Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss: Meet The Archangels!


Halo 1: Humility – Angel Choir with Gabriel, Moon (reverse of Hell Rings, Halo lowest and closest to Earth, sky color: teal-white) (Halo of Humanity) Yesod/Gabriel – opposite of Lilith/Pride

Halo 2: Patience – Archangel Choir with Raphael (Patience in healing and communication, Mercury, learning, intelligence, scholars, sky color: blue) (Halo of Healing) Hod/Raphael – opposite of Satan/Wrath – scholars instead of warriors

Halo 3: Temperance – Principalities Choir with Haniel (Moderation of beauty, love and pleasures, Venus, angels protecting nations, blessings to living world, arts and sciences, sky color: jade) (Halo of Harmony) Netzach/Haniel (female) – opposite of Beelzebub/Gluttony (Beelzebub as female in HB)

Halo 4: Charity – Virtues Choir with Michael (Generosity, governing nature, miracles, farming, Sun, sky color: gold) (Halo of Habitat) Tiferet/Michael – opposite of Mammon/Greed

Halo 5: Chasity – Powers Choir with Camael (love, obedience, warriors, stern love, Mars) (Halo of Holy Relationships, sky color: light pink) Geburah/Camael – opposite to Asmodeus/Lust

Halo 6: Kindness – Dominions Choir with Zadkiel (justice, regulating lower spheres, Jupiter, sky color: purple) (Halo of Heart) Hesed/Zadkiel – opposite to Leviathan/Envy

Halo 7: Diligence – Thrones Choir ruled by Zaphkiel (Saturn, Binah, law and order, hard work, sky color: silver) (Halo of Hierarchy) Binah/Zaphkiel (female) – opposite to Belphegor/Sloth Belphegor as female in HB)

Halo 8 and 9: Holy Spirit Halos: Hidden Higher Halos where only God and high elite have access to.


Metatron and Sandalphon – closest to God, supervises archangels, Born-Again Council, and Shem HaMephorash, protects Empyrean/Panangelorium, create music

Michael – Sky Blue/Sun/Sunday/Humility (Halo 1, bottom, closest to Earth and Hell) (Opposite: Lucifer/Pride)

Duty: General of the heavenly host army, supervises Exorcists (along with Adina and Samael) and watches over humanity and saints

Gabriel – White/Moon/Monday/Charity (Halo 2) (Opposite: Mammon/Greed) 

Duty: Sends messages to Earth and in Heaven, head of entertainment and communication technology

Camael –Light Pink/Mars/Tuesday/Chasity (Halo 3) (Opposite: Asmodeus/Lust)

Duty: Track and attempt to stop the succubi and incubi from leading mortals to sin, sternly organize marriage, abstinence, relationships in Heaven, Powers leader

Raphael –Light Green/Mercury/Wednesday/Diligence (Halo 4) (Opposite: Belphegor/Sloth)

Duty: Heal mortals and denizens in Heaven, oversees hospitals and medicine, track and attempt to stop plague demons and drugs from entering Earth

Zadkiel – Lavender/Jupiter/Thursday/Kindness (Halo 5) (Opposite: Leviathan/Envy)

Duty: Spread kindness, equality, and spiritual harmony to those in Heaven, alchemy

Haniel (female) – Turquoise/Venus/Friday/Temperance (Halo 6) (Opposite: Beelzebub/Gluttony)

Duty: Works with Jophiel (female) to spread art, music, love, and creativity

Uriel (genderless)– Red-Purple-Gold light/Patience (Halo 7, uppermost Halo) (Opposite: Satan/Wrath)

Duty: Spread the light/flame/wisdom of God, bring people to faith, teaches meditation and wisdom and balance, honored as a seraphim guru (like Satan is revered in Hell)  


All the angels have a powerful giant angel form with many eyes and wings like Seraphim.


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Archangel Michael/"Mikey": Lucifer's younger brother, second oldest. Typically has a white face, red spots on his cheeks like Lucifer's, short wavy blond hair, sky blue eyes, muscular physique, with blue armor made of indestructible gems. He carries a flaming sword called Excalibur. He calls Lucifer "Luci," much to his dislike and his nickname is "Mikey," by his siblings...he and Lucifer fight the most. Michael was in charge of the Seven Heavenly Virtues, and Heaven's army the Heavenly Host. He was the one who defeated and banished Lucifer in battle. He was sad to see his brother fall, but his loyalty was to his father. After Lucifer's fall, Michael took his place as the head/favored angel. Michael soon worked with his siblings to maintain order in Heaven, even allowing the Exorcists to cleanse and kill sinners in Hell. He and many Archangels disagree with the brutal methods of Adam, Adina and Samael against the demons...but their influence and pride had been effective for centuries. Michael is the head of Security and the Heavenly Army...inspecting angelic weapons and helping to keep heaven safe from invaders and the eyes of mortals. Michael's planet is the Sun, and his confidence and willpower are powerful. Although prideful and stern at times, he cares for his family and God.

Due to his heroic deeds in the Heaven/Hell War, Michael was promoted as the Virtue of the Humility Halo, watching over the saint former humans and also providing protection to mortals on Earth.

Michael's favorite instrument is the guitar and he could easily beat Adam in a music contest.

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Archangel Gabriel/"Gabe": third oldest of the siblings, Virtue ruler of Charity, pure and kind-hearted. "Gabe" is his nickname. He has the same white face with red spots as his siblings, though can take on a more human-like appearance. He often has long brown-blond hair, green-yellow eyes, wears white and gold outfits and wears silver crescent moon earrings. Gabriel is destined to blow the trumpet on Judgment Day. He has helped souls into Heaven and sends messages from God to prophets and individuals on Earth. In fact, Gabriel can travel to any Halo and world at will. He is the founder of Communications, technology and social media in Heaven. Gabriel is one of the most powerful and popular Charity he created his own crystal amusement park with a water park added to it. He loves to entertain denizens and displays traits of all 7 virtues. Like Mammon, he is well-known, with a unique entertaining presence. Like his symbols the Moon and water, he is changeable, adaptable and has a feminine nurturing side. His Truth-Telling Trumpet Toys remain a major hit item. His planet is the Moon.

Gabriel's favorite instrument is the trumpet and he keeps a prized trumpet in his elegant home.

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Archangel Raphael/"Raph": fourth oldest of the siblings and Virtue of Diligence. He is also ruler of the Virtues. He has black hair, green eyes, wears green robes/clothing with emeralds and often has the same white face and red cheeks of his siblings. "Raph" is his nickname. His human-like appearance is a Hispanic man. A master healer, Raphael oversees hospitals, anatomy, medicine, food, and healthcare in Heaven. He carries a caduceus with him, which allows him to heal physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues. One of his missions is to stop the plague demons from entering Earth and spreading disease and death. He is an anti-drug advocate, always trying to expose Hell's black markets. In this way, he is the opposite of Belphegor on the Tree of Life and Belphegor the drug addict ruler in the Sloth Ring. His planet is Mercury.

Raphael's favorite instrument is the flute.

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Archangel Uriel/"Uri": fifth oldest sibling. Sometimes male, sometimes female. Uriel is the angel of wisdom, education systems, study and meditation. Apart from the usual white face and blond hair, in their human disguise, they appear as a Hindu man or woman. Uriel's true form is a flaming Seraphim and his Halo is at the very top. Uriel is the Virtue of Patience and is revered as a guru. Uriel is the head of Heaven's education and spiritual systems. Uriel hates violence, sex, and fighting and prefers quiet contemplation. He wishes Lucifer would come back and see God's side of the story, and often fears another war. Uriel can produce holy flames and fires that can purify individuals and light the way in any kind of darkness.

Uriel's favorite instrument is the sitar.

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Archangel Jophiel/"Jophy": Jophiel has long blonde hair, green eyes and loves to sing like Ariel the mermaid. While originally set to be a Virtue ruler, she decided to travel to all the Halos, inspecting and beautifying them for the benefit of the denizens. Haniel took her place as the ruler of Temperance. She is an architect and artist, using her magic and skill to bring love, happiness and harmony to everyone she meets. In her human-like form, she appears as a French woman. Her planet is Venus.

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Archangel Ariel - Ariel can turn into a lion. She has long red hair and loves to sing like Ariel the mermaid. She is the head and healer of Heaven's animals and plants. She helps organize zoos, and is a patron of veterinarians.

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Archangel Zadkiel/"Zack": Zadkiel is the Virtue of Kindness, opposite of Envy in the Tree of Life. He possesses much wisdom and spiritual power and often wears purple. His planet is Jupiter. His human-form is often a black man. He is the leader of the Dominions.

His favorite instrument is the saxophone.

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Archangel Camael/"Came" Camael is a stern but loving ruler of the Chasity Halo, also the ruler of the Powers. He is the opposite of Asmodeus in the Tree of Life. His planet is Mars, representing his strong sense of justice. He is steadfast in trying to eliminate the threat of Asmodeus' succubi and incubi luring humans to sin on Earth. Camael is a strong warrior who often wears pink, aside form the white face/blonde/hair and red spots on cheek appearance, his human-like form is an Italian man with short black hair. He enforces stern rules regarding marriage, sexuality and relationships, favoring married relationships for procreation. Denizens in Chasity can go to Archangel Barachiel for therapy about marriage and family life.

His favorite instrument is the lyre.

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Archangel Cassiel/"Cassie," Stern and observant, he rules over law, justice and karma, his planet being Saturn. His human-like appearance is that of an old man. Very conservative, he doesn't like loud parties, drugs, sex or the like, preferring classical elegance. He frequently works with Samael and Michael to judge souls.

His favorite instrument is the grand piano.

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Archangel Sandalphon/"Sandy" one of the younger angels, in charge of watching over Earth and translating messages from the divine to humans.
His favorite instrument is all the instruments, for he is the Angel of Music and maker of instruments. He teaches music and songs to every denizen, sometimes giving mortals advice. He has his blond hair/white face forms but his human-like form is brown curly short hair with brown eyes and white skin. He wears earthly colors like brown, green and gold. Sandalphon hosts parties and musicals and is well-known in holiday celebrations. He also has a knack for pranking his siblings, teasing Gabriel about his trumpet, Michael about his sword, Uriel about his books and Raphael about his sometimes OCD traits.

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Archangel Metatron/"Meta" a Seraph angel and head of the other angels. He has six fiery wings of rainbow colors with eyes on them. He is the Scribe of God and often guards Empyrean, the place where God resides. He often works with Michael to plan defenses against the threats of Hell. He has a Book of Life which contains the information of every soul in existence. He reviews all the plans of the cherubs, the Shem HaMephorash, Powers, Thrones, and others. He is the creator of Metatronics, advanced technology to benefit those in heaven and to spy on the demons and mortals. Metatron has a similar appearance to Jesus but without the laid-back "hippie" personality.

Metatron loves musicals and can manifest music out of thin air.

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Samael: An Archangel "Poison of God" is the neutral good/evil angel of divine justice. He frequently is seen with sleek blond hair, black wings, medals of honor, and weapons. Like Adina and Adam the Exorcist, he enjoys punishing and torturing sinners. He is one of the leaders of the divine purgatory council where souls meet in a separate place and are purified before entering Heaven or are banished to Hell. He is immune to fire and is a skilled fighter.

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Azrael/"Azra": Angel of Death. He has long black hair, a gaunt pale face, wears black and carries a scythe. He somberly takes his duty seriously, reaping souls and providing comfort to the dead. He is introverted, keeping to himself in the dark. He plays music at funerals and sings healing laments.

In Heavenly Boss, Azrael has a wife Flora, and a daughter Quartet.

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Adina: Adina is an angel and villain in Zoophobia and Heaven Hotel/Heavenly Boss. Underneath her glowing angel serene appearance lies a cold-hearted witch who delights in tormenting sinners and demons with their darkest fears. She is a master manipulator, luring people into a false sense of security and manipulating other villains to take her side, like the dragon Fitch, the religious preacher cat Leeson, and the Exorcist Adam. She is a white angel with a glowing teal scarf with Christian Crosses on them that she wraps around demons to trap them. She says discriminatory things such as "There is no mercy for the damned," and "Just remember, it's for the greater good," and "Purging the universe of all sinners and flaws, such is the will of the Lord." She is nicknamed the "Mother of Exorcists", and the "Dragon-Taming Bitch."

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