Sunday, December 26, 2021

Revolutionary Astrology for the Open-Minded


Revolutionary Astrology for the Open-Minded 


Please check out and share some of the sources I found below:



Jacques Dorsan: “Clockwise House System: A True Foundation For Sidereal and Tropical Astrology” Lindisfarne Books, (2011)



Diane Elizabeth Clarke: “Why I Use the Clockwise House System” (2019)



Clarke’s work is based on Carl Payne Tobey’s Clockwise House System.


Hank Friedman “Ending the War Between Astrologers”




Joe Landwehr, “The Clockwise Interpretation of Houses”

originally published in The Mountain Astrologer, Issue #93, Oct/Nov 2000


Traditionally, Western astrologers use the Tropical Zodiac, based on the sun’s seasonal movement and Vedic astrologers use the Sidereal Zodiac based on the movement of the stars. Both systems are very different but both are valuable tools for those interested in predicting events and helping with personal and spiritual development. While the tropical zodiac is often used for personality traits, the sidereal zodiac is often used more for determining planetary strengths and predicting certain events.


House systems vary but several individuals report validity of the Equal House system over Whole Signs and Placidus.


Traditionally, the zodiac signs move in the same direction as the 12 houses in the zodiac chart, thus the chart is read counterclockwise. The ascendant/first house starts below the horizon and goes around until reaching the 12th house.


However, in Dorsan’s clockwise house system, based on the diurnal movement of the sun across the sky each day as it appears, the direction is reversed. The zodiac signs move in the opposite direction to the houses.


Thus, the rising sign (Ascendant/temperament, physical body, health etc.) begins in the traditional 12th house of the birth chart (above the horizon) and goes clockwise.


The traditional 11th house of goals in the chart becomes the 2nd house (Finance and fortune, income, nurturing).


The traditional 10th house of career becomes the 3rd house (Communication, intellect, writing, transportation, siblings, short journeys etc.)


 The traditional 9th house of exploration becomes the fourth house and has the 10th house meaning of (career, public recognition and achievement.)  


The traditional 8th house of death becomes the 5th house (Love life, creativity, art, theater, romance, education, games, children etc.)

The traditional 7th house of marriage becomes the 6th house (sickness, disabilities, service, hygiene, health, skills, routine and everyday work, etc.)


The traditional 6th house, now below the horizon in the chart, becomes the 7th house (Marriage, partnerships and relationships, groups, justice, lawsuits etc.)


The traditional 5th house becomes the 8th house (death, taxes, sex, profound changes, occult, transformation)


The traditional 4th house becomes the 9th house (long distance travel, higher education, social work, philosophy, law and the house of the father in this case, while the 4th is the mother)


The traditional 3rd house, past the IC becomes the 10th house, which retains some meanings of the traditional 4th house (Family, real estate, home life, inheritance etc.)


The traditional 2nd house becomes the 11th house (Friendships, ideals, groups, hopes etc.)


The traditional 1st house just below the horizon becomes the 12th house (Secrets, mysticism, enemies, dreams, devotion, spirituality, research, privacy, bad habits and hardships etc. also symbolic of the end of life and merging back into the pre-natal self)



You will notice separately in Clarke’s chart, that the houses are associated with different signs rather than the typical Aries first house, Taurus second house etc.  Astrology and numerology are intertwined! For example, the first house is now associated not with Aries, but with Leo, the sign of pride, creativity and confidence; fitting of the first house of Self. It is also symbolic of Ra, the mighty sun god when he first appears over the horizon and is symbolic of life and birth in general. Also, number 1 in numerology signifies the leader and the individual. “Sun, One,” is an easy way to remember the connection.


Moon is associated with number 2, nurturing, and the mother. (Two “os” in full moon shapes). Gemini, 3 is the curious child, relates to the new 3rd house. (“Mercury” rhymes with “three”) Venus, or 4, has an earthly, steady building energy to it, perfect for the house of career. (Boar, four/four letters in bull). The dynamic and creative Aries now represents the 5th house and the activeness of the 5 meaning. (Five, alive,).


Sixth house of service is next, replacing the traditional 7th house. The house is for Clarke, associated with Pisces and number 6 is related to service, sometimes at the cost of self-will. Aquarius relates to the 7th house for Clarke. 7 and Aquarius are both very mystical and spiritual, representing higher humanitarian knowledge beyond ourselves. (7 dimensions, 7 days of the week, 7 chakras etc. The Egyptians believed that 7 was sacred.) It is an evolution from the physical into the ethereal. Saturn and Capricorn are associated with the business-like number 8, as is death. Thus, in Clarke’s method, the 8th house is associated with Capricorn rather than Scorpio. The 9th is Sagittarius and higher learning, which connects number 9’s meaning of humanity and the higher collective. Scorpio is all about power and control, fitting for the 10th house. Libra is about partnership and all relationships, not just romantic. Is it no wonder that many lovers were once friends (11th house theme) and that interactions require balance and fairness (Libra)? Libra is now associated with the 11th house. Last of all, analytical Virgo associated with 12th house, the house of secrets, research and privacy.


Landwehr claims that both clockwise and anticlockwise systems are both valid and can be interpreted in different ways. Anticlockwise would describe the souls external interactions with the environment and outside world, whereas the clockwise version of the chart would be more reflective of the person’s inward journey. He mentions that each house can represent a point in the soul’s incarnation, birth, youth, maturity, death and the start of the next cycle.


Likewise, Hank Friedman explains the similarities and differences between Vedic and Western astrology. Hank Friedman suggests that in order for astrologers and other spiritually inclined people in the community to step toward acceptance in a society that shuns the “supernatural” and “soft sciences,” listening and consensus is key. He says astrologers need to appreciate not only their own methods, but the methods of other cultures and traditions. The main goal is not to prove the superiority of one system over another. Whether it is Tropical, Sidereal, Clockwise, Anticlockwise, or astrology methods from other cultures, the objective should be aimed at providing spiritual development, and instilling confidence. Both “good” and “bad” aspects and planets are not the “end all, be all” of a person’s life. The client has control of their own destiny, and astrology can help increase awareness of strengths and flaws alike. If practitioners cannot embrace other perspectives, then it would cause more confusion and reluctance among potential students. Even thousands of years later, astrology remains an important spiritual science for those who are fascinated by their spiritual psychology, their communities and the vast universe we live in.


If you like astrology, choose whichever method you like, but don’t put others down for not adhering to your views. Mystics should stick together and be cooperative as best as they can more than ever before in a (primarily American) society often influenced by the negative sides of Christianity and materialism.

BONUS: Try this: Do a Vedic chart with one sign for each house so ascendant sign becomes entire first house. Do the traditional Vedic associations, look at the sign and planetary traits...but use the clockwise system so the signs move backward instead of forward.

 (TROPICAL ASTROLOGY CAN ALSO BE USED WITH THE CLOCKWISE METHOD! Just reverse the signs so the first becomes the 12th, 11th becomes the 2nd etc. This time, use the cusp rulers for primary rulers and the second sign in the house for secondary rulers (example: ascendant in Aries = Mars ruler but Pisces also appears in the house, Neptune becomes the sub-ruler.)

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