Monday, January 17, 2022

Brief Merging of Tropical and Sidereal Clockwise house astrology - Steve Jobs


Ascendant: Sidereal Leo

Pluto in sidereal clockwise first house

Uranus in sidereal clockwise second house

Jupiter in sidereal clockwise third house

MC in Taurus with Gemini degree

Mars in Aries in 5th house of romance, love, sex (aggressive lover)

Moon in Pisces in sixth house – spiritual mind

Sun in Aquarius house 7

Sun trine Neptune – spiritual India trip

Venus and Mercury in clockwise 8th house

Neptune in clockwise 11th house

Saturn in clockwise 11th house


Steve Job’s hot temper – reflected by Tropical Moon in Aries and Tropical Mars in Aries – in sidereal, Mars in Aries.


“My favorite things in life don’t cost any money. It’s really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time.” – Steve Jobs

May be reflected by regular anticlockwise Neptune in 2nd house

And in sidereal clockwise, ruler of Cancer second house Moon is in Pisces


“Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected.” – Steve Jobs


Leo sidereal ascendant – wants to shine and be the best

Moon in pisces in clockeie house 6 – using creativity (Pisces) to help others (Virgo)


In Tropical regular chart, ascendant Virgo ruler Mercury is in Aquarius, sign of invention and technology. But this is also explained in sidereal as sidereal Leo ascendant ruler Sun is in Aquarius also.


Intellect driven toward technology,


Mercury in clockwise 8th house, scientific mind, desire to get to the bottom of things.



Job’s LSD episodes

Sun trine Neptune, Neptune sextile Pluto in clockwise first house, Moon in sidereal Pisces


(Can also be explained by Tropical Sun in Pisces)


Gemini MC regular, succeed in careers of communication

In both, Mercury trine MC

Intriguing presentations – Jupiter in clockwise house 3 of communication and media


Those who have their moon in the 6th House of their natal charts are bound to have a strong emotional attachment to their employment, responsibilities to others, and general ability to take care of themselves and others. People with this placement will derive a lot of their emotional fulfillment and satisfaction from the service they can provide to others. They like to stay busy and productive and will likely find chores and everyday routines to be quite therapeutic for them. Those with this moon placement tend to have a predictable pattern of behavior in terms of the techniques they utilize and how they order their operations.



The Sun in House 7 can also signify confidence in the area of meeting new people and forming and establishing relationships. They can be good at striking a good impression and presenting themselves in a positive light. They are inclined to being loyal and for them, being in a solid relationship is a source of pride and validation. The Sun in the 7th house doesn’t like to be alone and enjoys having companions who can provide value to them and also bolster their ego and self confidence.


Men and women who have Mars in the 5th house of their natal chart are passionate seekers of fun and excitement. They possess a lot of creative energy and panache that they infuse into almost everything they do.


Venus in the 9th house fosters a love of learning and a sincere desire to understand things on a deeper level. People with Venus in their 9th house are highly interested in mental enrichment and there may be a particular focus on politics and societal issues that need attention. They like not only to learn about the world but to also take an active part in making it better. Additionally, Venus in House 9 men and women have an avid interest in travel and taking trips abroad. They desire to amass a considerable number of experiences for themselves so that they can feel closer to the world and like they’ve lived a meaningful and full life. They tend to be open minded and willing to try new things and learn about different cultures and ways of living.


Group activities can ignite and activate their imagination. Neptune in the 11th fosters an interest in creative collaborations and working as part of an ensemble of creative team members. They are inspired by others and they seek to be an inspiration to them. People with this placement can often position themselves as the moral center of their group and affiliations. They can be something of a follower due to their love of fellowship and camaraderie between them and other like-minded souls.

With Neptune in the 11th house, such individuals have a lot of faith and belief in their goals and dreams and their ability to see them through to fruition. They have high hopes for society and the course of society as a whole. They can have a penchant for being quixotic and overly idealistic about what can be accomplished realistically. The power of their beliefs can be inspiring and something that can buoy and bolster others when their motivation is flagging.

Those who have Saturn in the 11th house of their natal chart are not the types of people who seek after a large circle of friends. Although they may enjoy a certain influence and popularity, they are very selective and discriminating about who they consider a true friend. They instead value the utility of having strong social ties and networks as a means to an end. To serve a goal or purpose that is necessary or important. People with this placement are more likely to prefer a smaller but more trusted selection of friendships and acquaintances. The friendships they do have are likely to be taken very seriously. 

In the 11th house, Saturn can also engender a certain amount of schmoozing and desire to ingratiate oneself with authority figures and people who have some degree of power and influence. This stems from a practical understanding of the benefits of being in the good graces of powerful people. Establishing useful connections and relationships with such people can be advantageous in helping further their cause or come in handy further down the road. 


Jupiter in the 3rd house is a placement that signifies a broad and expansive range of intellectual interest. These individuals seek to understand and absorb a great number of things about the world. They have a philosophical thinking style and tend to question everything they are confronted with. Additionally, they have the capacity for inspirational speech and using language in motivational and ideological means. They dislike routine and prefer to operate in a manner that allows them freedom and flexibility. They are mentally preoccupied with broader issues beyond the borders of their immediate environment. When placed in the house of communications, Jupiter serves to highlight a capacity for effective communication and an ability to articulate complex and elaborate concepts and ideas well. These individuals tend to be convivial and sanguine in the way they interact with those around them in their immediate environment. Relationships with siblings are bound to be positive and funny. Sharing with others is not likely to have been a problem for these individuals during their formative years. They are likely to be known for their generosity and gratitude.

They enjoy going on trips and having any excuse to embark on an errand or frivolous escapade.

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