Thursday, August 1, 2024



A manilla folder lay on Blitzo’s desk, near his “Boss Bitch” mug and by his drawer with figures of Moxxie and Millie. A nearby photo of the research building in Antarctica. A photo of red blood on snow. Blitzo’s notes…


“I.M.P. Target: ???

Location: Antarctica, near McMurdo Station

Description: A man-eating beast, no clear description

Info: Client wants us to hunt down the man-eater that killed him and now poses a risk to his fellow researchers. Personally, I think he’s being a little bitch, he’s already dead, so why go through the trouble of hiring someone to…why are you still typing? Are you writing this all down? Moxx, I swear to fucking Satan you are beyond stupid!”


I.M.P. remembered the client coming in…once a scientist on Earth, he was now a demon: blue skin, glazed white eyes, white messy hair and his body covered with ice and bite marks.


“We were doing experiments on animals and trying to find hidden Nazi bases,” the client said, “but out of nowhere, a vicious beast with sharp teeth came…and killed us all.” The client shivered, even as he sat near a heater. “Now I’m cursed with always being cold, to remind me of my acts in Antarctica. Go kill that beast for me and avenge my crew!”


The imps fell through the portal from the I.M.P. office, grunting and falling into the snow. A blizzard of snow howled around them, icy rocks in the distance.


Blitzo, Moxxie, and Millie wore dark jackets, goggles, and winter clothing.


“That was a big jump!” Blitzo cried, shivering. He wore a black jacket with soft lining inside, goggles on his head, light gray gloves, and a dark protective clothing piece over his red pointed tail.


Millie stood up and shivered as well. She wore her dark jacket hood over her head, dark gloves and protective clothing piece over her red pointed tail.


“Christ on a stick, I’m freezing my little red cock off!” Blitzo exclaimed, blowing into his hands. “Where is that thing supposed to be?”


“The client said it was near the research station,” Millie explained.


Moxxie stood up, wearing gray mittens, a dark jacket and a furry hat with ear flaps. All the imps carried dark backpacks and wore dark boots.


“Th-th-that research station?” Moxxie shivered and pointed.


The lone station stood abandoned in the distance. The building was white and orange, with a nearby orange tower with a satellite. An American flag blew in the frigid wind. The windows were broken, and the loose door banged in the wind, almost off its hinges. Icicles hung from the open broken windows.


The imps shivered and slowly walked toward the station, their breaths visible. They reached the stairs, Blitzo leading the way.


Moxxie glanced at the broken windows. “Oh crumbs, that can’t be good.”


Blitzo walked in and froze. “Oh shit…yikes! Yeah.”


Red blood stained the metal walls and floors. Three male corpses littered the space, their eyes glazed over, faces frozen and covered in snow. Their bodies were torn, with many bite marks and scratches. One was a male with a white mustache and a red snow hat on. A fourth body was hanging from the ceiling with just the legs visible. One body was slumped over a table, eyeball dangling out.


“What happened here?” Moxxie asked.


Millie examined the corpse of the white mustached man…who did not have his lower half attached. “These guys were torn to shreds! I’ve seen Wrath b-b-beasts less brutal than this!”


Moxxie came over, red blood covering one of his mittens. “What and who could’ve done this?”


The imps froze as a ferocious roar sounded from outside.


Blitzo glanced out the window and spotted a silhouette of a seal creature with sharp teeth.


Blitzo pointed. “Uh, that. Probably.”


Blitzo turned around. “Okay, Moxxie get up top. Millie, cover the entrances.”


“Yes sir,” said Moxxie with a salute. Millie nodded.


‘I got it here,” Blitzo finished, aiming a two-barrel rifle out a window.


Moxxie pushed open a hatch and raced onto the roof. He aimed his single-barrel dark red rifle at the monstrous seal. The seal rushed forward down the snowbank, with light green eyes.


“Hey y-you got him, Mox?” Blitzo called.


“Yes, sir!” Moxxie called.


“Sweet! Let’s turn him into some SWISS cheese!” Blitzo laughed as he fired bullets into the seal. Blitzo and Moxxie fired their guns, hitting the creature, but the seal kept charging forward.


Moxxie did a shaky inhale as he aimed for the head. He exhaled slowly before firing. The bullet hit the seal and the seal’s face was blown off. The headless corpse slid to a stop in front of the station.


Millie came down the stairs with her worn black dagger in hand.


“Guess he met his match, heh, heh,” Blitzo chuckled as he came out to look. He kicked the corpse with his foot. “Eat shit in Hell, polar slut!”


He turned around, shivering. “Good job, Mox, now let’s get out of this frozen fuck-hole.”


“Hold it, Blitz,” said Millie, examining the body. “Look at these marks! They weren’t made by no bullets. And here. Bite marks.” She lifted a flap of skin, revealing bite marks.


“Shhhit,” Blitzo began.


Moxxie looked concerned. “Uh what, what’s the problem?”


Blitzo stepped back, holding his rifle. “This slut wasn’t running toward us.”


Millie held her dagger. “He was running away…from something else…”


The three imps held out their weapons, standing back-to-back, going in a slow circle.


Moxxie aimed his weapon. “Look!”


A silhouette in the distance on top of a high block of ice was…


A penguin covered in blood, a feather in its mouth.


“Drop him!” Blitzo ordered. Moxxie fired and the penguin collapsed, dead.


Then out of nowhere, a horde of penguins appeared, chirping and squawking…


“Who are they?”


“Who are they?”


“Who are they?”


“Maybe those ones are nice,” Millie suggested, brushing down her pants.


A lead penguin spotted the imps and let out an angry squawk slur.


Blitzo pointed in fear. “They’re not! Run!”


The lead penguin squawked again, raising a flipper. The penguin horde raced down the slope, bearing sharp yellow teeth.


“Mox, come on!” Millie cried as Blitzo raced inside. She grabbed his hand, pulling him inside.


Blito grunted as he pushed a file cabinet in front of the doorway. Blitzo pulled a nearby table into the doorway. The penguins bashed against the cabinet and table, squawking angrily.


“Sir, uh, could you get us out of here?!” Moxxie cried as a penguin snapped his gun in half with a beak.



Blitzo rubbed the crystal and the portal appeared. Blitzo and Moxxie walked through. Millie took and breath and let go of the cabinet, jumping through the portal, rolling in a flip. She turned back around. Through the portal, attached to a male corpse with brown hair, she spotted a hissing gas tank.


Millie grinned. She took out a box of matches with a red horse on it and lit it.




She tossed the flaming box through the portal, and it hit the gas tank. In seconds, the building exploded in flames, sending burning penguins into the air.


Millie laughed manically as Blitzo and Moxxie froze with open mouths before the portal closed.


After the building was destroyed, craters smoked, and remaining flames flickered. The lead penguin squawked with a slur and raised a flipper in anger.

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