Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Enigma TNG "Parallel Universe" song fiction

I do not own the artist nor the songs. No copyright intended. 

A spaceship on Earth was named “MACS0647-JD.”  The ship left the Earth’s atmosphere in a hurry. A woman stared forlornly at the barren wasteland of Earth below. As the ship silently moved through space, the face of a celestial goddess appeared in the night sky, startling the crew members inside. Her face was pale white and her right eye was completely white. She spoke in a melodic voice to the crew, her voice loud enough to be heard even from behind the thick glass windows. The goddess said she was the truth that the crew were searching for. She mentioned that she was both light and darkness, an entity of balance. Her face then faded into the darkness, though her eyes still glowed. The eyes transformed into bright stars and seemed to be guiding the crew into the distance. Was she trying to warn them of something?

Before long, the crew, along with the captain were traveling through the “Alpha Centauri” star system in search of a habitable environment. The ship’s captain had a thick brown beard and alert brown eyes. The ship’s interior was in pristine condition, not counting the jumble of electronic equipment stored in the corner by a teenage boy on board. Earth was meeting its end due to excessive pollution, global warming, and terrible droughts. Dodging meteors and space rock, they managed to land on a planet in a “Parallel Universe” to our own. The land was lush green with dozens of willow trees, and snake-like rivers. The sun was red and two moons appeared in the sunset sky, one to the west and the other to the east.

Stepping out of their ship, the crew witnessed a fleet of ships in the air battling several large ships in a “Cosmic Rampage.” Apparently, elite individuals in the larger ships who deemed themselves genetically “superior” wanted to eliminate those that stood in their way. The selfish individuals wore obsidian black suits and medallions made of gold. The rebels wore clothing out of various materials they could find; animal skins, jeans, and wool. The elite were outnumbered, but not outmatched. In the blink of an eye, ship after ship exploded and bodies fell to the ground. It was a brutal scene of war witnessed “Through the Eyes of Death.” Thankful to be alive, the remaining crew members and the rebels took to the sky in the ships that were left. The journey was somber and foreboding. They may have escaped one dangerous situation, but who knows what else await them? The captain of the Earth crew maneuvered the ship “Around the Window Star,” a mesmerizing sphere of transparent glass. Through the glass were images of what could have been a brighter future for Earth, and for each of the individuals on board. The captain saw himself and his wife relaxing on top of a green hill with a waterfall in the distance. The sighing of a “Sentimental Child” was enough to snap the captain out of his trance and veer the ship to safety. The ship zoomed through tunnels of asteroids that were barely moving, features that the captain called the Orion Gates. Indeed, a woman with blonde hair thought she could see the cluster of bright stars in the Orion constellation not too far away. The captain thought that the goddess wanted him and his crew to help people from other planets. Then again, he could be mistaken.

After the ship was put on autopilot, the captain bent down to comfort the young alien boy. His skin was white as snow and his eyes were vivid green. He was one of the rebels who tended to his people on the ground, lucky to be alive. His family was gone and he looked out the window, as if doing so would make his planet appear again. A “Rhythm of Orion” traveled through a nearby speaker, the music describing various tales from Greek mythology. The main theme told the story of Orion the hunter and how he got into conflict with the earth goddess Gaia. The young boy did not understand the language in the song, but listening to it helped calm him for a moment.  

Toward the back of the ship, a dark haired teenage boy was playing a video game on a PS4 that he was able to set up. His avatar was driving a car during a high speed chase. Demons raced after him on fiery metal chariots. The teen quickly pressed a series of buttons, resulting in his avatar shooting down the monsters. The teen cheered in victory as he made it to the next level. His happiness turned to horror when a devilish face filled the entire screen, jaw opened wide. Before he knew what was happening, he found himself sucked into the game. The captain and crew were soon sucked in as well. “Level Fvck you” appeared in glaring red letters on the screen.

The captain and his crew soon found themselves in the fiery world of hell. The captain was surprised that they didn’t instantly die of heatstroke. The sky was blood red and deep cracks ran along the ground like open scars. Maniacal laughter was heard not too far away. A pair of red eyes peered at the individuals through a black haze. A red-skinned demon appeared, the same one that had freaked out the teenager. The teen concentrated and fired blasts of light from his hands. He gestured for his companions to run, which they did. Above the teen, a bar was half yellow and half black. The colored portion grew smaller as the devil creature shot more balls of fire at the teen. His health was fading fast. Would he die in real life if he died in this crazy game? He cleared his mind and ran after his companions. Before the monster could land a final blow with his black trident, a beam of blinding light struck the demon in the back. The light had come from a giant ray gun controlled by an android in the distance. More droids played angelic music loudly from a speaker. Another droid pulled the crew members toward a city that was perched on top of a cliff. The monster cried out in pain at the music and the light that had started to burn his skin. The droids had figured out the “Devil’s Bane.” Unable to fight any longer, the monster disappeared in black flames.

Once the crew arrived at the city, the captain could tell how dysfunctional it really way. Though the outside gave the perception of new pristine buildings, a heavenly oasis in the hellish desert, thing were not as they appeared. Dozens of humans sat helplessly in alleyways, some begging for food, others taking several gulps of alcohol. A light blue winged demon that had sharp teeth like a shark, fought off gang members like they were ants.  The teen mentioned weakly that they were trapped spirits, unaware of the outside world. The captain gulped at the realization that they could be trapped in the game forever. So much for finding a new home.

Up on a podium, was a ranting cyborg man addressing a crowd of spirits and horrifying creatures. Half of his face was human with blond hair and a blue eye, the other half was a sheet of metal with a bionic blue eye. The captain glared at the cyborg in disgust as the hybrid boasted about being sent to the place by a higher power. What sounded like facts to him was merely him having a “God Complex” to everyone else. The crowd looked on in anger and fear as a group of droids appeared, herding the crowd in and backing up the lunatic cyborg. “Serve the Hybrid” appeared in signs and advertisements all around them. No way was the captain going to surrender and let himself be restrained by ridiculous rules.

The captain took a deep breath and pushed his way through the crowd to face the final boss. The droids eyed him with “Mechanical Hatred” and fired a series of blasts from their weapons. The captain and the teen dodged the attacks, while the woman crew member landed a series of punches at the droids coming from behind. Forcing himself to calm down, the captain repeated a “Mantra” in his head to help ease the fear from his mind. Retrieving a weapon from a fallen droid, the captain fired at the tyrant cyborg. The enemy yelled and fell to the ground in a heap. “Level Complete” appeared in green letters in the air in front of them. A force pulled the captain into the sky and before he knew it, he and his crew were transported safely back on the space ship. They had been “Through Hell and Beyond” and still managed to survive. The captain promptly broke the television with his foot and unplugged the game. The goddess face appeared in space again, looking at the tired crew members. Her eyes told them that their troubles were far from over.

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