Thursday, January 17, 2019

Old Broly versus New Broly: The Legendary Encounter (in progress)

Wrathful warrior...or Broken Boy?

Old Broly: Age 737 (Birth and escape from Planet Vegeta)

Paragus ran down the elaborate hallway in a panic. The doctors had quickly informed King Vegeta of Broly’s unusual power. The shell-handled doors opened, revealing a grand throne room with a series of stained glass windows. Three stained glass windows created a trident-like shape above the throne, much like the royal Saiyan symbol. The vast size of the room was almost like the inside of a church. A horde of guards stood in front of a throne, where King Vegeta was sitting. He had black spiky hair, a dark mustache, beard, and dark eyes. He wore a thin gold necklace and the red Saiyan crest was shown on his white armor over his chest.
“No more discussions. I want his son executed immediately,” ordered King Vegeta.
He looked down at Paragus. “Ah Paragus, I didn’t call for you.”
The young man walked forward. “Sire, have mercy on him. He could do a great help to Prince Vegeta and our planet.”
He was immediately pinned down by his arms by two guards.
The king walked down the stairs.
“Please!” Paragus pleaded as he struggled to free himself. “He’s just a child! The data could be wrong. He could grow up to be a great warrior.”
“That’s exactly what I am worried about,” replied King Vegeta.
“No!” Paragus shouted.
“And I don’t like arguments!” said King Vegeta. “You’ll die with him!”
The king fired a deadly purple blast at Paragus’s chest. The Saiyan flew back down the hall as he yelped.
A door opened to reveal a small nursery of Saiyan infants resting in individual round cradles. One of the Saiyans, Son Goku, was crying and squirming around, his hair black and star-shaped. The infant Broly next to him was curled up in his bed, with long black hair and a tail.
Broly was frightened and alone. There was no sign of his father anywhere. He tried to get to sleep, but a consistent loud noise ringed his eardrums and made his small stomach tense up. He turned to see Son Goku crying and wailing…the noise just wouldn’t stop.
A bright light blinded the infant Broly. He felt a large gloved hand pick him up by his right leg. Now in the air, he could see Goku’s face and the horrible sound grew louder. He saw a tall shadowy figure with spiked hair…and a glinting dagger in his other hand. Broly remembered staring into Goku’s dark eyes…then he screamed in pain as the knife stabbed him through the center of his chest. He felt a sharp constant pain and the feeling of wet red blood leaving his body. Satisfied, the king threw the baby hard toward the ground, as if he were nothing more than garbage. Nearby, his father was lying down unconscious next to him.
Broly opened his eyes at a sudden light in the distance. He cried in fear and a halo of light surrounded him. He floated up and grabbed hold of his father’s arm. Paragus stared in amazement. Soon Paragus was carried away with his son, away from Planet Vegeta and toward safety. They floated in space in an airtight bubble that Broly had made, just after Planet Vegeta was destroyed. Ever since then, Paragus aimed to use Broly to get his revenge if not on King Vegeta, than on his son, Prince Vegeta.
Broly soon grew up, and became ever the more wild and violent. Everytime he conquered planets or blew something up, he felt adrenaline rush through his veins and thoughts of elation burst into his mind. A teen Broly laughed as his father chased after him. “Stop Broly!” called Paragus, but the Saiyan didn’t listen. With a malevolent cackle, he squared his father in the left eye with his fist.

Whenever things would go out of hand, Paragus would mimic the sound of Goku’s crying and stabilize Broly with a device as punishment. Broly wore a gold crown on his head and from a ring worn on Paragus’s wrist, the Saiyan’s powers could be diminished and controlled. It was like a long drawn out sleeping drug to him, except much more painful. Destroying the world, and killing Goku and Vegeta were the only things on his mind. 

New Broly: Age 732 (Birth and escape from Planet Vegeta; control by Paragus)

Old Broly: Age 767 (Control by Paragus and battle with Kakarott)

New Broly: Age 780 (Planet Vampa and control by Paragus)

Old Broly: Age 774 (Broly: second coming return)

Bio-Broly: Age 774 (A failed clone leads to a successful second sample)

New Broly: Age 780 (The Frieza Force and internal conflict)

New Broly: Age 780 (Final battle and new friends)

Old Broly and New Broly: Age 770 (A Legendary Encounter)

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