Monday, December 27, 2021

Revolutionary Astrology for the Open-Minded Part 2: Portrait of Jacques Dorsan



Revolutionary Astrology for the Open-Minded Part 2



Let’s analyze and improve upon the birth horoscope of author and astrologer Jacques Dorsan himself…using his own definitions!




Jacques Dorsan was born on December 22, 1912 in Orleans, France at 12:35am, rectified to 0:34:19 GMT and he died on September 8, 2005 in Nice, France in his 90s.


Let’s first analyze his chart that appears in the book, going clockwise.


His sidereal ascendant is in Virgo, ruled by Mercury and his midheaven is in Gemini also ruled by Mercury. His sidereal Mercury is in the clockwise 10th house in Scorpio.


Jacques Dorsan has a Vedic Royal Yoga, due to his Venus in sidereal Capricorn and Saturn in sidereal Taurus in signs that trine his ascendant. Venus and Saturn are in mutual reception and receiving a trine aspect…they are in each other’s signs. Royal Yogas indicate charts out of the ordinary and can bring fame and success, just what Dorsan experienced. Pluto and Mercury are also in mutual reception, due to Pluto being in Gemini and Mercury being in Scorpio. Finally, Jupiter and Mars are in their own signs and Scorpio and Sagittarius are signs associated with prophecy, expansion of knowledge and a desire to seek the unknown.




Dorsan’s Sun is in sidereal Sagittarius in the clockwise 10th house, conjunct Jupiter. Dorsan’s description states, “This individual has great love for family, parents and origins…” and it also mentions, “This position also gives rise to introspection and meditation with an interest in philosophy, mysticism, and esotericism.” The desire to attain esoteric knowledge to help humanity and himself (Sagittarius and Jupiter) was an important part of his identity (Sun). His Sun and Jupiter are in the last quadrant between the IC and the Ascendant, the section symbolized by old age. In addition, his sidereal clockwise 8th house of death ruled by Aquarius (classical ruler is elderly Saturn) may help explain his fame and longevity into his 90s.



Dorsan’s Moon is in sidereal Taurus in the clockwise 5th house of education and creativity. According to Dorsan’s description of the Moon in the 5th house: “There is an interest in all that touches schools and universities, as well as theaters and places of entertainment.” Dorsan would attain happiness through his meetings and celebrations in his youth and as he rose in his career. It also alludes to popularity among women and many love affairs. But Saturn conjunct the Moon may have made him more focused on his work, rather than trivial games. The fifth house, ruled by Venus also rules his 12th house in Libra, hinting at attraction to spirituality and deep thought. Moon in sidereal Taurus is also exalted.




Mercury, ruler of his Ascendant and Midheaven is in sidereal Scorpio in the 10th house. In Dorsan’s own description of Mercury in the clockwise 10th house: “Thoughts are directed toward family and residential matters.” “The native is bound to make many changes in residence,” which was true for him. Mercury makes a sesquiquadrate aspect to Neptune in clockwise 3rd house of writing. This allowed him to produce “literary works that are out of the ordinary,” hence his astrology book “The Clockwise House System.” Neptune, the planet of spirituality and mysticism is also rising very close to his Midheaven, giving him public fame for his astrology research and readings throughout his life.


Interestingly enough, in 1936 when Jacques Dorsan first drew a horoscope in the sand in West Africa, Mercury was visible in the dawn sky. As Mercury is the ruler of his ascendant and his identity, it seems fitting that he had a realization of his future destiny. His original popular French book was “Le véritable sens des maisons astrologiques (1984).




Dorsan’s Venus is in sidereal Capricorn in the clockwise ninth house of travel and exploration. Venus near Uranus, the planet of astrology in the house of philosophy and spiritual thought. Dorsan would “draw inspiration from beautiful and good things,” such as peace. Dorsan liked psychology and was always looking to expand his mind. Long journeys give great satisfaction as well and his love life would be found far from home. Indeed, Dorsan had lived in New York, Morocco, Belgium and many other places – a strong ninth house and Sagittarius theme.



Dorsan’s Mars is in sidereal Scorpio in the clockwise 10th house. Mars being in its own sign of Scorpio would give a steady, passionate drive to help him achieve his goals. Scorpio is also the sign of the occult and the worlds beyond, subjects that fascinated him. “Force and energy will remain with the subject right into old age…” Very true.



Jupiter is conjunct his Sun in the clockwise 10th house, in its own sign Sagittarius. It is clear that he received luck and expansion in areas of higher education and creativity (Venus and Saturn in mutual reception in each other’s signs). Late success would occur when his book was published (Sagittarius and 9th house related to publishing and far away lands) in 1984.




Saturn is conjunct his Moon in sidereal Taurus in the clockwise 5th house. This gives him a rather serious mind who puts much effort (Saturn) and emotion (Moon) to develop his hobbies and passions (5th house). He practiced astrology in Brazil for 14 years and did consultations seven years after he first came up with his idea. For another 20 years, he researched and tested his idea before achieving his success in publishing his book. Dorsan has stated that he demonstrated the validity of his arguments for his specific system through statistics and experience, reflecting Saturn (research) of astrology, space and technology (Aquarius) in his 5th house of hobbies and education. Uranus, his other 5th house ruler, trines both Saturn and the Moon, indicating success.  



Uranus is in sidereal Capricorn in the clockwise 9th house. According to Doran’s descriptions, Uranus here gives “rare intellectual aptitudes, notably, a great amount of subconscious activity.” Dorsan was interested in his spiritual growth and the well-being of mankind. Although Dorsan received many disagreements and pushback from other astrologers and skeptics, he still pushed on. Uranus is also associated with aviation and airplane travel.


Venus conjunct Uranus: Dorsan mentioned in his book introduction: “I fell madly in love with astrology right from the beginning.”



As previously stated, Neptune is in the clockwise third house of writing and communication, in sidereal Cancer. It is rising toward his Midheaven, which indicated fame through the metaphysical and spiritual subjects. Neptune in the 3rd house allowed him to produce his astrology books and literature that went beyond traditional astrology views. Mercury, planet of writing and communication, makes a minor aspect to it, indicating his special talent. Uranus, the planet of astrology in the clockwise 9th house, also opposes Neptune in the third house, adding the higher philosophy and foreign travel as prominent themes. Moon sextile Neptune adds to his psychic abilities.  



Pluto is in sidereal Gemini in Dorsan’s clockwise fourth house of career. Pluto is a planet of the unknown, the occult and the subconscious. “They could experience success through the destruction of an inheritance, even a spiritual inheritance.”  In other words, through obstacles in his studies and arguments, he could find the motivation to keep going and fulfill his spiritual mission. His psychic abilities (Pluto and Neptune above the horizon near his MC) were known by the public (Midheaven). Dorsan mentioned in his book that he accurately predicted when the civil war in Spain would end (Prominent Neptune aspecting Moon, strong Moon and Uranus trine of 1 degree.).


His Sun and Jupiter are opposing Pluto, giving hardships and trials but also luck and strength…a strong sense of purpose. Sun opposite Pluto by 1 degree reflects pride, fame and honor (Sun) with all that is dark, powerful and mysterious (Pluto) as part of his destiny (Midheaven). Mercury, ruler of the Gemini Midheaven is in sidereal Scorpio conjunct Mars in sidereal Scorpio, further adding emphasis to his fascination and career with the occult. Thus, he achieved his destiny to write and communicate (Gemini and Mercury) about esoteric topics and psychology (Pluto and Scorpio).


His North Node is in Sidereal Pisces at the descendant, indicating a goal of spirituality and creativity (Pisces) to share with partnerships and groups (seventh house). His Neptune quintile Ascendant certainly helped with his intuition and hidden talent. His 11th house of hopes and dreams ruler is in Mars in Scorpio and Pluto near the Midheaven.


Other aspects: Jupiter and Sun sextile 9 Libra 12th house cusp.


North Node square Midheaven and IC 1 degree


Pluto trine 9 Libra 12th house cusp


Mercury (ascendant ruler) sextile Ascendant


Uranus trine ascendant


Venus trine ascendant

Dorsan has four important planets in his water/etheric quadrant (IC to Ascendant): reflects his attraction to the occult and invisible world).


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To demonstrate how various methods can work and have similar themes, let’s examine siderealist Jacque Dorsan’s chart again, this time with the Tropical Zodiac (the system he was adamantly against)!


Looking at his Tropical horoscope (using the regular anticlockwise method), we see Pluto in 29 degrees near the top of his chart in the 9th house of philosophy. His Sun is also at 29 degrees. The 29th degree is often an indicator of fame and great power. Neptune is very prominent as well, with a high 28 degree and in the 10th house of career and achievement (also highlighting his psychic abilities to the public). Take a look at the prominent stellium of planets in Dorsan’s third house of writing and communication! Not only a quadruple Sagittarius (Jupiter, Sun, Mars and Mercury) but a strong indicator of luck and fame in literacy works and eventual publication. Regarding temperament, Moon conjunct Saturn in the 8th house of death indicates a fascination for the occult but also a seriousness about it (Saturn) that could not be ignored. With Sagittarius so strong, it’s no wonder he was able to travel all over the world and never give up on his deeper ideals.


His ascendant ruler, Venus is in the sign of Aquarius, right near Uranus in the 4th house. Uranus also makes an opposition to Neptune in the 10th house. The 1 degree trine between Moon in the 8th house of occult and Uranus in the subconscious 4th house is another obvious indication of his passion for astrology.


If we use the clockwise method, Dorsan’s tropical ascendant ruler Venus is in Aquarius in the 9th house of travel and exploration…more Sagittarius! His clockwise second house of finance’s ruler is Mercury in the third house, indicating him making money through his literature and communication. And his clockwise third house sun ruler? Amplified by lucky Jupiter with a degree of fame on the Sun! Clockwise Midheaven ruler Cancer is conjunct Saturn, indicating the long intense years of study and eventual success (Plus the Uranus trine!).


Sorry, Sidereal astrology favoring Jacques Dorsan…Tropical astrology also works!



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Now let’s analyze Jacque’s sidereal horoscope again, but instead of using placidus like he did for his charts, the whole sign system shall be used to reflect the actual Vedic practice. The specific Vedic aspects of the seven planets will be used instead of the Western squares, trines, wide conjunctions etc. But here’s a twist test, the clockwise method shall be tested!



Dorsan’s Royal Yoga is evident due to Venus in sidereal Capricorn and Saturn in sidereal Taurus.


All the previous meanings provided in the first analysis are the same.


Going in a clockwise direction, Jupiter is dominant and powerful conjunct Sun in the 10th house/IC. Pluto aspects both of them in the fourth house/Midheaven house of Career. Lord of Ascendant and Midheaven, Mercury is in sidereal Scorpio conjunct Mars in the clockwise 11th house of hopes, dreams, humanity, technology and astrology.


Mercury aspects Moon and Taurus in 5th house.


Venus in clockwise 9th house of Fortune aspects Neptune in 3rd house of Communication and Courage.


Mars aspects 4th, 7th and 8th from itself. Mars aspects clockwise 2nd house of wealth, 5th house of competition and 6th house of health.


Jupiter aspects 5th, 7th and 9th from itself. Jupiter aspects clockwise 2nd house of wealth in Leo, clockwise 4th house of career, and 6th house of health.


Saturn aspects 3rd, 7th, and 10th from itself. Saturn aspects clockwise 7th house Pisces, clockwise 11th house of gains and clockwise 2nd house of wealth in Leo.


Second clockwise house ruler Sun conjunct Jupiter in house of profession – money through help of family.


8th house of longevity ruler Saturn conjunct exalted Moon in 5th house.


All the methods reflect Jacque Dorsan at different levels. No matter what method you use, it cannot be denied that Dorsan was an intelligent, psychic and creative genius when it came to analyzing horoscopes and coming up with a new method to meticulously study for so many years. He lived life to the fullest and merged with his Higher Self in his early 90s. May his metaphysical literacy legacy live on and inspire other esoteric generations.

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