Wednesday, October 31, 2018

African deities art made by James C. Lewis

I do not own any of the images. No copyright intended. Art belongs to photographer James C. Lewis: "Yoruba African Orishas."  from Noire3000studios. This is for educational purposes. 

Be sure to check out this talented creator and support his work.

Paganism and Wicca: benefits and flaws


* Generally a very accepting, open-minded faith/spiritual practice

* Encourages respect for the environment and fellow human beings

* Blends deities and beliefs from various cultures, predominantly Celtic, Norse, Germanic, Egyptian, Indian, Greek, etc. Gives a person more freedom in their practice.

*Celebrates the turning of the seasons and natural life cycles of birth and death

*Ritual and prayer serve as means to better oneself psychologically and strengthen bonds between coven members and the Pagan community


* Often emphasizes on a God and Goddess worship, which can be exclusive of other individuals who do not believe in these deities (or any deity in particular)

* Perpetuates stereotypical binary gender characteristics (masculine and feminine) without consideration for "gray" areas (ex. transgender characteristics, intersex individuals, sexual minority groups, neutral forces in nature, etc.)

* An ancient rule dictates that men can only be initiated by women and women only initiated by men. While the rites and traditions are not negative themselves, they do reinforce the "ideal" nature of heterosexuality to an extent, claiming that anything outside the norm is "unnatural." The Great Rite and the legend of the God and the Goddess are further examples that celebrate heterosexual sex and fertility. The rules came from a very different time when persecution and heterosexuality were prominent.

* Deities from other cultures are left out most of the time (ex. Native American, African, Chinese etc.).

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Pagan Hogwarts fan fiction idea

So J.K Rowling did not include Paganism at Hogwarts because "Wiccans cannot co-exist with witches and wizards at Hogwarts." In that case it is true.

For fanfiction writers, they say otherwise.

Source for the idea:

"Gaia school of Magick"
Pagan themed Hogwarts-like school. Classes include:
Divination (along with tarot card reading, runes, astrology, and palm reading)
Herbology (herb uses and medicine)
Geology and crystal uses
Invoking/evoking spirits
Care of Magical Creatures and Familiars
God and Goddess worship (classes subdivided for cultural preferences)
Meditation class
Pagan/Wicca/Druid/Germanic history (replacing History of Magic)
Defense against Black Magic (replacing Defense Against the Dark Arts)
Moon cycles class and astronomy
Pagan art and music/dance class
No “houses” per se but different groups based on worship (Hellenistic, Roman, Egyptian, Celtic, Germanic, African, etc.). There is even an atheist branch, but it is very small. Followers of Abrahamic religions are also accepted.
No dark wizards to fight, mainly witch hunters, warlocks, (those outcasts who rebelled against Wicca) demons, and ignorant non-magic folk.
All eight Sabbats would be celebrated.

Legend states that there were some Pagans who were able to go to Hogwarts long ago. They enjoyed learning about magic, creatures, and divination. However, several consequences occurred. (1) the debate on what real "magic" was. While the majority of students at Hogwarts believed that incantations consisted of magic, the Pagans believed that the invocations of spirits/gods was what constituted magic. (2) Needless to say, some of the gods did not appreciate magic being freely used by individuals without giving anything in return. A few gods became engaged and interfered with the spells that students cast. Some spells would backfire, some would disappear into thin air and some magic would not work at all. Many of the students (the Slytherins in particular) did not believe in what they called "muggle" magic, leading to further discrimination toward their Pagan peers. (3) Several Pagans, seeking revenge against their bullies, used forms of dark magic to summon monsters and spirits. Curses and love spells spread through the school like a virus. With the help of the headmaster and a fellow High Priestess, the curses abated until everything was back to normal. Animosity toward the Pagans was fueled by dark wizard hating Christians and skeptical Ravenclaw atheists. Wanting to avoid future problems, the headmaster and the teachers insisted that the Pagans moved someplace else. Many were reluctant to leave but several of the ministers stated it was for the best, for it was obvious that "Wiccans could not co-exist with witches and wizards."
"But we could teach each other so many things!" the Pagan students insisted. 
"Magical creatures can co-exist with wizards. Why can't we?"
"Alas, it is clear" said the female minister "that we do not appear to be welcome among wizards as well as non-magic folk. However, we can take what we have learned during our experience and make the best of it."
"Why not start a school of our own?" asked a student.

And so, England's Gaia School of Magick was born. 

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Pagan prayers and my beginner experiences

"Guardian of the watchtower, spirit of the north, lend me your grounded powers of earth and growth. Stabilize my life, hard work is my oath."

"Guardian of the watchtower, spirit of the east, lend me your airy powers of communication and intellect. Support me in my quest for learning, wisdom for good I shall collect."

"Guardian of the watchtower, spirit of the south, lend me your vibrant powers of confidence and agility. Alight the fiery creative passion within me."

"Guardian of the watchtower, spirit of the west, lend me your deep powers of subconscious and the sea. Wash away my worries and awaken my empathy."

October 25 2018: On Facebook, I defended Paganism from a person who believed that it was associated with Satanism. I explained the difference to them, but they are caught up in their Christian beliefs. I respect all religions and I love to learn about them, even as an atheist. However, I had to make my voice heard in some way, even if it didn't work.

October 25 2018: I performed my first practice ritual in my dorm as a self-experiment (with the door closed). I took a shower and cleansed the floor space with a small broom. I made a circle with pick up sticks and walked around it three times, pointing a knife toward the ground. Then I placed objects in their places as follows: pentacle necklace to the north, knife to the east, stick (wand) to the south and a glass to the west. I called upon the guardians of the elements with the phrases above. Stepping inside the circle, I moved around three more times, this time pointing my finger downwards. Then I closed my eyes and called to a symbolic Universe God and a symbolic Earth Goddess, asking them to help me learn and connect to nature. As I sat down and meditated for 5-10 minutes, I spoke these words three times: "In person, online, near and far, show me who my true friends are." After finishing with no thoughts nor messages, I thanked the symbolic deities and said "the circle is now clear. Merry meet, merry part, and merry may we meet again." Being the first time, it felt very awkward to do, but it did provide me some momentary comfort.

October 25 2018: Someone very close to me said "I'm sorry you are an atheist." Out of all the people in the world, I'm surprised this person would say something like that. They know exactly who I am, even though they grew up very differently. I have been an atheist all my life and only recently have I been interested in studying Paganism and Wicca. Saying they are sorry is like someone saying "I'm sorry you're White" or "I'm sorry you have blonde hair." There is no reason to apologize to someone and feel pity for a natural trait that they have. Some people say I may be "missing" out on religious experience, but I am doing just fine with science and a love of nature like many members of Gen Y.

On October 31 2018, I prayed to my ancestors at breakfast...and could not stop crying. White snow blanketed the ground outside. I sent a personal message to my loved one, (my first Mom) closing my eyes and describing current events in my life. I placed a bowl and a glass of water across from me, but of course, nothing happened. If other countries around the world honor their ancestors around this time, then why doesn't the U.S. do the same?

11-22-18: I "came out of the broom closet" as it were when I wore my Wiccan/Pagan necklace to my family's Thanksgiving lunch. My first grandma looked at it with suspicion, saying "What is that supposed to mean?" I lied and said it was for decoration. My second grandma told me that she studied herbal use and Wicca when she was a teenager, but warned me not to get sucked into it. My aunt and uncle knew about it and asked if I was a witch. I said something about Paganism being an Irish religion and how I liked studying it and they all laughed. I just stood there, confused and embarrassed. They all said that my Wicca pictures were weird as well.

On 12/14/18 I will have my sun, mercury, venus, and jupiter planets all in the same signs as my birth chart. This year is also the Year of the Dog, the same Chinese zodiac sign as my birth year. My birthday and graduation all in one.

Monday, October 15, 2018

An alternate view of 13 sign astrology

Aries: Cardinal fire  (April 18 - May 13)

Taurus: Cardinal earth (May 13 - June 21)

Gemini: Cardinal air  (June 21 - July 20)

Cancer: Cardinal water (July 20 - August 10)

Leo: Fixed fire  (August 10 - September 16)

Virgo: Fixed earth (September 16 - Oct 30)

Libra: Ether (October 30 - November 23)

Scorpio: Fixed air (November 23 - November 29)

Ophiuchus: Fixed water (November 29 - December 17)

Sagittarius: Mutable fire (December 17 - January 20)

Capricorn: Mutable earth (January 20 - February 16)

Aquarius: Mutable air (February 16 - March 11)

Pieces: Mutable water (March 11- April 18)

Why the random illogical changes? This idea came to me from several other sources. On a blog post, an individual asked why Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer were not all cardinal signs since they were the first "leaders" of the elements. The elements and meanings of the signs would stay the same, but their modalities would change.

Aries is represented as the most fiery sign of the zodiac. People born under this sign are independent, energetic, and risk takers. Aries desires action and self-expression. Cardinal signs are self-initiating. Therefore, Aries can be seen to represent fire in its basic form.

Taurus is a stable earth sign. These individuals use the five senses and the material world to ground themselves. Taurus is ambitious, practical and has an eye for beauty. The drive for material goods and a pleasant life can be seen as a form of self-initiation and action (cardinal). Taurus is immovable earth, which is earth in its most basic form.

Gemini individuals are expressive and quick-witted. They are curious individuals who love learning new things. They can talk for a long time about their favorite topics, but the conversations may be on the superficial side. Air is changeable and full of energy, hence this is air in its most basic form. The desire for communication, moving, and learning can alternatively be considered as a form of self-initiation (cardinal).

Cancer individuals are emotional, sensitive, and family-oriented. They often have strong connections to the past and to their loved ones. However, they do have strong protective instincts and like the crab, they have hard outer "shells" to protect their inner selves. Their moods can fluctuate up and down like the waves of the ocean. Cancer represents water in its most basic form.

Aries and Cancer can be viewed as the bipolar masculine and feminine signs that align with stereotypical gender traits. (Aries being dominant, warlike, and action oriented, Cancer as sensitive, emotional, and nurturing to others) This is different from the sun (Leo) and moon (Cancer) polarities
since Aries and Cancer are both cardinal "leaders" and represent gender traits at the extreme level. Why not Mars and Venus then? Venus represents love, beauty, and creativity, while the moon represents love, maternal instincts, and nurturing, all qualities that women are expected to adhere to in society (along with beauty but more to the Cancer traits of child caring, passivity, and emotion). Although the sun represents the "masculine" traits of vitality and leadership, men are expected to adhere to more Martian standards: being dominant, protective of loved ones, leadership, athleticism etc.

Leo individuals are fun-loving and are driven to be admired and appreciated. Leo has a lasting fixed loyalty to loved ones they care about. Many of them enjoy theater and pursue performing arts.

Virgo is analytical, practical and detail-oriented. Their hard work can be interpreted as fixed and focused, meaning they can concentrate on projects for long periods of time, depending on the person/situation. They are also modest and are often of service to other people.

Libra individuals desire harmony, balance and a connection to others. A connection to other people, as well as to the Divine, can make the alternative element of Libra ether (spirit). Libra enjoys refined objects, romance, and the finer things of life. Libra individuals are intelligent being a regular air sign, can equate with reaching the higher mind (or higher planes of existence). Their desire for harmony and peace has more personal traits to it then the more detached Aquarian view.

Scorpio individuals are deep, mysterious and are often loners. They love digging deep into various issues and subjects like criminal studies, psychology and others. Scorpio individuals have a vengeful and aggressive side to them. Their intense focus on topics (fixed) and an intellectual desire to learn and uncover the truth (air) makes them people not to be messed with.

Ophiuchus, the so called "13th sign" of the zodiac is actually the 9th constellation. It does not appear in either the Tropical nor the Sidereal zodiac systems. The potential element and modality for this sign is the one that is associated with Scorpio: fixed water. These people are curious, passionate, and have a jealous streak to them. Like Scorpio, they have a thirst for knowledge and are secretive, though in this case, Ophiuchus can be considered as the "deeper" version of Scorpio. Ophiuchus is deep and emotional (water) and are fixed in their often unconventional ways.

Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign, making them curious, energetic, and lovers of learning. They can never stay in one place or on one subject for too long. Subjects they often enjoy include traveling, religion, and philosophy.

Capricorn individuals are hard-working, practical, and ambitious. They are conservative and determined to reach their goals, no matter what it takes. Taking slow measured steps may seem like it would involve stability, but as it is known, the human mind is not that simple. Even when someone makes concrete plans, they have to be flexible (mutable) at times in order to move forward. Capricorn is half goat and half fish, allowing for a variety/flexibility of environments to work in.

Aquarius individuals are humanitarian, friendly, and generous. They march to the beat of their own drummers and frequently love topics like technology, space exploration, and science. They are not the most emotional individuals and many keep their distances. Although inflexibility can be a negative trait of Aquarius, flexibility (mutable) is a trait that is required for them to be of service to a diverse population of people. When it comes to topics that interest them, or dealing with the concerns of others, they are more likely to be open minded. Being human is never easy.

Pieces is a flexible dreamy water sign. These people often have great creative imaginations, making them suited to art, music, and creative endeavors. They are emotional and sensitive to the feelings of others, making them one of the most empathetic individuals. Their bad habits come from looking at the world through rose colored glasses and not seeing reality for what it is.

I cannot take credit for the basic information.  This is merely my own interpretation of the information I found. From another site that I cannot find, another astrologer posted a detailed chart that displayed the 13 zodiac signs in a circle, with yellow, red, blue, and white circles to represent each element. According to that chart, Libra was assigned the element of ether instead of air. Perhaps it was because Libra represents a balance of all things (ex. the balance of all the elements together. Libra is also the center most sign in the 13th zodiac (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo: 6 signs + Scorpio, Ophiuchus, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pieces: 6 signs).

The moon chart (or rasi) is likely more accurate than the natal chart in terms of describing the individual's personality and potential life events. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Friendship and Acceptance is Magic: Disability and Feminism in "My Little Pony: The Movie"

This essay analyzes a fictional character named Tempest Shadow from the animated film “My Little Pony: The Movie.” The movie is based on the popular show “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.” Although the show is oriented toward children, it has grown more popular among adult fans. The movie carries important messages about friendship, determination, and self-acceptance.  This character and her physical impairment is compared to the discrimination of people with disabilities in real life. Works from various scholars are integrated to support the analysis: Susan Wendell, author of The Rejected Body, Robert McRuer, and finally, Barnes and Mercer. First, Wendell argues that society is constructed to benefit able-bodied individuals. Although wheelchairs, ramps, and assistance equipment is available, not everyone has access to them. Second, Robert McRuer compares the theory of able-bodiedness to the theory of compulsory heterosexuality. Finally, Barnes and Mercer argue that all forms of discrimination against individuals have their roots in the devaluation of impairments and disabilities. It is demonstrated that to an extent, Tempest Shadow and her personal struggles can be connected to real-life issues of disability.

Who is Tempest Shadow first of all? She is a dark maroon colored unicorn and antagonist in the My Little Pony Movie. She is played by actress Emily Blunt, who interestingly enough, used acting as a way to cope with her stuttering disability. During her days as a foal, Tempest Shadow played with her other friends and had a bad encounter with an Ursa Minor, a monstrous bear with constellations as a fur coat. She defended her friends but lost her horn in the process. Feeling abandoned and rejected by her friends along with her uncontrolled outbursts of magic, Tempest Shadow joins forces with the evil Storm King in an attempt to take over the city of Canterlot. After the main protagonist princess Twilight Sparkle is captured, Tempest Shadow asks the Storm King to restore her horn in exchange. The Storm King laughs and declines her request. This later leads to Tempest Shadow risking her life to save her new pony friends by blocking the Storm King's magical attack and getting turned to stone in the process. After being revived, she apologizes to Twilight and the rest of the ponies. She is then accepted into the pony society and uses her magic to create fireworks, which everyone admires. 

          The inability for Tempest Shadow to properly control her magic can be interpreted as a type of physical impairment. Wendell claims that disability is socially constructed by factors that cause or do not prevent harm to individuals (Wendell 1996). A common factor is “the social organization of societies on the basis of a young, non-disabled, ‘ideally shaped,’ healthy adult male paradigm of citizens” (Wendell 45). In other words, society is constructed to benefit able-bodied white men over other groups. In this case, people with disabilities are either hurt by, for instance, a lack of access to resources in society, or they continue to experience stressful situations along with their conditions. In Toward a Feminist Theory of Disability, Wendell adds an important point when she says “The oppression of disabled people is the oppression of everyone’s real body” (Wendell 248). In other words, the system of oppression affects everyone, not just people with disabilities and minority groups. 

In the world of My Little Pony, there are three main classes of ponies: Unicorns, Pegasi, and Earth Ponies. The pegasus are winged ponies who can fly, Earth ponies have great strength and unicorns can do magic. Tempest Shadow would be at a disadvantage due to not being able to fly on her own, use brute strength like Earth ponies, or use magic to the same degree as a unicorn. While some characters are portrayed as "disabled heroes," this character is a villain and a "tragic victim." The pursuit to get her horn fixed is her main drive behind her evil actions in the movie. This can be equated to the extreme circumstance of a person wanting to have his/her disability "cured." In a sense, the physical traits of strength, flying, and magical ability are valued not only for the sake of the personal lives of the ponies, but their overall collective culture. According to Wendell, “idealizing the body prevents everyone, able-bodied and disabled, from identifying with and loving his/her real body” (Wendell, p. 248). In real life, individuals are pressured to meet near impossible standards of beauty, health, and fitness that most individuals cannot attain. Tempest Shadow only begins to accept herself and her abilities at the end of the film, after Twilight and her pony friends accepted her into their friendship circle.

Of course, Tempest Shadow’s experience does not represent the majority of individuals with disabilities. While it is true that some individuals may seek cures or treatments for physical or mental disabilities, there are plenty of others who do not want to be cured. For certain individuals, their disabilities are major components of their identities and some resist the system that privileges able-bodied individuals. A double standard exists for many individuals with disabilities. On the one hand, they are often criticized, mocked, or even assaulted for their differences. On the other hand, able-bodied individuals may find these differences as "fascinating" or even "exotic." (Fiedler, 1984). Indeed, for instance, the ponies were shocked and fearful of Tempest Shadow during her invasion arrival. To substitute for the loss of her magic, Tempest Shadow uses dark crystals to turn the pony citizens into stone (who were later revived at the end). Tempest Shadow is so upset over the loss of her former magical abilities that she goes to extreme measures in a (failed) attempt to “cure” herself. Tempest Shadow even sings a villain song “Open up your Eyes” to a captured Twilight in the middle of the film, explaining how she lost her ability and her desire for revenge.

According to Wendell,  the differences of individuals with disabilities are "highlighted, and their similarity to people without disabilities is minimized or else commented upon as amazing or amusing in order to maintain focus upon the difference” (Wendell p. 66). An example from the film is when Tempest Shadow uses her broken horn to shoot fireworks into the air, a spectacle that amazes the other ponies. This could be interpreted as a means of acceptance of Tempest Shadow into the mainstream society. On the contrary, the scene (and the movie as a whole) also focuses to an extent, on Tempest Shadow’s marked difference: the loss of her horn, over any other part of her identity. 

In support of Wendell’s statements, Barnes and Mercer argue that disability is a form of social oppression that is at the root of all other forms of discrimination. The authors state that people with disabilities are “marked apart as a distinct social group on the grounds of their perceived bodily deficiency or abnormality” (Barnes and Mercer, p. 20). In other words, the oppression of marginalized groups is based on perceived biological weaknesses and differences that do not adhere to the “white male” norm. On the contrary, the world of My Little Pony is highly female centered, with the majority of characters and leaders being female. However, the society still favors able-bodied ponies who can fly, have strength, or perform adequate magic, all the qualities that Tempest Shadow does not possess. In real life, society is structured primarily for able-bodied young white men. Wendell argues that the socially constructed ideals put in place creates stress for individuals who cannot meet them.

Moreover, Robert McRuer provides an intersectional view of disability. McRuer claims that ableism and heterosexism are forms of oppression that operate similarly. Both able-bodiedness and the theory of compulsory heterosexuality privileges able-bodied individuals who fit the social expectations for being male or female. Males, for instance, must be dominant, courageous, and providers for their families. Women, on the other hand, are expected to be passive, nurturing, emotional, and be caregivers to their children. These systems perceive LGBTQ individuals and individuals with disabilities as “deviant.” According to McRuer, both able-bodiedness and heterosexuality “functions by covering over with the appearance of choice, a system in which there is actually no choice” (McRuer p. 303). McRuer adds that the system of capitalism further reinforces these systems of oppression to favor able-bodied workers and heterosexual individuals who can contribute to the labor force and human reproduction respectively. In regard to McRuer, the societal assumption is, “the most successful heterosexual subject is the one whose sexuality is not compromised by disability” and vice versa (McRuer, p. 304).

In stark contrast to the capitalistic systems of oppression, the world of My Little Pony contains no such restrictions. The pony characters are free to pursue their goals, their careers, and their moments to hang out with friends. Although a hierarchy system is in place, there remains very little discrimination. However, Tempest Shadow, while not directly oppressed by pony society, still struggles to fit in. Not only is her villainous behavior considered “deviant” by the ponies, but to another extent, her appearance is another indication. She wears dark armor over her body, and has a scar across her right eye. Her dark pink hair is cut “sharper” and shorter than the longer smoother manes of the other ponies. She is larger, darker, and more militaristic in appearance in comparison to Twilight Sparkle and her pony friends. In general, the other female ponies are friendlier, more empathetic, and more “beautiful” in terms of appearance. In this sense, Tempest Shadow’s traits defy both the gender norms and the ability norms of Canterlot. In addition, Wendell claims qualities like success, beauty, health, and energy praiseworthy traits to have in an able-bodied dominant society. According to Wendell, “just as treating cultural standards of beauty as essential virtues for women harms most women, treating health and vigor as moral virtues for everyone harms people with disabilities and illnesses (Wendell, p. 249).

Furthermore, in modern societies, individuals are constantly met with high expectations to conform to. Individuals with disabilities who cannot keep up with the fast-paced society are looked down upon by able-bodied individuals who are more impatient (Wendell 38). Wendell calls this phenomenon the "pace of life factor," something that able-bodied individuals take for granted (Wendell p. 37). In modern society, individuals are expected to be quick and efficient in the workplace, in traveling from place to place, and to be constantly up to date in the online world. In My Little Pony, Canterlot is a fast-paced society filled with mythological creatures and magic. Science and medicine do not increase the pace of the pony society, rather it is magic. When Tempest Shadow lost her horn when she was little, her friends rejected her because she couldn't play with them in the "proper" way other unicorns her age could. Indeed, Tempest Shadow may have found in herself, an inability to "keep up" with the norms and expectations of the other ponies. This feeling, combined with her feelings of abandonment, led to her temporarily joining the Storm King’s evil force. In comparison with Tempest Shadow’s failure to get her magic back, many individuals in real life cannot or choose not to seek “cures” for their disabilities/illnesses.

In summary, Wendell argues that feminism and disability theories should be integrated together to raise awareness of physical and mental disabilities in sociological texts. In comparison with Wendell’s intersectional perspective, McRuer states the systems of heterosexuality and able-bodiedness both oppress individuals who do not fit the “healthy white male” standard. Sexuality and gender cannot be discussed without including other social factors like race, class, and disability. Finally, Barnes and Mercer conclude a bias against perceived biological appearances/disability is at the root of all forms of oppression. Therefore, more effort should take place in embracing individual differences and representing people with disabilities in genuine, effective ways.

Although My Little Pony is directed toward children, it has many valuable lessons that adults can learn from. The most prominent lesson is the importance of friendship, and the second one is the subtle representation of disability. Tempest Shadow is just one example of characters with disabilities in various forms of media. This essay demonstrated that Tempest Shadow’s experience with having a "disability" does not represent the majority of individuals with disabilities in real life, also including the fact that the film is fictional. However, it does send the message that individuals with disabilities can and should be accepted into society and be embraced for their differences. More representation of disability in film and in scholarly works is essential to educate able-bodied individuals about physical and mental disabilities in various contexts. Greater representation over time will lead to disabilities being normalized instead of ostracized.

Barnes and Mercer (2003). “Disability as a form of Social Oppression.” Disabling Societies. p. 20-25.
Fiedler, L. (1984). “The Tyranny of the Normal.” The Hastings Center Report April: 40-42.
McRuer, Robert (2006). “Compulsory Able-Bodiedness and Queer/Disabled Existence.” The Disability Studies Reader (2nd ed.). p. 301-308. New York and London. Taylor & Francis Group.
Wendell, Susan (1989). “Toward a Feminist Theory of Disability.” The Disability Studies Reader (2nd ed.). p. 243-252. New York and London. Taylor & Francis Group.
Wendell, Susan (1996). The Rejected Body: Feminist Philosophical Reflections on Disability. Taylor and Francis Group. Routledge. New York, NY. 

Sunday, October 7, 2018

What does Mother Nature tell us?

Her messages can take many forms, commonly with the five senses. You may get clues from what you see around you. Take, for instance, the green leaves on the trees turning vivid shades of yellow, orange, and red, as the sign of fall approaching. Observe the blades of green grass dancing happily in the wind as a celebration of warm sunny days. When you notice the petunias, roses, lilies, and violets, drooping sadly, revive their spirits with gentle showers of water. Mother Nature’s sounds are as diverse as her visual creations. You might be familiar with the continuous inhale and exhale of deep blue ocean waves, splashing over the sand and retreating back again. When you hear the loud splintering sound of chainsaws against forest trees, you might equate it to the breaking of bones. The chirping of birds, the barking of dogs, the cawing of crows, all in languages that are not understood by humans. Mother Nature, indeed, also makes contact with you. She can breathe softly against your face in as a gentle breeze. The senses of flowers or electric smell of an oncoming storm sends different messages through your nostrils. Cold raindrops will nourish the plants, the grass, and even your soul. But remember, Hell hath no fury like Mother Nature scorned. For she has the power to destroy as well as to create. Lightning storms, tornados, hurricanes, and volcanoes, are her ultimate weapons. She is called Mother Nature for a reason: every living thing and non-living thing relies on her for life, nurturance, and existence. To steal her resources, and dominate her with greed-filled hearts will only deprive us further, even in a sea of material wealth. Mother Earth is as real and genuine as all of us. We’d be fools to destroy our Universal Parent and the lands we call home.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Plagg vs Beerus

Beerus and Plagg are both cats, both have destructive powers, both are thousands of years old, both love food (though Plagg is much picker), both have a tendency for being stubborn and lazy. 

One day:

Plagg: Whoa, where did you come from?

Beerus: I'm Lord Beerus God of Destruction. And, what are you exactly?

Plagg: I am a kwami who has the ability to grant the power of destruction to superheroes. Also, I'll only eat cheese.

Beerus: That's it? Why settle only for that horribly smelling cheese when you could experience the wonders of ramen, sushi, pudding, pretty much anything.

Plagg: It's not easy living for decades. I've helped super heroes fight villains in ancient times.

Beerus: I destroy planets and mortals who do not meet my high expectations.

Plagg: ...

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The Enigma TNG goes live! (yes, another TNG fanfiction)

I do not own the artists or individuals in this fanfiction. No copyright intended.

Art by The Enigma TNG


From beyond the dark curtain, the noise of a crowd vibrated like a strong wind from outside. Backstage crew members were busy adjusting the overhead lights, sweeping the wooden floor, and testing the sound system. An older gentleman wearing dark blue clothing carefully lifted a black guitar from a protective black case and got to work adjusting the strings and connecting the thin black cord to a small slot at the end of the guitar. There was nothing dazzling about the guitar’s appearance; it was a simple black color with a few streaks of teal lightning snaking across the middle for decoration. After a few strums were easily heard from across the room, he gave a thumbs up to several other crew members.

Further back was an area with a set of mirrors and chairs. Professionally dressed men and women were finishing up with styling the hair of rock stars and other performers. It was the annual Indie artist festival that had started back in 2020, not that long ago. Many creators experienced difficult moments of trying to get their music across to broader audiences outside of YouTube. A few brave individuals decided to perform in person to attract more attention and enjoyment regarding their works. Even as the years went by, local artists did not get near enough money that mainstream celebrities enjoyed. For some musicians, joining labels and adhering to specific guidelines seemed the best way to go.

Others wanted to stay true to themselves and question the existing systems.

One such person was a black-haired man sitting in a leather chair, facing a round mirror. His black curly hair was currently being morphed into slick spikes by a hairstylist with short dark orange hair. A dark-skinned woman was painting a couple black streaks from below the man’s eyes with precision. The man wore all black clothing; jeans, shoes, and socks. His shirt was black in the middle with gray quarter length sleeves. Black fingerless gloves covered his hands. His usual array of chain necklaces hung from around his neck and glinted in the white circular lights from around the mirror.

“You excited, Che’z?” asked the hairstylist.

“Sure, I guess,” he replied. The back of his shirt had the acronym “TNG” in large green letters.

“You guess, huh?” the hairstylist asked. “You’ve come so far since starting your channel around 2013. I would be lucky to be in your position right now.”

“Yeah, it’s true that I have come far since back then,” he replied. “But it was not without hard work and suffering along the way.”

“Well I can understand that you are nervous about this big event. I mean, who wouldn’t be?”

Che’z was, indeed, nervous. Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at his black guitar and laptop all set up and positioned toward the maroon curtains. He had only performed at a couple of local shows back in town. At a park filled with green grass and families, he figured that it would be a good place to start. The sun felt hot against his dark clothing and the dark surface of his laptop, but the brief discomfort prompted him to continue on. Before a group of people, Che’z had introduced himself and mentioned his YouTube channel, which had gone up to 1,200,000 subscribers and counting. He felt a burst of pride when he had played several of his tracks in a row. The watchers weren’t a particularly big group, but it was still satisfying for him all the same. Several young children danced and sang along beside their caregivers. A few people with a “lighter” taste in music held back. They were more familiar with pop and classical music rather than dark electronic. After the demonstration, polite applause came from the group and they soon continued on their way. No one else stayed for very long, save for a few teenage girls who had asked for his picture and autograph. 

Che’z peered down at the time in the bottom right hand corner of his laptop.

“Got to get ready for work again,” he muttered.

“Hey Che’z, you alright man?” asked a voice.

Che’z snapped back to the present moment. “Yes, I’m good.”

“You’re all set,” said the hairstylist after completing the finishing touches. “Good luck.” 
The hairstylist removed the blue cloth from around the musician’s neck. Che’z stood up to stretch his legs, then walked toward his equipment. He stopped for a brief second.

“Thank you to both of you. Much appreciated,” he said, turning back to look at them. The hairstylist and the woman nodded kindly, then moved on to clean up the area. Che’z looked at his watch. Five more minutes until he was up on stage. Due to his social avoidance and long moments to practice, he had requested to go last. By luck, his request was followed through. Heck, he was lucky enough to have earned a spot for this festival with many other competitors. The festival aimed to raise money for education of low-income students in the area. Plus, it was a way to introduce and promote independent artists to celebrate the peak of summer.

For Che’z, the festival would not be enough to satisfy both the artists and the students in need, but at least it was a start. He was usually a patient person, except when it came to human rights. At times, he was frustrated at how long it would take for people to recognize or even acknowledge that social problems existed in the first place. Why did people only discuss the problems and put on trivial events in an attempt to “solve” the issue? He especially did not like the ignorant individuals who would dismiss others altogether and claim that racism, homelessness, and injustice were “not their problems” to solve.

‘Breathe, Che’z. Breathe.’

Che’z took several deep breaths and cleared his head of his angry thoughts. Now was not the time to let nerves or anger get the best of him. Despite not caring about fame, being able to play his music for others gave him a mental and emotional high. The show was about to begin.

He moved the cursor across the screen of his now open laptop until he found the icon for the FL Studio program at the bottom. After a click, the program opened and a list of tracks appeared to the left. Back at his home, he had organized a mixture of his new and older music together into a longer playlist. He had played it many times to figure out which songs should be introduced in what order. Singing and playing his guitar was also part of his rehearsal, but he mostly did so for enjoyment and a boost of confidence. He gazed down at his laptop again. With one click, the music would start and the night would change for everyone present.

The charismatic voice of an announcer was heard from outside. “You have witnessed a dozen participants for this festival thus far. Now for our final music composer and producer for tonight.” Che’z closed his eyes and silently prayed to his father and Jesus Christ.

‘Please let this performance go smoothly. Don’t let bad luck take me back into a dull impoverished life. Give me the strength to be an inspiration to this world. I love both of you very much. Amen.’

The announcer’s voice was heard again when Che’z opened his eyes. “This man has created songs, remixes, and fan-made tracks of nearly every genre. With this mysterious guy, you’ll never know what comes to your ears next! May I present, the one and only…the Enigma TNG!”

The cheers of the crowd reached a roaring crescendo as the curtain fell dramatically to the floor. The scene was currently dark, except for a series of white flashing lights that appeared to the sides of a large screen toward the back. A distorted demonic voice spoke through the speakers: “Welcome to the world of The Enigma TNG, where the mysteries of music become…reality!” The statement was followed by a maniacal laugh. The announcer was off the stage in a flash. Two crewmen and one crew woman quickly moved on stage and carried the thick fabric away. On the large screen, “The Enigma TNG” appeared in metallic letters. The glowing eyes of a black cat soon filled the screen. The green cat eyes faded and were replaced with the stars and galaxies of outer space. Electronic music blared as the stars rapidly zoomed out on the screen. They moved faster until exploding in a flash of light. In the back of his head, a grinning Che’z recognized the song as “Rock the Dragon,” the introduction song from DragonBall Z.

 Che’z squinted to adjust his eyes to the bright lights above. The flashing lights ceased and teal light filled the area. Che’z was on stage in a large amphitheater, the sky black overhead. Rows of spotlights were positioned high above on the left and right sides throughout the area, shining light that revealed figures of people. Not just a crowd…an enormous crowd. The herd of individuals covered the entire space, stretching around to the very far back. IPhones appeared in the dark sea of people, being held by individuals ready to take pictures and record. Seeing all those faces and eyes staring at him was enough to make his hands shake. Che’z scanned around the room for any signs of familiar faces. He breathed a sigh of relief when he spotted his loved ones and friends in the closed off VIP section near the front. There was his mother, his brother, several of his best male friends, and his wife, Nastassia with several of her relatives. A blush crept to his cheeks as he stared at Nastassia’s vivid blue hair and kind eyes. A smile and a thumbs up from her calmed him down instantly.

Che’z, or Enigma rather, carried his laptop to the front to a center spot between round black records and sound equipment on a sturdy table. He grabbed his guitar and moved it in an upright position to the side. He placed a pair of black earphones over his ears and adjusted the knobs in front of him. A line of security guards stood between the stage and the crowd wearing yellow shirts. Immediately, Enigma played his most popular dubstep track “Monster Killer.” The crowd danced and sang along to the lyrics. After the lyrics were sung a second time, the beat dropped loudly and smoke rushed out of vents to the sides of the stage. The crowd jumped up and down as the catchy beat filled the amphitheater. Enigma found himself moving to the beat as well.

One guy’s voice called out, “This man’s better than Skrillex!”

“I heard that, thank you!” Enigma answered through the mic.

A woman was interpreting Enigma’s songs using sign language. He noticed several people making “T”s, “N”s, and “G”s with their hands along with the “horn” rocker hand signals.

A series of video game scenes and monstrous faces appeared on the screen to further stimulate the audience. When the crowd cheered wildly after the first song, Enigma felt his nervousness fade away. Still, he pretended not to notice the camera person next to him, taking pictures. Enigma briefly imagined his favorite artists in the audience listening to his music: The Birthday Massacre band, Skrillex, and Deadmau5. ‘One day, I’ll get to meet them in person and talk about our different songs,’ he thought.

The crowd jumped and danced like crazy as Enigma’s dubstep songs blasted from the speakers.  An alien green light emitted from the spotlights around the amphitheater. He watched as the songs moved up and down the playlist after each play: “Katz in Black,” “Monster Mode,” “Bass Monster,” “Disco Massacre,” “Parallel Universe,” and on and on. For the next several songs, Enigma decided to play his original mixes and covers form his DragonBall Z channel, Saiyan Enigma. This was one of the things he was best known for, having been a fan of the show for years. Whenever he finished a track, he would hear exuberant chants of “play one more!” from the audience below. Soon, he was on his seventh Saiyan Enigma track.

Figuring it was time for a change, he announced that he would play his industrial songs next. A series of groans intertwined with a rapidly raising applause. He let out a series of deep growls through the microphone as the stage lights turned crimson red. His fingers moved expertly along the strings and cords of his black electric guitar, which he had retrieved from nearby. These tracks had mechanical and guitar sounds mixed together to create intense atmospheres. They sounded like background music for action video games and science fiction films.

Through the microphone, Enigma led the singing from his metal-sounding song “Nightmare God.” Several men danced and thrashed around in a small mosh pit up front. The smells of alcohol and drugs soon whiffed through the enclosed darkened space. Enigma wrinkled his nose at the smells. He was thankful that he wasn’t into any of that. As fights broke out amongst the crazed singing, the security guards restrained the wild individuals up front. Images of fiery demons and medieval soldiers going into battle from the big screen behind him accompanied his industrial music. Affirmative yells rang through the area after the song ended.

When the crowd began to get exhausted, Enigma played his softer, classical music. The lights turned a relaxing blue and the screen changed to slow moving footages of outer space. The crowd was soon fixated by his trance outer space tracks. “Fantasy Blue,” “Angels and Demons,” “Evolution,” “Dimension Zero,” and “Beyond the Stars” were some of the songs selected. After several plays, Enigma looked at Nastassia and made an announcement.

“I now dedicate this next song to my wonderful wife and close friend, Dsyphobia,” referring to her online gamer username.

He cleared his throat and sang his romantic song “Mysterious Girl.” His low enchanting voice reverberated from the speakers, mixing with electronic synths and pulsing beats. Shining tears of joy crept from Dsyphobia’s eyes. There was a hum of “awws” from the audience as more pictures were taken from their phones. At the end, Enigma gave a small bow as the audience cheered once more.

Changing the atmosphere, Enigma played a series of his hip-hop beats next. The overhead lights changed to a cheery golden orange. He sang his personal songs “Speak your Mind,” along with “Broken Soldier’s Cry” with passion and emotion. The songs described his past experiences with facing racism and bullying in school. The song continued with him mentioning that Jesus Christ had saved him and encouraging the listeners to get together and fight injustice. At one time, he swore he heard his voice crack in the middle of one of the songs, but he kept going. After he had finished the final song, the crowd cheered extra loud.

“Thank you very much!” Enigma called out. “It was a great pleasure performing for all of you tonight. Until next time.”

Enigma walked back stage and breathed a sigh of relief. He found himself shaking hands with the stage crew and other individuals who were managing the event.
“Fantastic performance out there, man!”

“That was the most epic one man concert I have ever seen!”

“How did you learn to make music like that?”

Che’z rapidly answered those questions and walked out the back door, only to find a flurry of more questions aimed at him from the surrounding fans outside. They reached out their hands for him from behind the low metal fences. Many of them were dressed in Goth and Cyberpunk attire: gas masks, dyed hair, high boots, chains, and leather. Others were dressed like DragonBall Z characters.

“Can you play more DragonBall Z music for us?”

“Why do you hate country music so much?”

“Will you replace or collaborate with Skrillex and Deadmau5?”

“Why don’t you talk to your fans very often online?”

“Were you bullied due to your biracial identity?”

“TNG, TNG, play more DragonBall Z!”

Suddenly feeling triggered and uncomfortable, Che’z grit his teeth and marched quickly toward another building. His breathing became rapid and sweat formed on his forehead. Even though he loved his fans, he wasn’t the most trusting individual around. Indeed, he was very much an introvert much of the time. The sooner he could relax at home, the better.

‘2023 sure is crazy,’ he thought, catching his breath and slowing down to a walk.

Che’z then noticed a lit overhead walkway surrounded by glass that connected the amphitheater to the building up ahead. Despite the bridge in position, no cars ran under it. In fact, there was nothing beneath the bridge except an uphill of green grass, still damp from the evening sprinkler system. Che’z could have gone across the walkway if he had wanted to climb narrow flights of crowded stairs that led to the higher levels of the amphitheater. Obviously, he did not want to. The brisk night air felt refreshing against his skin after being inside for several hours.

At last, Che’z made it to the side glass doors of the brown brick building in front of him. He pushed open the doors and straightened himself up. There was one more task to do. Inside was a large pleasantly lit hall bathed in golden light from small lamps connected to either side of the walls. Toward the back of the hall, a simple brown couch and chairs were occupied by several of the previous performers from the festival. Several guys were laughing and drinking glasses of beer near one of the windows. 

Toward the main rotating doors was a connected row of large movable tables covered with elegant black cloth. Che’z’s albums and black t-shirts of various sizes lay in neat stacks on the left portion of the table. In front of the artists on the other side were long lines of waiting fans. Che’z scanned the room and noticed a camera person and a couple of strong security guards wearing yellow shirts nearby. He cleared his throat, pushed back his anxiety and took his place next to another performer.

Overall, the process was not as bad as Che’z had imagined. As a matter of fact, he enjoyed it very much. Not only was he getting money from his fans, but he was also able to interact with them without any pressing questions. Che’z ignored the tiredness in his right hand as he signed one album after another with a black sharpie. While he did not have as many items as the other performers, that didn’t stop the fans from purchasing his shirts and albums in a flash.

The best part of this experience was the overwhelming number of compliments he had received from his supporters.

“Your music is unlike anything I have heard,” stated a young African American man. “Your songs about race and Christianity really spoke to me.”

A Chinese woman added, “The way you mix melodies and beats together is astounding. Without your music and hilarious videos, I would still be dealing with grief over the loss of my husband from several weeks back.”

“You make Skrillex look like a pop star!” another guy chimed in, followed by some genuine laughter.

“Your music helps me when I code and play video games,” mentioned a red-haired woman in her twenties. “If any game or film wants music for their soundtracks, they should totally contact you!”

One of the comments that warmed his heart the most was from a white man also dressed in black: “Don’t listen to other people when they try to define you and your music with man-made labels. You’re too complex to be put into a box; we all are. Your hard work and your passion for what you do pays off in the end. The world needs more honest, genuine musicians like you who can help change society.” He then went on to buy a large t-shirt and all his different physical albums.

“That really means a lot to me. Thanks man,” Che’z said.

Che’z soon lost count of how many fans he got pictures with as the night went on.  He was amazed at how diverse the audience was. Individuals of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities were coming to buy his music and say hello. All too soon, his table was empty. He found himself caught in a warm embrace from behind. He didn’t need to look behind him to know who it was.

“Dysphobia, you missed the merchandise giveaway,” he said.

“I have plenty of your items already,” she replied. “Besides, I was off telling a bunch of people about my gaming channel. They seemed to enjoy my walkthroughs and discussions when I showed them on my laptop.” She currently had her laptop in her backpack. The two of them pushed open the doors and walked outside.

“I’m not surprised,” Che’z replied. “With your amazing content, they would be fools to dislike your videos.”

“Same with you and your music,” she added. “You are incredibly talented and diverse.”

“And you are incredibly intelligent and beautiful,” he stated.

“Well you certainly are amazing at what you do,” she claimed.

The couple exchanged compliments back and forth all the way to their car. 

Nastassia got in the driver’s seat and Che’z climbed in the seat next to her, shutting the car door. From outside the window close by, dozens of people waved and took pictures with their iPhones as the car drove away. Che’z waved back, then turned back to face the front. Che’z smiled and admired the night sky from outside. It felt incredible for him to make a small difference in the world and be a part of a higher purpose.