world is only a different level of reality compared to the greater reality of the spirit world. If rituals are purely symbolic, psychological, and metaphorical, why do many Wiccans, Pagans, trance channelers, and religious folk claim that real entities communicate to them, allowing them to do magick and improve their lives and the lives of others? And genuine psychics too, who help heal people and guide them on their life paths.


Evolution Question: If we are “mathematical eternal minds” whose only purpose is to “level up” and evolve, why do souls (as in NDEs) have Life Reviews where they see everything good and bad they did in their lives? That is a mystical form of learning, not just instinctual evolution on Earth. With Life Reviews, there must also be some form of karma that goes beyond simple evolution purposes, at least for human souls. By Morgue’s logic, evolution should be done as quickly as possible, meaning the soul would move to the next level/incarnation right away. And if we are just made of math, why do souls have emotions and human-like behaviors in NDEs and psychic readings? We are more than just infinite energy.


If past life knowledge is unnecessary and hinders our evolution, why do psychics and some children remember their past lives or things beyond this world? That knowledge shouldn’t be available to anyone if it hinders our evolution progress but that’s not the case.


Plus, Morgue implies that we evolve as souls in a linear fashion, going from less to more complex organisms, “leveling up” from plants and animals. But what if time doesn’t exist on the other side and souls can choose a variety of realms and beings to incarnate into?


If Source/Absolute is made of us as “soul minds”, and we caused Source to shatter, how can Source still connect with us? Did Source create us or did we influence Source around the Big Bang? And is there proof that the universe will keep going in a cycle forever? Where is the proof that we have evolved an infinite number of times? And if we do evolve forever, then there is absolutely no need to rush to the next level in the first place.


The Ugly:



Morgue plagiarizes the work of Mike Hockney, author of the God Series. Both Hockney and Morgue have an intense narrow-minded hatred of the Abrahamic religions, refusing to see any positive aspects of them. Yes, the religions have caused division and fear, but at the same time, they have kept communities together for hundreds of years and brought hope in dark times. Hockey says things such as “No Abrahamist has ever been a thinker,” and “100% of all forms of all followers of all forms of Abrahamism…not a single one has ever had a logical thought cross his mind,” negatively stereotyping whole communities of people.  


Morgue and Hockney also dismiss materialism science, claiming that those who follow religion and modern science are mindless slaves content with believing anything authority tells them to. Doctors who use science to save people, or naturalists who help us discover our world or countless people who use science in their everyday lives…perhaps we should all instead become reclusive hermits and ponder the mathematical nature of our illusionary world like Morgue claims.


Cultish behaviors:


Aleph Skoteinos’s blog and David Gee mention violence and harsh threats among some of Morgue’s believers. Morgue does not pay his supporters or admins any money and limits any extra information only to members who buy his book. (“Resources available to everyone?”) If we want to create a new harmonious society, threatening to kill people who oppose your beliefs is not a good place to start. Although many of his ideas provoke alternative thinking and a questioning of our messed up society, he’s still, to many people, a rich elitist performer.


There are times when you realize that you don’t need a rebel or a role model to tell you to wake up…do what Morgue says…question everything using reason and logic! Everything…my words, Morgue’s words, society’s words, religion, everything! Embrace what works, dismiss what does not. To contradict Nietzsche’s quote, “Man is a rope stretched between the animal and the overman,” I say, “Man, animal, and divine are chain-links looped together eternally.”  No one has all the answers. Remember, we are all beyond human, Hyperian or not. We are the sentient infinite loving Source…and not just “eternal mathematical minds.”

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Top 10 Beings Who Love Your Soul


Who really loves you the most? It's not who you think...


Love is love, right? People can fall in love with whoever they like. We all love our families, partners, friends, and ourselves…at least that’s how it seems. Although we may hold those on Earth dear to our hearts, love is much more complicated. Love is the essence and foundation of relationships and who we are, but it manifests in an infinite number of ways. And love does not die…it lives on and always follows us no matter what realm we are in. (This is assuming that your soul lives on after death!). Love is actually not created equal, for the intensity of love that people have for us varies based on the relationship and closeness of it. You may be wondering, who or what understands you best? Here are the Top 10 people/beings:


#10: Universal Love as perceived on Earth

One could easily say that we are all connected on Earth and that is true…we just can’t perceive it. We are connected to every person, every animal, every plant on Earth because we are all made of energy. Despite this fact, for most of us, it appears like an abstract spiritual concept in our brains, and as a result, there is always a sort of disconnect. Being involved in communities can help one be aware that we are all on this journey of life together. There is a great larger connection, but there is hardly any intimacy involved.


How you love yourself on Earth varies.


#9 Your Friends/Coworkers/Neighbors

We all have our close friends who we form strong incredible bonds with. They appear to us like family or siblings in some cases. Sometimes we see them every day and consider then an extension of our family. At the same time though, the friendship relationship is unfortunately downplayed in society in comparison to the people related to us by blood. As a result, many of us will have stronger connections to our family members.


#8/7 Your Earth Family + Soulmate

For the most of us in the U.S., we can say that our families are the closest people in our lives. We grow up with our parents, learn from them, and take care of them for much of our lives. Western society emphasizes soulmates and romantic relationships, thus the bonds we share with our partners are the bonds that many Americans consider the strongest on Earth (along with children). (Although in other countries, community bonds are the strongest).


#8/7 Your Pets/Children

Numbers 8 and 7 are tied in this case since our families on Earth are complex and expanded. Something interesting happens in this case. Pets, infants, and many children instinctively know of unconditional love. Unlike the previous relationships, this kind of love has no expectations, is pure and untainted by fear and rules. Any parent who looks into the eyes of babies, children and pets only sees curiosity, love, and joy. Babies have recently arrived from the other side, thus they experience themselves as inseparable from their caregivers. Pets have no human concept of rules, expectations and the like. As long as their owner cares for them, they will love without question.


#6 Your Deities/Ascended Masters/Aliens/Jesus

Now we are entering the non-physical world where things operate differently. It is a place that only the spirit residents can understand. Although there are dark entities around, many spirits love and care for us because here, they can sense our thoughts, feelings, and our very soul. This changes everything about relationships and love because now there is pure divine connection with no blockages and no fear.


Deities and Ascended Masters are divine beings who watch over humanity as a whole. They have been with us for thousands of years and love us deeply. They want to help us as a collective, yet they also understand us individually. That’s why you’ll see many people feel a connection to Jesus, or Buddha, or certain pagan deities, because of and despite the culture they grew up in. These beings know who you are, and they have no concern about your appearance, thought they must be treated with respect along with their associated cultures. If you’re spiritually advanced enough and lucky enough, you may have a bond with several of these divine otherworldly beings who can help with downloads of knowledge. Although the bond is strong, they are still not major parts of our personal families…gods are busy beings after all!


#5 Your Earth Soul Family/Families

This relationship includes that of every soul you knew on Earth, plus your ancestors and descendants. Once you get to the other side, you’ll reunite with those you loved on Earth who had passed before you. Your parents, siblings, soulmates, children, and pets will all be there to greet you. The love will be stronger and pure now that everyone can share their memories and experiences with each other. One can say that the relationship with your families is a sort of middle ground between the more casual bonds and the more intense bonds. Believe it or not, there are stronger bonds, depending on the souls in question.



#4 Your Primary Soul Family

This kind of love gets supernaturally intense. Your primary soul family consists of the souls that have incarnated with you for many lifetimes. They are likely your current parents and family members and even your soulmate on Earth but may have also been different loved ones in your other lives. Your soul family/soul group goes beyond one lifetime because you’ve known each other for eons in many adventures. When you feel like you’ve met your lover before, they probably have been with you in other lives. It makes sense that your soul family would understand you more than you understand yourself at times, thus they are the strongest bonds you can form in existence, right?


Nope, there’s more!





#3 Your Spirit Guide and Celestial Guardian

Wait a minute! Spirit guides and celestial angel guardians are complete strangers! Why are they higher on the list than our own families? Great question.


Yes, spirit guides are those souls who’ve formerly lived life on Earth and have chosen to watch over you during your life. Your celestial guardian is there to protect you from accidents (hopefully) and assist in your transition at death. How can these strangers understand you more than your own family? What’s so unique about this strange bond?


Believe it or not, I’d even argue that the bond between you and your primary spirit guide is stronger than even your bond with your soulmate! We know that even when family members reincarnate, they can still watch us and be in any places at once. Perhaps your dad that passed away can send copies of his soul so he can watch over you and your siblings who live in different cities. But at the same time, your dad in spirit is, at the same time, having fun and learning new things in the spirit world. His energy can go into watching over family members at different times, but he’s not going to watch you forever…he knows you guys are fine and will also want to reunite with his past life families and harness his superpowers in the spirit world.


Spirit guides and guardians are different. Before you decided to come to Earth, those Light Beings helped you plan your lives and set your goals. They not only assisted you in the process of being born, but they are also there when you die to help with the transition. And there’s the fact that they are with you your whole life. That’s right…while every other being goes back and forth between watching over humans/animals and exploring their world, certain spirit guides and guardians have chosen ONE SINGLE MORTAL a.k.a. YOU, to watch the entire time. You, out of the billions of other souls in existence! No judgment, no hatred, no boredom, they are always just there! No matter how bad of a person you were, your guides never leave. Kind of creepy by human perception.


Some guides come and go, but there’s always that one guide who has studied your entire life and helps guide you through challenges and successes behind the scenes. They may have been in several of your past lives, but to us on Earth, they are unknown strangers. They live through us, can experience our thoughts/feelings and learn from us as we can learn from them. (They care about us deeply, but like a teacher comforting a child who didn’t want to share with their peers, they are not too concerned with our human reasons behind problems, because they’ve been there before.) Our soul knows who they are, but we as humans do not. The guides know that we will remember them after death and want us to live the best lives we can. It doesn’t matter how many mistakes we make, there are only gains and lessons, not real losses. (Did I mention that spirit guides can shapeshift into family members of any species, animals, religious figures, any form to make us feel comfortable?) Any spirit who wants to make contact with our mind will likely have to have permission from our leader guide/guardian.


The fact that those Light Being spirit guides and guardians want to focus their energy on learning, growing, and experiencing life in connection to one living person defies expectations. It is not a romantic, obsessive partnership…it is a mentorship, but one that’s so divine and so intimate, that it makes our human concept of romantic love seem like child’s play. They know all your thoughts and feelings, all your lives and your purpose before we do!


When we die from illnesses, we often have family members there to help us cross over. But your spirit guide is always there. If we die suddenly from a traumatic death and our families in spirit can’t arrive fast enough, guess who will reach us first to help? Our guides. And no matter how many lives we live, throughout many different families, there will always be that group of Light Beings who know us unconditionally and that one familiar Being who we always recognize each time…that’s right, our spirit guide.


The love between us and our soul family is incredibly strong, but I have yet to know of a soulmate dedicated enough to have a sort of symbiotic relationship with another person in another world…that’s divine love and dedication to the fullest.


#2 Your Higher Self/Oversoul/God-Self

Believe it or not, we are all energy gods in spirit form. We have many powers: infinite knowledge, teleportation, telepathy, shapeshifting, being in many places at once, and many more. Because of this and our immortality, we are essentially what humans would define as god-like. What is commonly called the Higher Self/Oversoul/Magna Anima/Group Soul or God-Self, is our true spirit form. It is a giant spirit consisting of all the past lives, human and otherwise that we’ve lived. We are always connected to our true forms, in and out of incarnations. Our Oversoul is always in the spirit world but can focus its energy on a certain lifetime on Earth or in other worlds. We incarnate to learn, love, have fun and experience. It doesn’t matter how many lives or personas we have, it’s the quality of the lives. Even the bad short lives are still beneficial life experiences for the Oversoul.


Our Oversoul has many personas that are all us. Fragments of our soul in our body are passed down from other lives, thus with “spirit genetics” we get traits from our other selves (like how we get traits from our ancestors), and sometimes past life memories as accounted in past-life regressions. Contrary to common belief, it is not one new soul each time, just like how we are not free from our parent’s genetics and traits.) Parts of our current soul could have come from an evil solider in Rome, a Victorian fashion designer, a peasant, an African tribal member, a businessman, a farmer, a dog, a tree, and an alien…the possibilities are endless. You are your current life that never loses your personality, but you are also the personalities of all your other selves together.


You are already perfect with infinite knowledge when in Oversoul form despite former Earthly flaws. (It’s like how some days in your life are good, other days not good, how some moments in infancy, childhood, teen, adult, and old age were different but all are you.) Although we have infinite knowledge as an Oversoul, we have to disconnect to our regular non-infinite knowledge individual personas when communicating with loved ones on Earth because the Oversoul’s power is too great for the mind to comprehend. (Plus giving people on Earth infinite knowledge would be cheating!) Souls and Oversouls in the spirit world can merge with each other and become the other soul through memories.


You are always connected to your Oversoul, and when you die after your Life Review, you regain past life memories and reconnect with your true self. The past life selves instinctively reach onto the incoming soul with tendrils of energy, imparting memories, love, and knowledge. The last thing you see before remerging with your Oversoul is a projection of your own face radiating unconditional love at you that you never experienced on Earth…self-love to the next level! Your soul reconnects to your Oversoul and you are fully a citizen of the other side. Like the sperm that reaches the egg, only your soul can enter into your Oversoul form…no one else. Your soul and the souls of your past life personas all have a unique soul vibration signature that identifies it as your own. For each new life, you as the Oversoul and your guides pick from your personas the lessons you’ll learn on Earth. Your past lives live through you, and are a part of you. As an Oversoul, you can interact with all your lifetime families at once from every era of time. No one in existence loves you and understands you like your own self and your other past/future life personas, especially in spirit form when you know who you really are.


But that’s where you’re kind of wrong again.


#1 God/Source/Universal Intelligence


Meet God, the Source, the Universal Intelligence, Braham, Allah, Jesus, Atum, Tao, however we name our creator, it’s the same entity. God-Source is the genderless white light eternal energy that created everything. God-Source is all there is. God-Source loves everyone and lives through everyone. God-Source loves everyone unconditionally, even the worst people. God-Source loves everyone 100% of the time at 100% power…no judgment, no agenda…God-Source loves us just because we exist!


God-Source wants us to be happy and to live the best we can, but knows that any mistakes we make are just learning processes for our evolution. We are all equal loving divine souls in God-Source’s infinite “eyes” and God-Source knows all of us will succeed in enlightenment and kindness at our own paces…it is infinity after all! (Yes, God-Source loves Hitler and bugs and trees just the same as everyone and everything else. God-Source always evolves with us, the only one who makes no mistakes.) There is no rush to try to evolve in a hierarchy and merge with God-Source because we are already one! God-Source is us and we are God-Source. Even ascended masters who are supposedly “closer to God” make mistakes and don’t fully understand God-Source. God-Source knows us completely, more than our own selves and families over the eons. Take all the love from your soul families and everyone in the world and yourself, everyone and everything you’ve ever known…and that is only a fragment of the infinite oceanic love we get from God-Source. Just ask anyone who’s had near-Death Experiences and you likely hear stories of them being embraced in God’s light and love. God-Source’s light heals our souls after death, grants us our powers and identities, and allows us to be immortal and love and learn forever. God’s love is always perfect…we have to experience it to know it.

Monday, December 19, 2022

Afterlife Video Game Idea - "A Soul's Journey"

“Video Game” – “A Soul’s Journey”


In the beginning, there was everything. Everything was God-Source and God-Source was love. God-Source…the vast nonjudgmental white light energy that created everything. After an eternity, God-Source grew bored. God-Source wondered, “What would it be like to not be in a world of endless energy? I am what I am…but what am I not?” Atoms, molecules, and forces gathered together and miraculously, God-Source created the Big Bang, which kickstarted the creation of our universe. Zillions of divine sparks were birthed from God-Source and the Big Bang, creating the first sentient life-forms, electromagnetic spirits. These sparks of white light were all equal, and all made to be co-creators of God-Source. They served as God-Sources’ extra eyes and hands, seeing and experiencing what God-Source could not directly. God-Source needed nothing, for God-Source was the universe itself. But at the same time, God-Source loved His/Her/Their creations, wanting to see how much diversity and creativity could be brought to life.


The spirits soon felt curious, too. What else was out there that wasn’t energy? Like a fish swimming in the ocean and wondering about the water, the spirits wondered, “what else could exist?” God-Source discovered that when one spirit was placed into darkness, their light gradually dimmed, resulting in a sleep-like state of apprehension and loneliness. But when other spirits came forward and exchanged energy with it, the formerly apprehensive spirit glowed brighter and stronger than before! This casual experiment gave God-Source an idea, the grandest, mind-blowing idea in all of existence. God-Source slowed down nearby energy and realized that over time, it could become what humans called solid matter. Stars, planets, meteors, galaxies were formed, and among them, time and space. The spirits primarily resided in the timeless realm, but could travel through time at will. The universes were in three states: the physical realm, where opposites and contrast existed (good/evil, left/right, love/fear, hot/cold etc.), the spiritual realm where thoughts, feelings, energy, and consciousness predominated, and the realm of God-Source.


Thus, the Incarnation Experiment was created.


 In the spiritual realm, all lives and all time periods and all universes existed at once. Spirits could teleport anywhere by thought, communicate telepathically, merge with each other and become the other spirit, understand any language, see the energy and auras in every object and being, know everything from the Akashic Records, and even merge with God-Source. There were many different realms and planets where spirits could enter. Some were mental, some were emotional, and some combined mental, emotional, and physical life. The physical worlds were the hardest, only for brave, very curious spirits.


Many spirits had no idea what physical life would be like. They had only heard stories from higher celestial beings, stories about how the physical world would be opposite to everything they knew. While mortals couldn’t fathom the godly powers of spirits, spirits hovered in disbelief at what they heard. A world of things unpleasant? What was pain, disease, heat and cold? What kind of world had no love, no instant answers to everything? How would their movement even be possible in such dense bodies?


But the celestials added that there would be great things to look forward to as well. While in physical form, spirits could enjoy what humans called “food” and “drink” and “sex.” The feelings of the physical bodies could bring great pain but also great pleasure. They could help other spirits enter physical life through babies and still experience love for each other.  


The spirits were told that those who decided to incarnate would be guided by spirit guides and loved ones. Those who entered physical life chose certain other spirits to go with them. The spirit affinities resulted in soul groups and soul families being created. The soul families would incarnate together for lifetimes, some good, some bad and everything in between…but each and every time, they only felt love and joy for each other back in the spirit world. Some spirits became trees or plants, others geared toward bugs and animals. Those with more experience could become aliens in other universes. God-Source gave each spirit free-will and free-choice…and only wanted three things from them: 1. to love each other and themselves, 2. To learn and solve problems on their own and 3. to create and enjoy themselves. God-Source needed no praise nor worship, for God-Source unconditionally loved everyone simply because of their existence!  


Earth was one of the hardest environments for spirits. And there was one kind of being that was unique from all the others: the human. Unlike animals and plants, humans evolved to grow food, build cities, use technology, trade, create, and use their imagination. (with a little help from their alien and spirit friends on the other side). But the humans’ rapid evolution and intelligence came with a terrible price. Humans lost the ability to see and sense their spirit counterparts, and soon separated themselves from nature. Humans were soon driven by fear, greed, hate, hierarchies, and a desire for selfish gains. Violence, diseases, crime, became all the more common as time went on. And unlike every other species, humans alone were resistant to the process of death.


Like God-Source did with sending out “spirit sparks,” spirits sent away a spark from themselves, still connected by a thin energy tendril, when they were about to incarnate. All their past life personas merged into the new spark. The spark rapidly fell through a portal down to Earth, accompanied by its spirit guides and ancestors. When the spark had successfully integrated with and focused on the baby body, the slowed down energy spark became the soul. The “higher self” spirit remained connected to it’s soul, but remained in a slowed down energy state…like suspended animation until the soul left the body and returned to it’s spirit form.


But there was a catch…for the majority of souls, their powers and memories of past lives and lives in spirit form were erased, resulting in a natural amnesia! A few souls retained memories of their birth and a few past lives, their power breaking through a bit of the amnesia. But for the most part, the amnesia worked perfectly on every soul for good reason. For if the soul remembered previous families and their true home, they’d be too distracted to do what they came to do on Earth in the first place: to love other people, learn from events, feel sensations, and rediscover who they truly are. Their amnesia was a blessing in disguise…for it allowed the soul-human, soul-animal, soul-plant etc. to create their own reality and use their imaginations and instincts…the thrill of the unknown and not knowing everything that was not available in the spirit world.


The soul’s powers were reduced to the powers of their brains and talents. Free will, which was 100% in spirit form, was reduced to 25% or less for mortals, since the only thing soul-humans and living things could control were 1. Their bodies and minds (more or less), and 2. how they reacted to daily events. No other mortal soul could become that person and read or control their thoughts. Diseases, accidents, appearance, gender, race, and deaths, though much had been chosen by the soul before birth, was soon predetermined, beyond the souls’ control in human form. Humans were often at the mercy of fate, chance, genetics, diseases and other things…but they could still choose how to learn from events and how to use what they had to change their lives. A few psychic individuals could still communicate with spirits and other entities and gain knowledge through meditation and trance.


Spirits and souls evolved together for eternity. Some of the more “advanced” souls, what humans call “ascended masters” traveled to Earth to help their mortal brethren. They knew that it was the destiny of living things and humans to further evolve and discover their alien and divine origins. It didn’t matter how many lives a soul had, it was the quality of them. The only indicator of a soul hierarchy was the “advanced souls” could help more people on Earth at a time and had higher levels of power. Every soul and spirit had a unique frequency, aura and even a name, often changing and expanding after the spirit’s accumulation of life experiences. Souls were not judged as they watched their Life Reviews, for by discovering the truth about their lives, thy could make any amends and rediscover who they were.


Although there were dark souls and aliens who loved to feed off mortal energies and see them fight, other good aliens and souls manipulated fate to allow humanity to evolve gradually to match God-Source’s grand timeline. Spirits, loved ones and spirit guides were not bothered by the mostly oblivious mortals, for the mortals would turn back into free souls and spirits after death and remember everyone and everything about their lives.


God-Source decides how long spirits and souls evolve…and based on the ever-expanding universe, God-Source has likely determined that evolution would last for eternity.  


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Follow Xian, an immortal soul as they begin their journey on and off the Earth. Beginning as a divine speck of white light, Xian was created among zillions of other souls. Xian has lived many past lives so far, one as a caveman, one as a Victorian woman, a medieval peasant, a Norse warrior, several dogs, a bug, a Roman general, a marijuana plant, a modern mother, a boy in Spain, a girl in France, an Egyptian priest, and even several lifetimes as future aliens. But Xian’s not done yet.


Xian is getting ready to incarnate to U.S.A. 2075, a year where everyone’s past lives and Akashic Records are made public for all to see on the Ethernet. Communication with spirits every day is made a reality thanks to SpiritSpeak devices that allows people to hear and see their loved ones. Although spirituality and the afterlife have finally been accepted in society thanks to psychics, discrimination runs rampant. Devices measure the “spiritual success” of people, those who’ve had many negative past lives or past lives as evil creatures or “unwanted” individuals, are not chosen for jobs and benefits. People are judged on their past lives alongside their current one. Even children brag about the so-called powers and “superiority” of their spirit guides. Even worse, dark souls have partnered with dealers, dealers getting money in exchange for dark souls getting to possess humans to satisfy their former earthly addictions. More souls consider Earth a vacation spot instead of a place of learning and trial. This makes many spirit guides upset, resulting in guides gaining the ability to erase certain memories in sleep.


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Three modes:

Incarnation Mode: person incarnates into physical life and is able to interact with characters and alter events to change the story. You can say certain things, nice or mean, to the characters, perform actions, reckless, cowardly, honorable or neutral, and the story will change. You will need to locate three different objects in the past to figure out what is going on in 2075. Your spirit guide won’t appear, but will give you hints for puzzles via symbols. Interacting with a butterfly, a cardinal or feather in any realm will allow you to save your game.


Your character can choose between three avatars, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. You can’t go into the far future until you advance to a certain level. (Ex. black man in Russia, higher chance of mental troubles vs white woman in France, higher chance of disease vs transgender individual in poverty but with a nicer personality, higher chance of abuse each with certain parents and various likelihood of diseases and accidents.) Every soul knows that any kind of disease and accident can happen to them but due to the environment, more likely chance of certain things happening. But they never know nor choose the exact disease or accident.


For animal, plant, and alien incarnations, you travel to different stations with your spirit guide and as an alien, you can also move up/down levels. (Animals and plants always remain the same or move up since only humans/aliens have evil tendencies) As an alien when you reach Level 11, you can choose between various alien races: Pleiadean, Grey, Reptilian, Andromedian, Lyran, Sirian, Arcturian, etc. You’ll maneuver spaceships as you fight on good or evil sides of galactic wars.


After every death, a low church bell will ring, and the scene turns black, either fading to black during a slow death scene or right away to black after a violent death. God-Source light appears and gives you the choice to either stay on Earth or crossover.


Earthbound Mode: If you stay on Earth, a light being spirit guide will follow you. Every once in a while, the light being will encourage you to cross over and lead you to a portal or road. You can travel through walls, roofs, and through anything. Clocks will stop working and you won’t see your reflection in mirrors or in water. You will see energy and molecules in everything when you zoom in. When you zoom in on humans, animals, and plants, you will see their energy and hear their thoughts. Your spirit guide will help you with game controls, show you around and sometimes give you healing crystals to restore your health. They will also warn you of dark souls nearby.


Most humans will walk with a static icon above their heads, meaning they cannot see you. But psychics will have an open black hole above their heads, and they will communicate with you. You can earn experience points by helping other souls reach out to loved ones on Earth. Animals will bark at you and notice you. You can hear their thoughts and help them out on side-quest missions. You can send messages to mortals and travel in dreams as they sleep with permission from their spirit guides.


There is a downside, however, to Earthbound Mode as a human soul: dark souls and negative thought forms roam freely, and with often slouch in dark places or torment the living in seances. If dark souls spot you, they will either demand to be left alone or they may fight with you. Since they can’t be killed, if you win the fight, they will flee and leave the mortals alone, allowing you to gain experience points. But if they win and you pass out, you grow closer to becoming evil and it gets harder to crossover. If you fully become a dark entity and start to get inside mortal’s heads, you will witness a “game over” scene where you watch time pass by, Earth being destroyed and your soul family looking sadly at you as dark music plays. Your spirit guide will shake their head, reminding you that you should’ve crossed over. God-Source tells you that since most other souls have completed their mission, you will have to lose your identity and start over. You are absorbed into the light, a horrific scream follows and the screen turns black.  


Spirit Mode: If you choose to crossover, you will be greeted by your character’s loved ones and spirit guide. You will witness a fast replay of all the scenes from Incarnation Mode. If you complete your mission and were nice enough, you have the opportunity to further explore the spirit world and travel to other planets. You can exercise your teleportation powers, create mini-universes, music, and art, do races and duels with other spirits, defeat evil easier and reincarnate with more options. You can even create your own avatar and choose any time period to do a simulated movie.


You can incarnate as mythical creatures in energy worlds like dragons, mermaids, unicorns and more, gaining more experience points.


You can also merge with God-Source and start the game again or undo/redo a past life. But there is always a chance that even if you’re nice, you die early and don’t move up to the next level yet (you stay on the same level). The highest level is level 42…and although it’s easier to advance levels as humans, you are also at risk of moving down levels or dying earlier.


If you do not complete your mission or if you died early, you will not be judged. God-Source and spirit guide will allow you to reincarnate again as a new physical character at the same level or below, thus you will only have a limited time to explore the spirit world. If you were too evil, you will have to stay on Earth and complete side-quests to make amends before crossing over.


You win the game when the gameplay story is completed after level 42. The victory scene shows you as a giant spherical “Oversoul” embracing many spirit families, your personas/past life selves projecting out of your true form and spending time with all the families at once. At the end, God-Source appears again and says, “Congratulations, advanced soul! You’ve completed your missions and won, but I’ll remind you that you are eternal, so your game never ends…except for you, the mortal, playing this one. You’re always welcome in the spirit world, I’ll see you later!”

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Spirit Hierarchy, Combined Theories and Quotes


Spirit World “Hierarchy”

Grand God/Goddess-Source – genderless energy Creator that created the other genderless energy Creators of all universes. The one that has always existed and lives in all universes through everything.

God/Goddess-Source – genderless energy Creator (bright white light) who made our universe. Their energy resides in everyone and everything and God/Goddess-Source loves everyone and everything. They made souls as separating sparks/fragments of itself to experience various dimensions, lives, creatures, humans, etc. to further expand. All souls in our universe make up God/Goddess-Source and will merge with Them again, becoming a new Creator to help run the universe, due to the expanded personalities from the physical and spiritual worlds.

Akashic Records- The “living library,” “scribe of Source” the ethereal vibrant energy that records every lifetime and the deeds of all souls in every time period. It allows souls to view all time periods and makes everything happen at once for souls as if Earth and Universe history were compiled into ethereal scrolls, books, holographic images or immersive movies.

Light Beings/Angels/Celestials/Deities/Immortals – advanced energy beings that serve as messengers between God/Goddess-Source creator and humanity/life. They are immortal and have never incarnated. They can watch over many groups of souls and worlds at the same time.

Planetary Beings/Star Souls/Soul Groups – Gaia/Earth, the souls of planets that allow souls to incarnate on the physical worlds to evolve. Earth is a powerful primordial representative/deity of all life on Earth and goes through Her own evolution with the help of the Immortals and God/Goddess-Source. Other things have souls like the sun and moon and other things in the cosmos.

Grand Soul Groups/Grand Archetypes: archetypes/representations of an entire species (ex. a powerful ethereal being to represent all humans, or all dogs, etc. Souls of dogs for example, can fall under the grand soul that guides them.

Master Guides/Spirit Guides/Aliens/Ascended Masters/Deities/Nature Spirits/Elementals: The incarnated or formerly incarnated magical beings that evolve alongside humans. They serve as guides, protectors, and messengers for those on Earth and elsewhere. They are powerful but not as powerful/ but are just different from immortal light beings. Master Guides have more experience/wisdom/incarnation experience than regular guides and serve as mentors to many incarnated souls and other guides. Master Guides/leader guides are often the main guide that follows a soul client through many incarnations.

Soul Families/Soul Groups/Soul Clusters – a “pod” of souls who share a similar vibration and who come gradually come together from God/Goddess-Source. Their numbers vary. They are souls who incarnate with each other in many lifetimes and play different roles to expand themselves (switching between father, mother, siblings, teachers, lovers, spouses etc.). Oftentimes, they will guide their living members from the other side, and other times, the “pod” will have spirit guides or ascended masters to help their evolution.

Higher Self/Oversoul/Megasoul/Super Spirit – Our true Light Being self. The combination of all of our past and future life selves of every race, gender, culture and species (including animal, plant, alien, etc.) This version of us has access to universal knowledge/Akashic Records.

Soul – A fragment from our Oversoul/Super Spirit that goes through the process of incarnation to expand itself and the Oversoul/Super Spirit, which is like a mini Creator. Like how everything is a part of God/Goddess-Source, our lives/personas (which live at the same time since time in not linear on the other side) are a part of our true godly self. The soul collects data for the Oversoul/Super Spirit, which does the same for God/Goddess-Source.

Human self - our current personality and identity in this lifetime

Atoms are a part of cells. Our cells are part of ONE human body and our human selves and past/future life selves are part/cells of our ONE Oversoul, which is part of/cells of ONE Soul Family, which is part of/cells of ONE collective consciousness (all soul families/humanity) on/related to ONE planet (Earth) or many planets and worlds in ONE universe in general maintained by ONE God/Goddess-Source (or many if counting other universes/dimensions) in which we are all a part of from our universe, all ruled by the ONE Grand God/Goddess-Source Being Creator, who has always existed, in which exists all the Creators who have the souls/cells of everything in existence in their universes.

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What if life is both about learning to expand our soul through love (Life Is A School theory) AND remembering who we are (Life is about the Experience theory)? We do play human characters but we also learn from and enjoy it. It’s a battle, a play/movie/game, and a school at the same time.

Many illnesses are caused by our stress/thoughts to our energetic and physical bodies over time but it’s never completely our fault (other factors like abuse/other people, genetics, fate, etc. Dismisses the “we all manifest our reality 100%” theory). (ex. a person gets brain cancer first from a situation beyond their control – emotional memory of parent being abused, then the disease emerges from their bad habits and environmental factors). Natural disasters and accidents are also never our fault (rejects the “all evil karma/traumas is our fault” theory) but can serve as a reminder of how precious life is and how we must respect the Earth.

What if God/Goddess-Source wants us to only live in love and doesn’t like when we kill/harm others, since we also harm ourselves (like the Christian God) but also doesn’t judge us because we are all learning (like the New Age Source)? God/Goddess-Source is not just an observer through us, but a constant healer and grand teacher who helps us through our spirit guides? God wants us to be our true selves and merge together to help co-create the universe.

And what if we feel guilt when we do things wrong in our Life Reviews because God/Goddess-Source feels the same since we are connected? (and the souls who don’t feel any guilt are corrupted from the evils of life and need healing). Hence we don’t seek evil before birth as crossed over souls, but are aware that it can happen when we become human. As crossed over souls, we always seek love, but we also accept certain challenges to grow. (ex. greater chances/not 100% certainty of getting a disability/being with abusive parents/being in poverty) BUT we also know that anything can change. We are also not judged for not completing any missions because tragedies and early deaths beyond the soul’s chosen exit points can happen. (This is often why you see souls forcing NDE people back to Earth when it’s not their time yet and why reincarnation happens so often. It takes a lot of work to plan new lives and the majority of souls want to expand). (We don’t agree to abuse/harm another before birth)

What if God/Goddess-Source doesn’t just observe the universe, but lives though us and communicates with Their own personality? We can only create reality out of nothing in spirit form.

God/Goddess-Source wants us to change things and allows good and bad things to happen for our growth. Most of the bad things is caused by misused human free will/stress. (excluding natural events like certain diseases, natural disasters etc.)

“Karma is nothing more than the self-imposed desire to do better. It’s not that you’re a bad person and are punished, it’s a desire for growth. There is no judgment in the life review because you see who you really are. There is eternity. Also accepting the veil of forgetfulness. Scary for souls to be in darkness and be separate from God-Source and temporarily lose infinite knowledge, soul could feel emotions of sadness from grieving people. “Brave enough to be human.” “Everything is fine on the other side.” “Reviewing millions of possibilities in life planning. Reviewing qualities of parents and how they’d fit the soul’s mission, chose gender, chose personalities like intelligent, compassionate etc..” Souls miss cosmic home and the state of being. Soul knew of likely traumas and opportunities in various lives. Human lives have to work with soul’s interface. There are only so many people on Earth at a time. Soul chose a body with health problems?

Souls go through a mock veil acceptance simulator before life planning? (like practicing going off in a rocket) Guides making sure soul was ready, once they are on Earth time, they were in. From perfect knowledge and light to descending into a black hole. Soul not liking low vibrations. God says you are always the galaxies. Shock of being born, cold, noise, people, light, sense data, no context. Assumed everyone else knew the life experience was a neat game. To create and grow and love is exciting for souls. Souls see precious gift to “play” living things out of limited slots. God-Source and all souls created physical realities?

People can sense each others thoughts and emotions in other realities. Opposite on Earth.

People who are loving and wiser are often “higher” more evolved in other realities. Opposite on Earth.

Lived hundreds of other lives. “Not other people and I was them”

There is no rush to complete soul mission, soul mission lasts for eternity because time does not exist

“Universe built from a place of love”

Your higher self, big you is always everywhere

Walsh alternate karma theory: We are not here to pay back mistakes we made in previous lifetime (because we don’t remember it!) Karma doesn’t exist. We are here to express our true identity and karma is not the way to do it. Like childhood, we may have memories of our past lives and what we did, but we always move forward. The process is never complete, nor would we ever want it to be complete.

(Contradicts Hans Wilhelm, Kim Ross, Michael Newton, and Hinduism)


Walsch God theory: why doesn’t God save us? It’s not God’s desire to create a civilization of minions, God’s intention was to imbue all of God’s creations, all sentient beings the ability to create our reality, free will. God wants us to solve problems on our own! God gave us the power to fix everything. If we keep imagining God as condescending and judgmental, then we will keep being that way to others. God is nonjudgmental. God is perfect love and pure love. Contradicts almost every religious teachings. Would also explain why we can reincarnate and why those in the afterlife can still visit us. God wants us to learn and love, nothing more. God’s love is unconditional, God loves us for existing. Behaviors can’t change until our beliefs do.

We all were created in the literal image and likeness of God, but we don’t believe that. God doesn’t need anything because God is everything.

Physical realm, Spiritual realm, and God realm, both combined, we go to physical life, then to God-Source, then to spiritual life and then to physical life in a holy triangle…soul journey through eternity. Intended to be an extraordinary journey of self-discovery and self-creation. For all of us to discover ourselves as divine individuals. All life forms are divine. 

Cycles of the Soul: “In the afterlife, you’re in touch with the truth about yourself, so viewing your previous lifetimes’ flaws and mistakes is not painful, but enlightening. Like watching a movie of someone who didn’t know better, you’re steeped in the forgiveness and compassion of those who are helping you see the truth about your life, so the life review is actually quite joyous.”

“Reincarnation is not only just a way for the soul to evolve and learn lessons as different physical beings. It’s much more vital in ways many don’t know about. It’s as natural as birth and death and allows the soul to experience a vastly different world that’s not one hundred percent energy all the time. Its original purpose was not, in fact, to amend the karma of various lifetimes, but for souls to be able to keep experiencing the pleasures, joys, sensations, and the occasional challenges of mortal life as every kind of sentient being in existence. It includes animals, plants, aliens, and others. For humans, it involves learning lessons along the way. And perhaps the most compelling reason for its existence…it grants multiple chances for the soul to complete their missions and fulfil their dreams, especially in the cases of early deaths and losses. It doesn’t matter how many times you reincarnate…what matters is the quality of your various lives, for souls all evolve together, without age and without time.” – God-Source  



“The Life Review…that moment when your life flashes before your eyes. It’s an enlightening experience, but also terrifying. For in it, you re-experience your whole life…but you realize the effects, good and bad, of all your actions on other people and all of life. You become the other people and beings in your life and feel what they felt. Bad news for murderers and criminals. It allows the soul to discover their true self, to make amends for errors via their own choosing, and most of all…for the soul to discover the truth about the interconnectedness of the universe. There is no judgment from God-Source or any spirit guides…except from yourself. It is the rite of passage back to the soul’s original godly form. The Life Review is completely fine and completely easy…unless you were a human, then good fucking luck!” – Spirit Guide


“Past Life selves are always part of your Magna Anima Spirit Source (M.A.S.S.) a.k.a. you. (Because “Oversoul” and “Higher Self” can imply a ‘superior’ separate self, when you are one and the same to begin with.) you are a unique community of mortal personas from every race, gender, species, and personalities across the universes. The connections are instant and seamless. The relationships and love that are second strongest to the love from God-Source…it’s not from your mortal families, your spirit guides, your spouse or even your soul family and soulmates…for no kind of unconditional love can ever match the love you will receive from, your-selves…my-selves…” -After death, an incoming soul, always attached to its “Higher Self/Oversoul/Magna Anima,” via an energy cord, witnesses itself being pulled back into its true spirit form…light tendrils from the souls’ past and future life selves within the Magna Anima eagerly “latch” onto the soul, imparting past life memories, knowledge, and allowing the full transition into the immortal spirit being. “Love thyself” with a whole new meaning.



“I have been with you your entire life. Before your birth, we had an agreement as souls and I choose you to watch over because of your traits, lessons, similar challenges in mortal life, and most of all, the natural connection. Primary spirit guides are like fingerprints, unique for each finger. No two spirit guides are the same. It’s kind of like the strong bond of soulmates, except it’s more of a mentorship. I have lived many mortal forms like you and have been with you in several lifetimes. I am like your soul family, but an invisible stranger to you while you are alive. I do not judge what you do…even if you rape and murder, I still watch you and love you unconditionally…for I and all of us have made those kinds of mistakes before. Amends are made in the Life Review. My job is to secretly guide you through life, providing opportunities for advancement and growth. To help you meet friends, allies, and the partners of your dreams. As you learn and love, laugh and cry, I do as well, for primary guides can live through you. While you have forgotten why you came to Earth, I remember. And I know you’ll find ways to succeed…because God-Source created us to learn and succeed at our own pace in life and death alike. There is no real loss, only lessons and gains. Other guides stay or come and go, but I…stay with you for life. As a primary guide, I know all your thoughts and feel all your feelings, perhaps even more so with you than you with your soul and mortal families. Don’t be alarmed, but my favorite part is witnessing your transition from your body at death. That glorious moment when your loved ones and God-Source and I, can guide you to your true home, and the priceless realization on your face when you’ll finally remember who I am!” -Spirit Guide