Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Prior's Poems (pure original)

Writing is such fun
Thoughts emerge from the deep blue
I love haikus too

Wired Differently (12-13-17)

Just an ordinary day, in every way
Onward to a casual meet and greet
To my peers around a table, I start to walk
I smile at them as they start to talk
An accepting group, so easy to fit in
I sit down and sport a genuine grin
Though eye contact was intimidating before
Maturity results in no fears anymore
Disney, school, ice cream cake,
Those several topics I can easily relate
My lingering thoughts soon pound in my head
Curiosity, excitement, anxiety, and dread
Facts and fictions that long to be said
But I hold them down and listen instead
I contribute with the topics I know
Communication easier as I go
The topics diverge in the blink of an eye
My previous knowledge now gone dry
Anime, politics, business, dates
No interest, no knowledge, don’t have what it takes
To continue to speak as the talking reaches a peak
I withdraw, close out, efforts meek
My peers talk more, I soon feel left out
But I know the basics of what the topics are about
To an average person, my silence seems amiss
But after many years of listening, I’m used to this

In my head, my feelings are clear
But for others I speak a voice they cannot hear
They see me differently from the looks on my face
Impossible for me to match their pace
“Are you angry?” they ask to me
“Where’s your common sense?” when I flee reality
They say I should care about my looks
But how, when I prefer to read my books
“You’re a woman now. Grow up and act your age.”
I can’t when I’m trapped in a mental cage.
Perhaps I’m not the pretty girl you envision me to be
Or a brave tomboy, wild and free
I am only myself, plus my disorder label
My feet on the ground, yet my surroundings unstable
Helping others is a constant goal
Though parts of me feel missing like an empty hole
Not a savant, not in need of extra care
Just average on the spectrum, who knows where
My written words stronger than ones I’ve spoken
Pressuring standards help me feel broken
Autistic means self, lost in one’s mind
But my self appears in others, when I’m kind
We call the condition Aspergers after the man who studied the condition
But I am not a man and neither are females in omission
Many females are misdiagnosed, assumed to be crazy
For those in need, one must not be lazy
For people are unique, wired differently in their brains
Ignorance and assumptions equate to invisible pains
Those with autism do not belong in a box
Yearning to break free as society adds more blocks
Separating individuals like a wall
Benefits the privileged but not for all

Oceanic Consciousness (3-15-17)

My mind wonders like an endless ocean
With only me understanding its dark depths, splash, splash
It is constantly flowing, the perfect temperature, the atmosphere just right
Yet I never know the quality, the feel of other oceans
The thoughts and languages foreign
Always hesitant to step into new waters in life
But all around me
Waves bring me the nutrients of love, empathy, and encouragement
A school of family, friends, and mentors swim around me
Protect me from predators of anger and despair
Far off into the distance
Toxins of hate, confusion, judgement
Pollute my mental pool along with other oceans
Sputter, sputter
I am drowning in my own waters
A sense of hopelessness and doubt in an overwhelming world
I am safe from the horrors above, so why escape?
Like the rays of the sun shining translucent colors in the water
The fish brush against me saying “keep going. We are here to help you, so don’t give up.”
A surge of confidence flows through my gills, and I help them along
On our way up to reality
Splash splash
I see other creatures like myself
Their empty eyes staring as they are pulled into the maw of despair
Some desperately struggle to break free of themselves, too weak against a cold current
Other fish let themselves fall, too immersed in themselves to care
Some fish cannot be saved from themselves
From sharks and orcas only concerned with their bodies and their taste of hopelessness
From the materialistic bait hanging in front of their faces on fishhooks
Soon trapped in money, fashion, glitz and glamour
Oblivious to the living beings around them
I swim with my loved ones, in a pattern only I know
The movement of a different swimmer
Splash, splash
We break through the surface
Onto the strange land of adulthood
It will take some getting used to
Learning the language of politeness, professionalism
But it’s the only way to survive and thrive
With my family, I feel alive
Land or sea, body or mind
I reach out to those in need
I don’t know if I can take this world above
But I will slowly go step by step, on my new feet
As tempting as it is, to get lost in my own siren song
I can conquer each day when I am not alone
I glance back one last time
With my human hazel eyes
At my ocean that I can return to
I smile and say “Sea you later. I have people to help, places to go.”
I join my loved ones and we start another journey
They say that if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it won’t succeed
So do not judge one on events and thoughts beyond their control
For all of us are part of one big ocean, constantly pulsing with energy

Fallen Fan

Dedication and celebration
Melodic music flowing in my ears
Uplifting me, higher and higher
Into the realm of the mind
Tunes and art play vividly in my head
Enamored with a diverse YouTuber

Wanting more
Wanting more

Buying music, watching videos, comments
Temporary pleasure
Works for a while
Life is fine and full of light
Until my place is gone

I fall…
I fall…
I fall…

All the art and writing over the years
All for naught in the sense
For soon a man in mystery
Cuts me off from his fan pages
Closest fan to an enigmatic man
There’s nothing I can do now
So render me invisible

Years go by
Confidence grows again
From afar I meet another man
His music and charm hypnotizing
Endless supply of creativity
Leaves me

Wanting more
Wanting more

Intoxicated by erotic thoughts
We willingly expose our vulnerable selves
From across the sea
Give and take of the senses
Forbidden freedom exhilarating
Until the recent time
We soon move on

I fall…
I fall…
I fall…

Months go by
Digital friendship still stands strong
But pain is inevitable
They are content together, him and her
Though I’m politely pushed aside
Should’ve stopped myself before it got too much
For my fragile, self-absorbed mind
I berate myself
For such foolish actions
Immaturity of adults brought me confidence
But it was my downfall, also
Hey, messy emotions are a no-go
Take things slow, hun
But learn to let it all go
Besides, what was the harm in flirtatious fun?
Before I didn’t know
Through temporary temptation I chant

No, no, no, no

What does it mean to truly be an adult?
Perhaps some things aren’t for me
In this crazy world
There’s nothing I can do now
So render me second best

From a temporary guy in school years gone by
To a fat college creep, whose personality became cheap
From an affectionate earthly friend, too busy, too fast
To a political admirer, airy interests clash
An enigmatic creator blocked me twice, feelings cold as ice
Another fueled my desire, his hair red as fire

Potential partners, faraway friends
To stay in touch or make amends
They have tried, they have failed,
But with family and peers, I shall prevail
If only for time to make the memories fade
Soon erased by fate’s sharp blade

Romance, sex, relationships are fleeting
Thus I cherish the bonds I have
Online or in-person meeting
I must stay close to the peers I trust
 Let the worries and toxicity turn to dust

Days pass by
Bringing me closer to life and death
Online on the line between real and fantasy
Then back into reality, off on a line
Through everyday life

Slowly must move on
But there are times I remember when…
I rise…
I fall…
And begin again
Nothing I can do now
Except reflect upon myself
So render me ever-changing

Two college friends/lovers I don't see anymore, blocked by TNG earlier and now I made a mistake I partially regret...(1)
Sexting w consent can be addictive and fun but it comes with a great cost. When the person mates with someone else: crushing withdrawal after it ends. Remaining good friends is important but I hope others know what to expect in FWB.

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