Sunday, August 7, 2022

Past lives, soul planning and other theories


Sociology 101 + Spirituality = “Soulciology 909”

Love and respect everyone, be kind, do good. This message goes deeper than typical common sense. It goes beyond the sociological reasons of many people being disadvantaged in society and helping one another for survival and happiness and evolution. It goes deeper than religion “love thy neighbor,” and it even goes deeper than the New Age concept of “We are all One.” Why?


If the afterlife is real, as psychic Matt Fraser claims, and thus reincarnation is real, then it is safe to assume that each and every one of us has experienced unique individual lives of all kinds of people and animals, a.k.a. our past selves and our future selves. Every religion, every culture, male, female, black, white, Asian, African, European, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Native American, Australian, Chinese, Japanese, Egyptian, Incan, Celtic, Norse, Greek, Roman, tribal, rich, poor, disabled, addicts, master, slave, farmer, artist, ruler, business, chefs, humanitarians, serial killers, all animal kinds, plant kinds and yes even aliens…we’ve probably experienced all of them. (Though unlike New Age theories, I wouldn’t say we are Starseeds because being aliens would only be a slim part of our infinite lives, which I theorize have mostly been as humans on Earth) The truth is, no one knows (except God, a few advanced genuine psychics and our higher selves) how many past lives we’ve had nor where our souls have been (if they even exist, hopefully assuming they get purified between cycles). It is true that everyone is connected…but we all have our individual soul journeys that no one else will ever experience. We are all in this together, we all will achieve enlightenment in our own time and ways… and our souls are so complex, then there is no logical point to compare ourselves with others in any world. Michael Newton’s Journey of Souls (in my opinion) had it wrong: comparing how evolved we are, our auras and kindness, how many past lives we’ve had (it doesn’t matter how many lives we’ve lived, it depends on the quality of our lives and the lessons learned from each life. “Old” and “New” Souls is a social construct based on the necessity of time for us humans, souls don’t age.) versus other souls will only discourage us from moving forward. We must love and care for each other and people of all races and backgrounds as much as we can…because if we discriminate against people who are different…we are at the deepest level, discriminating against our very selves and souls.





Going off of the New Age derogatory concept of “our souls planned every aspect of our lives/we chose to experience the struggles in our lives” devalues experiences of current humans with disabilities (who are not “chosen ones” or “Lightworkers” like New Age says, because all of us are “chosen ones” for different reasons – we are all here to learn.) The nature/nurture question is, do we plan our lives or is it all up to fate?


Fraser’s Fate-Freewill Theory:


Psychic Matt Fraser says it’s a combination of both…which seems to make the most sense. There are many things that we have absolutely no control over, like accidents, diseases, disabilities, the weather, attacks, the things that we are born with, etc.  Many people suffer and die early for no reason. However, all of us do have free-will and we can control how we react to the good and bad in our lives. Even though we all go through certain events, “points of fate” like school (for most of us), jobs, illness, moving, child-care, all the emotions and death, which are universal, we can choose how we navigate between the milestones in our lives. Matt also explains that souls on the other side cannot say when people are going to die because they only know what is scheduled to happen in the future…which can change at any time. (That’s why genuine psychics don’t bluntly say X will happen to you, they know that nothing is set in stone but can advise clients to be cautious due to the event that will most likely happen).

Since those who have passed on cannot know the complete future like God can, it’s also likely that the same process occurs when our souls choose our human lives. We choose our personality and traits and we choose our parents but not for their human traits...but who they really are as free souls. We know their souls and likely have incarnated with them before as part of our soul family. But we know that for every family we are born in, human thoughts are unpredictable. If we had abusive parents or got raped by our lover, we did not plan that to happen, it was the flawed choices of the humans. But our souls only see the potential of the human parent/lover/child souls to do good and help with personal evolution. I theorize that souls are not shown their complete future of their human lives…only their goals and a blueprint of what it is likely to happen. (Ex. “My goal is to love my family, stand up for the underdog, get closer to God and embrace the unknown”). (I will live with father X and mother Y in Z state in the U.S., likely to experience poverty, hard work, etc. but nothing is permanent.”) (Because if a soul knew their parents would be abusive or that they would die in a crash, the soul wouldn’t want to live a mortal life, thus evolve.) It’s like a contract “These human parents have traits of sternness, courage, etc. and may or may not turn out to be good or bad, do you agree to the risks?” which applies to every soul. That’s why there is the purposeful ambiguity in the life planning stages…because souls are always changing…and births and deaths will always be unknown to us at first. And we also have our memories erased of our past lives and our lives in Heaven so we can focus on one lifetime at a time, because God knows that is best for us…and God knows that if the afterlife is real, we will all find out the answers to life, the universe, and everything!

(Matt Q and A video answers + blog info + YouTube video info)


What is the most amazing thing about the other side that would shock us?


Matt: Souls are able to communicate with other souls, regardless of language barriers! Souls can speak their own language and are able to understand everyone else. Also, the souls animals and plants can communicate with human souls, so pets can talk to us in the spirit world. Matt is often shocked by the fact that animals in spirit can talk because animal souls are no different than ours. To souls, it’s a part of everyday life.


Do people have a fascination with dark creepy things in heaven?


Matt: There are no such thing as scary things like we have here in this world on Earth. The other side is completely filled with peace and love. There is no pain, illnesses, addictions, disabilities, fear etc. Here in this world, we carry a lot of negativity like fear, negative thoughts but in heaven, we go through an energy clearing process. Often in near-death-experiences, people report going through a tunnel of white light. The white light tunnel is not just a portal, it is made of the white energy, the highest form. The light supposedly clears our soul and before we are born on Earth, we are pure souls. We are born into human bodies and we experience, pain, pleasure, good, evil, anger, sadness, happiness etc. When we transition on and go through our life reviews, all our negativity supposedly goes away and that’s how souls are able to be at peace. When we go through the life review, we learn of our success, our mistakes, the people we’ve helped and hurt, we make amends, we figure out our purpose and most of all, we learn that each of our loves was worth something here in this world. We all will learn how we made a difference in this world when we die/transition.


Why are some souls earthbound? Was it their choice? Will they get to transition on?


Matt: For many souls, they see the pain they caused others, intentionally or unintentionally and they regret it and reflect it. They are sorry, they make amends and then move on. Not everyone makes it to heaven. Evil people hurt others intentionally in this world. They don’t care about the people they hurt, they have no emotion. They don’t make it to heaven because all souls go through their life reviews and they don’t make amends, they want to hold on to their negativity, thus they are not allowed in heaven. There is no hell, but they have to remain on earth. Holding onto pain and anger and not forgiving others only affects us in the end when we realize that in our life review. Some souls took on divine tasks “community service” to counteract the bad things they did on Earth. Some say there are different planes or levels for souls before going into heaven.


Can we see the same sign from two different people?


Matt: Yes. (Example story of a woman’s mom and dad appearing as two red cardinals).


When we pass over, do we remember the life we had on earth?


Matt: Yes! Even though death and dying are not things to look forward to, the things that souls go through (life review, remembering everything, godlike powers, universal knowledge and love) is absolutely amazing! We are here on earth to make connections, to live our life, to learn life lessons, and we take all of that to the other side. We bring the love that’s in our hearts, the connections that we had, and at the same time, we bring back our memories. Loved one sin spirit are nostalgic. Many times, people think that when we pass on, we forget everything or we forget our earthly lives. But the thing is we don’t. Here’s something really interesting, the important places on earth, the spirits will often go back to in the spirit world. Matt often picks up on passing spirits, spirits who are in an area but aren’t haunting it. It doesn’t matter if you had dementia, Alzheimer’s, etc. all your memories come back. Forgetting memories is one of the saddest things humans experience. We don’t remember our birth, our first steps, our childhood memories etc. Our brain can only hold so many memories, but once we get to the other side, everything comes rushing back! Those who lived in another country and couldn’t make it to their childhood home/village can go back there after they pass on. Sometimes there’s unfinished business, we want to do something but we can’t before we pass on.


How do you know who your soulmate is?


Matt: It is the person or people you feel strongly connected to. But we truly don’t know who our soulmate is until we get to the other side! Matt feels like his purpose is to help people reconnect with their loved ones, teaching people that there’s an afterlife, giving people hope, showing people there’s nothing to fear with death. But it’s not until we get to the other side when we find out our purpose, when our spirit guide and angel say, ”this is what you’re put on earth to do.” In the life review, we find out why our family is our family, why we had certain relationships, certain struggles, how our struggles shaped who we are, who was really there for us and who wasn’t. (Theory: we are all soul-mates, soul friends who are all connected.)



In a group reading, what does a spirit so to get your attention the most?


Matt: They’ll use any way to get my attention. I’ll mentally say “get in line foe whoever wants to speak” and literally I see figures behind people and I know right away who I need to connect with. The spirit will wave to me or jump up and down and I’ll start hearing them talking to me. “You need to talk to …this is my parent/son/daughter/ tell them this…” Your loved ones in spirit are on camera behind you. Once the souls get my attention, images/feelings rush in, names, dates, places, cause of death, messages etc. Sometimes it’s not just one soul coming through.

“Always believe, because when you believe, you receive, when you doubt, you go without.” Pisces quote


Do my loved ones hear me?

Matt: Yes they do, I promise they hear you, even when you don’t sense them. If you don’t sense them, try asking for a specific sign.


Souls see all of us as a connection – they will use a medium to speak to someone because they know the living person can go back and relay their message to their intended family member/friend. (ex. Mother in spirit wants to connect to her son and wants her son’s best friend who is in a reading to deliver the message to her son that she is okay and still exists) Some less close souls will want to come through and apologize for bad behavior and ask for forgiveness. Not hearing from a loved one is not a bad thing, it’s just that they don’t have a message. They want you to live your life and not rely on them. But loved ones will come through during significant events in life: birth, death, weddings, graduations, etc. The more you learn about the afterlife, the more life-changing it is.

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