Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Rolando Infests Loona






 Blitzo, Millie and Rolando panted for breath by the One Star Wonder Hotel pool.


“Like getting’ beatin’ up, buttercup?” Millie spat at Rolando. “Maybe you’ll think twice before messin’ with my friend!”


The imps grinned and stepped forward, backing the infestor demon into a corner. Blitzo held up his ghostfucker device.


“Prepare to get sucked into nothingness, bitch!”


Rolando glanced around as Blitzo took the vacuum and aimed. He then froze and reached into his pocket.


“How about no!”


Rolando pulled out an indigo crystal and rubbed it. A portal appeared in the middle between him and the imps. Before Blitzo could blink, Rolando had already vanished through it.


“Quick!” called Millie. She and Blitzo followed Rolando through the portal before it closed.


0 0 0


They were back at I.M.P. Headquarters. Rolando had morphed into a shadow form and was hiding in a dark corner of the ceiling.


“Fuck, where’d he go?!” Blitzo called. “And how’d he know our location?”


“He can read our thoughts,” Millie answered with worry. “He must’ve used his own crystal to travel to Earth!”


“Well, we gotta take him out before he attacks anyone else!” Blitzo urged.


The imps nodded and raced off in different directions.


Rolando slithered through the door cracks, peering into the room with glowing yellow eyes. He licked his lips when he spotted a stressed Moxxie below, trying to figure out financial formulas.


‘A weak little thing,’ Rolando mused to himself. ‘Such easy prey.’


He snaked lower, hovering over Moxxie, long shadowy fingers extended.


Loona then came into the room. “You doing alright, Moxxie?”


Moxxie pounded the desk in frustration. “I just can’t seem to get these numbers right!”


“Don’t forget to carry the two here,” Loona mentioned.


She then froze and slowly looked up. She couldn’t see anything, but she sniffed the air.


“What’s wrong?” Moxxie asked.


“I sense something evil here,” Loona growled. “Where’s Blitz and Millie?”


“Still on Earth, I think,” Moxxie answered.


Loona twitched her ears, hearing Blitzo call her name from the hall. “No, I think they’re still here!”


‘Outnumbered four to one,’ Rolando thought, pondering his future fight against the crew. ‘Perhaps I’d better even the odds a bit…’


Rolando could sense Blitzo and Millie walking toward the room from the hall.


“I think they’re this way,” Blitzo told Millie. “He’s gonna get ghostfucked in no time!”


Rolando peered over Loona and smirked.


“Blitz! Millie!” Loona called. “I think I found…”


Loona let out a dog’s whine as Rolando charged into her head from behind her. The Hellhound collapsed instantly.


“Loona!” Moxxie gasped as he turned around.



0 0 0



Loona gasped and woke with a start as she found herself bound to a seat with rusted chains. She strained against her bonds, but even her Hellhound strength wasn’t enough. Old movie theater chairs sat covered with mold, coral and seaweed. Green-tinted curtains opened to show a movie screen.


“What the hell’s going on?!”


Loona flinched as Rolando flowed out of her chest in an oceanic bubble. He pinched her cheeks roughly and moved away before Loona could bite his fingers. She stared at him, her eyes wide with shock and fear.


“Soooo,” Rolando mused in a distorted voice. “You’re Blitzo’s little pet!”


“I’m not his pet…I’m…”


Loona paused.


“His daughter?” Rolando scoffed. “Come on, we both know that’s a lie. You’re more a broody burden than anything else.”


“Shut up!”


“And with a temper like that, I’m surprised he didn’t leave you back at the pound. Here’s a pet name for ya: ‘Lunatic Loona.’”


Loona seethed as Rolando laughed. He moved behind her and lounged on his seat, legs on top, popcorn in his hands.


“It’s no wonder you’re not worthy enough to go on your little murder missions with the rest of your crew. The only thing you’re good for…is furry sex appeal!”


Loona barked at him and Rolando kicked her in the face in response.


“Be a good little bitch and enjoy the show!” he smirked as “3…2…1…” spun on the screen.


“W-what show?”


Loona’s eyes widened in horror as her worst memories appeared on screen.


0 0 0



Loona saw herself as a puppy living on the streets with her mother and five competitive siblings. Her father had left her mother a while ago to find other Hellhound ladies to mate with.


Loona and her siblings always scrambled for food, especially after the extermination of Sinners. She’d tear at demon flesh and shove her brothers and sisters aside to try and get the most meat. More often than not, she was left with scraps.


“Weakling!” howled one of her siblings.


“Pussy!” taunted another.


Swear words were soon Loona’s first words. Her mother was burdened by the stress of trying to survive, not available much for snuggling or assurance.


After Loona and her siblings had learned to walk, they were pretty much on their own. Her siblings left her without a trace.


Loona, lost and alone in the cold, was soon picked up by an elderly lady and tossed in her cell at the adoption center, where she would live for 17 years. She had it lucky…her mother had been assaulted and killed, one of her sisters had been sent to live as a slave, and her other siblings had perished from drugs and their own fights.


Wake up at 5 AM, stand at attention for the warden…eat gruel, learn obedience, sit in the cell, sleep, repeat. A sign read: “Sit, Stay, Serve - Great Behavior = A Future Great Family!”


Loona in her early teens contracted syphilis after she had gotten too close with other inmates. It wasn’t long before she was put into solitary for much of the time.


“Why anyone would want to adopt an angry bitch like you is beyond me,” chided the warden lady. “You may be fierce and strong, but you’ll never last long without following your master’s orders.”


Loona counted the days by scratching her prison wall…soon her wall was covered with tally marks.


Loona’s temper got even worse when a few hounds had smuggled in meth. The drug was Loona’s escape from her harsh confinement…and when she experienced withdrawal, things got ugly.


“It’s like you want to be homeless,” growled the lady. “Or put down! Is that what you want?”




The warden slapped her in the face and put a bowl of glop into her cell. “Then behave!”


Loona was soon 17. One more month, she would be 18…and kicked out into the streets to die.


Or worse…injected with a fatal needle.


Blitzo soon arrived at the adoption center. The center was a dimly lit place, a combination of a prison and a pound. It was dank and dimly lit, with the hellhounds locked in kennel-like cells.


Five hellhound bipedal dogs stared at Blitzo with wide red eyes. There was a small tan colored dog wearing a tattered green dress, a lanky hound with a white dress and thick black hair, a black and white hellhound, and another dog who wore a blue patched up shirt. The Uggie-like hound in the middle wore a ripped up blue shirt and wore a can on his head. On the cell floor were pizza boxes, bones, and a single book on a shelf. A urinal was in the background and there were messy bunk beds behind them.


Blitzo had his hands on the bars of the kennel cell.


“Aww, they’re all so cute. And they’re…sad.”


A large old adoption center lady stood beside him, with a gray wrinkled face and a deadpan expression. She had a gray dog face, thin white glasses, white hair, and a white pearl necklace over her dark clothing.


The lady stood under a worn red “Hellhound Adoption” sign with a pawprint on it. Teal fluorescent lights hummed above each of the cells, several of them shattered. The floor was wet with water.


“Maybe you could adopt this one here,” said the lady, pointing to an adjacent cell. “Quite a strong lad, he’ll be perfect for whatever work you want to use him for.”


Blitzo grinned and peered into the cell. Inside the cell was a hunched, wrinkled, ugly hound with red eyes, a thick face, and sharp claws. A scratched up green chair and a static old-fashioned TV were behind him. A few of his teeth were broken.


Blitzo flinched back.


“Ugh! No, I’m not looking for no ugly wonker, heh. I need something that’s more family-friendly.”


“A gift for the wife, huh?” the lady deadpanned. “No problem.”


Blitzo followed her several cells down.


“We have a nice selection of other hounds,” the hound lady droned.


Blitzo stopped at another cell.


“Who’s that?” Blitzo pointed.


The lady stopped and looked in.


Sitting on a wooden bench was a teenage Hellhound with a cell phone in her hands. She had a thick mane of white hair, narrow red eyes, and a thick black tail. She wore a red shirt with a skull on it and torn black pants. Above her was a torn-up sign that read “Hang in there.” Scratch marks all over the wall counted the number of days spent in the cell. A couple of books were under the bench and a pillow was in a corner.


“Oh, her? That’s just Loona,” said the lady in the same monotone voice. “What a nightmare.”


Near the bunkbeds were drawings of Loona and a thunder cloud, a drawing of flowers and another drawing of Loona stomping through a city. A young hellhound kid smirked mischievously at Loona. He wore a blue baseball cap, a torn white and red shirt, and blue pants. He held a bloodstained bat with nails stuck on the end of it. The boy pointed at Loona and jabbed her with his club. With a fierce growl, Loona slammed the boy against the cell bars, where he fell with a thud. Loona growled again, then curled up.


“Serious attitude problems,” the lady deadpanned. “She’ll be out of our hair next month when she ages out.”


 Loona scooted backwards on the bench with a whine. She curled up and began crying.


“Good riddance, if you ask me,” said the lady. “She’ll never amount to anything much.”


Loona wasn’t too happy when Blitzo decided to adopt her.


‘Great,’ she thought. ‘Now I have to be dragged on a fucking leash by an imp. I can’t have sex with anyone without pain. And for Satan’s sake, why isn’t my phone working?! Ugh, I wish I had my meth back.’


0 0 0




Loona walked sideways over toward Vortex at the beach on Earth.


 “Hey, you,” she tried.


Hey,” Vortex replied. “You’re the hound working for my boss’s freaky ex.”


Yeah. Sorry if that’s weird.”


It’s cool,” he shrugged. “Her beef ain’t mine. I’m not paid enough to care.”


Loona laughed nervously. “Yeah. Yeah.” She pushed her hair behind her ear. “I’m Loona!”


Okay.” In her giddy tone he repeated, “I’m Vortex!” Both chuckled.


That’s hot,” Loona said with a grin. Then her face turned red and flustered. “I mean like literally you know because vortexes, you know, they give off heat. Probably. Right?” She pointed both fingers in a snap, trying to act cool.


Vortex chuckled lightly. “Uh, yeah. I guess. But my friends call me Tex.”


Oh yeah? I wish I had friends. I mean no, I mean, I don’t. I…I don’t have friends.”


Just then, Blitzo arrived, moving himself between them.


“Am I interrupting something?”


“Nah man. Just having a conversation,” Vortex replied.


Blitzo narrowed his eyes and wagged a finger at him. “’Conversation’ leads to HPV!” Loona clenched her fists in frustration.


Loona pinched her nose. “Let’s get the fuck out of here,” Loona said to Blitzo in concern. “You’re gonna get us all into shit.”


“I just wanted to see what was so important that you’d be distracted from your job.”


Loona angrily pulled Blitzo away from Vortex.


“What, I can’t have a break?”


Blitzo yelled at the top of his lungs. “We have a parking spot on the line!”


“Hey dude,” Vortex mentioned as he walked over. “Why don’t you chill out?”


Blitzo wagged a finger. “Why don’t you stay out of it?”


He turned back to Loona.


“Okay, this is our business!” He pointed to the ground and in his tail was a drawing of Blitzo killing a person, a horse followed by an equal sign and dollar signs. “Literally!”


Loona clenched her fists and briefly leaned forward in anger. “Oh fuck Blitzo! Why can’t you stay out of my face for like five minutes?!”


 “Because I adopted you! And that should mean something!”


 “Oh what does it matter? You’re not my real dad! I was almost eighteen!”


“It still counts!”


“Well it shouldn’t! I didn’t need you then, asshole! I don’t need you now!”


A tense silence followed. Both of them crossed their arms, their backs to each other. Both faces showed hurt expressions.



0 0 0



  Loona found herself back at Beelzebub’s party.


Nearby, a group of Mean Girl Hellhounds were talking amongst themselves.


 The leader was a poodle with red sclera eyes, thick pink hair, a red bowtie on her head and long fake eyelashes. She wore a pearl necklace, red glasses, lipstick, a fluffy collar, and a gray-green mini-skirt with stars. Her tail was decorated with loops of fur and her claws had red nail polish on them. One of her friends wore a plain white shirt and dark pants and another hellhound was a dalmatian wearing a short dress, black on the top and pink on the bottom. All three teens wore red bowties.


 “And so I told him, I’m not gonna go get it, unless you fucking throw it this time!” said the leader.


 “That is so not fetch!” replied the dalmatian, waving her hand.


 “Not fetch…” the leader smirked.


 Loona, wanting to fit in, blurted out, “Hahaha! Yeah, like that happens all the time…ah ha…”


 The three teens glared at her.


 “O.M.G. Loona?” asked the leader, with an upturned nose. “Lunatic Loona? That you?”


 Loona held her arm. “Uhhh, yeah, it’s Loona, yeah…”


 The leader smirked. “Wow, I can’t believe you’re showing up to another party. I mean, do you even remember the last one?”


 “I’m sure you’ll remind me,” Loona growled.


 “Yeah, this, this is you, right?”


 The leader smirked and showed a picture of Loona throwing up in a closet on her cell phone.


 Loona growled. “Why do you still have that?”


 “It brings me joy. You know you’re supposed to keep things that bring you joy.”


 The leader scoffed, “Wow…you’re being really negative,” as Loona clenched her fists and growled more. “Your aura is really aggressive right now.”


 “Oh yeah,” Loona retorted. “Well maybe because I’m in the presence of a massive BITCH!”


 The crowd gasped.


 “Oh, my dog, wow,” drawled the leader poodle teen.


 “What?!” Loona exclaimed. “Is that not an okay thing to say?! Like, come on, it’s true!”


 “You can’t say that!” called someone in the background.


 “We’re in Hell, shut up!” barked Loona.


 Vortex came back and handed Loona a cup. “Did I miss anything?”


 “No, no, no…no, nothing…no,” Loona muttered, already feeling embarrassed and uncomfortable in this vast new place.


0 0 0



“There is no reason to be sacred, Loonie,” Blitzo said as he drove the van. “I know we’re on our way for your very important…”


He spoke in a whisper, “Hellbies S.H.O.T…”


Loona’s eyes stayed wide as she stared at him.


“…but I promise it’ll be quick and easy. It takes years to book an appointment at this place, it took five to get this one. And you’ve been doing a lot of field work, so you need it.”


Loona stayed frozen.



Blitzo got out of the van and picked up Loona with both hands, carrying her over his head.


“Come on, Loonie, come on, this’ll be over lickity split alright?”


Blitzo carried her over toward the double doors. Loona struggled to get away, but Blitzo grabbed hold of her. As the double doors opened, Blitzo was dragging her into the waiting room by her tail. Her claws scratched the floor in protest. There was a round purple rug and several round yellow-pink waiting chairs.


“Christ on a stick!” Blitzo swore. “I have waited five fucking years for this appointment! FUCK ME IN MY LITTLE RED HOLE!”


“Yes well, we will be ready for her in just a bit. Please take a seat Mr. “O.” said the nurse.


The demon mother Blitzo saw earlier raised her eyes after seeing his gun.


“Perv,” Blitzo waved his hand, slouched forward, and took a seat with his arms folded. He tapped his finger impatiently on his shoulder.


Blitzo glanced and saw Loona whimpering and shaking under three chairs.


“Oh, don’t worry Loonie,” said Blitzo. “It’s okay, it’s just one little prick, you won’t feel it.” He bopped her on the nose.


“Ew, don’t say that, it sounds vulgar,” spat the demon mother.


Blitzo glared. “Excuse me?”


“Pervert!” mocked the lady, folding her arms.


 More hours seemed to pass. Blitzo swung his boots back and forth and Loona eventually lay on two chairs, half-asleep. The demon lady stared at her green cellphone.


Blitzo tried to make the situation less awkward.


“Soooo, nice weather we’re having, huh?”


Just then, the boy demon pointed at Blitzo. “Look mommy! They let varmints in here!”


Blitzo scowled. “The fuck did you just call me?”


“A wild animal, a miscreant, a fire toad!” the boy replied. He was pulled to the side by his mother.


“It’s not polite to call them that to their face, honey. Wait ‘til we’re in the car.”


Blitzo stood up, teeth bared. “You got a problem with me? (censored “cunt”)?”


The woman gasped and pulled her son close. “There is a child present, you filthy Wrathian!”


“You’re one to talk, you pompous Karen Leviathan,” Blitzo responded. “And by the way, I’m not from Wrath, bitch. ALSO, my kid’s here too, and I don’t think she would appreciate you calling her father… ‘things.’”


The mother raised her hand and called to the nurse. “Is there any way we can reschedule for a time when less of the unemployed rabble are out?”


Blitzo scoffed. “Oh please. I bet the hardest work you’ve ever done is convincing your husband that little shit’s his.” He pointed to the boy and his eyes watered.


The lady got in his face. “Oh yeah, and what do you do that’s SO important?”


Blitzo smirked. “Me? Oh, I kill people.” He pulled out his pistol. “How does a two for one special sound, whore?” He aimed the pistol at her, and they both got into a wrestling fight.


The nurse came out of the room. “Mr. “O,” the doc will see your hound, now.”


Blitzo strangled the mother and the boy with his arm, then shoved them to the floor. Dusting off his pants, he carried a scared Loona into the room, blowing a raspberry behind him with his snake-like tongue. More signs read “helladays” “wait behind here,” and by a soap dispenser, “please cleanse your claws.”


Blitzo sat Loona next to him on the covered patient chair in the small vet room.


Not too long after, the doctor came in. He was a pink goat with teal horns, a white furry beard, and round glasses. He wore a white suit, dark pants, and a teal necktie. He had thick white eyebrows and a flickering teal candle in the center of his head. He had an upside down pink cross logo on his suit. He flipped through a notepad with his hoof-hands, sitting on a small chair shaped like a paw-print. His name tag read “Dr. Somma.”


“Welcome, Bingo!” he greeted Blitzo. He then pointed at Loona. “And this must be Tuna!”


Blitzo waved a hand. “Loona, yeah, and can you hurry up please? She isn’t a fan of shots, so let’s try and make this quick for all our sakes.”


Nearby posters showed various hellhound faces showing various emotions – “How do you feels?” Another one showed a jumping blonde hellhound with “Don’t do this!” in bold red letters. Another one showed a red male hellhound looking in a mirror and wearing sunglasses. The caption read, “Look at your life…who is that dog?” On a desk were a bowl of treats, Kleenex, a sink with paper towels, and a radio with teeth around the round speaker.


The doctor stood up. “Oh, come now, it can’t be that bad. I see hellhounds every day and there hasn’t been ONE that caused any issue.”


He dug through a bin of needles and held up a giant needle with green liquid inside. Loona’s eye twitched and she growled, fur standing up. Sensing this, Blitzo raced toward the doctor and lifted him up just before Loona charged at the spot where he was moments before. Blitzo jumped before Loona could attack and raced off Loona to the other side of the room. Loona howled as Blitzo faced the doctor. “Yep, right there, told ya, dipshit,” Blitzo said. He took the giant syringe and the doctor stood in fear.


For the next several minutes, Blitzo, Loona and the doctor yelled and barked and chased each other in circles around the chair. Blitzo was gripping onto Loona’s tail, trying to slow her down. The scared doctor found himself backed against a wall, syringe in his hands. Loona growled and crouched down like a wolf, drool dripping from her mouth. Blitzo spread his arms out wide from behind Loona. The doctor tossed the needle over Loona’s head and Blitzo caught it. With a yell, Blitzo charged at Loona with the needle. Loona moved out of the way and whacked Blitzo hard with her tail.


“OW! Sorry!” Blitzo called. Blitzo climbed on top of her and managed to pin her arms onto the chair. Loona snapped her jaws and moved her head to the sides as the doctor aimed the needle at her neck. She dodged to the left, to the right and ducked. Clenching her fists, she broke free from Blitzo’s grip and swatted the doctor away with her clawed hand. He fell into the bin of needles and screamed as nine needles stuck out of him. He leaped into the air in pain. After Blitzo helped get the needles out of the doctor, he wiped his blooded lip, one of his eyes swollen. The doctor flinched as Blitzo then rode Loona like a wild bull. Loona tried to buck Blitzo off, but Blitzo managed to grab her nose and jaw and pin her face to the floor.


Blitzo mentioned for the doctor to come over and the doctor nodded. The doctor walked over…and stuck the needle right into Loona’s butt. Her red eyes bulged, and she let out a feral howl of pain. Blitzo fell off her back and crashed onto the floor. The doctor helped him up, staring at the cracks in the floor from the impact. After Loona was sedated, she had a white cone placed over her head.


But it didn’t stop there…Loona yelped and screamed as she felt the pricks of more needles sticking into her back, legs, and neck. She couldn’t move…her paws and belly were stuck to the operating table with what appeared to be black goo.


“You know what happens to rabid dogs who don’t behave?”


A distorted voice chilled her to the bone.


Loona flinched and cried as she noticed…


…black liquid in the hovering needles?!


“They get PUT TO SLEEP!”


The liquid felt like acid as it was injected into her, and her fear level spiked.


“Now there’s a good little doggie,” mused a distorted voice next to her.


Loona screamed as Rolando hovered next to her in a white lab coat, mouth open in a sinister grin. “Just relax and let me…sedate your mind.”


Loona’s eyelids slowly closed as Rolando’s black goo entered her…


0 0 0


Loona stood up unnaturally, her eyes glowing yellow and an evil sharp grin appearing on her face.


“OH CRUMBS!” Moxxie yelled as possessed Loona swiped at him with sharp claws.


Blitzo and Millie heard the commotion.


“Mox!” cried Millie.


“Loonie!” cried Blitzo.


They burst into the room.


“Oh shit, that scum got inside her!” Blitzo flinched back.


Loona leaped and bounded down the stairs.


“Quick! We’re taking the fight outside!” Millie called. They followed her and everyone was soon standing in front of the I.M.P. building.


Millie brandished her black double-bladed axe. Blitzo held up a hand.


“Wait, don’t hurt her!”


“That’s not her!” Millie reminded him.


Moxxie shivered. “How are we supposed to take down a Hellhound?!”


No sooner did he say those words when Loona leaped forward and swiped Moxxie so hard, he flew backwards into the brick wall. He groaned and collapsed.


“I’m okay,” he winced.


“Loonie, SNAP OUT OF IT!” Blitzo yelled, dodging and blocking Loona’s fists. Millie leaped onto Loona’s neck, grabbing it hard to try and knock her out.


But like a wild bull, Loona bucked the imp off of her. Millie rolled to the ground with a yelp but stood up on shaking legs.


“I can’t wait to tear you imps apart!” roared Rolando in a mix of Loona’s voice and his own.


Rolando glanced back at the sobbing Loona in her mind. “And I can’t wait to taste your guilt and despair when you kill your own ‘dad’ and co-workers with your bare claws!”


Blitzo and Millie both rushed at Loona, but several punches from both her paws sent them back. She grabbed Blitzo by his collar and tossed him toward Moxxie. He rolled out of the way just in time before Blitzo tumbled onto his back.


He angrily brushed himself off and rubbed his side. “Oh, she is so grounded!”


Blitzo then yelled in shock as Loona grabbed his head and dragged him along the wall. He screamed as his face got scraped, black blood running down the side.


Blitzo weakly grabbed her throat…


“You don’t want to hurt you so-called daughter do you?”


Blitzo paused…and was promptly knocked out as Rolando slammed him against the ground.


Rolando cackled again, his shadow hovering over Blitzo’s limp form. “This Hellhound strength against three puny lowborn imps…all too easy!”


Blitzo would’ve been Rolando’s meal if Millie didn’t leap behind him and slash Loona’s arm with her axe. “Loona” growled and spat.


“Do not make me hurt Loona more!” Millie panted.


“Oh, all you imps do that just fine,” came Loona’s distorted voice. Rolando licked the black blood trailing down Loona’s arm. He swiped at Millie with Loona’s tail. “When was the last time you included her in missions? In events? She’s inexperienced, stuck behind her phones in the background!”


Millie wrapped her tail around Loona’s leg, trying to trip her. Rolando scratched at Millie’s tail, making her let go and cry out. Moxxie tapped something on his cell phone.


Blitzo slowly opened his eyes. Rolando moved closer to the fallen Blitzo and grinned.


“Loona never really cared about you. She was too up in her meth-addicted teenage mind to appreciate your half-witted attempts to support her!”


Tears fell from Blitzo’s eyes as he curled up. “Y-you’re wrong, asshole!”


“I’m in her mind now,” Rolando answered. “I know all the feelings she’s kept hidden from all of you. She never fully fit in with your little group and she never…”


Moxxie fired a few bullets from his rifle at Rolando’s back.


Rolando whirled around, a demonic growl escaping Loona’s throat. “I’M TRYING TO EAT HERE!”


Moxxie yelped, barely avoiding Loona’s sharp claws.


Millie elbowed Rolando hard in the side, swinging her leg and almost making Rolando trip.


“Outta my way, hick!” he seethed.


“Fuck off, dick!” Millie retorted.


Moxxie starred at his jammed rifle with a hopeless look.


Rolando reached toward Blitzo with deadly claws and gloated, “YOU WERE NEVER A REAL FATHER TO HER IN THE FIRST PLACE!”


Blitzo growled and sobbed.


Moxxie took a shaking breath and pulled out a knife from his belt…his last weapon on hand.


Rolando licked his lips, frightening Blitzo even more.


“Keep sobbing, Blitzy! Gotta love that extra flavor before your death!”


He opened his mouth to bite him…


Rolando screamed as Moxxie raced behind him and stabbed him deep in the back. Before he could react, Millie kicked him hard in the gut and sent him onto his back. Moxxie moved out of the way and grabbed both of his wrists, while Millie slashed lightly at one of Loona’s feet. She held her feet down, struggling to hold on.


“Blitz!” cried Millie. “Save your daughter! Wake her up!”


Blitzo crawled and winced as he reached desperately to her.


“Loonie! It’s me! I know you’re in there!”


“Blitz! Help!” cried Loona from inside her mind as his face appeared.


Rolando hovered in front of the screen, blocking her view of Blitz.


“I love you, Loona, do you hear me?!” Blitzo yelled, getting close to her face. “Don’t let that pond scum get to you! I adopted you for a reason…I saw potential in you to be a great fighter…I couldn’t let you become homeless…”


His words were muffled by a rush of dark water splashing against the seats.


“Blitz! Speak up!”


“I can’t hold her much longer!” Moxxie cried.


Rolando chuckled as he gripped her throat hard. She gasped for breath, straining uselessly against her chains.


Off to the side of Rolando’s head, Loona could make out a blurry image of Blitzo…


Her adoptive dad, with tears running down his face…and love in his eyes. Blitzo took a breath and wrapped his arms around the held-down Hellhound.


But this time, Loona didn’t fight it…


…she could feel Blitzo’s comforting embrace…if only the faint hints of it. She remembered the good times she had with Blitzo, Moxxie, and Millie…how they accepted her for who she was…like a real part of the family. She thought of Octavia…her new friend who felt like a sister, and their shared interests in taxidermy, gothic culture and music. How Blitzo saved her and cherished her from the beginning, despite not always seeing eye to eye.


Despite the fights and arguments…Blitzo never gave up on her.


Now was not the time to give up on him.


Loona summed all her strength…and bit hard into Rolando’s hand. Rolando screamed as his hand was torn right off. She shook it and it was tossed to the side in a black bloody heap.


Rolando was about to deliver a fatal blow…


“NOW!” Blitzo shot his head up and raised a fist. Moxxie and Millie slammed Loona’s body down to the ground. Blitzo punched Loona’s gut hard…


…and black liquid poured out of Loona’s mouth.


The Hellhound groaned and opened her now normal red eyes.


“The fuck…?” she groaned.


Moxxie, Millie, and Blitzo sobbed in relief and hugged her.


“Ow! Shit! Let go of me!” Loona barked. Blitzo didn’t mind being pushed aside as Loona slowly got up with the help of Millie and Moxxie.


“You’re alive, thank Satan!” Blitzo wept. “You almost killed us!”


“Sorry,” Loona mentioned. She looked around. “Where is…?”


A black and red eye appeared in the sky and three black robed figures zoomed down toward the imps.


Rolando rematerialized, just in time for the reaper-looking figures to put black manacles on his arms. They snapped their fingers and Rolando’s purple and black hotel uniform changed into an orange prison jumpsuit.


“What the…?!” Rolando bellowed in his distorted voice.


One of the reapers held up a scroll as the other two dragged Rolando to a black car decorated with spikes.












A portal opened and out stepped…


“Mother?” Rolando squeaked.


An aquatic demon stood wearing a purple dress, a pearl necklace and had the same gray skin, fins and transparent hair as her son. “Ro-Ro? Is that you?”


Millie and Blitzo snickered.




Rolando’s mother scoffed. “You don’t need to scream at me! Haven’t seen him since we left him to fend for himself when he came of age. Seeing him again…” she narrowed his eyes. “No internet fame? No harem? No dignity? How disappointing.”


Rolando turned red in the face. “Mother, I killed so many people! I’m the most infamous infestor around!”


“Then kindly explain why you got your fins fried by a bunch of low-class firetoads and a mutt?”


Moxxie giggled behind his hands.


“I’m rich!” Rolando protested. “I have my own underground mansion…”


“Helsa and Seviathan could bury you alive in their wealth,” his mother countered. “Your father and I raised you better than this!”


She ripped Rolando’s glasses off his face and put them over her eyes.


“MY SHADES!” Rolando roared.


“That is…or was the one good thing about you. I’m off to the Infest Festival…try not to starve in jail.”


“Mother, wait!” Rolando called. But the aquatic woman shook her head and headed back to Envy.


“Oooh, who’s got some trauma now?!” Blitzo smirked.


Rolando was tossed hard into the back to the cruiser. A large screen was close to his face…


…and the screen blinked to life as pink unicorns laughed and gave each other hugs. Joyful music played.


“Sing along with us as we tap into the joys of love!” beamed a unicorn.




“It’s about time you had some positivity in your life!” Blitzo taunted to him. “Oh, wait, can’t you eat your OWN negativity?”


Rolando yelled and swore as the doors closed and the car zoomed away.


“AT LEAST YOU AREN’T DEAD!” Blitzo finished.


Loona and Millie cheered.


Blitzo winked at Moxxie. “Did you call Hell’s cops?”


Moxxie grinned and wiggled his phone. “Always helps to have your hell-phone with you!”


He typed into his phone again.


“Speaking of which, I’m calling the hospital now,” said Moxxie. “We don’t want our wounds getting infected.”


“Good point,” Blitzo added.


Then he turned to Loona. “I really do love you. No matter what happens, we’ll face it together.”


“D-dad…” Loona began. “I’m sorry…I should’ve appreciated you for…”


Blitzo waved a hand. “It’s all behind us. And I’m sorry too…for sometimes being too protective…you’re all grown up now. You’re more than ready to go on missions with us…or hang out with your friends…and I…”




“I’m proud of you.”


Loona and Blitzo hugged each other again. Moxxie and Millie smiled and held hands as they watched.


“Speaking of hospitals, isn’t it time for you to have another…s.h.o.t?” Blitzo whispered with hesitation.


Loona shoved Blitzo away and cowered back.


“Come on, Loonie, I’ll be with you the whole time…it won’t be like last time…”


“Ack!” Blitzo arched to avoid her teeth. “Loona! You will get no treats and no screen time if you don’t settle down!”








“I’m telling the truth! Moxxie, Millie, a little help here?”


Millie smirked. “Naw. After fighting a demon, you’re on your own!”


She leaned in toward Moxxie. “Shall we rest and recover together before we get checked in?”


Moxxie chuckled nervously. “Not too much, I’m still slightly sore.”




Blitzo sighed as Millie and Moxxie headed to their room as Loona continued to hiss at him.


“Fucking teenagers.”


Blitzo paused. “Hey Mox…the po-po don’t know anything about our illegal missions to Earth, right?”


Moxxie waved a hand and laughed nervously. “O-of course not, sir!”


Several robed figures scribbled on clipboards as they inspected the I.M.P. building. Their flaming eyes followed the imps and Loona. One of them held a strand of black rope.


Moxxie glanced back with worry. “Heh. Everything’s fine…”


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