Nulla – dark
genderless Yin feminine Source energy of the universe, made of light but also
dark matter. “She” is Unconditionally loving to all souls and beings because
all souls make up the Source. “Her” “third eye” is where the universes
begin/Big Bang. “She” birthed all souls in every direction, sending them out to
explore and eventually return to “Her,” in an eternal universe cycle. “She”
appears as light and sometimes as masculine-like energy so our souls and human
minds can perceive the Source. Nulla energy has always existed, while at the
same time, has always created/expanded and retracted. Nulla is Darkness, Light,
Love, Bliss, and Infinity, beyond time and space.
Nulla is
what we call God/Yahweh/Monad/Allah/Adonai/Great Spirit/Oneness/Source/Brahman/Tao
etc. Nulla interacts with all souls 24/7 and lives through them. Nulla,
however, is a more ‘feminine’ and personal concept of the universe in contrast
to traditional beliefs in a more masculine, light, and unknowable entity (Christianity
and New Age). Nulla is the very fabric of the universe, which includes the
black space throughout the universe, not just the divine light. All souls are
both a part of Nulla and are all Nulla. As we all come from mothers, all universes are from the One Loving Creator.
Nulla means “Nothing”
in Italian. Source is “no thing,” the Yin, the unseen, the invisible dark
energy and dark matter that makes up the universe and most of our bodies. It is
not anything physical or material, it is ethereal, formless, shapeshifting and
all-eternal and all-knowing. Nulla is nothing and everything. Before light and
life comes peaceful darkness, the dark soil, and the womb. Light, materials and
the seen manifest from the unseen, a subconscious realm of all possibilities.
Rachel Fiori mentions the universe not being 50/50 masculine and feminine, but
80% feminine/creating/stillness and 20% masculine/active. The masculine energy
is necessary for getting things done, protection, and for its own divine wisdom,
but the feminine energy is the healer, intuitive force, divine wisdom, and
leader energy.
Nulla = Nyx
and Chaos in Greek
Nulla = Shakti
and Brahman/Atman in Hinduism – also Tantra
Nulla = feminine
version of Nun in Egyptian
Nulla =
Tiamat in Sumerian
Nulla = Mother
Earth energy but applied to all universes and worlds
Nulla = Tao,
the motherly creator energy/divine order
Nulla = Great
Spirit in Native American