Saturday, August 27, 2022

Analysis of "We Never Die: Secrets of the Afterlife" by Matt Fraser


 Analysis of “We Never Die: Secrets Of The Afterlife” (2022) by Matt Fraser

Rating: Five of five


Matt Fraser’s “We Never Die” is, in my opinion, the most positive authentic spirituality book in the modern age. Although it uses a few Christian terminologies (Angels, God, Heaven) to evoke a familiar understanding of the hereafter, it does not focus on religion nor certain morals nor proposes that certain souls are “inferior” in their evolution or background. The afterlife is envisioned as the perfect utopian world that societies have strived to reach for thousands of years. This book ascribes positive messages to all people on Earth, regardless of their status. Matt says that everyone goes to the same place, even those who are nonbelievers. (The book even says: “This book is dedicated to those grieving the loss of a loved one.” As we know, everyone on Earth has lost a loved one, this includes great-grandparents.) Death connects all of us, therefore this book is dedicated to humanity. The book provides entertaining stories from Matt and simple spiritual concepts that are easy to grasp. In the book, he answers questions asked by his fans and followers, demonstrating that Matt cares for his clients.


Matt knows that not everyone will agree with his teachings or his psychic readings. However, his mission is to help as many people as possible, giving them comfort and restoring their child-like wonder that there is more to life than just the physical world. “We Never Die,” in my opinion, deserves a spot among holy texts, college research articles, and self-help books. It should be available to everyone, children especially. When children are assured that their lost loved ones are okay and always with them, healing can begin, and lifelong fear and trauma can be reduced. Children naturally see the universe for what it really is, a vast awe-inspiring place with infinite possibilities. We first are born as pure souls, filled with nothing but love and curiosity. Then we grow up and lose any psychic connections we may had along with faith in the unknown. We are overwhelmed with responsibilities, stress, anxiety, and hopelessness. Unlearning the negative concepts and feelings we were exposed to can take a lifetime...and it does. Learning early on that family is still family, even if they are not physically on Earth, will allow children and teens to grow up with a greater sense of faith, positivity, and purpose. It can heal people of any age. This is what spirituality is all about: connecting with our family of souls, here on Earth and beyond.


Although religion can bring healing and a healthy sense of faith for many, the idea of a God that truly accepts everyone for their strengths and flaws is few and far between. For those like me who have been skeptical atheists their whole lives, it’s hard not to think of spirit guides and supernatural communication as “New-Age woo-woo.”  It wasn’t until I started watching Matt’s YouTube videos and reading his books at the late age of twenty-eight, did I consider the possibility of the afterlife as something that could actually exist, beyond religious myth. People can believe what they want…but in comparison to mainstream beliefs, Matt’s theories provide a unique never-before seen perspective that incorporates beneficial religious concepts together (Western Heaven/angels, Eastern reincarnation/karma idea, the scientific nature of energy, and a few New Age concepts without being too esoteric).


If all of us had learned to connect to nature and the spirit world early at young ages, more than likely we’d naturally show more compassion to those in need. We’d learn to be more mindful of what we do and what we say, thanks to our guides, but we’d also learn to better solve problems on our own. We’d see that everyone goes through their own struggles every day, and that we only have each other on Earth for a short time. Most of all, our fears of an inevitable natural process would be greatly reduced if we had a basic understanding of how the afterlife works. (I’d love to see more children’s books address this topic, portraying death as a natural process that may be sad, but can be handled thanks to the help of both the living and ancestors in spirit.)


I believe it is humanities’ divine and basic right to know of the afterlife and our spiritual family, despite society (primarily western) hiding this from us for centuries. Shamans, Hindus, the Egyptians, Paganism, Native Americans etc. know and have known about our connection to the universe from the beginning. Abrahamic religions also have it right when it comes to the importance of community and the wonderful mystery of God. Matt himself mentions that there are many things that can be learned from any religion. Religions and perceptions may be different, but they all focus on community, faith, and the hope that our legacies and love will go beyond our deaths.


Matt’s book sparks the beginning of a new spiritual era that is desperately needed. It will gradually change human history as we know it and will inspire future generations to discover the truth about our reality.


Thank you, Matt Fraser for changing the world and healing so many souls! You are God’s greatest gift!


Alexa’s Heartwarming Introduction



“We Never Die: Secrets of the Afterlife” begins with a foreword from Matt’s wife Alexa. Death was not a topic that was discussed around her family. Like most people, Alexa grew fearful at the very thought of death. When she first met Matt, she couldn’t believe that he was able to speak to the departed. Her shock and anxiety gradually warmed into acceptance as Matt calmly explained how his gift worked. Matt gave her a reading and invited her to his group readings. Alexa grew more used to the events and realized that incredible healing was taking place. Alexa mentions that Matt’s kindness, humor, high energy, and compassion puts many people at ease, making them feel like a larger family. She adds that Matt is “the only one who could ever make death seem so light and special.” Now that’s an incredible death-defying feat (pun intended)!


Matt’s Introduction


Matt begins with a short introduction of his own. He claims that those in spirit are connected to us forever and that our deceased loved ones are never truly gone. Matt’s book is about the afterlife, based on his conversations and experiences with thousands of souls in the spirit world.


Perhaps we will finally have the answer to Life, the Universe, and least while we’re alive.



Chapter One: “Psychic Ability 101”



Similar to his previous books, Matt first explains what psychic ability is and how it works. Matt describes the types of psychic senses:


Clairvoyance / “clear-seeing” – seeing things with your mind’s eye

Clairaudience / “clear-hearing” – hearing voices beyond your thoughts and everyday environment

Clairsentience / “clear-sensing/feeling” – feeling the presence of spirits or something that is not there

Claircognizance / “clear-knowing” – gut instincts, the ability to know things without any prior information.

Clairalience / “clear-smelling” – smelling things from beyond this world

Clairgustance / “clear-tasting” – tasting things from beyond this world


Aside from voices and visions, many psychics use tools such as tarot cards, tea leaves, objects, and photographs to help with receiving messages from the spirit world. Psychics connect to energy in a variety of ways, so it is important to find one that is trustworthy and works best for you. (Many psychics are frauds and scammers only out for money, so do your research!) While many psychics can read a person’s energy and see the future, mediums can sense departed souls around people and interpret their messages. Matt says that intuition and psychic ability can be used as practical skills to help with careers, relationships, traveling etc. It can even help save people’s lives.


Even though psychic ability is often inherited, Matt says that we each have our own psychic abilities inside of us to a degree. You don’t have to be a medium to receive messages because everyone is connected at the soul level. It takes some practice to interpret signs from spirit and finding ways of communication. Some people are randomly psychic, some get their ability from their family, and some get it after a near death experience.


It is important that psychics and mediums demonstrate awareness of the feelings of their clients and present helpful information for the client’s best good. Advice is better than bluntly saying that something bad will happen. The aim is comfort, not fear. Matt says that a positive attitude and an open mind works wonders. One cannot predict life; we are all put on Earth to enjoy life, help people and ourselves, and learn lessons. Mediumship is a divine gift and like many things, it comes with a great responsibility.



Chapter Two: “The Truth About Heaven”



Where is the spirit world?


Matt Fraser’s theory about Heaven or the spirit world is the one that we all desperately want to be true. It is not angels sitting on clouds playing harps. It is much grander…and much closer to us than any religious perception of it. Instead of the afterlife being separate from Earth, Heaven is portrayed as a timeless invisible world made of energy that is all around us. It is the same place where you find atoms and electricity…everywhere and nowhere. It encompasses the Earth, the oceans, and the entire cosmos. We know more about the depths of the ocean and the vastness of outer space combined than we do the mysteries of the afterlife…and perhaps the afterlife trumps them both.


Based on accounts of NDEs and Matt’s conversations with souls, Heaven is an energy world that manifests itself to us like a happy dream. It is presented to us in a way that makes us feel the most comfortable…like a match for our subconscious. Everyone’s version of paradise is different, but in the afterlife, everyone can create their own worlds harmoniously together.


What are souls?


The spirits of Heaven are essentially sentient beings of energy with godly powers who reside in a world of endless energy. Perhaps they were created by God, the genderless benevolent manifestation of the universe, to help in expansion. They can be in multiple places at once and they have all the powers of science fiction superheroes: teleportation, time-travel, psychic abilities, shapeshifting, telepathy, and advanced knowledge. Matt compares spirits watching over multiple people like being able to communicate with many people on an online Zoom meeting. Another analogy is the fact that we are all under one sun on Earth. We are in different places, but we can all see the same thing. (This seems amazing, far-fetched and unbelievable to my skeptic mind. It’s almost like I’m an inner kid who wonders, “magic exists after all?”)


We are supposedly souls having a human experience, not the other way around. We were created by the universe to evolve, learn, and love, as many spiritual practices claim. We are born, we live, we die, we go through life reviews, we help other souls on Earth, we reincarnate to evolve, and the vast cycle begins again. It is quite possible that we not only have lived previous human lives, but we may have lived as animals, plants or even aliens in this world and other worlds. That is why universal love and kindness is so important. It is why respect toward people of other religions, races, genders, sexualities etc. is paramount. (Think Sociology 2.0. when you add the culture of souls hiding among the cultures of Earth. I call the soul version of humanity “soulity.”) Since there is a great possibility that in other lives, we have all been men, women, black, white, Asian, Native American, and everyone in between, discriminating others is, in essence, discriminating against our very selves. Also, if this “panincarnation” theory rings true, if every living thing has a soul, then souls are forever, the first and most advanced species in the universe.


When the soul goes through the tunnel or portal and sees the white light (often referenced as God), all the pain and fear are left behind, replaced with peace and calm. Some souls describe death like going to sleep on Earth and waking up in another world. (So perhaps dreams are like preludes to the “Big Sleep.”) All the pain, illness, anger, and fear are left behind.


Souls are then assigned divine jobs doing what they enjoy most…helping other souls in both worlds. Since souls are still connected to their living family members and those on Earth, their natural tasks involve comforting and guiding the living. Since they have no need for time or survival, they don’t get bored. It’s like they are watching movies about our lives in real time without getting tired! It is nearly impossible to communicate between two worlds for most people on Earth, but souls use signs, voices, and visual images in the mind’s eye to communicate. They also can appear in dreams and meditations when the mind is clear, and the body is at rest. Since souls communicate with each other telepathically, they try to do the same for us by sending us messages through our minds, thoughts, and emotions. It’s like they are an advanced hidden culture among us.



How do souls deal with their karma?


During the Life Review that occurs right after death (and appears in many NDEs), a soul’s memories are restored, and they get to experience everything that happened during their life...the good the bad and everything in between. The life purpose of the soul is revealed. They discover how they helped people and how they hurt people, intentionally or not. They are able to feel and discover the emotions and thoughts of those around them during times in their life. The good news is that they are able to make amends for the people they did hurt by helping them or someone else on Earth. The Life Review is like Purgatory – all the negativity and human fear is removed, and the soul evolves at a faster rate, despite the discomforting bizarreness. It is the only way that we can truly learn from our mistakes and actions…we are our own harshest critics.


In addition, souls also have the option to re-review all their past lives and reincarnate to make further amends. (Assuming that reincarnation is optional). This may seem scary and daunting for us humans, but if we all become immortal godlike beings who can exist after death, then the Life Review is something all of us will handle. It can be assumed that as souls, we will be able to shapeshift at will into any age and any one of our past life selves.


All religions and languages can co-exist in Heaven. Everyone, nonbelievers included, goes to the same place. Those who couldn’t communicate on Earth or those who used sign language will be able to be understood by everyone in Heaven. It is like the ultimate utopian society, better than Atlantis, and not constrained by time and matter. Everyone can understand each other, even if another soul speaks a different language! A soul in Heaven can also communicate easily with a medium with their language of symbols, even if they both speak different languages. Everyone gets along in Heaven and that’s what makes it a peaceful place.


Do pets go to Heaven?


Yes! Heaven would not be complete without our furry, feathery, and scaly friends to accompany us. Matt has described several readings where dogs and cats in spirit watch over living people and pets. Pets will often appear among deceased family members to help a dying person with their transition to the spirit world. Interestingly enough, pets and animals can communicate with those in Heaven. Yes, we will be able to understand our pets in the afterlife! There are no barriers to communication and that extends to different species. It makes sense because everyone becomes a new species made of energy.




Chapter Three: “Angels, Signs, and Spirit Visitations”


Big brother is watching you. And perhaps your spirit sister, family, friends, and a guide.


Don’t panic! Believe it or not, souls are everywhere. Land spirits, elementals, deities, animal spirits, aliens, demons, angels and of course, your loved ones in spirit. Since we are connected to them, even on Earth, it is natural that they’d want to make sure their living family members are doing alright. Even though there may be evil spirits and lost souls here and there, many spirits want to help us, not hurt us. The majority of us don’t see them, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t there. Also, spirits can watch over multiple people at the same time.


According to Matt, angels and spirit guides are real. Everyone has their own angel and/or spirit guide whom they interacted with before birth. They are divine helpers who are assigned to look after a specific person or groups of people. Even though most cannot see them, they are there to subtly provide you with opportunities to meet certain people and overcome obstacles.


Why do we have angels and guides watching over us? A theory is that before we were born, we chose our guides to help us complete our destinies on Earth. Since we can all die at any time, our angels and those in spirit are there to help us transition. If the death is sudden, the guides reassure the newly departed soul that everything is okay and that their families will be alright in the future. Yes, we’ll be able to see the past and the future of our own lives and the lives of our living loved ones in the afterlife.


Who are my angels?


Angels are divine celestial beings created by God to aid humanity. There are different types of angels.

Archangels are the higher-ranking angels: Archangel Michael the protector, Archangel Raphael the healer, Archangel Uriel the wise angel, Archangel Ariel the angel of animals, and Archangel Gabriel the creative communicator. Angels are not human and they can supposedly intervene with fate, while spirit guides and loved ones in spirit cannot.

Guardian Angels are there to protect certain people, presumably from dark spirits and perhaps to warn people of danger.

Earth Angels are angels who appear in human form to help save and heal people.

There are other angels with divine jobs who appear in life for specific purposes.



Who are my spirit guides?


Spirit guides were once human beings on Earth, who are assigned to look after the living. We are all assigned a spirit guide and the guide trains for many years to learn about our lives and help chart our destiny. The significant thing about a spirit guide is that they are someone we don’t know personally. A complete stranger volunteers to help us, which gives them sort of an elevated status. This may be for several reasons. The guide may want to help a person overcome a problem (ex. addictions) that they had struggled with on Earth. A living person may have a talent that is the same thing that the spirit guide had on Earth, so the guide wants to help the person succeed. Or there may be a natural energy connection. We all will meet our angels, spirit guides and loved ones after we cross over and find out how they helped us.


Spirit guides cannot interfere with our free will, but they can guide us along the way, even though we can’t see them. Those in spirit communicate through our dreams, intuition, thoughts, and emotions.



What are the signs from loved ones?


There are many different signs from spirit. Signs can be anything but sometimes a butterfly is just a butterfly. The sign will come up unexpectedly when you need it to. It just takes some practice to pay attention.


Signs include…


Unexpected smells

Repeating “angel” numbers like 11:11, 12:12 on the clock

Waking up at certain times like 3AM

Dream visitations – loved ones can appear in dreams to let you know they are happy and healthy on the other side. Or they can send you messages.

Lights flickering

Electrical signs

Orbs in photos

Certain songs or music enjoyed by the loved one in spirit


The typical signs sent by those in spirit include coins, butterflies, dragonflies, feathers, birds, and rainbows. You will notice that these signs have specific themes attached to them: luck, Heaven/sky, flight, transformation, lightness, smallness, freedom, innocence, movement, and the little things in life. The soul symbolically lives in the heavens or the sky in many religious and spiritual traditions. We have looked up at the heavens in wonder since the dawn of time, wishing we could fly and be free. The signs are often small creatures that fly, which represent constant movement, nature, innocence, and a reminder to enjoy the little things in life as well as the big. The flying creatures seem to be a general reflection of who and what souls are under a human perspective.




Chapter Four: “Crossing Over”


Nobody dies alone. Matt says that your family, friends, and pets in spirit are there to help you transition when the time is right. 


What happens to people who die tragically?


Matt says that souls will find peace on the other side, no matter how violent or tragic their death is on Earth. The dead attend their own funerals, but they don’t care about the material items or how it is done. They are only concerned for their loved ones’ wellbeing. Some souls are taken by angels to Heaven and are spared the pain of death. Even souls who die from suicide are allowed into Heaven, but they feel regret when looking back on their life. They realize that there were opportunities for other people to help them and other choices they could have made. The soul often comes through to their loved ones on Earth during readings, sharing their feelings and apologizing for the grief they caused for their family. To make amends, the souls will often help other living people avoid the same mistake.


Souls don’t focus too much on their last moments. Instead, they prefer that their living family members focus on their cherished memories of them. They see all the good moments you shared with them and are not focused on who was with them at the time of their death. All memories will be restored…even people who had Alzheimer’s disease or dementia will get their memories back after passing on. It doesn’t matter whether the loved one is cremated or buried…departed souls know that funerals, graves, and ashes are for the comfort of the living.



How old are we in Heaven?


Souls don’t celebrate birthdays and are ageless in a world without time. They can shapeshift into any age they want, the best version of themselves. However, they will often come to visit during birthdays, weddings, holidays, births, anniversaries, and other special events. Mothers will be reunited will all children, including miscarried babies. Beyond the abortion debate, miscarried babies may have wanted to reincarnate, but since Heaven is a place of peace, perhaps they wouldn’t be disappointed. More than likely, a baby soul won’t get upset about not being able to reincarnate, they would just try again! I can only hope that we are not cursed to reincarnate and learn from our bad karma again and again for eternity!


Is dying scary?


For many people, me included, death freaks them out because they see it as the end. But Matt claims that death is not the end. Based on his readings, Matt assures that there is peace and something after death and that it is nothing to be afraid of. I hope that’s true and not wishful thinking!


Chapter Five: “Memories and Milestones”


Can dead people see everything I’m doing?


According to Matt, yes, they see everything! But don’t freak out! They respect your privacy and don’t watch you in the bathroom. The loved ones in spirit mainly focus on special events and everyday events. Those in spirit can see babies and grandchildren, and oftentimes, babies and children can sense the soul’s presence. Many “imaginary friends” of children may have been those in spirit visiting them.



Can spirits travel anywhere?


Yes, anywhere and everywhere! Back to your childhood home, the mountains, cities, the ocean, other planets, all of outer space and throughout time! They can be in multiple places at once because as beings of energy, they have no limits. Although their bodies and possessions are left being on Earth, souls carry love and memories with them. Souls are connected to you, so they will be with you wherever you go. Who knew that being dead had its perks?


Chapter Six: “Ask the Medium”


Incredibly enough, Matt can give readings even if the person is not in the same room. In fact, Matt says he gives the best readings over the phone or on radio. He encourages people to let spirit talk during readings and not fill in information.  Some predictions come true after a long time but free will alters events along the way. Sometimes it takes years for something to come into fruition. Matt reminds us that he sometimes makes mistakes because he is human. Not all readings will be as accurate as he hopes. But he always does his best and includes as many people as possible because he cares for humanity. A genuine psychic medium reading is a special once in a lifetime opportunity for those who have an open mind…especially from the legendary Matt!


Matt reminds us not to rely on mediums too much, because a good balance is needed between mundane reality and spirituality. Real life comes first for obvious reasons. Sometimes souls won’t come through in a reading because it’s either not the right time or they let other souls go first who have more urgent messages to give to those they love. Be mindful and patient…spirituality’s main theme is the message: “the universe will work things out.”


Genuine mediums are tuned in to their client’s emotions. They allow the spirit to speak, and they display no bias. They don’t care about the profit; they care about the person. They don’t make promises or say things bluntly that could instill fear of the future in the client. Instead, they give comforting advice, like any therapist or counselor. It is said that doctors heal the body, psychologists heal the mind, and mediums heal the soul.


Chapter Seven: “Love and Relationships”



How can we live our lives after our spouse is gone?


Matt says from readings he did, that couples and soulmates who loved each other truly will end up reuniting in the afterlife. Interestingly enough, those in the spirit world don’t get jealous that their living partner gets married to someone else. The spouse in spirit wants their loved one to be happy and they know they will be reunited in the afterlife. As humans on Earth, we are used to thinking that our loved ones will get jealous or upset if we date someone else, but souls on the other side only focus on growth and happiness. Heaven doesn’t care about marriage certificates…it is a place of Disney-like true love.


Do gay people end up together?


Yes. Love is love in Heaven. (Except hopefully when it comes to anything forbidden like pedophilia and nonconsenting relationships). It is also possible that polygamous or partnerships with more than two people will also be reunited together in Heaven if the relationships were genuine. Matt also mentions that not all couples end up together, particularly in loveless marriages. “Love has no limits” is a concept that still needs to be accepted by us humans.


What is a soulmate?


A soulmate or twin flame is someone your heart is connected to at the deepest level. Often it is a spouse, but it could be a friend, family member or even a pet. Why should soulmates only be defined romantically? Soulmate has the word “mate” in it, which means friend. Friendship is the basic root of all relationships. Some believe that soulmates have shared past lives.



Chapter Eight: “I’m Not Afraid of Ghosts: Hauntings, Bad Deeds, and Negative Souls”


Should I be worried about evil spirits?


Unfortunately, just as there are negative people on Earth, there are evil spirits on the other side. Some of them are lost, others prey on the energy of people. Doing bad things on Earth and not completing their Life Reviews results in some souls being stuck on Earth and unable to move on. Some earthbound souls have a hard time with transitioning, or they may not be ready. All souls are born pure, but some get corrupted by negativity and their evil actions. Many negative souls hang around dark isolated places like haunted houses, asylums, abandoned hospitals etc.


Matt says that positive energy pushes out negative energy. Psychic vampires are negative people that drain other people of energy without awareness. They are stuck in greed and selfishness.   



Are events in life predestined?


Yes and no. Matt says that we are destined to meet certain people and receive opportunities. Plus, we are all destined to die. However, we do have free will and can make our own choices. Most of us face illness, pain, and grief in order to grow. Although it seems like illness and pain are predestined for everyone, there are some people who don’t experience those, like, for example, babies and children who die suddenly, or people with emotional/neural disorders. Many spiritual theories say that we choose our parents and lives before we were born…we knew our goals and life purpose but agreed to have our memories removed to start with a clean slate. No one knows for certain. Only God knows our origins and why we were made. Matt himself states: “illnesses or tragedies aren’t predestined, they’re just part of living an earthly life. The spiritual side of us can learn from those events but they’re not ‘meant to be.’ We are spiritual beings, and while we’re here to learn and grow, we aren’t sent here to suffer.’”




One of the things that angers me deeply is when people say, “you chose all your struggles, accidents, disabilities etc. to make up for past life karma.” I can’t think of anything more degrading and inappropriate to say to someone! First of all, we don’t know if past lives exist and even if they did, it wouldn’t be fair to have to make up for all the mistakes you don’t remember making! We have no choice but to focus on one lifetime at a time. Second, accidents and disabilities and illnesses are not pre-planned! Like Matt states, they are unfortunate facts of life that we all have to deal with on Earth. To say that a soul agreed to undergo war, rapes, tortures, disabilities, and painful deaths before they’re even born dehumanizes them and makes an excuse for predators to continue their actions. It’s not too different from saying “God made me do it/God chose your life.” Third, why in the world would a soul choose a human life if it knew everything about the painful trials they’d have to go through? (Memory erasure is still not an excuse – souls know everything deep down). I theorize that much of the bad information and risks are hidden from the new soul on purpose to lessen the fear of incarnation.


Fourth, Heaven would not be Heaven if we are forced to reincarnate and amend our endless bad deeds in other lives. The afterlife is a timeless world where we should be allowed to have fun and evolve at our own pace, even if it takes hundreds of Earth years. I’ve seen so many concepts in spiritual books where souls are separated from their families, judged by elite council souls, and graded by their “levels of evolution,” their aura colors (blue and violet as “higher” than the red-orange beginners – “Journey of Souls” by Michael Newton) and the number of their incarnations and how kind and spiritual they were. A few spiritual books with biased authors portrayed conservatives and tribal people as “younger infant souls,” without taking into account the complexities of the human personality and lifestyles. The “older souls” were the “wise outcasts,” who had psychic powers and cared for humanity. The authors even dared to claim that their “spirit guides” guided their writing! (This is why it is important to have a critical mind when it comes to abstract complex topics, or any topic. Beware of spiritual stereotypes!).


Guess what? Not everyone is spiritual, not everyone believes in God or Jesus but that does not make them any less of a human or a soul. Labels are human-made constructs to rate others and keep us in line. Humans like to label things because it is harder for us to think in broader terms. Souls are complex energy beings, mini-gods that should never be compared to each other, let alone labeled. We are all unique and grow at our own frequencies. I believe that all of us, human, animal, plant, etc. will reach oneness with God during our own times…a real benevolent Universe would never let us fail and leave us behind. It doesn’t matter how many incarnations you’ve had or whether you’ve helped humanity…what should matter is the quality of lives you’ve lived, how much you loved yourself and others…and your effort to learn your lessons along the way.


Is there such a thing as Hell?


Although most Near-Death Experiences are peaceful and enlightening with the tunnel of light, some people have NDEs where they are either in blackness or they experience a hellish “dark night of the soul.” “Hell” NDEs are rarer but factors may be certain medications that affect the mind of the dying person. A theory is that the negative NDEs happen to some people in order to challenge and test their soul. It is scary, but it is a sort of learning experience for them. Like many NDEs with religious figures and Jesus in them, the bad NDEs consist of demons or events that the person had learned about based on their cultural and religious backgrounds. Religion and social norms have become so ingrained into our minds that they will naturally come out when the mind is free from its normal everyday state. Perhaps NDEs are the merging of universal energy and a person’s subconscious. Some NDEs are more esoteric, consisting of visits to other planets and realms. Another theory is that those who don’t experience NDEs or are stuck in blackness perhaps have a “sleeping soul” or one that is not ready to transition to the other side. Some people get to choose whether to come back, while others are told to go back with no choice. I hope this means that we aren’t stuck in a reincarnation trap, forced to deal with our karma for eternity.


Matt has said that he has never done a reading where a person was in Hell. If they were, they wouldn’t be able to communicate with mediums in the first place. Some souls are unreachable because they are in the process of making amends, finding their way, or transitioning fully to the other side.


Is there a difference between ghosts and spirits?


A spirit is a soul of a person you know, a ghost is a soul of a stranger. Often times ghosts revisit places like their former homes to check up on things. Those who have wronged a person in life see the error of their ways on the other side and will often come through in readings to apologize and ask for forgiveness.



Do people have to answer for their bad deeds when they die?


During the Life Review, the soul gets to experience everything that happened in their lives, the good, bad, and everything in between. It is instant and natural for an advanced being of energy and feels overwhelming for humans to imagine. It is like watching a movie of your life in a vivid dream. They see how they helped people and how they hurt people, even if it wasn’t intentional. They feel and experience the emotions of the people around them, eliminating the barrier between minds. Allowing the soul to see their lives and exactly how they can learn their lessons is the only way they can reach their enlightenment. Punishment doesn’t help, it only instills fear. After their Life Review is complete, memories restored and soul purified, they make amends by helping people and families they’ve wronged on Earth. (While also embracing their energy world and true selves). Hopefully God does not judge souls…only you judge yourself. And hopefully human bias and fear won’t get in the way. The good thing is that most souls do end up in Heaven and benefit from their transformation.




If you were angry in life, will you still be angry in Heaven?


Souls keep their personalities in Heaven, except the Life Review and the death transition gives them a chance to leave behind all anger, hate, and negativity. Presumably, it’s much easier to control emotions and thoughts as a soul than it is as a human…because thoughts and souls are both energy. The soul has a chance to become the pure soul they were before birth.


Why are Ouija boards bad?


Ouija boards open up portals to allow any kind of spirit through, good or bad. It is very risky to use if you don’t have proper protections in place or a psychic who knows how to use one. Unlike spirit guides, negative spirits feed off energy of the living and often try to scare them with pranks and death messages. For an analogy, it’s almost like spirit guides are our teachers, evil spirits are like shady adults, and we are like oblivious children trying to navigate our world.



What is psychic protection?

Psychic protection helps to protect yourself from negativity. There are several different methods to use:


Self-care and intuition


Blocking negative people


Not searching for evil spirits and not using Ouija Boards


Surrounding yourself with positive people


Meditation – focusing on a circle of mirrors or a white light/light of Christ for protection


Firmly telling unwanted spirits that their presence is not welcome. Or find an expert medium/exorcist


Casting circles in witchcraft


Calling on God, angels, and spirit guides


Using herbs or sage (with respect to Native American cultures and permission) to clear away negative energy in a space


Letting in air and sunlight and keeping rooms cleansed. Making your space your own.



Chapter Nine: “Heal, Manifest, and Transform Your Life”


Why are we here on Earth?


The answer is different for everyone, but the universal answer is: we are here to learn, love, and live. Earth is a classroom for some, a battlefield for others and a game to others. For some, it is a strange repetitive dream…with the fear of “waking up” at death or not waking up at all. It is many things to many people but it’s all about connection. Everyone and everything is connected, including beings in both the physical and spiritual worlds. It is hard to imagine that since we can’t see the spirit world. But since we are all connected on Earth, the same applies to the universe. Separation and time and perhaps death may be the greatest illusions. Since we are all connected to nature and each other, showing kindness is very important. It doesn’t matter what religion you believe in or where you came from…the universe includes everyone. You’ve heard many times before that we are all one family on Earth. Add in that souls in another world are also connected to us and you have the most divine family reunion.


Why do we face challenges and struggles?


Everyone deals with pain, illness, grief, problems, and death. If we didn’t face challenges, we wouldn’t grow and learn. Birth itself is a great challenge for the soul and so is death. Then there are all the good and bad and mundane moments in between. After all, a good story doesn’t only have relaxing moments in it. Life is the greatest adventure…but death may be even greater. Sometimes people come into our lives that we have problems with, but sometimes that can lead to something better down the road. A problematic situation could introduce a friendship to a person which then introduces a person to their spouse or soulmate. To provide some solace, know that you are never alone, we’re all in this together. We all have our own problems, anxieties, and journeys to work with.


“They say that death and taxes are the two certainties in life. But they forgot the other two: love and learning.” – Kathy Prior 42



How can we get past grief?


Everyone deals with grief in their own ways. Some people don’t go through the grief stages in order and for some, it can take years to move on. Even though losing a loved one is the hardest thing to go through, we all can get through it.


There are several things that may help with the process. Going through old photos and deciding what to do with the loved one’s belongings is a good place to start. Some people may worry that their loved one would be upset that their belongings were lost or given away. But according to Matt, the spirits only care about their family enjoying life on Earth instead of material items. Cherishing life and remembering the happy times spent with departed loved ones brings them closer. Energy is energy after all.


There is also therapy, counseling and talking to those you trust. And for those brave enough, they can find a trusted medium and experience a reading. It is not recommended to see mediums all the time as life is a balance between everyday life and spiritual life. Physical reality is the primary concern.


Some people have various thoughts of guilt. “I should have been there for them before they died.” “I feel guilty for moving on and not thinking about them.” Surprisingly enough, Matt says that those in spirit do not miss those they love, but that’s not because they don’t love them. Since they are immortal energy beings and at peace, they only want us to focus on living our best lives. They are the helpful beings in the background of our lives. You can communicate to your loved ones anytime, whether writing letters, saying things out loud or meditating. It may seem weird talking to someone who is not there…but perhaps they already are! If it provides comfort, that’s what matters.


How can we discover our purpose?


Find out what your talents are! We are often good at things we enjoy. Cooking, art, music, writing, building, business, teaching, inventing, leading, nursing, caregiving, and many other things are out there. Everyone is good at something…your talents could come to life in careers with some hard work and devotion. Leave behind negativity, surround yourself with positive people, set goals, take steps, and care for yourself. It may take a lifetime to figure it out but remember there are so many activities out there to discover. Spirits cannot eat or do activities the same way we can on Earth…it is up to us to enjoy and make use of our lives. A positive attitude and open mind are key.


Both traditional medicine and positive thoughts can help you heal. Imagination Heals is a program that helps sick children overcome severe illnesses. When children were exposed to positive books, movies, and audio CDs during treatment, they healed at a faster rate than other kids, almost eighty percent. The message is don’t let illnesses get you down. Live one day at a time and think positive thoughts as much as you can. Positive affirmations and prayers each day may help get you into a happier mindset.


Chapter Ten: “A Few Last Thoughts About Karma, Divine Guidance, Energy, and the Universe”


According to Matt, spirits can be in many places at the same time and watch over all their loved ones. How is that possible? It is possible because spirits are energy and infinite energy is everywhere around us. Spirits can watch over family and help others on Earth at the same time. Since spirits are energy, they don’t need to eat or sleep. However, they often show themselves as eating or doing activities they loved to do on Earth to symbolize their earthly lives. It is also a way for them to confirm to their loved ones on Earth that it is really them. Souls can also appear as orbs in pictures, often seen at family events. Souls are their best selves in Heaven, but they also evolve in their own ways by helping and loving others.


Matt says that karma is real and there is good and bad karma. Karma comes back to the giver. Those who do good things receive the benefits and those who do bad things have to learn their lessons. There are simple ways to create good karma: forgive others, express gratitude, be mindful of your actions and be kind to yourself. Self-care and letting go of negative emotions at your own pace will allow you to better help others.




Matt says that those in spirit can guide you in your life, but they won’t help you cheat life, nor will they tell you what to do. You have free will and your loved ones in spirit want you to live your best life. Matt also says that those in the spirit world are creating the lives they wished they could’ve lived on Earth…making their own worlds! They have no fear and are able to guide those on Earth.


There are many things you can do to get closer to your goals.

-         Act like your goal has already been achieved in your head

-         Ask your loved ones for help, living and in spirit

-         Trust your intuition

-         Work hard and put in the effort

-         Be patient

-         Have an open mind

-         Care for yourself

-         Show gratitude

-         Find your talents



Matt concludes, the more you learn about Heaven and the afterlife, the more you’ll learn that the spirit world is an energy world that is actually all around us…and you’ll eventually realize that we are eternal souls living a human experience, not the other way around. The scariest thing, death, is paradoxically the greatest gift.


The world is blessed to have a compassionate divine soul that is Matt Fraser, the Soul Whisperer. I wish him and his family all the best, in life and beyond.



Still some unanswered questions for Matt that need confirmation:

Does God (genderless Source) exist? If so, why were we all created?

Does Jesus and the ascended masters exist?

How does reincarnation work? Is it forced or optional? Common or rare? And how do souls keep track of their infinite selves?

Do we watch over loved ones right away? Reincarnate? Or can we relax and make up for lost time on Earth?

What do souls have to say about sexuality and why some people don’t feel like they are their gender? Do we choose how we are born?

Do souls get jealous of the living being able to fully enjoy drinks, food, sex, etc.?

Why don’t guardian angels save everyone?

Do souls choose their parents and their socioeconomic status? Are disabilities planned or just like accidents and part of living on Earth?

How hard is it to become a spirit guide? Have we been spirit guides before?

Are souls judged by their levels of evolution?

Are mental disabilities like autism and ADHD etc. which are ingrained into the person’s identity, removed in Heaven or are the good quirks allowed to stay?

Is the spirit world full of many levels or is it one place?

Can earthbound souls and evil souls get redeemed?

Do animals and plants and bacteria have their own spirit loved ones and spirit guides?

What about people on Earth who don’t meet their soulmates, do they find true love in the afterlife?

Can evil spirits harm other souls in the afterlife?

What happens when a victim on Earth meets their murderer or a virus or an animal that killed them in the afterlife?

Why are some people psychic and others are not?

How do loved ones and spirit guides feel when they watch over evil souls on Earth?




Matt Fraser Prayer Poem


“Hail Matt Fraser, Psychic Medium

Whisperer of Souls, Messenger for the Deceased

Blessed with a unique gift by family and fate

Bridging the worlds of life and death

Translating the etheric symbols

Of spirit language

Working with courage every day

To bring solace to our grieving hearts

Your therapeutic love and dedication

To heal humanity knows no bounds

Your ability to read everyone worldwide

Regardless of age or status

Confirms your divine destiny

Endow your spiritual teachings

To help lead us from the darkness

Of our minds and what we’ve been led to believe

Allow us to see through your eyes

Through the veil to the promise of paradise

Love yourself as you love your family

Keep the bright light strong, white twin feathers entwined

Your presence gives us hope and a new belief

That death is not the end

For our souls are as eternal

And bright as your wisdom and grace

You shall help change history

And reunite us all through space and time

Revealing the enlightening truth of who we really are

You are an embodiment of everlasting love

Your soul forever evolving and learning

Thank you for all you do

In times of doubt and stress

You are just a thought away”

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