Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Paganism and Wicca: benefits and flaws


* Generally a very accepting, open-minded faith/spiritual practice

* Encourages respect for the environment and fellow human beings

* Blends deities and beliefs from various cultures, predominantly Celtic, Norse, Germanic, Egyptian, Indian, Greek, etc. Gives a person more freedom in their practice.

*Celebrates the turning of the seasons and natural life cycles of birth and death

*Ritual and prayer serve as means to better oneself psychologically and strengthen bonds between coven members and the Pagan community


* Often emphasizes on a God and Goddess worship, which can be exclusive of other individuals who do not believe in these deities (or any deity in particular)

* Perpetuates stereotypical binary gender characteristics (masculine and feminine) without consideration for "gray" areas (ex. transgender characteristics, intersex individuals, sexual minority groups, neutral forces in nature, etc.)

* An ancient rule dictates that men can only be initiated by women and women only initiated by men. While the rites and traditions are not negative themselves, they do reinforce the "ideal" nature of heterosexuality to an extent, claiming that anything outside the norm is "unnatural." The Great Rite and the legend of the God and the Goddess are further examples that celebrate heterosexual sex and fertility. The rules came from a very different time when persecution and heterosexuality were prominent.

* Deities from other cultures are left out most of the time (ex. Native American, African, Chinese etc.).

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