Monday, March 7, 2022

Matt Fraser top American psychic birth chart


Sun in Cancer trine Pluto, planet of the occult, the dead, and the unknown.

Sun trine Pluto natal lets you exert great power and influence over other people without even consciously trying to do so. In fact, this power, most often used for good, may be a subconscious action. The talent is most often seen in your career, where a large number of people can be positively affected.

The self-realization of this talent can lead to a very evolved soul, especially as this aspect is noted for creating a continual need for the positive transformation of the ego. In such a way, you are conscious of your power and influence but not egoistic or boastful. You can instead be quietly content and proud of your achievements.

Sun aspecting Neptune and Uranus, planets of universal knowledge, mysticism and change

Neptune conjunct North node - destiny to be a psychic

North Node in conjunction with Neptune

Positive manifestations:

  • An extremely powerful creative aspect that can unlock some hidden talent that a person has.
  • A powerful vibration of divine love, a person can develop qualities such as empathy, altruism, compassion, supreme spirituality.
  • Intuition is enhanced, one can develop supernatural abilities such as telepathy, becoming psychic, having remarkable dreams, because the powers of the mind are enormous.
  • Neptune symbolizes "God's mercy" and a person can fall under the support of this planet, and prosperity can invade a person's life on all levels...
  • A chance for a new path of development that is related to spiritual growth ...
  • Everything is developing well or there is a chance for a great new beginning, realizing one's self in fields such as medicine, alternative treatments, esotericism, art, medicinal products, chemistry, socially significant activities, sponsorship...
  • Exercises with visualizations, hypnosis can fulfill the desires of a person or release him/her from spiritual burdens ...
  • Long journeys are a success and a symbol of a great new beginning.
  • People with a deep spiritual connection can invade a person's life, they can help the growth of a person, can help him/her develop if they need to - they could play the role of guardian angels.
  • A chance to find great spiritual love.

Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Mars all in Tropical Leo - explains his charm, confidence, fame and showman personality. 

Moon trine Saturn - hard work and getting over his fears granted him success later in life

Moon in Gemini - fast mind, excellent at communication

Venus conjunct Mars - charm, energetic, ambitious, loves attention and helping other people

In sidereal chart, Saturn, Jupiter and Moon are exalted/strong. 

In anticlockwise method, a Leo stellium of Jupiter, Venus and Mars in the 11th house of community, friendships, large groups and technology. Is it ever surprising that after hard work and doubt (Saturn aspect Mercury) he achieved his greatest dream and used technology to reach large groups of people (Aquarius/11th house themes). 

In sidereal chart, Neptune and Uranus are in watery 4th house, Venus and Mars in 12th house of spirituality and exalted Moon (mind) in 9th house of philosophy, spirituality. Great fortune with meeting people of other cultures and indeed, he has a following of people all over the world. 

Jupiter exalted in sidereal Cancer - gives wealth and fortune. Major focus areas of his life are philosophy, religion, spirituality higher education and travels (9th house) community technology and humanitarian advancement (11th house) and career/status (10th house) and family (4th house). 

If 4th house traditionally represents mother, Neptune and Uranus there could symbolize the passed down psychic abilities from his mother and grandmother. 

3 final dispositors (sidereal) Moon, Sun and Venus/Mercury

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