Friday, July 28, 2023





John H. Slate, Ph.D.


Afterlife as a paradise world of energy where everyone is equal and one – everyone as God/Source/Spirit Energy. The spirit world is as close to us as the air we breathe.


We choose to be born. Future incarnation determined by the soul with spirit guides/soul family. We determine our destiny but certain cosmic justice/karma also exists. Future lifetime events are not predestined. Lifetime of wealth/murder often followed by lifetime of poverty/victim.


Silver cord energizes the physical body. At death, the cord is severed, disengaging the spirit body from the physical body.


Features: “cosmic gardens” fountains and pools of shimmering highest forms of energy, bathing in the spray of the fountains as “therapy for the soul.” Diving into the shimmering pools was “sheer ecstasy” from which the emerged fully energized, attuned and balanced. Gardens and places seen as “classrooms for the soul” in which they grew in wisdom and power before their first lifetime. Shimmering pools, sparkling fountains, luminous planes.


Oneness and harmony prevails. Although they saw great diversity among souls and their growth levels, there were no imperfect souls, every soul was seen as a being of incomparable worth and beauty. There were no stereotyping and no classifying souls based on their evolvement. No de-evolution.


No superior or inferior souls, finding excellence, equality and value to be essential characteristics. Souls preferred “higher evolved souls.” “Independent entities” and “recognizable spirit beings of dignity and worth.”


Interacting with incarnates on the Earth plane seen as a great learning experience. Observing and interacting with mortals were among the major growth activities of the spirit world. Observing humans helps other humans grow and also spirits and non-incarnating spirits who interact with humans. Earth as a “learning laboratory” for all souls. Interacting with the departed is a natural healing process for the spirit and survivors alike.


Judgement, punishment, guilt, and suffering were unknown in the preexistence realm. There was no place for evil…darkness is essential to light and light is essential to darkness, darkness as potential to be developed and light as potential already developed. “soul-embracement” no punishment for suicide. Disappointments of suffering, tragic deaths are recognized and resolved in the spirt world (Life Reviews). Focus on perfection of souls instead of faults.

Evil: that which interrupts our own evolution and that of others.


Souls recognize other souls (telepathy) having the ability to shapeshift into their past life forms. They could assume the embodiment of any past lifetime they had lived. There were comfortable relationships with other non-incarnating souls and souls with past lifetimes. Traveling to other worlds at will.


Preexistence – life as a spirit before incarnating

Past Lives on Earth and elsewhere

Current Incarnation

Life Between Lives

Postexistence – Spirit Life with Source after incarnating


Spirit guides: Our spirit guides (ascended masters, former humans, nature spirits, animals, deities, angels, demons, elementals, aliens, ancestors from many lives etc.) have been with us over many lifetimes and will remain with us in the afterlife. Spirit guides not assigned but volunteered to accompany incarnating soul. Their interactions helps both spirit guide and incarnate mortal grow. Embarking to Earth was autonomous.


Discovering that you were of another race, gender, or sexual orientation in a past life can increase your understanding and appreciation of others. We become more compassionate of others and active in solving global problems such as hunger, poverty, disease, war etc. Past-life knowledge can inspire us to help others, perhaps more than any other factor.


Each soul, while retaining its unique identity, unites with all other souls in absolute love to become the supreme force/Oversoul/God-Source that animates the universe.


Life purpose of all souls: to learn and grow spiritually and help others do the same. Growth without end is our destiny. God exists within all souls.


Each lifetime offers a new physical body and embodiment of spirit to learn new things. It is through reincarnation that the soul advances toward God. We are the totality of all our past lives.


Souls are ageless and eternal, without beginning or end, like God/Source. All the empowering resources of our past remain forever with us. At birth, we bring our past with us into a new lifetime, a death, we take out past with us into the afterlife. The accomplishments of each lifetime are forever with us.


Animals: Animals are spirit beings of dignity and worth. More advanced evolved societies care for animals and other beings. Rather than a stepping stone or preparation for a human incarnation, was seen as important for evolution. Non-human animal incarnations were empowering in of themselves. View of animals not as inferior but spiritual beings worthy of dignity and respect.


Souls can be animals and plants, not just humans! Experiencing life in other forms can help us appreciate the value of all living things.


A higher number of past lifetimes does not necessarily signify greater quality of growth. A single lifetime of focused growth can be of far greater importance than many missed lifetimes.


We bring traumas and talents from past lives, but we also bring our experiences from the spirit world/between lives as well.



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