Friday, December 13, 2019

Danku OC backstory for Dan San

Danku flew across the sky, fists clenched as he stared down his opponent. In front of him was a lavender colored face with crimson red eyes and pointed ears. His white hair was pulled back in a high ponytail. Round thin glasses gave him a look of intelligence, but Danku knew the demon-kai’s appearance did nothing to reveal his hidden plans.
“Fu!” he called as he halted in front of him, hovering in the air. Fu was floating in the air as well, smirking.
“Danku, my beloved son. How great it is to see you again.” Fu spoke in a taunting tone.
“I’m not your son,” Danku spat.
“Well, I did create you, after all,” said Fu. “Is that any way to speak to your dear old Dad?”
“Enough of your games!”
Danku fired a large ki blast at Fu, who swatted it aside.
Danku looked drastically different from his creator. Golden short brown hair with bangs covering his forehead. White skin and black eyes. An orange gi and loose pants to help him in battle. And, of course, there was his Saiyan DNA…allowing him to transform into a Super Saiyan. He could’ve done something useful with his powers, like protect the Earth at best, or conquer a planet at worst.
Instead, there was a major force holding him back.
“I am your master, Danku,” Fu said. “Remember why you were created in the first place. Since I couldn’t defeat Trunks and revive the Demon Realm, you would be the perfect person for the job!”
Trunks…the mention of the warrior brought back memories of the young man. Trunks fighting the androids in the future, going back to the past to warn Goku and the others of the attack, fighting Zamasu and Goku Black, helping out in the Prison Planet battle…
Trunks was a Saiyan hybrid, a pure hearted person. Fu had no right to send him after an innocent warrior.
After staring blankly for a bit, Danku shook himself out of his daze. “Dabura wanted you to revive the Demon Realm and take over Earth. You didn’t want to do it because you were preoccupied with collecting energy for your crazy time experiments. And you say Trunks is the bad guy here?”
“Trunks used the Time Machine to travel back in time,” said Fu. “He even warned people in the past about the future android threat. That’s against the rules.”
“And trying to alter timelines for fun isn’t?” Dank countered. “Collecting energy and gathering warriors on a Prison Planet isn’t enough entertainment for you?”
“Maybe not…” said Fu. “But there’s always time to collect more data. Also, need I remind you that the energy I gathered from the timelines was used to make you.  You wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for me.”
“That’s not my purpose,” said Danku. “I am not your puppet and slave. So if you know what’s good for you, stay out of my life!”
Fu merely sighed. “It appears you need to be put back in your place, Dan,” Fu stated, wagging his finger. Danku flinched at his nickname.
Fu grinned. “Allow me to demonstrate what happens when you question my plans.”
Quick as lightning, Fu conjured a purple blade of energy from his fingers and slashed at Danku. Danku felt sharp pain sting his cheek…Fu’s blade had sliced it. Danku blocked Fu’s oncoming fists with both arms. They exchanged punches and kicks in the air for several minutes. Before Danku could react, Fu vanished and reappeared behind him.
Fu blasted him hard in the back, sending the warrior crashing into several buildings with pained yelps.
That impact would’ve killed a normal human being…except Danku wasn’t human. He winced at the pain and shakenly straightened himself up from the newly created dent in the concrete. Anger flooded his veins and emotion seemed to fuel him. With a yell, Danku powered up, his hair flickering from yellow to brown. Finally, just as Fu had spotted him, Danku took one look at him and screamed in fury.
His hair, now spiky, had turned golden yellow, and a powerful aura surrounded his body. Tendrils of electricity snaked around him, the transformation knocking down the rest of the ruined buildings.
He was now a Super Saiyan.

Many years ago…
When it came to the cells of individuals, those not in the field of science or biology wouldn’t give them a second glance. To the average observer, they were just parts of the body that did their own thing, transferring energy, growing, dying, and forming again.
For Fu, cells and energy could hold an infinite amount of possibilities. Besides the practical use of stem cells, cells could also be harnessed and used for energy. If given the right circumstances, cells could even create a new life. Indeed, the mischievous elusive Demon-Kai found the concept both fascinating and fitting.
More specifically, he was interested in the cells of the most powerful Saiyan warrior of them all: Son Goku.

It began in an Age where the Supreme Kai of Time sent Time Patrollers into timelines to correct and save history. Fu and the other demons were there to cause havoc for their own means. In one instance, Goku and Vegeta from the past were in a colorless void, fighting what appeared to be a cloud of purple smoke that kept disappearing when the Saiyans rushed at it. The two Saiyans were shoved backwards into the air, but they soon recovered. They both charged again, Goku raising his arm to attack. He punched through the smoke and missed. The figure appeared between them and knocked them back with powerful kicks.
Goku rubbed his head in pain. “Ow, ow, ow! I guess I’d expect nothing less from Beerus’ own teacher!”
Vegeta wiped his hand. “Damn! One more time!”
“Huh? That’s unusual, he shouldn’t be…Whis is here…” Goku began in confusion.
The smoke solidified to reveal the lavender-skinned demon scientist. He was wearing long yellow pants and a black shirt. A weapon was sheathed and held in place behind his back in a utility belt. His hair was white and he wore yellow tinted glasses over his red eyes.
“Oh no no, Vegeta, your thoughts are all over the place!” he mocked.
“Who-who is that?!” the Elder Kai demanded from the Time Nest.
Fu then glanced over at the two traveling individuals. “Huh? Do my eyes deceive me, or are you guys Time Patrollers? Well, well, so you’ve made it out here. Guess I need to find a new place to experiment.”
Under Fu’s influence, Goku and Vegeta battled the two Patrollers.
“Okay, okay. Before you start flipping out, let me at least introduce myself. I’m not anyone suspicious. I am Fu!”
The Elder Kai scoffed as he watched the fight in the time rift. “A suspicious person would say they weren’t suspicious! Just who are you, boy?”
Fu laughed. “My goodness, why are you getting your panties in a wad? We’re in the middle of a time rift. It’s totally separate from the Book of the Beginning and End. In other words, we can change history however we like!”
The Supreme Kai of Time spoke. “You’re Fu, isn’t that right? Can you hear me? You brainwashed the last crew we sent, didn’t you! Return them to normal!”
“Ahh, so that’s why you came here…you may not believe me, but you see…I didn’t create this fun little time rift or do anything to your fellow Time Patrollers.”
The fighters stopped in their tracks.
“Time out! What do you mean?” demanded the Supreme Kai.
“I mean, I can help you with this rift and the people you sent to look at it. And, of course, all you have to do is help me out.”
Fu mentioned to Vegeta and Goku. He spoke to the Saiyans, “I have brought these two people here to assist you with your training.”
“Ooh, is that all? Why didn’t you say so in the first place?” Goku asked excitedly to the Patrollers.
“Obviously, I’d like all of us to be on the same page,” Fu added before the four warriors began their fight.
Fu laughed under his breath.
“You…” said Supreme Kai. “What are you up to? Answer me right now!”
“Ah ha ha! Well you see… I was hoping to change history by meeting Goku and Vegeta before they unleashed their impressive Super Saiyan Blue powers. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but as it turns out, it was actually pretty boring. Luckily, I’ve got a better idea!”
When the Elder Kai mentioned the Saiyans mastering their Super Saiyan Blue powers, Fu remarked, “Hah! That’s so boring, though!”
Fu took out a small device that released sonic waves of energy.
“What do you think you’re doing/!” demanded the Elder Kai.
“Now that their power is raised, let’s see what happens when they are bathed in strong blutz waves!”
“Blutz waves? Like the ones you find in a full moon? Ah! No,…stop!”
But Fu was too fast.  Goku and Vegeta let out mighty yells. Sure enough, both Saiyans turned Super Saiyan 4, providing an extra challenge to the Patrollers.
“Ha ha ha! Good luck!” called Fu to the Patrollers. “Because you’re definitely going to need it! See, you’re about to take on two Super Saiyan 4s! Twisting history up is literally the best thing ever!”
“This power is incredible!” Goku bellowed in a deep voice as he rushed at his opponents.
Vegeta laughed. “So this is what it’s like to be a god!”
Elder Kai was shocked. “No no no! That’s entirely the wrong transformation!”
“Stop this right now!” Supreme Kai demanded to Fu. “We’ll never be able to repair this rift if you don’t!”
“Shh, just watch,” he replied. “See, the changes in history that other people make don’t do anything special…but I can absorb energy from the ones that I make!”
The fight soon drew to a close, the Time Patrollers emerging victorious.
Fu could already feel the energy spread through the fabric of time and space. The more unpredictable the event, the more energy was sent forth. Pulling out his sword, he sucked in some of the surrounding energy into it. The sword’s blade briefly shone in the light before returning to normal. Fu flashed an evil grin, then vanished.
He reappeared with the Elder Kai, the Patrollers and the Supreme Kai in the outside area of the Time Nest.
“See? The rift is gone, right? That’s ‘cause I absorbed some energy. You’re welcome. The people who got brainwashed, they should be back to normal now, too. Wow, this really is so much fun! I can’t believe you were able to fight Goku and Vegeta when they were powered up to Super Saiyan 4 like that! Mind blown.”
Fu wandered over to one of the Patrollers and looked them up and down. “Man, I just want to learn every little tiny thing there is to know about you. Color me amazed. Look, I know we just met and this may be a bit forward, but can I have some of your blood? Just a little bit! A little teensy drop!”
The Patrollers stepped back in disgust.
Fu sighed. “No? That’s a shame. Uh oh! Look at the time, I’ve gotta go. Perhaps you’d like to come with me? No pressure whatsoever, okay maybe a little pressure. I’d really love to study you.”
“Hey!” Supreme Kai shouted running over.
“Oh well. I’m pretty sure we’ll meet again soon. Until then! Later.” He vanished.

Fu wasn’t done yet. He had collected the first portion of the energy that would later be used for a lifeform: spiky red Saiyan energy embedded in the blade.

The next time rift took place during the Cell Games. Cell stood on his created stage of tiles, crossing his arms. “Ah, this sucks. Nine days is too long to wait.”
“Okay, how about a little skirmish now?” said a voice.
Cell turned to see Android 17 and Android 18 facing him, arms crossed.
“Well, look who showed up,” said Cell. “I don’t know who you are, or where you came from, but you might want to think twice about challenging me now.”
He observed the androids more closely and realization came to him. “Oh, this is ridiculous. I gave already absorbed you both once and achieved my perfect form. However, I am happy to do it again.”
“It seems Goku is alive and well in this timeline,” said 17.
“Excellent,” said 18. “We can finally complete our objective after all this time.”
The two Androids soon became corrupted by dark energy.
“Really?” Cell asked. “Well then, let’s have a little fun and get this party started, shall we?”
Fu watched over from a distance.
“Huh, so a fight that wasn’t supposed to happen…will. I guess that’s better than nothing. But it’s not enough! No-no my friends, that’s why we are going to have a very special guest.”
Fu held out his hand and a space in time rippled and formed an opening. Android 13 emerged from the dark energy portal.
“Listen up,” said 13, “My sole mission is the destruction of Goku, nothing more. You hear me?”
Cell rolled his eyes. “Another crappy older model. From one to the next…So be it. You can help me kill time until the Cell Games begin, I guess. Let’s make it interesting. I think I’ll just take you on all at once. This is going to be a lot of fun.”

The Patrollers arrived on the scene and began to fight Cell.
“Yay!” Fu cheered. “Are you going to help me collect some energy? See, you get it! Aw man, that’s a big help!”
Goku suddenly appeared after the fight ended Cell losing to the androids. His hair was golden yellow.
“Cell’s energy is gone?!”
“Goku!” called 13.
“Ah, so you’re Goku,” said corrupted 17.
Goku spoke. “I can’t sense your power either, which means…oh great, you’re Androids too! Does that mean you’ve absorbed Cell?”
“Wow, I didn’t think you’d come to us,” said corrupted 18. “Thanks for saving us some time.”
“Honestly, I was looking forward to hunting you down,” added 17.
18 turned to her brother. “Oh quit with your incessant whining. Enough words, let’s kill him already!”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” he replied.
“Kill Goku,” 13 stated.
Goku and the Patrollers then fought the three evil Androids in the air.
“Oh ho ho?” Fu chuckled as he watched the fight. “Could this be the arrival of our very special guest? Not even I saw this coming! What great timing! I’ve gotta change so much more history and gobble up all the energy I can now!”
“How dare you!” shouted the Supreme Kai of Time.
“Ha ha ha! Sorry! Don’t worry, I won’t do anything bad!”

“Goku…” began 13.
“Aw man, that was over too soon,” said 17.
“Can this be truly be the only reason why Dr. Gero created us? Is this it?”
“Tch, let’s go, 18.”
“Go…go where?”
“I don’t know.”
18 turned to 13. “What about you?”
17 looked at 13. “I guess you’ve lost your purpose too. We’ll figure out something, come with us.”
The three Androids then jumped into the air and flew off to cause destruction.
Fu walked over to the stage. “Fascinating, so that’s what happens, huh? Oh well, that’s fine by me! I’ve changed history again and that’s all that matters! And scene! That’s a wrap for this episode! Help me again next time, kay? Bye bye!”
Fu grinned, pulled out his sword and absorbed the energy into it. He then vanished along with the Patrollers. Swirling segments of green energy from the androids and Cell settled on top of the red Saiyan 4 energy inside the blade.

In the next timeline, the Patrollers and Fu were above the clouds in the Earth’s atmosphere.
Fu pondered in thought. “Alright, alright, let’s look at how this one plays out.”
Fu snapped his fingers and from the portal came Videl. She looked around in confusion. “Huh? I’m alive? But how? And is that…Majin Buu?”
She turned to Fu. “I’m sorry, who are you?”
“Don’t you worry about little old me! Focus on Buu. He’s the one who destroyed Earth, right? Not only that, but everyone in Kami’s Lookout too. He even absorbed your beloved Gohan.
Videl gasped in shock. She stared straight ahead at Super Buu, who was wearing Gohan’s orange gi and blue pants.
“N-no way…” she began, head downcast.
“Don’t worry! There were a few survivors. Have a look.”
“Dad!” Videl called.
Fu appeared closer. “It’s two on one. I’ll tell you what, at this rate, even your dad’s extended life will be cut short.”
“Dad! I have to help him!”
“Ah yeah you do. And I can lend you a helping hand.”
He help out his hand, and Videl became consumed by powerful dark energy. Videl, Vegito and the Patrollers charged forward and fought Super Buu and Dabura.
Fu clapped his hands and laughed. “I knew it’d come to this! Give it all you’ve got!”
After Buu’s defeat, Fu appeared again to the Patrollers. “Wow! You really tied history in knots! I’ll take the energy from this change.”
Fu smiled and pulled out the sword, absorbing the remaining energy. He promptly vanished back to the Time Nest with the rest of the Patrollers. A third pink layer of Buu’s energy rested above the other two in the sword.

The fourth timeline was the Goku Black/Zamasu one in the future. The two Zamasus stood in the air above a ruined city under a darkened sky. Future Trunks was holding his sword and glaring at his enemies. He was powered up in Super Saiyan form.
“You can call me a criminal if you want!” Trunks declared. “But I’ve got a sentence of my own for you, Black!”
“Ah, the fight against Zamasu and Goku Black,” mused Fu. “Goku and Vegeta are already down, and Trunks is holding them off, himself. Wait a minute! Zamasu and Rose aren’t alone! Is that Jiren?”
Sure enough, Jiren appeared between the two villains.
“What is Universe 11’s strongest fighter doing here? Obviously, Dabura brainwashed him and sent him here!”
“Jiren’s power is on another level!” said the Elder Kai. “It’ll hardly be fair if we have to fight him!”
“Easy old man,” said Fu. “There’s no need to panic. Trunks is in a tough spot. We’d better give him an ally. A really tough, brave one.”
Fu snapped his fingers and from a portal came Tapion.
“Are you…” Trunks began.
Tapion greeted him. “Hey, Trunks, you’ve really grown! It’s time I repaid my debt to you. Let me give you a hand!”
“It’s Tapion, hero of the south quadrant!” exclaimed the Supreme Kai.
The Patrollers helped Trunks and Tapion take down Goku Black and Zamasu.
“That does it! We won!” said Future Trunks after the fight was over.
“Zamasu is safely sealed within me,” said Tapion. “You won’t be seeing him again. Thanks to your help, I’ll be strong enough to keep him from breaking out.”
“I see,” said Future Trunks. “That’s a relief.”
“Aw ha ha! That was a great one!” Fu exclaimed to the Patrollers. “I’m gonna get so much energy from this! I get giddy thinking about all the stuff I could do with this energy!”
“And just what are you going to do with all that energy?” asked one of the Patrollers.
“Huh? What do I want? Does it even matter?” Fu asked. “That’s a wrap. See you later.”
He vanished once more, but not before absorbing the last of the energy. Black energy appeared above the other three layers within the weapon.

When the group had returned, Dabura had managed to break into the Time Nest and capture the Supreme Kai. He took her to a void dimension, with crystal structures all around. The Patrollers followed suit.

Dabura dragged the Supreme Kai through the dark portal, the Kai struggling to break from his chokehold. He conjured a red fire ball in front of him and threw her inside. The Supreme Kai was pounding on the bubble prison, screaming silently in pain.
“This fireball shall not go out as long as I am alive. You will suffer at my hand!”
He faced the Patrollers. “And then I shall kill you myself, for what you did to Towa. I must avenge my dear sister. You’d better hurry before it’s too late.”

After the Patrollers defeated Dabura, the demonic king panted in exhaustion.
“Unbelievable…How could you be more powerful?”
“Looks like it’s been a tough fight,” Fu said, appearing by Dabura.
“You’re late, Fu,” Dabura muttered in annoyance.
Dabura turned to his enemies. “Heh. You’re probably wondering just what Fu is. Let me explain. Fu is a mutant, made from the cells of Towa and Mira. That makes him part of my family, and my rightful successor! Do you see now why I altered history? It was all in the name of feeding him energy.”
He turned to Fu. “Now, Fu. Use that energy to destroy these mortals and revive the Demon Realm!”
Fu shrugged and waved his hand in dismissal. “Huh? No way.”
“What?!” his genetic uncle bellowed.
“I worked hard to get all this energy. Killing them with it would be a waste.”
Dabura stared, shocked, then growled and clenched his fists.
Fu continued. “I need to explore all the possibilities. You know, experiment with it a little.”
“But…we have to avenge Towa!” Dabura exclaimed.
“Sorry, old man, but I’m not interested in revenge…or Demon Realms. I’m gonna do what I wanna do.”
Dabura wasn’t pleased. “You…you colossal idiot!!”
Dabura spit at Fu, but Fu knocked it away with his sword. The attack bounced back and hit Dabura, turning him to stone. The Supreme Kai, noe freed from her energy prison, gasped for breath in relief.
  Fu put his hand on his forehead in frustration. “Uh oh, now I’ve done it…but you set yourself up for this, old man.”
He turned to the Patrollers. “You had me all wrong. I’m not into fighting like the rest of you. I was just playing around with all this energy and observing all you guys. I don’t care how history changes, as long as I get some energy out of it. But hopeless timelines are a little sad, don’t you think? You guys saw a lot of them. I think they should be changed for the better. People should be happy! If changes history set the universe on a bad path, then I’ll use my energy to correct it. There’s always a way. At least, that’s what I think.”
He turned forward. “So you just tell me what you want to know and I’ll look into it for you! Thanks to all your help with my changes, I’ve got lots of energy to spare!”
Fu vanished for an instant, appearing in another timeline where Goku was training by himself. Turning invisible, Fu knocked him out from behind with a powerhouse kick. Using his sword, he absorbed some of Goku’s energy, while also obtaining some blood and cells. The uppermost layer on his sword was now bright orange.
“This will do nicely,” he said before reappearing in the void.

As the Patrollers and Goku fought in the void, Fu used the opportunity to escape and make his move.
“I’ll just take this opportunity to head out. It’s a shame I won’t get to analyze you, but there’s plenty of time for that! Bye bye!”
He disappeared once again.

Fu had been proud of how many people he had brought from other worlds. He had brought in past Goku, and Vegeta, Android 13, Videl, Tapion, Cumber, Lagss, Hearts, Fused Zamasu, Oren, and Kamin. By bringing people from other timelines into the game, he had not only changed parts of history, he also got entertainment out of watching all the opponents fight.

Inside his lab, Fu took his sword and walked to a device in front of him. It looked similar to the glass pod that Cell was kept in by Dr. Gero. He released all the energy he had collected within the sword into the giant glass cylinder. Lightning and swirls of chaotic colors danced from inside. Remembering what Towa had taught him, Fu closed his eyes, held out both hands and focused. The mass of energy eventually settled, merging into a more stable brown form. The brown energy solidified and gradually took the shape of a large muscular man.
After checking to make sure the genetics were to his liking, he slashed his sword in a pattern on the figure’s chest, the demonic symbol for life. The brown stone slowly started to crack and then crumbled away to the bottom of the cylinder. The man revealed was soon flesh and blood: golden brown hair in bangs, a muscular toned body, and DNA from various beings fighting for control inside him. The man opened his eyes, and they flashed demonic red for a moment before fading to Saiyan black.
Danku was born.

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