Friday, September 15, 2023



Unpopular spiritual opinions:

Every living thing and non-living thing has a soul.


1.    Quality of past lives matter more than quantity. Species, gender, race, and status of the lives does not matter as long as the soul strives toward love.


2.    There are no defined spiritual levels or hierarchies. The only difference between you and ascended master is the access to knowledge and experience. Souls should never compete/compare each other’s progress. Aura colors do not determine a soul’s level because colors can always change

ffSuicide, murder, and war are not 100% bad (ex. fighting for one's nation with no choice, killing animals for food, killing in self-defense, ending one's life because of chronic pain/fatal illness/assisted suicide)


3.    There is no such thing as “de-evolution” of the soul…all mistakes and progress is forward learning and opportunities.


4.    The soul does not need to always reincarnate to merge into Source because we are always Source. The journey is only experience and a re-awakening of awareness.


5.    Life is about experience, not just a “school.” (ex. animal souls not learning like we do).


6.    The Life Reviews are all the soul needs to plan the next life and is an essential step to amend karma. The only Hell that exists comes from fear and human beliefs.


7.    Souls evolve and learn in the spirit world, just not as fast as being a mortal. Your Soul Group will always find you.


8.    Souls being animals, aliens and plants are just as valid and valuable as being humans. Animal souls are more evolved than our souls.


9.    Not all traumas are pre-chosen by the soul nor is anything completely predetermined.


10.                       Reincarnation is a blessing, NOT a punishment – it allows growth and physical sensations and emotions, and it gives souls second chances after early deaths and missed missions.


11.                       Souls have the right to not learn any lessons until they are ready


12.                       The Demonic Divine, Animal Guides, and deities form other faiths (Native American, Norse, etc. besides the traditional Christian, Hindu, Egyptian etc.) should be included with the Council of Elders and the Ascended Masters.


13.                       Reptilians and Greys are also part of Source, thus also serve a purpose.


14.                       Souls have the right to choose not to reincarnate and to spend time with loved ones and pets in the afterlife as long as they wish.


15.                       Your Higher Self aspect of Source is your best Spirit Guide because it is always with you.


16.                       Your past lives and future lives are always happening, so they are like parallel lives.


17.                       Source is unconditional love energy that is everything…it actively interacts with us 24/7 (via our spirit guides, nature intuition etc.) and is made of all souls.


18.                       Source is both dark and light, light does not need to overcome dark, but to harmonize with it.


19.                       You don’t need meditation, crystals, tools to be spiritual. Everyone is secretly spiritual since we are spirits with human experience.


20.                       Jesus, deities, angels, demons etc. choose people beyond gender, race, and religion, they can choose anyone, but all cultures must be respected.


21.                       Children should know about their spirit guides, angels and ancestors


22.                       All the Ascended Masters and Earth are part of us…some of them have incarnated as evil people to teach humanity lessons.


23.                       There is no 3D, 5D etc. because all dimensions and planet/star entities are Source.


24.                       Source is genderless, light, dark, and a predominant feminine nurturing force for all souls. (It is not all male, nor all light…it is predominantly feminine but not female – Rachel Fiori).

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