Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Angels and Demons List


Demonized Pagan Deities


Agares: Argus Panoptes, servant of Hera

Aamon: Amun, Egyptian god of the sun

Andras: Andraste, Celtic war goddess

Astaroth: Astarte, Mediterranean goddess of love and war

Bael: Hadad, Mesopotamian god of war and thunder

Balam: Balaam

Bathin: Nephthys, Egyptian goddess of women

Bifrons: Janus, Roman God of doors and new beginnings

Haagenti: Bastet, Egyptian goddess of cats, women, art and war

Ipos: Anubis, Egyptian god of death

Kimaris: Chimera

Morax: Maat, Egyptian goddess of truth

Naberus: Cerberus

Orias: Osiris, Egyptian underworld god

Phenex: phoenix

Purson: Horus, Egyptian god

Raun: Khumn, Egyptian Nile God

Sabnock: Sobek, Egyptian crocodile god

Sitri: Set, Egyptian god of chaos

Zagan: Dagon, Mesopotamian god of agriculture

Zepar: Zephyrus, Greek west wind god






True demons:












Seraphim (12)

Burning singing ones, guard God’s throne

Ruling angel: Metatron










Lucifer (Fallen)

Beelzebub (Fallen)

Leviathan (Fallen)

Dis (Fallen)



Cherubim (14)

Guardians of Eden and God

Ruling angel: Jophiel











Satan (Fallen)

Asmodeus (Fallen)

Moloch (Fallen)

Paimon (Fallen)

Belial (Fallen)

Berith (Fallen)





Thrones (22)

God’s knowledge, wheels

Ruling Angel: Zapkiel










Phanuel (Leader)


Astaroth (Fallen)

Orobas (Fallen)

Purson (Fallen)

Forenus (Fallen)

Raum (Fallen)

Phenex (Fallen)

Murmur (Fallen)

Focalor (Fallen)

Pruflas (Fallen)

Verrine (Fallen)

Gressil (Fallen)

Sonellion (Fallen)



Dominions (13) Lordships

Watch over nations, supervise lesser angels

Ruling angel: Zadkiel










Marchosias (Fallen)

Balam (Fallen)

Paimon (Fallen)

Rosier (Fallen)

Oeillet (Fallen)






Powers (15)

Warrior angels, history keepers

Ruling Angel: Kamael










Bael (Fallen)

Beleth (Fallen)

Amy (Fallen)

Crocell (Fallen)

Vual (Fallen)

Gaap (Fallen)

Carreau (Fallen)

Carnavalan (Fallen)





Virtues (12)

Heavenly bodies, miracles

Ruling Angel: Raphael











Barbatos (Fallen)

Purson (Fallen)

Agares (Fallen)

Vapula (Fallen)

Bifrons (Fallen)





Principalities (13) divine ministry

Protect nations, churches, bless people

Erebiel (Chef)

Ruling angel: Haniel











Belphegor (Fallen)

Kimaris (Fallen, African spirit)

Nisroch (Fallen)

Verrier (Fallen)




Ruling angel: Michael












Ruling Angel: Gabriel











Satan: Emperor of Demons, signifies rebellion


Lucifer: Fallen Angel, Prince of Pride bringer of light, wisdom, enlightenment and self-confidence


Lilith: Queen of Demons, represents sexual empowerment and liberty and feminism


Leviathan: Lord of the Depths and emotions, Prince of Envy, portrayed as a sea creature


Asmodeus: Demon Prince of Lust.


Abaddon: Lord of Destruction


Samael: Archangel of destruction, death, darkness, judgement, poison of God


Beelzebub: Lord of the Flies, demon Prince of Greed


Belphegor: Demon Prince of Sloth


Mammon: Demon Prince of Greed and wealth





Ars Goetia (Original old definitions)


1.   Bael: king, grants power of invisibility, favors, science


2.   Agares: east duke, teaches languages, retrieves runaways, causes earthquakes, grants titles


3.   Vassago: good nature prince, tells past and future events, locates lost objects


4.   Gamigin: teaches liberal arts and gives accounts of sinful souls



5.   Marbas: Causes/heals diseases, mechanical arts, change others into different shapes


6.   Valefar: Duke of thieves



7.  Aamon: Reconciles friends and foes, past and future events


8.   Barbatos: understanding of animal voices, past and future events, lead others to treasure



9.   Paimon: King, makes people and things appear, world knowledge


10.               Buer: Natural and moral philosophy, logic, virtues of herbs, heals diseases and grants familiars



11.              Guison: Tells past, present and future things, gives titles


12.               Sitri: Cause people to love each other, make people naked



13.               Beleth: Math


14.               Leraje: Starts battles, drives away mobs



15.               Eligor: Knows future of wars, discovers hidden things


16.               Zepar: Causes men and women to love each other, makes women barren



17.               Botis: brings favor, tells past and future


18.               Bathin: Properties of plants and stones, transports people across countries



19.               Saleos: Causes women and men to love each other


20.               Purson: Knows hidden treasure, past and future events, familairs



21.               Morax: Teaches astronomy, liberal science, gives familiars, herbs, stones


22.               Ipos: Past and future events, make men witty



23.               Aim: Sets castles and cities on fire, makes men witty, gives true answers


24.               Naberus: Makes men cunning in the arts, restores honor



25.              Glasya-Labolas: Causes love among friends, tells past and future events, incites homicides, make men invisible


26.              Bune: Move the dead, make one rich, answer questions



27.               Ronove: Teaches art, rhetoric, languages, gives good servants, favor of friends and foes


28.               Berith: Fertility and vegetation



29.               Astaroth: Teaches mathematical sciences, make men invisible, lead to hidden treasures, power over serpents


30.              Forenus: Teaches language, get along with friends and foes



31.               Foras: Teaches logic/ethics, virtue of herbs and stones, make men witty, invisible, discover treasure


32.               Asmodeus: Gambling, lust



33.               Gaap: Incites love, medical care for women, renders women infertile, teach philosophy/liberal arts, makes men stupid, carry men between kingdoms


34.              Furfur: Creates love between women and men, creates storms, lightning, teaches divine things



35.               Marchosias: fighter, answers questions, faithful to the magician, wants to return to Heaven and Seventh Throne as a Dominion


36.               Stolas: Teaches astronomy, knowledgeable about herbs, plants and precious stones



37.               Phenex: Teaches sciences, excellent poet, hopes to return to the Seventh Throne in Heaven


38.               Halphas: Supplies weapons and ammunition for towers, sends men to war



39.               Malphas: Builds high stronghold towers, destroys enemies’ thoughts, bring armed forces together, gives good familiars


40.               Raum: Steals treasure out of kings’ houses, destroys dignities, tell things past and future, reconcile friends and foes, invoke love



41.               Focalor: overthrows warships, drowns men, wind and sea, hopes to return to Heaven


42.               Vepar: Governs seas, infects sores and wounds, makes seas stormy



43.               Sabnock: Builds high towers, cities, furnishing them with weapons, infects wounds, gives good familiars


44.               Shax: Takes away sight and hearing, steals money out of kings’ houses, discover hidden things



45.               Vine: Builds towers, destroys walls, disturb seas and tells past and future


46.               Bifrons: Moves bodies to different graves, lights candles over graves, teaches astrology, geometry, herbs and stones



47.               Vual: Gives love of women, friendship between friends and foes, tells past and future


48.               Haagenti: Instructs men in every subject, transmutes metals into gold, water into wine



49.               Crocell: Teach geometry and liberal science, warm bodies of water, reveal hidden springs


50.               Furcas: Knight, Teaches philosophy, astronomy, chiromancy, pyromancy, rhetoric, logic



51.               Balam: Tells past and future, make men invisible and witty


52.               Allocer: Grants familiars, teaches astronomy and liberal sciences, granting favors of nobles



53.               Caim: Gives men understanding of animals and birds, answers questions about the future


54.               Murmur: Teaches philosophy, souls of the deceased to appear



55.               Orobas: Gives true answers of past, present and future, creation of the world, favor of friends and foes, dignities


56.               Gremory: Reveals hidden treasure, answers questions about the past, present and future, procuring love from women



57.               Ose: Makes men wise in liberal science, brings insanity, gives true answers containing divine secret things


58.               Auns: Teach astronomy and liberal arts, give good familiars, positive reactions from rulers, reveals treasures



59.               Orias: Teaches virtues of the stars, mansions of the planets in zodiac signs, gives dignities, favor of friends and foes, turn men into any shape


60.               Vapula: Teaches philosophy, mechanics, sciences



61.               Zagan: Makes men witty, turns water into wine, blood, oil and water transformation, make fools wise, turn metal into money


62.               Valac: Finds treasures, commander the power to locate and control serpents



63.               Andras: Hunts and kills men, teaches animal transformation, astral transformation, sows discord


64.               Faluros: Gives answers of past, present and future, destroys conjurors enemies by burning them up, takes revenge on other demons



65.               Andrealphus: Teaches astronomy and geometry, can turn men into birds, teaches measurement


66.               Cimeries: Locates lost treasures, teaches grammar, logic, rhetoric, makes men into warriors



67.               Amduscias: Gives concerts, bends trees


68.               Belial: Senatorships, favor of friends and foes, bestows familiars



69.               Decarabia: Knows the virtues of herbs and precious stones, transform into birds


70.               Seere: Go to any place on Earth at the conjuror’s will, bring abundance, find hidden treasures



71.               Dantalion: Teaches all arts and sciences, declares secret counsels, change thoughts of people, causes love, creates visions


72.               Andromalius: Brings back thieves and stolen goods, punishes thieves, discovers hidden treasure




Ars Goetia (Modern traits from “Demons of Magick” Gordon Winterfield and “Demonolatry Goetia” by S. Connolly)


73.               Bael: Sparks creativity, creative wealth and brings together friends. Invisibility. Fire Element.


74.              Agares: Helps with wisdom in friendship and financial matters. Earth Element.


75.               Vassago:  Reveals if an enemy has cursed the conjuror. Also gives negotiation advice. Water Element.


76.               Gamigin: Necromancy and creativity. Water Element



77.               Marbas: Healing and cursing. Air Element


78.               Valefar: teaches loyalty and manipulation. Earth Element



79.               Aamon: Finds friends and helps with emotions. Water Element


80.              Barbatos: Communication with familiars and halting magicians’ fights with each other. Fire Element



81.               Paimon: Alchemy, emotions, creativity Water Element


82.               Buer: Magick wisdom, healing, moral issues, Fire Element



83.              Guison: Self-work, Water Element


84.               Sitri: Sex magick, seduction rituals, Earth/Fire Element


85.              Beleth: Soul-mate finding, lust and love, Earth Element


86.               Leraje: Wisdom in conflicts, helps deal with difficult people, Fire Element



87.               Eligor: Advice during arguments, Water Element


88.               Zepar: Fertility and marriage, Earth Element



89.               Botis: Emotions and friendship, Water Element


90.               Bathin: Smooth traveling, Earth Element



91.               Saleos: Invoking love, helps in marriage ceremonies, Earth Element


92.               Purson: Skrying and Channeling aid, reveals answers Earth Element


93.               Morax: Wisdom, knowledge in liberal sciences, astronomy, herbs and stones, Earth Element


94.               Ipos: Courage, decision making, Water Element


95.               Aim:  Helps artists, writers, musicians. Fire Element


96.               Naberus: Righteousness and justice. Air Element


97.              Glasya-Labolas: Makes one wise to what is going on and makes other people unsuspecting. Fire Element


98.              Bune: Necromancy, wisdom about death, spiritual protection, Earth Element



99.               Ronove: Demon of Knowledge and Wisdom in the Dukante Hierarchy. Air Element


100.           Berith: Teaches others to help themselves, imparts lessons. Status and honor, Fire Element



101.           Astaroth: Divination demon. Demoness of friendship and love. Earth Element


102.          Forenus: Influences others to favor the conjuror. Water Element



103.           Foras: Helps solve business problems, wisdom, ethics, Earth Element


104.           Asmodeus/Asmoday: Astronomy, crafts, strength. Air Element



105.          Gaap: Enhances magick, astral travel, wisdom and knowledge. Air Element


106.          Furfur: Fire scrying demon, raises energy. Fire Element



107.           Marchosias: Teaches discipline, strength and coping skills, Fire Element


108.           Stolas: “Astronomy, herbs, stones, invoke to learn witchcraft or science of natural world, Air Element


Powers of Stolas: project breakthroughs, bring relief from chronic pain from a person


Air; clarity of mind and practicality


109.           Phenex: Creativity and inspiration, poetry, music, writing, Fire Element


110.           Halphas: Gather allies, command respect, leadership advice, Air/Fire Element



111.           Malphas: Strong foundation, home protection, Air Element


112.           Raum: Justice for downtrodden, helps take down enemies, sexuality and self-confidence, magick working, Air/Fire Element



113.           Focalor: Protection magick, Water Element


114.           Vepar: Helps explore emotions, Water Element



115.           Sabnock: Protection for the home, Fire Element


116.          Shax: Spiritual gift giver, good familiars, Air Element



117.           Vine: Magick skills, discovers hidden things, Water Element


118.           Bifrons: Communication with the dead, honor ancestors, accepting death, Earth Element



119.          Vual: Demon of friendship and love. Water Element


120.           Haagenti: Alchemy, transmutation, let go of old habits, Earth/Water Element



121.          Crocell: Liberal science, geometry, help see other sides of arguments, lessens judgement, Water Element


122.           Furcas: Teaches astrology, astronomy, logic, philosophy, chiromancy, pyromancy, psychic skills, Air Element



123.           Balam: Wisdom and confidence, Earth Element


124.           Allocer: Astronomy, familiars, architects, focusing. Fire Element



125.           Caim: Pyromancy, divination, Fire Element


126.          Murmur: Philosophy, necromancy Water/Fire Element



127.           Orobas: Divination, teaches nature of the divine and the universe. Bindings and changing people’s opinions. Water Element


128.           Gremory: Divination, find hidden treasures, learn magick. Water Element


129.           Ose: Language learning, gives answers about occult and divine, Air Element


130.           Auns/Amy: Teaches liberal science, astrology, gives good familiars, divination, Fire Element



131.          Orias: Astronomy, astrology, favor with friends and foes, self transformation Air Element


132.           Vapula: Teaches crafts and sciences, creative inspiration, Air Element



133.           Zagan: Transmutation and alchemy. Helps curb addictions. Earth Element


134.           Valac: Pathworking demon, spiritual growth, Earth/Water Element



135.           Andras: Resolve confrontations between people by learning through arguments, overthrow enemies, Air/Fire Element


136.           Faluros: Divinity and nature of the universe, new phases in life, creativity, Fire Element



137.           Andrealphus: Astronomy, geometry, dissolve magick, seals spells, Air Element


138.           Cimeries: Grammar, rhetoric, logic, finds hidden things, communication, writing success, job seekers, Earth Element



139.           Amduscias: Gives familiars, execration magicks, demon of music, Air Element


140.           Belial: Representative force of Earth, business endeavors,  Fire/Earth Element


141.           Decarabia: virtue of birds and stones, free oneself of obstacles or ego, Air Element


142.           Seere:  Clear perception of situations, Air/Fire Element



143.           Dantalion:  Teaches arts and sciences, shows thoughts of others, helps to relate emotionally with others, empathy, Water Element


144.           Andromalius: Protection, finds thieves, protect against theft, Fire Element


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Archangel Michael: “Who is like God,” The Warrior Angel, angel of protection, military and justice, defeats Satan


Gabriel: “God is my Strength” The Messenger Angel, messenger of God, helps journalists, writers, artists


Raphael: “God Heals,” The Healing Angel, travelers and harmony


Uriel: “God is my Light,” intuition and self-awareness, higher self


Zadkiel: “Righteousness of God” angel of forgiveness


Sandalphon: twin of Metatron, delivers prayers to God and the spiritual realm


Jeremiel: “Mercy of God” Angel of Hope, helps souls review life


Haniel: “Grace of God” intuition, spirituality


Jophiel: “Beauty of God,” The Angel of Beauty, saint of artists


Azrael: “Whom God Helps,” Angel of Death


Archangel Chamuel: “He Who Sees God,” Angel of Peaceful relationships


Ariel: “Lion of God,” Angel of Nature and Animals


Raguel: “Friend of God” angel of justice and truth


Raziel: “Secrets of God” wisdom and faith

Sealtiel: “Prayer of God,” helps people connect to God

Jehudiel: “God of the Jews” angel of work and leadership, wisdom, strength

Barachiel: “Blessings of God” chief of guardian angels


Metatron: Highest of Angels, Book of Life, records everything that happens on Earth









Shem HaMephorash


1.   Vehuiah: Divine Will, New Beginnings


2.   Jelial: Love and Wisdom


3.   Sitael: Construction of Worlds



4.   Elemiah: Divine Power, reformation, take action


5.   Mahasiah: Fixing mistakes and learning, exam success



6.   Lehahel: Happiness, love, light of understanding


7.   Achaiah: Patience, media diffusion



8.   Chaetel: Gratitude, fertility, wealth, success


9.   Haziel: Divine Mercy and Forgiveness, faith, universal love, trust selflessness



10.               Aladiah: Regeneration, divine grace, innocence, healing


11.               Lauviah: Victory, success, devotion

12.               Hahaiah: Meditation, Refuge, solitude, order, self-examination

13.               Iezalel: Fidelity, Loyalty

14.               Mebahel: Truth, Liberty, Justice, Commitment, humanitarian, equity, liberates oppressed

15.               Hariel: Purity, innocence, science and art

16.               Hakamiah: Loyalty, Nobility, universal love

17.               Lanoiah: Revelations, poetry, music, telepathy

18.               Caliel: Absolute truth, Justice

19.              Leuviah: Expansive Intelligence, Fruition, Past lives, modesty, memory

20.               Pahaliah: Redemption, sexuality, fidelity, spirituality and morality

21.               Nelchael: Learning, studying, exams, liberal sciences, math, astronomy, technology

22.               Yeiaiel: Fame, Leadership, travel, patronage

23.               Melahel: Healing, doctors, herbalism, nature

24.               Haniniah: Protection, police, army, honesty

25.               Nilaihah: Metaphysics, spiritual forces, magic, universal love

26.              Haaiah: Secrecy, advisor, political science

27.               Ierathel: Confidence, social broadcasting

28.               Seehiah: Healing, health, longevity, foresight, past experiences

29.               Reiiel: Liberation, nature, meditation, spirit guides

30.               Omael: Materialization, fertility, birth, patron of plants and animals

31.               Lecahel: Problem solving, business and science, strategy

32.               Yasariah: Mercy, forgiveness, modesty

33.               Yehuiah: Authority, leadership, business structures

34.               Lehahaiah: Obedience, order, loyalty, government leaders

35.               Chavakiah: Trust, family support, ancestral wisdom

36.               Menadel: Work, vocation, liberates outcasts

37.               Aniel: Breaks old habits, evolution, spiritual autonomy, new things

38.               Haamiah: Ritual planning, cooking, exorcism, ceremony, sexuality

39.               Rehael: Listening, paternal love, reception, healing of mental illness, good children

40.               Ieiazel: Renewal, freedom for addiction, arts and writing

41.               Hahael: Faith, spirituality, life purpose, mission

42.               Mikael: Political order, leaders, social organization, teachers

43.               Veualiah: Wealth, abundance, finance

44.               Ielahiah: Warrior of Light, victory, justice, courage and bravery

45.              Sealiah: Hope, Motivation, health, healing, patron of four elements

46.               Ariel: Revealer of Nature’s secrets, psychic abilities, telepathy, hidden treasures

47.               Asaliah: Contemplation, psychology, esoteric, global view, connection to the dead/spirits, teachers

48.               Mihael: Marriage harmony, sexuality, reproduction

49.               Vehuel: Elevation, grandeur, Meditation, spirituality, writing, elevation through service

50.               Daniel: Eloquence, communication, speeches and the arts

51.               Hahasiah: Medical professions, doctors, universal remedies

52.               Imamiah: Karma, knowing one’s errors, courage and strength, free from prison

53.               Nanael: Meditation, spiritual communication

54.               Nilhael: Youth, beauty, grace, inheritance, celebrity

55.               Mehaiah: Understanding through senses, collective commitment

56.               Poiel: Modesty, Fortune, altruism, celebrity, humor

57.               Nemamiah: Observation, Non-attachment, liberates prisoners, devotion to mission

58.               Yeialel: Intelligence, logic, technology and computer programming

59.               Harael: Knowledge, technology, programming, Writing, publishing, good children

60.               Mitzrael: Neurobiology, science, technology, inner healing

61.               Umahel: Friendship, psychics, astronomy, astrology, Teacher, Universe and Earth knowledge

62.               Iahhel: Knowledge, philosophy, mystic, modesty, sexuality and pleasure, poetry, beauty, cooking

63.               Ananel: Unity, human relationships, organization, banker, cultural understanding

64.               Mehriel: Invigoration, Intelligence, imagination, writing, radio, TV

65.               Damabiah: Wisdom, spiritual values, unconditional love, water and feelings

66.               Manakel: Knowledge of good and evil, heals, calms, dreams,

67.               Eiael: Changes one substance to another, chemistry, biology, DNA, cooking, art, music, universal history, sublimation

68.              Hahniah: Nature, agriculture, healing professions

69.              Rochel: Inheritance, finds lost objects, law and history

70.               Jabamiah: Alchemy, transforms society with enlightened ideas, spiritual guides, accompanies dying, harmony

71.               Haiaiel: Fair decisions, victory, bravery, courage, leadership

72.               Mumiah: Rebirth, new beginnings, psychic, bring to an end, accompanies dying, Angelic transformation, new life

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