Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Sasha Spirit (draft)


Autosoulography – An Introduction (Meet the characters and author)


Sasha – a 19 year old woman in modern day Chicago, (her last name really is Spirit.) Slight light brown skin, black hair, brown eyes. She is Hindu on her mother’s side and Mexican on her father’s side, lineage coming from her great grandparents. Strangely enough, generations have passed and her family, being lost in the mundane drones of technology, work, and social media, have forgotten the ways of their ancestors. They both perceive spirituality as dangerous or more likely confusing man-made beliefs, preferring to be immersed in nature and the physical world. Sasha’s abilities had been blocked since her traumatic birth, leaving her fearful of both the physical and spiritual worlds. Sasha is a skeptic too, under a Near Death Experience awakens her to her spirit guides, Council of Elders and latent abilities. Sasha finds out her spirit name: Shasta, and her destiny as a spirit guide in training. She learns about all the creatures: angels, demons, elementals, aliens, animal guides, deities, etc. life planning, life reviews etc. She also has to fight evil aliens, mean humans and astral parasites along the way and merge into Source once again.

Patron deity: Shiva

Matron deity: Asherah (despite not being religious)


Shasta Spirit Shorts: “Spirit Guiding 101” (Learn about the Council of Elders, Life Reviews, soul families, the Oversoul/Infinite Self with all one’s lives inside it, and the various ex-humans, masters, angels, deities, and ancestors who guide our souls in the background of our many mortal lives)


Shasta Spirit Shorts: “Soul-Play” (How soul family chooses various roles on Earth)


Episode One: “Get An Afterlife!”

Or Sasha’s beginning…her beginning beginning beyond just her physical birth, back when everything was one with God.


Episode Two: “Eternal Allies”

Sasha, dealing with her parents potentially divorcing, discrimination at school, her older brother on drugs, and her grandparent’s death, soon finds hidden allies after nearly dying in a car crash. She learns about the spirit world for the first time and finds allies on her team: ancestors, pets, several ex-humans, two guardian angels, an animal guide, an alien, a deva, and even a Jinn/demon. She astral projects back in time to Atlantis to find out more truths about humanity…and about herself. She pleads to return to Source like all souls, but is encouraged forcefully to finish her mission on Earth. The one sign of the spirit world and one that Sasha always remembers is the monarch butterfly…it shows her spirit allies are near (ancestors, evolution, spiritual transformation).


Episode Three: “Past Life Possession”

Sasha learns of her past life selves for the first time and tries to amend some karma before she loses her known identity at death for the nth time. One of Sasha’s friends undergoes a hypnosis, with unforeseen consequences. One of her past life selves is an evil man connected to the Reptilians/Draconians. A cult tries to bring the evil past self back into her body to further their operations. It is up to Sasha to send the past self back to his timeline and help the spirit guides restore her friend’s current self.


Episode Four: “For The (Akashic) Record”

A gang of evil entities break into the Akashic Records, steal various memories and cause chaos to many mortal minds. Some mortals are tricked into believing they will die early or they were someone else they were not in the past. Can Sasha/Shasta and her team of guides restore their “Books of Lives”?



Episode Five: “Future Life Obsession”

During a Day of the Dead celebration, weird shenanigans occur when a psychic stranger claims his most recent past/parallel life took place in 2044.



Episode Six: “Falling To Your Birth”

Is reincarnation a soul trap? / A dull universe where no dreams and no religion and no spirits exist.


Episode Seven: “Sinister Spirit Guide”

When spirit guides are all supposed to be loving and nonjudgmental, one master guide plots to manipulate his mortal charge’s life behind the scenes to expand his status and move closer to the intoxicating bliss of the Source.


Episode Eight: “Eat My Pixie Dust”

Sasha and friends find out just how brutal many fairies and elementals can be. While a few elementals are willing to work and nurture humans due to being part of Gaia/Earth’s work, many rightfully hate humans for destroying the environment. When one of Sasha’s allies gets trapped in the Fae world, Sasha will need the help of an angel and a demon. Problem is, one of her friends has a bias against demons due to religion.


Episode Nine: “Source Off Course”

Encounter an alternate universe where God/Source is evil and not about Oneness and souls are made of darkness instead of light. Instead of being childlike and choosing experiences to learn from, inverted souls are about survival of the fittest. Here, they are all forced into new incarnations, with hierarchies and levels like Michael Newton’s portrayal of souls


Episode Ten: “Descended Masters”

Oh sh*t! In the same soul trap universe, the Ascended Masters, angels, spirit guides are all evil low-level archon entities that have trapped souls for eons by shapeshifting and making them feel guilty during their Life Reviews. Sinister secrets paint a gruesome picture which is the exact opposite of New Age and religious teachings. The only true trustworthy beings are Source (the original one) and one’s mysterious Higher Selves. But if Sasha can’t trust her own guides in this realm, can she even trust herself to get out of this parallel nightmare?


Episode Eleven: “Soul In Control”

A soul starting out as a guru, wants to heal all diseases and pains of people without recognition, even if it means going against the predetermined death points of souls.


Episode Twelve: “11:11”

Parallel lives, and how Sasha discovers another version of herself/Oversoul (a man in California) born in 2014, set to die in 2032. In the future, children can learn about their spirit guides and past lives if desired, and more acceptance of different races, genders, aliens and species. With some "SpiritSpeak" device, people can communicate with spirit loved ones and beings like a Zoom call as humans become more like spirits and advanced aliens moving toward Source. One issue, however, is people soon being judged less on their race and gender but more on their DNA and past lives! (Nothing can escape the Ethernet)



Episode Thirteen: Part 1 “Reborn Ready”

Sasha struggles with a new romantic relationship, a reincarnated rival and trying to help local souls cross over.


Episode Thirteen: Part 2 “Til Death Do We Reunite”

After a second Near Death Experience, Sasha has to figure out her next mission…she juggles many future tasks…astral projecting, saving the spirit and Earth worlds, and worse…preparing for college!