Thursday, July 27, 2017

Homo Sapien Retrosus

An Invert culture outline 

Appearance: white hair, bluish gray skin, red, orange, or gray eyes. Augmen and Nullmen genders along with men and women, language a combination of other languages backwards. Every seven years marks a huge birthday party and a life transition for the individual. They see personality as the most important human trait, intelligence coming in second.

Races- In the Invert society, darker skin is seen as superior to lighter skin. The younger population has snow white hair, that gradually turns blacker as they age. Like humans, the cultures vary in customs and general appearances.

Religions- Religions are similar to humans, but in general, Inverts see nature and the universe as deities.

Government and hierarchy- the council often gathers together to make important decisions. When the decision is made, it goes to a higher group of elites. Afterwards, the ruler usually makes the decision. The elite have access to more land, laser weapons and other resources. The middle class and the military often have guns, while the working class are left with swords and other Middle Age weapons.

Values- Inverts are taught about life in similar ways to humans, except most do not fear death to the extent that humans do. They find death unpleasant, but are more accepting of it as a natural part of life. After a sad funeral, a celebration is held the next day in honor of the individual's life.

Augman- Invert individuals born with male genitals and breasts; seen as upper class in Invert society. Makes up around one-third of the population.

Nullmen-Invert individuals born with no breasts, but the ability to bear children; seen as lower class in Invert society. Makes up around one-third of the population.

Males and Females- Invert individuals seen as middle class in Invert society; they are slightly rarer than the other genders and true intersex individuals are less common. Transgenders, queers, and LGBT relationships also exist. Nullmen who transition to Augmen are praised, but Augmen transitioning to a 'lower' gender are oppressed.

Disabilities- like humans,  many Inverts have physical and psychological disorders. The Inverts are generally more accepting of disabled individuals (though not fully) but it is seen as abnormal to take on the traits and interests of regular humans.

Freeze fire- a chemical used for cooling, similar to air conditioning. However, it has similar harmful effects as dry ice during skin contact.

Hot ice- Glowing orange cubes used for heating and sometimes as a weapon. Causes a slow burning sensation when one gets too close.

Seasons- Summer usually the coolest, most pleasant season, with cool breezes and the occasional warm rain. Winters, on the other hand, consist of hot black snow that requires Inverts to wear protective clothing when going outside.

Septum Maxime- The "Special Seven" a large celebration for people turning 7, 14, 21, and so on; also serves as a ritual for life transitions.

Rose glasses- wearable technology glasses that allows regular people to view Inverts and their world in colors comfortable for humans to see and vice versa for Inverts.

Invertan Language: often human languages in reverse. There are seven vowels in the language, each with a special meaning. (inspired by the seven chakras and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs). The letters are also written similar to Numerology.
A backwards C with a diagonal line through it: used to refer to important people or places

Sentences are written backwards and read right to left.
Invert characters:

Hannah- protagonist and anthropologist, strong, independent
John- Hannah's best friend and partner in crime
Elinda- a woman from the Invert realm
Esmardo- a male protagonist from the Invert realm
Enigin-antagonist augman from the Invert realm. Charismatic and greedy

Esmen- Nullman from the Invert realm, neutral character

Chapters coming soon (possibly)

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