Sunday, September 15, 2024

Helluva Boss Short: Mission: Weeaboo-boo


A manilla folder was placed on Blitzo’s desk again. It was near his Boss Bitch mug, open drawer of Moxxie and Millie figures and a manga of an anime character: a woman with long teal hair, wearing a white school-girl skirt and outfit, fox ears and a black pointed tail. She was in a chokehold from a tan demon with long black hair and horns leaning over her.


The folder showed a picture of I.M.P.’s new target, a lady with white skin, periwinkle hair with light blue highlights and purple tinges on the bottom. A black flower was in her hair, and she wore a black jacket with a pink collar and pink outline on the sleeves. She beamed in the photo and did a peace-sign with her hand, posing in front of a demonic convention sign.


“I.M.P. Target: Emberlynn Pinkle

Location: Boring suburbs in a boring town. Rockview, USA.

Description: Gothy 20 something

Info: She shipped Scrimbleson with Shawanathan instead of Blorbinzo 7 years ago, and it’s basically incest or something, not really but dis bitch seems really upset about it.”




In the human world, the night indigo sky was lit by stars and a large white crescent moon. Streetlights illuminated a sidewalk and revealed a suburban neighborhood.


Blitzo popped out from inside the bushes, talking on his cellphone to Millie. His phone cover read “RIDE ME” on it in big red letters.


“Aw, thanks Mils, but I don’t think I need backup to take down some suburban college girl.”


He grinned as he peered over at the girl’s house with lit-up windows.


“You enjoy that bullshit Cats musical with Mox, and stop trying to use me as an excuse to get out of it…”


He held the phone forward and glared. “Hey look, if I had to sit through that French hog shit, well so do you, okay? Bye Mils!”


The phone beeped as he ended the call and leaped out from the bushes.


Blitzo peered through a window and saw Emberlynn’s parents on the couch watching TV, studio laughter coming from the TV. The man was bald with glasses and the woman had long blond hair.


Blitzo chuckled and snaked up a nearby tree. He spotted her through the window. “Oh ho, ho, bingo.” He balanced on the creaking branch, inching closer. “B-Y-N-G-O.” He chuckled darkly before opening the window.


Emberlynn smiled with a pair of headphones on, sitting on a pink chair shaped like a cat. On the video, it showed a demon with sharp teeth talking to a blue-haired girl, “Our souls will be tethered for eternity.”


A grinning Blitzo entered the room and pulled out a sharp deadly red knife.


He did a quiet sing-song voice, “I love killing, shooting things, I’ll use a saw, I’ll use a fork, too! Da-dun, da da.” He stepped in circles then held the knife in his right hand as he inched toward Emberlynn. “I love killing things with any kind of weapon. Give me a knife and I’ll kill someone…” he pointed to her head.


He grinned evilly with sharp fangs, the knife schinked and gleamed… “…and today it’s gonna be a stupid bitch! Da, da…”


He raised his weapon, aiming for her back…


…but was suddenly knocked back by a golden holy force field emanating from a pendant around the girl’s neck. “Oof! Ow, what the FUCK?!”


The knife embedded itself into a demon plushie on her desk by her computer. Emberlynn turned around and screamed, falling off her chair. The video ended on her computer, showing her pink screen wallpaper with vampire fangs and eyes. She then stood up. “Oh!” “Oooh!” She looked lovestruck at Blitzo, hands on her cheeks.


The parents heard the commotion from upstairs. Emberlynn’s dad spoke in a southern drawl. “Ugh, she must be watching them ‘hen-tays’ again.”


Emberlynn’s mom cried, “Why won’t she leave?!”


“Oh my god! What…are you?” Emberlynn asked.


Blitzo stood up in the shadows, snarling. “I’m your worst fucking nightmare, bitch!”


He yelled and charged at her again, but the magical golden shield from the pendant knocked him backward onto the floor.


Blitzo grunted. “Fuck. How are you doing this? What is that?!”


Emberlynn’s pendant was a golden pentagram against light blue. White wings were on the sides of the pendant.


Emberlynn held the pendant in her hands. “It’s official merch from ‘Akuma no Otto’. It’s the pendant given to Setsuki in episode 569 that protects its wearer from…wait are you a demon?”


Emberlynn raised a shaking finger. “Like…a real demon?”


“Yeah, basically,” Blitzo answered. “Look, where did you even get something like…”


“A demon?” she interrupted. “Here to steal a little kitten like me? Forced to be part of your demonic harem, ‘blushes.’” She blushed as pink Japanese love bubbles appeared near her glowing face and pink cheeks.


“Huh? Why would you think I would do something like that?” Blitzo asked, then gasped as he looked around her room.


A body-pillow of Cthulhu wearing pink lacy underwear was against the wall. A female demon statue with a pitchfork was on a shelf along with various monster plushies. A banner read “MONSTE RLOVER PRIDE” on her wall. A poster of a human wrapped in a snake monster lifting weights with its tail read “HISS ME,” and another poster with a sexy blond woman underneath a dark orange dragon read “MELT ME.” “YEE-HAW COWGIRL” was shown on several posters of a centaur romping a nude girl from behind. A bull skull was on another dresser. One poster read “WERE-WOLF!” “BITE ME!” “CHUMP MY RUMP,” and a red-haired mermaid near tentacles had ”nussed me up” in purple. On a shelf was a statue of a giant red dragon holding the hands of a woman bride.





“Ohhh, you’re one of those.”


Emberlynn leaned in to Blitzo with a flirtatious look. “So, what’s your name?”




She spun around and leaned against the bookshelf. “What are you gonna do to me, Blitzy-kun?” An oar labeled “RAWR” was next to her and a knock-off Charlie Morningstar plushie was on her shelf.


“Uh. Apparently nothing while you’re wearing that.”


“I don’t feel like myself. Are…are you…putting some sort of…nasty spell over me?”


“What? No, I’m literally just standing here, lady.”


“If you say so, master,” she slid down to the floor. She was on her knees. “I mean…daddy.”


She crawled forward. “But when you look into my eyes, it’s like I have no control over my…”  She slowly leaned in, almost kissing him…then she slapped him hard in the face.


“Aaaaahhhkaaay!” Blitzo cried out in pain.


“No! You demonic brute!” She lay down on a table in a pose. “I’m too pure of heart for you to corrupt!”


Blitzo face-palmed. “Oh, thank fucking Satan!”


Emberlynn looked up. “Satan? Is that your lord?” She leaned into Blitzo, hands together. “The one who plan to offer me to as a sexual sacrifice?”


Sweat dripped down Blitzo’s face.


Emberlynn gasped in glee and raced over to rapidly type her fanfiction on her computer…




“The mysterious demon snarled in defiance before Satan. Heat radiated off of him and his glowing eyes blazed with fury. As my demon lover took a stand against his Lord, I felt my love for him burn even hotter than the fiery depths of Hell.


“I won’t let you have her,” my demon hissed with a mutinous glare. “You took my wife from me, Satan. Never again!” Emberlynn Lightness Demoanya Pinkie is mine.”


Satan growled, baring his sharp fangs. My knees trembled at the staggering size of them. He was so close that I could feel his hot breath on my skin, which was exposed as a result of my sacrificial outfit. (Satan’s concubines are forced to wear lace bras, leather miniskirts, combat boots, eyeliner and a smoky eyeshadow look. Also black lipstick. Also I was wearing fishnets.)


“You dare defy me?” Satan roared, his hulking body towering above us. “Hand dover the sexual sacrifice so I may have my way with her.”


“No!” I cried, throwing my arms around my demon lover. “Please don’t let him ravish me over and over! My body belongs to you!”


“She’s mine to ravish over and over!” my demon lover yelled, holding me close.”



“But once you have me, you realize you could never go through with it, because I’m the only woman who could ever make you feel something after the loss of your wife!”


She beamed and her eyes bulged wide with pink hearts and yellow stars in them. Pink sparkles blinked around her face. Blitzo blinked in bewilderment in the background.


Emberlynn stood up, her hands folded in fists. “Your wife…who was the first one your Lord Satan took as a concubine.” She dramatically put her hands to her heart and blinked tears. She posed against her desk. “But now you’d rather have me!”


She put her hands to her chest and fell dramatically to the floor, crawling on her hands and knees, “And you’d rather fight him to the death than allow me to come to the same fate!”


She did a final pose on her knees with a hand over her head and her eyes closed.


“Ew,” Blitzo made a disgusted face, putting his hands forward, backing up. “Lady, look, I was sent here to kill you, alright? You were a bitch online one time, someone didn’t like it, they put a hit on you, I know it’s excessive, but I don’t make the rules, oh well.”


Emberlynn turned her head around. “You want to kill…meee?” She smiled, pointing to her face.


“Oh yeah, even more now,” Blitzo replied with a smirk.


“Of course!” she cried. “You want to take my mortal soul to Hell so that we can be together forever!” She leaned her head back and swayed her butt upward.


Blitzo put his fingers to his face. “Look, whatever gets you there. Can you just take off the necklace and hand over my knife?”


“Yes master!” she cried, hands folded together. Then she gasped, “No, I mustn’t.” Then she leaned in close to his face. “But I want you!” She moved her head back, arm out in front of her. “My soul…” Then she went on her knees, fingers and palms open. “But I’m destined for this!” She collapsed to the floor.


“Bitch, can we hurry this up?” Blitzo asked.


Emberlynn took the knife out from the demon plushie.


“OOOOHHH YEEESSS!” She moaned, using the knife to cut the string on the necklace. The pendant spun across the room and flew out the open window.




“Make it quick, my demon prince!” Emberlynn whispered, handing it to him. She leaned into his arms and lowered herself like a dancer, eyes closed.


Blitzo sighed, then stabbed her in the chest. Emberlynn gasped as red blood splattered.


Emberlynn moaned sexually.


Blitzo turned away. “Eugh. Can you please stop enjoying this so much? Fuck.”


“I will see you…on the other side…” she leaned up and whispered, “my…Blitzy-kun…”


A bell tolled as her head moved to the side. Blitzo held her dead body.


“Stab. Stab. Stab.” An unamused Blitzo stabbed her several more times. He then stood up, tapped the crystal on his wrist and disappeared through the pink diamond portal. Blood pooled underneath Emberlynn’s body.


Loona read a book by her desk. Blitzo held his fingers to his face as he talked on his cellphone back at I.M.P. headquarters. “Hey, yeah, it’s done. So you can go ahead and wire me that money now and I’ll go ahead and never think about this night ever again.” He waved his arm.




A familiar voice made Blitzo and Loona freeze with wide eyes.


Blitzo peered out the window behind the blinds.


There was Emberlynn Pinkle in her demon form. She had on the same clothing, except the cat faces on her high black socks had slanted eyes and evil grins. She wore a jacket with a pink paw print in the center where Blitzo had stabbed her. She had the plaid pink skirt, a pink tail with a light blue tip, long pink hair and animal ears. She had black horns on her head, light blue skin with pink freckles, small bat wings and three eyes with pink sclera and blue pupils. Emberlynn had monster features and the features from the woman character from her manga.


“I saw your billboard! I’m here for you, my love!” She went on her knees, hands to her heart. “I’ll be by your side forever! BLITZY KUNNNN!”


Blitzo nervously lowered his head from the window.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Spirit Speak summary draft




“SpiritSpeak” 2050 world where there is telepathic communication, energy healing, less fear of death and more connection to other alien worlds…but also where people are judged by their DNA and past lives, children can interact with spirit guides, and people can speak to spirits, elementals, etc. good and bad face to face and see them like on Zoom. (Ex. those who had been murders/rapists in past lives have less access to certain jobs, those who have been royalty are favored for the government etc.) People can now access everyone’s Akashic Records via the Ethernet.


Shasta Spirit Shorts: “Spirit Guiding 101” (Learn about the Council of Elders, Life Reviews, soul families, the Oversoul (fusion of a soul group) vs the Infinite Self (Higher Self with all past/future lives in it) and the various ex-humans, masters, angels, deities, and ancestors who guide our souls in the background of our many mortal lives)


Shasta Spirit Shorts: “Soul-Play” (How soul family chooses various roles on Earth)


Episode One: “Get An Afterlife!”

Or Sasha’s beginning…her beginning beginning beyond just her physical birth, back when everything was one with God.


Episode Two: “Eternal Allies”

Sasha, dealing with her parents potentially divorcing, discrimination at school, her older brother on drugs, and her grandparent’s death, soon finds hidden allies after nearly dying in a car crash. She learns about the spirit world for the first time and finds allies on her team: ancestors, pets, several ex-humans, two guardian angels, an animal guide, an alien, a deva, and even a Jinn/demon. She astral projects back in time to Atlantis to find out more truths about humanity…and about herself. She pleads to return to Source like all souls, but is encouraged forcefully to finish her mission on Earth. The one sign of the spirit world and one that Sasha always remembers is the monarch butterfly…it shows her spirit allies are near (ancestors, evolution, spiritual transformation).


Episode Three: “Past Life Possession”

Sasha learns of her past life selves for the first time and tries to amend some karma before she loses her known identity at death for the nth time. One of Sasha’s friends undergoes a hypnosis, with unforeseen consequences. One of her past life selves is an evil man connected to the Reptilians/Draconians. A cult tries to bring the evil past self back into her body to further their operations. It is up to Sasha to send the past self back to his timeline and help the spirit guides restore her friend’s current self.


Episode Four: “For The (Akashic) Record”

A gang of evil entities break into the Akashic Records, steal various memories and cause chaos to many mortal minds. Some mortals are tricked into believing they will die early or they were someone else they were not in the past. Can Sasha/Shasta and her team of guides restore their “Books of Lives”?



Episode Five: “Future Life Obsession”

During a Day of the Dead celebration, weird shenanigans occur when a psychic stranger claims his most recent past/parallel life took place in 2044.



Episode Six: “Falling To Your Birth”

Is reincarnation a soul trap? / A dull universe where no dreams and no religion and no spirits exist.


Episode Seven: “Sinister Spirit Guide”

When spirit guides are all supposed to be loving and nonjudgmental, one master guide plots to manipulate his mortal charge’s life behind the scenes to expand his status and move closer to the intoxicating bliss of the Source.


Episode Eight: “Eat My Pixie Dust”

Sasha and friends find out just how brutal many fairies and elementals can be. While a few elementals are willing to work and nurture humans due to being part of Gaia/Earth’s work, many rightfully hate humans for destroying the environment. When one of Sasha’s allies gets trapped in the Fae world, Sasha will need the help of an angel and a demon. Problem is, one of her friends has a bias against demons due to religion.


Episode Nine: “Source Off Course”

Encounter an alternate universe where God/Source is evil and not about Oneness and souls are made of darkness instead of light. Instead of being childlike and choosing experiences to learn from, inverted souls are about survival of the fittest. Here, they are all forced into new incarnations, with hierarchies and levels like Michael Newton’s portrayal of souls


Episode Ten: “Descended Masters”

Oh sh*t! In the same soul trap universe, the Ascended Masters, angels, spirit guides are all evil low-level archon entities that have trapped souls for eons by shapeshifting and making them feel guilty during their Life Reviews. Sinister secrets paint a gruesome picture which is the exact opposite of New Age and religious teachings. The only true trustworthy beings are Source (the original one) and one’s mysterious Higher Selves. But if Sasha can’t trust her own guides in this realm, can she even trust herself to get out of this parallel nightmare?


Episode Eleven: “Soul In Control”

A soul starting out as a guru, wants to heal all diseases and pains of people without recognition, even if it means going against the predetermined death points of souls.


Episode Twelve: “11:11”

Parallel lives, and how Sasha discovers another version of herself/Oversoul (a man in California) born in 2014, set to die in 2032. In the future, children can learn about their spirit guides and past lives if desired, and more acceptance of different races, genders, aliens and species. With some "SpiritSpeak" device, people can communicate with spirit loved ones and beings like a Zoom call as humans become more like spirits and advanced aliens moving toward Source. One issue, however, is people soon being judged less on their race and gender but more on their DNA and past lives! (Nothing can escape the Ethernet)



Episode Thirteen: Part 1 “Reborn Ready”

Sasha struggles with a new romantic relationship, a reincarnated rival and trying to help local souls cross over.


Episode Thirteen: Part 2 “Til Death Do We Reunite”

After a second Near Death Experience, Sasha has to figure out her next mission…she juggles many future tasks…astral projecting, saving the spirit and Earth worlds, and worse…preparing for college!



Bonus: “Forward To The Past”


Stories of past lives


“Leviathan’s Lady”


“Kaida, Bringer of the Sun – The Heroine’s Journey”


(unknown others)

Monday, September 2, 2024

Goetia and Shem in Rings and Halos



Which Shem, Which Halo?


Diligence/law and order/Zaphkiel



Charity/Michael/order and harvest





Vehuiah: any Halo

Ielial: Diligence/justice

Sitael: Charity/protection against adversity

Elemiah: Charity

Mahasiah: Temperance/Haniel/pleasures

Iehahel: Patience/Raphael/cures illness

Achaiah: Patience

Cahethel: Charity/Michael/chases evil away, agriculture

Haziel: Kindness/under Zadkiel angel of mercy/forgiveness

Aladiah: Patience/Raphael/cures illness

Lauiah: Charity/victory

Hahaiah: Temperance/Haniel/peace/pleasure/art, dreams, peace

Iezalel: Temperance/Haniel/friendship/loyalty

Mebahel: Diligence/courts and the law

Hariel: Humility: purity, morality

Hakamiah: Charity/Michael/loyalty, protection

Loviah: Temperance/Haniel/art music, poetry, arts

Caliel: Diligence - justice, testimony

Levuiah: Humility: human intelligence

Pahaliah: Chasity/Camael/ chasity, purity, religion

Nelchael: Charity/protection from evil

Ieiaiel:  Any Halo: commerce, traveling

Melahel: Patience/Raphael: healing, earth, nature

Hahuiah: Charity/Michael: protects against animals and assassins

Nithhaiah: Kindness: hidden wisdom

Haaiah: Diligence/Zapkiel: peace treaties, politics, judges

Ierathel: Diligence: light, liberty, justice

Seehiah: Humility and Patience: longevity of life

Reiaiel: Kindness: protects against impious, religion

Omael: Patience/Raphael/doctors, surgeons etc.

Lecabel: Charity/agriculture

Vasariah: Diligence: executives, court, judges

Iehuiah: Charity: protects Christian leaders, obedience

Lehahiah: Charity/Michael/favors leaders

Chauakiah: Humility: harmony in families

Manadel: Charity: hard work, careers

Aniel: Charity/nature

Haamiah: Charity/Michael/warrior/ritual, ceremony, nature, protects against evil

Rehael: Kindness: health, long life, mercy

Ieiazel: Temperance/Haniel/arts/books, professors, teachers

Hahahel: Kindness/Christianity

Mikael: Diligence: political authority

Veualiah: Charity/Michael/military

Ielahiah:  Diligence and Charity: victory, travel

Sealiah: Humility

Ariel: Humility

Asaliah: Diligence/legality

Mihael: Chasity/marriage/pleasure

Vehuel: Temperance/ the arts and music

Daniel: Diligence, courts, attorneys, magistrates etc.

Hahasiah: Patience/Raphael/healing, medicine, animals, nature

Imamiah: Kindness/mercy/atonement of errors

Nanael: Charity, law, science

Nithael: Charity: leaders and longevity

Mebahahiah: Humility: religion

Poiel: Temperance/modesty

Nemamiah: Charity/military

Ieialel: Temperance/Haniel/Venus

Harahel: Humility: banks, business

Mizrael: Patience/Raphael/heals mental and spiritual illness

Umabel: Kindness/friendship

Iahhel: Humility/enlightenment ( + higher spheres)

Anaual: Patience/Raphael/cures illness

Mehiel: Temperance/arts literature

Damabiah: Humility: fountain of wisdom

Manakel: Charity/ nature, animals

Eiael: Kindness/occult sciences (+ higher spheres)

Habuiahah: Charity and Patience: agriculture and healing

Rochel: Diligence, law

Iabamiah: Kindness: scholars, alchemy, transformation, Zadkiel

Haiaiel: Charity/military

Mumiah: Patience/ healing reincarnation, endings (any Halo)



Which Goetia, Which Ring? 10 demons per Ring


King Bael: Gluttony (sometimes related to Beelzebub, demon of gluttony)

King Paimon: Pride (loyalty to Lucifer)

King Beleth: Lust (known for love between men and women and relationships in general

Purson: Greed (known for finding treasures

Asmodeus: Lust

King Vine: Wrath (reference to war, building and bringing down towers)

King Balam: ?

King Zagan: Sloth (alchemy, making gold, coins, and metals)

King Belial: Earth, deserves his own Ring (Ring of Rebellion) with Satan, Lucifer and Leviathan, his Ring would be between Satan and Lucifer’s, often equated with Satan, leads the “worthless ones,” even greater than Pride Ring sinners.


Duke Amducias: Gluttony (music demon of Hell)

Duke Agares: Pride (teaches languages, connects sinners to demonkind)

Duke Valefor: Greed (known for stealing)

Duke Barbatos: Pride (animal communication, helps hellhounds and other beings)

Duke Guison: ?

Duke Eligos: Wrath (knows the art of war)

Duke Zepar: Lust (red knight, men to love women)

Duke Bathin: Any Ring (stones and herbs, traveling demon)

Duke Saleos: Lust (men and women to love)

Duke Aim: Wrath (sets places on fire)

Duke Bune: Greed (known for money and wealth)

Duke Berith: Wrath/Greed, (warrior who knows alchemy, philosophy etc.)

Duke Astaroth: Lust and Wrath (equated with Venus, Astarte love and war)

Duke Focalor: Envy (power over warships and drowns people)

Duke Vepar: Envy (associated with oceans, warships and water)

Duke Vual: Lust (love of men and women, heart in sigil)

Duke Crocell: Sloth (associated with hot springs and healing)

Duke Allocer: ?

Duke Murmur: Pride (rules the dead)

Duke Gremory: Lust (beautiful woman on camel

Duke Vapula: Sloth (mechanics, art, technology)

Duke Flauros: Wrath (spirit of revenge)

Duke Dantalion: Pride (knowledge, many heads)


Prince Vassago: Pride

Prince Sitri: Lust (love between men and women)

Prince Ipos: ?

Prince Gaap: Wrath? (southern region of Hell)

Prince Stolas: Pride

Prince Seere: Any Ring (traveling demon)

Prince Orobas: Pride/ ?


Marquis Gamigin: Pride (rules the dead)

Marquis Aamon: ?

Marquis Leraje: archer

Marquis Naberius/Cerberus: Gluttony

Marquis Ronove: Pride (associated with reaping of souls and Sinners)

Marquis Foreneus: Envy (sea monster)

Marquis Marchosias: Wrath (excellent fighter)

Marquis Phenex: (Phoenix) poetry, Gluttony ring of arts/music

Marquis Sabnock: Wrath (strong warrior)

Marquis Shax: Greed (steals money from kings)

Marquis Orias: Pride (astronomy, similar to Stolas)

Marquis Andras: Wrath

Marquis Andrealphus: Pride

Marquis Kimaris: Wrath (warrior on black horse)

Marquis Decarabia: Pride (where the bird-like Goetia are)

Earl Furfur: Lust

Earl Malthus: Wrath (fills towers with weapons)

Earl Raum: Greed (stealing money from the rich)

Earl Bifrons: Pride

Earl Andromalius: Greed (brings back thief and stolen goods, treasures)


Knight Furcas: Any Ring


President Marbas: Sloth (associated with healing/herbs)

President Buer: Sloth (associated with healing mental illnesses, philosophy)

President Botis: ? large snake

President: Morax: ? Pride (herbs, precious stones)

President: Glasya-Labolas: Wrath

President Foras: Sloth (immortality teaching)

President Malphas: Wrath (builds towers, destroys enemies)

President Haggenti: Sloth (alchemy, metals into gold etc.)

President Camio: Pride (speaks to birds)

President Ose: Pride (brings insanity, superiority)

President Amy: Pride (knowledge)

President Valac: Greed (reveals wrongdoers)